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Object Name OID Type Access Info
This document is the SNMP MIB module to manage and provision the PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) for the Alcatel-Lucent SROS device. Copyright 2008-2012 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Alcatel-Lucent's proprietary intellectual property. Alcatel-Lucent retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Alcatel-Lucent grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Alcatel-Lucent products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Alcatel-Lucent makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification.
The compliance statement for TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB on Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR and 7710 series systems release R6.0.
The compliance statement for TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB on Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR and 7710 series systems release R6.1.
The compliance statement for TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB on Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR and 7710 series systems release R7.0.
The compliance statement for TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB on Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR and 7710 series systems release R8.0.
The compliance statement for TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB on Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR and 7710 series systems release R9.0.
The compliance statement for TIMETRA-PPPOE-MIB on Alcatel-Lucent SROS release 10.0.
The group of objects supporting PPPoE on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 6.0 release.
The group of notifications generated by the PPPoE feature on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 6.0 release.
The group of objects supporting management of PPPoE notification objects on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 6.0 release.
The group of objects supporting management of PPPoE BSX (Application Assurance) objects on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 6.0 release.
The group of objects supporting PPPoE Managed Routes on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems.
The group of objects supporting PPPoE on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 6.1 release.
The group of objects supporting PPPoE on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 7.0 release.
The group of objects supporting PPPoE BGP peering on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems.
The group of objects obsoleted on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems.
The group of objects supporting PPPoE on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 8.0 release.
The group of notifications generated by the PPPoE feature on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 8.0 release.
The group of objects supporting management of PPPoE notification objects on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 8.0 release.
The group of objects supporting PPPoE added in Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 9.0 release.
The group of objects supporting PPP added in Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 9.0 release.
The group of PPPoE objects obsoleted on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 9.0.
The group of objects supporting subscriber MLPPP in Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems.
The group of objects supporting management of PPP Policy reject disabled NCP's options in Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems.
The group of objects supporting management of PPPoE notification objects on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 10.0 release.
The group of notifications generated by the PPPoE feature on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems 10.0 release.
           tmnxPppoePlcyTableLastChanged timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to the tmnxPppoePlcyTable.
           tmnxPppoePlcyTable no-access
The tmnxPppoePlcyTable has an entry for each PPP(oE) policy configured in the system. This table can be used to configure PPP for PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) and PPPoA (PPP over ATM) subscribers.
               tmnxPppoePlcyEntry no-access
Each row entry represents a PPP(oE) policy configured in the system. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations on the object tmnxPppoePlcyRowStatus.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyName tnameditem no-access
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyName specifies the name of the PPP(oE) policy.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyRowStatus rowstatus read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyLastMgmtChange timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyLastMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyDescription titemdescription read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyDescription specifies the user provided description of this PPP policy.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPppMtu unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyPppMtu specifies the largest IP packet that can be sent out without being fragmented over the specific PPPoE tunnel. A value of 0 indicates the specific MTU is derived from the interface.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyLcpKaInterval unsigned32 read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyLcpKaInterval specifies the time interval in seconds at which LCP echo requests are transmitted.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyLcpKaHoldUpMplier unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyLcpKaHoldUpMplier specifies how many LCP keepalive messages can be missed before the related PPP session is brought down.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyDisableAcCookies truthvalue read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyDisableAcCookies specifies whether the use of AC-Cookie tags during the PPPoE discovery phase is disabled.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPadoDelay tmnxpppoepadodelay read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyPadoDelay specifies the delay timeout before sending a PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer).
                   tmnxPppoePlcyMaxSessionsPerMac unsigned32 read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyMaxSessionsPerMac specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions that can be created per MAC address.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyReplyOnPadt truthvalue read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyReplyOnPadt specifies whether the system replies with a PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) packet when a PADT packet is received for an existing PPPoE session.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPppAuthentication integer read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyPppAuthentication specifies what PPP authentication protocol(s) will be negotiated during the LCP phase. This field is only applicable if PAP/CHAP authentication is enabled via configuration of a RADIUS authentication policy or a local user database. If set to 'pap' or 'chap', only PAP respectively CHAP is negotiated. If set to 'prefChap', first CHAP is negotiated followed by PAP. If set to 'prefPap', first PAP is negotiated followed by CHAP. Enumeration: 'pap': 1, 'chap': 2, 'prefChap': 3, 'prefPap': 4.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPppMinChapChallenge unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyPppMinChapChallenge specifies the minimum length of the CHAP challenge generated by the system.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPppMaxChapChallenge unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyPppMaxChapChallenge specifies the maximum length of the CHAP challenge generated by the system.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPppInitialDelay unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyPppInitialDelay specifies the delay before starting the PPP stack of a PPPoE session.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPppIpcpSubnetNeg truthvalue read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyPppIpcpSubnetNeg specifies if IPCP subnet negotiation is enabled.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPadoAcName displaystring read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyPadoAcName specifies the AC-name (Access Concentrator's name) tag which will be included in the PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer). If the empty string is specified, the chassis name (TIMETRA-CHASSIS-NAME::tmnxChassisName) will be used as AC-name.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyPppMtuForceGt1492 truthvalue read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyPppMtuForceGt1492 specifies for PPPoE sessions whether a PPP MTU greater than 1492 can be negotiated without following the procedure described in RFC 4638.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyUniqueSessIdsPerSap truthvalue read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyUniqueSessIdsPerSap specifies whether each PPPoE session on the same SAP gets a unique session-id.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyRejectDisabledNcp truthvalue read-only
The value tmnxPppoePlcyRejectDisabledNcp specifies whether disabled NCP's (Network Control Protocol) are rejected or silently ignored. When the value of this object is set to 'true(1)' then disabled NCP's are explicitly rejected.
           tmnxPppoePlcyPppOptionTblLstChg timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyPppOptionTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to the tmnxPppoePlcyPppOptionTable.
           tmnxPppoePlcyPppOptionTable no-access
The tmnxPppoePlcyPppOptionTable has an entry for each PPP option configured in the system.
               tmnxPppoePlcyPppOptionEntry no-access
Each row entry represents a PPP option configured in the system. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations on the object tmnxPppoePlcyOptionRowStatus.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyOptionProtocol integer no-access
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyOptionProtocol specifies the PPP protocol for this option. Enumeration: 'ipv6cp': 3, 'ipcp': 2, 'lcp': 1.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyOptionNumber unsigned32 no-access
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyOptionNumber specifies the number of this option.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyOptionRowStatus rowstatus read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyOptionRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table. The objects tmnxPppoePlcyOptionType and tmnxPppoePlcyOptionValue must be set when creating a new row.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyOptionLstMgmtChange timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyOptionLstMgmtChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyOptionType tmnxdhcpoptiontype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyOptionType specifies how the value of this option in stored in tmnxPppoePlcyOptionValue. This object is mandatory at creation time.
                   tmnxPppoePlcyOptionValue octet string read-only
The value of tmnxPppoePlcyOptionValue specifies the value of this option. This object is mandatory at creation time. A zero length value is only allowed when the value of tmnxPppoePlcyOptionType is 'hex'.
           tmnxPppoeIesIfInfoTableLastChg timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeIesIfInfoTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to the tmnxPppoeIesIfInfoTable.
           tmnxPppoeIesIfInfoTable no-access
A table that contains IES interface PPPoE configuration information. A row is automatically created in the tmnxPppoeIesIfInfoTable for an entry in the iesIfTable where either the value of the object iesIfType - is equal to 'group (3)' and the value of iesIfGroupInterfaceType is equal to 'plain', or - equal to 'subscriber (2)' while the value of the objects iesIfFwdServId and iesIfFwdSubIf are not equal to zero. The first case is referred to as 'group interface' and the second as 'retailer interface'.
               tmnxPppoeIesIfInfoEntry no-access
PPPoE specific information about an IES interface.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfLastChg timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeIesIfLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfDescription titemdescription read-write
The value of the object tmnxPppoeIesIfDescription specifies a user provided description for PPPoE on this IES interface. It consists of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfAdminState tmnxpppoeadminstatus read-write
The value of the object tmnxPppoeIesIfAdminState specifies the administrative state of PPPoE on this IES interface. The default value of this object is equal to 'disabled', except for a retailer interface, where it is equal to 'enabled'. In case of a retailer interface, setting the value of this object (to 'disabled') is not allowed.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfPolicy tnameditem read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeIesIfPolicy specifies the PPPoE policy applicable on this IES interface. The corresponding policy is defined in tmnxPppoePlcyTable. In case of a retailer interface, the value of this object is irrelevant and setting it (to a value other than default) is not allowed.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfSessionLimit unsigned32 read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeIesIfSessionLimit specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions allowed on this IES interface.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfSapSessionLimit unsigned32 read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeIesIfSapSessionLimit specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions allowed on each SAP belonging to this IES interface. In case of a retailer interface, the value of this object is irrelevant, and setting it (to a value other than 1) is not allowed.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfPapChapUserDb tnameditemorempty read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeIesIfPapChapUserDb specifies the local user database to use for PPP PAP/CHAP authentication. If no PPP authentication is required, the value of this object must be set to the empty string.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfUserDb tnameditemorempty read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeIesIfUserDb specifies the local user database to use for PPPoE PADI or PPP PAP/CHAP based authentication. If no authentication with the local user database is required, the value of this object must be set to the empty string. In case of a retailer interface, setting the value of this object (to a value other than the empty string) is not allowed.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfDhcpcCcagOriginSap truthvalue read-write
In case this interface is connected to a VPLS via a CCA (Cross Connect Adaptor) MDA, the value of tmnxPppoeIesIfDhcpcCcagOriginSap specifies whether the system includes the original VPLS SAP in the circuit-id option to send to the DHCP server(s). In case of a retailer interface, the value of this object is irrelevant, and setting it (to a value other than false) is not allowed.
                   tmnxPppoeIesIfAntiSpoofing integer read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeIesIfAntiSpoofing specifies the type of PPPoE anti-spoof filtering to use. Enumeration: 'macSid': 1, 'macSidIp': 2.
           tmnxPppoeSapStatsTable no-access
A table that contains statistics on PPPoE per SAP.
               tmnxPppoeSapStatsEntry no-access
PPPoE statistics about a SAP.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxPadi counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxPadi indicates the number of PADI (PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation) packets received on this SAP.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxPadr counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxPadr indicates the number of PADR (PPPoE Active Discovery Request) packets received on this SAP.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxPadt counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxPadt indicates the number of PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) packets received on this SAP.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxSession counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxSession indicates the number packets received during the PPP session stage on this SAP.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidVersion counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidVersion indicates the number of PPPoE packets received with an invalid version field.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidType counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidType indicates the number of PPPoE packets received with an invalid type field.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidCode counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidCode indicates the number of PPPoE packets received with an invalid code field.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidSession counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidSession indicates the number of PPPoE packets received with an invalid session-id field.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidLen counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidLen indicates the number of PPPoE packets received with an invalid length field.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidTags counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidTags indicates the number of PPPoE Active Discovery packets received with invalid tags.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidAcCookie counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxInvalidAcCookie indicates the number of PPPoE Active Discovery packets received with an invalid AC-Cookie tag.
                   tmnxPppoeSapRxDropped counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapRxDropped indicates the number of dropped PPPoE packets.
                   tmnxPppoeSapTxPado counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapTxPado indicates the number of PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer) packets transmitted on this SAP.
                   tmnxPppoeSapTxPads counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapTxPads indicates the number of PADS (PPPoE Active Discovery Session) packets transmitted on this SAP.
                   tmnxPppoeSapTxPadt counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapTxPadt indicates the number of PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) packets transmitted on this SAP.
                   tmnxPppoeSapTxSession counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSapTxSession indicates the number packets transmitted during the PPP session stage on this SAP.
           tmnxPppoeSessionTable no-access
A table that contains PPPoE sessions.
               tmnxPppoeSessionEntry no-access
Information about a specific PPPoE session. In release 9.0 and higher, the actual information is in the SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppTable. The corresponding row in that table can be directly retrieved using the value of the object tmnxPppoeSessionSubPppIndex.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionMac macaddress no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionMac indicates the MAC address of the PPPoE session.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionId tmnxpppoesessionid no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionId indicates the session id of the PPPoE session.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionUpTime timeticks read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionUpTime indicates how long (in hundredths of a second) that the session already exists in this table.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionLcpState tmnxpppcpstate read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionLcpState indicates the obsolete state of the PPP Link Control Protocol of the PPPoE session.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpcpState tmnxpppcpstate read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpcpState indicates the obsolete state of the PPP IP Control Protocol of the PPPoE session.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionPppMtu unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionPppMtu indicates the PPP MTU of the PPPoE session.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionPppAuthProtocol integer read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionPppAuthProtocol indicates the PPP protocol used to authenticate the PPPoE session. The value 'none' indicates that no PPP authentication was done. The value 'pap' indicates that authentication was done via the Password Authentication Protocol. The value 'chap' indicates that authentication was done via the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol. Enumeration: 'pap': 2, 'none': 1, 'chap': 3.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionPppUserName tmnxpppoeusernameorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionPppUserName indicates the user name learned during the PPP authentication phase.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSubIdent tmnxsubidentstringorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSubIdent indicates the subscriber applicable for this PPPoE session. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginSubIdent indicates from what source this subscriber identification was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionOriginSubIdent tmnxpppoesessioninfoorigin read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginSubIdent indicates which source provided the subscriber.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSubProfString tmnxsubprofilestringorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSubProfString indicates the subscriber profile string applicable for this PPPoE session. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginStrings indicates from what source this string was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSlaProfString tmnxslaprofilestringorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSlaProfString indicates the SLA profile string applicable for this PPPoE session. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginStrings indicates from what source this string was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionAncpString tmnxancpstringorzero read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionAncpString indicates the ANCP string applicable for this PPPoE session. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginStrings indicates from what source this string was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionInterDestId tmnxsubmgtintdestidorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionInterDestId indicates the intermediate destination identifier applicable for this PPPoE session. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginStrings indicates from what source this string was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionAppProfString tmnxappprofilestringorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionAppProfString indicates the application profile string applicable for this PPPoE session. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginStrings indicates from what source this string was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionOriginStrings tmnxpppoesessioninfoorigin read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginStrings indicates which source provided the subscriber identification strings (subscriber profile string, SLA profile string, ANCP string, intermediate destination identifier and application profile string).
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSessionTimeout unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSessionTimeout indicates the session timeout received from the Radius server (if applicable).
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpAddrType inetaddresstype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpAddrType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeSessionIpAddr.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpAddr inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpAddr indicates the IP address of the PPPoE session. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpcpInfo indicates from what source this IP address was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryDnsType inetaddresstype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryDnsType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryDns.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryDns inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryDns indicates the primary DNS server. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpcpInfo indicates from what source this IP address was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryDnsType inetaddresstype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryDnsType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryDns.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryDns inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryDns indicates the secondary DNS server. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpcpInfo indicates from what source this IP address was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryNbnsType inetaddresstype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryNbnsType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryNbns.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryNbns inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionPrimaryNbns indicates the primary NBNS server. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpcpInfo indicates from what source this IP address was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryNbnsType inetaddresstype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryNbnsType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryNbns.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryNbns inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSecondryNbns indicates the secondary NBNS server. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpcpInfo indicates from what source this IP address was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpcpInfo tmnxpppoesessioninfoorigin read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpcpInfo indicates which source provided the IPCP information (IP, DNS and NBNS addresses).
                   tmnxPppoeSessionCircuitId octet string read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionCircuitId indicates the value of the circuit-id sub-option inserted by the PPPoE intermediate agent.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionRemoteId octet string read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRemoteId indicates the value of the remote-id sub-option inserted by the PPPoE intermediate agent.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionAddressPool displaystring read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionAddressPool indicates the IP address pool which is used to search for an IP address for this session.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionType tmnxpppoesessiontype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionType indicates the type of this session.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionRetailerSvcId tmnxservid read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRetailerSvcId indicates the service ID of the retailer VPRN service to which this session belongs. If the value of this object is non-zero, the session belongs to a retailer VPRN.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionRetailerIf interfaceindexorzero read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRetailerIf indicates the interface index of the retailer VPRN interface to which this session belongs. If the value of this object is non-zero, the session belongs to a retailer VPRN.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionL2tpVrtrId tmnxvrtridorzero read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionL2tpVrtrId indicates the virtual router ID of the L2TP session associated with this PPPoE session. If there is no L2TP session associated with this PPPoE session, the value of this object is equal to zero.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionL2tpConnectionId unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionL2tpVrtrId indicates the connection ID of the L2TP session associated with this PPPoE session. The values of tmnxPppoeSessionL2tpVrtrId and tmnxPppoeSessionL2tpConnectionId are the index in the table TIMETRA-L2TP-MIB::tmnxL2tpSeStatusTable of the L2TP session associated with this PPPoE session. If there is no L2TP session associated with this PPPoE session, the value of this object is equal to zero.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionServiceName displaystring read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionServiceName indicates the value of the PPPoE service-name tag received in PADI packets.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionCategoryMapName tnameditemorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionCategoryMapName indicates the category map name applicable for this PPPoE session. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginStrings indicates from what source this string was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionRadiusClassAttr octet string read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRadiusClassAttr indicates the Class attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message. If no RADIUS authentication is performed for this session, or RADIUS did not return this attribute, the value of this object is empty.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionRadiusUserName displaystring read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRadiusUserName indicates the User-Name attribute returned by the RADIUS server in an Access-Accept message. If RADIUS did not return this attribute, the value of this object is equal to the User-Name attribute sent in the original Access-Request message. If no RADIUS authentication is performed for this session, the value of this object is empty.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6cpState tmnxpppcpstate read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6cpState indicates the obsolete state of the PPP IPv6 Control Protocol of the PPPoE session.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionInterfaceId octet string read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionInterfaceId indicates the value of the remote-id sub-option inserted by the PPPoE intermediate agent.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpv6cpInfo tmnxpppoesessioninfoorigin read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpv6cpInfo indicates which source provided the IPCP information (IP, DNS and NBNS addresses).
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DnsType inetaddresstype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DnsType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Dns1/2.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Dns1 inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Dns1 indicates the primary DNS server. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpv6cpInfo indicates from what source this IP address was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Dns2 inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Dns2 indicates the secondary DNS server. The value of this object is ''H when not applicable. The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOriginIpv6cpInfo indicates from what source this IP address was received.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DelPfxType inetaddresstype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DelPfxType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DelPfx.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DelPfxLen inetaddressprefixlength read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DelPfxLen indicates the length of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DelPfx.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DelPfx inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6DelPfx indicates the IPv6 prefix used for DHCPv6 prefix delegation.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6PrefixType inetaddresstype read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6PrefixType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Prefix.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6PrefixLen inetaddressprefixlength read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6PrefixLen indicates the length of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Prefix.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Prefix inetaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionIpv6Prefix indicates the IPv6 prefix used for stateless address autoconfiguration.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionSubPppIndex unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionSubPppIndex indicates the local identifier of the subscriber PPP session. It is the index of the corresponding conceptual row in the TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppTable.
           tmnxPppoeSessionModifyTable no-access
The tmnxPppoeSessionModifyTable augments the tmnxPppoeSessionTable. The table allows the operator to modify attributes of the PPPoE session. This table is replaced with TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppModTable.
               tmnxPppoeSessionModifyEntry no-access
Each row entry contains parameters that allow to modify a PPPoE session's attributes.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionModSubIdent tmnxsubidentstringorempty read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionModSubIdent allows to specify a new subscriber name for this session. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new subscriber name. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionModSubProfStr tmnxsubprofilestringorempty read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionModSubProfStr allows to specify a new subscriber profile string for this session. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new subscriber profile string. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionModSlaProfStr tmnxslaprofilestringorempty read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionModSlaProfStr allows to specify a new SLA profile string for this session. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new SLA profile string. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionModAncpStr tmnxancpstringorzero read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionModAncpStr allows to specify a new ANCP-string for this session. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new ANCP-string. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionModInterDestId tmnxsubmgtintdestidorempty read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionModInterDestId allows to specify a new intermediate destination id for this session. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new intermediate destination id. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionModAppProfStr tmnxappprofilestringorempty read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionModAppProfStr specifies a new application profile string for this session. When a SET of this object is done with a non empty string, the system will attempt to assign a new application profile string. A SET with an empty string has no effect on the system. (NOOP). GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return an empty string.
                   tmnxPppoeSessionEvaluateState truthvalue read-write
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionEvaluateState allows to cause a re-evaluation of the specified session. When this object is set to 'true', the system will perform a re-evaluation of the session. GETs and GETNEXTs on this variable return false. It is not possible to simultaneously request for a session re-evaluation, and modify any of the strings.
           tmnxPppoeSessionStatsTable no-access
A table that contains statistics per PPPoE session. This table is replaced with TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppStatTable.
                 tmnxPppoeSessionStatsEntry no-access
Statistics about a PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxUnknownProto counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxUnknownProto indicates the number of packets with unknown PPP protocol received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpConfReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpConfReq indicates the number of LCP configure requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpConfAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpConfAck indicates the number of LCP configure acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpConfNak counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpConfNak indicates the number of negative LCP configure acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpConfRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpConfRej indicates the number of LCP configure rejects received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpTermReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpTermReq indicates the number of LCP terminate requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpTermAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpTermAck indicates the number of LCP terminate acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpCodeRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpCodeRej indicates the number of LCP code rejects received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpEchoReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpEchoReq indicates the number of LCP echo requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpEchoRep counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpEchoRep indicates the number of LCP echo replies received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpProtRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpProtRej indicates the number of LCP protocol rejects received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpDiscReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxLcpDiscReq indicates the number of LCP discard requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpConfReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpConfReq indicates the number of LCP configure requests transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpConfAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpConfAck indicates the number of LCP configure acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpConfNak counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpConfNak indicates the number of negative LCP configure acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpConfRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpConfRej indicates the number of LCP configure rejects transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpTermReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpTermReq indicates the number of LCP terminate requests transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpTermAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpTermAck indicates the number of LCP terminate acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpCodeRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpCodeRej indicates the number of LCP code rejects transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpEchoReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpEchoReq indicates the number of LCP echo requests transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpEchoRep counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpEchoRep indicates the number of LCP echo replies transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpProtRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpProtRej indicates the number of LCP protocol rejects transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpDiscReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxLcpDiscReq indicates the number of LCP discard requests transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxPapAuthReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxPapAuthReq indicates the number of PAP authentication requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxPapAuthAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxPapAuthAck indicates the number of PAP authentication acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxPapAuthNak counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxPapAuthNak indicates the number of negative PAP authentication acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxChapResponse counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxChapResponse indicates the number of CHAP authentication responses received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxChapChallenge counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxChapChallenge indicates the number of CHAP authentication challenges transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxChapSuccess counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxChapSuccess indicates the number of CHAP authentication acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxChapFailure counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxChapFailure indicates the number of negative CHAP authentication acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpConfReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpConfReq indicates the number of IPCP configure requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpConfAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpConfAck indicates the number of IPCP configure acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpConfNak counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpConfNak indicates the number of negative IPCP configure acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpConfRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpConfRej indicates the number of IPCP configure rejects received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpTermReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpTermReq indicates the number of IPCP terminate requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpTermAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpTermAck indicates the number of IPCP terminate acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpCodeRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpcpCodeRej indicates the number of IPCP code rejects received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpConfReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpConfReq indicates the number of IPCP configure requests transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpConfAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpConfAck indicates the number of IPCP configure acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpConfNak counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpConfNak indicates the number of negative IPCP configure acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpConfRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpConfRej indicates the number of IPCP configure rejects transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpTermReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpTermReq indicates the number of IPCP terminate requests transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpTermAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpTermAck indicates the number of IPCP terminate acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpCodeRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpcpCodeRej indicates the number of IPCP code rejects transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpConfReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpConfReq indicates the number of IPv6CP configure requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpConfAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpConfAck indicates the number of IPv6CP configure acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpConfNak counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpConfNak indicates the number of negative IPv6CP configure acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpConfRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpConfRej indicates the number of IPv6CP configure rejects received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpTermReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpTermReq indicates the number of IPv6CP terminate requests received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpTermAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpTermAck indicates the number of IPv6CP terminate acknowledgements received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpCodeRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionRxIpv6cpCodeRej indicates the number of IPv6CP code rejects received for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpConfReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpConfReq indicates the number of IPv6CP configure requests transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpConfAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpConfAck indicates the number of IPv6CP configure acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpConfNak counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpConfNak indicates the number of negative IPv6CP configure acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpConfRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpConfRej indicates the number of IPv6CP configure rejects transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpTermReq counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpTermReq indicates the number of IPv6CP terminate requests transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpTermAck counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpTermAck indicates the number of IPv6CP terminate acknowledgements transmitted for this PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpCodeRej counter32 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionTxIpv6cpCodeRej indicates the number of IPv6CP code rejects transmitted for this PPPoE session.
           tmnxPppoeManagedRouteTable no-access
A table that contains PPPoE managed routes. This table is replaced with TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppMRtTable.
                 tmnxPppoeManagedRouteEntry no-access
A specific PPPoE managed route.
                     tmnxPppoeManagedRouteAddrType inetaddresstype no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeManagedRouteAddrType indicates the address type of tmnxPppoeManagedRouteAddr.
                     tmnxPppoeManagedRouteAddr inetaddress no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeManagedRouteAddr indicates the IP address of the managed route.
                     tmnxPppoeManagedRoutePrefixLen inetaddressprefixlength no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeManagedRoutePrefixLen indicates the prefix length of the subnet associated with tmnxPppoeManagedRouteAddr.
                     tmnxPppoeManagedRouteStatus tmnxmanagedroutestatus read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeManagedRouteStatus indicates the state of this managed route.
           tmnxPppoeSessionBgpTable no-access
The tmnxPppoeSessionBgpTable augments the tmnxPppoeSessionTable. This table is replaced with TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppBgpTable.
                 tmnxPppoeSessionBgpEntry no-access
A row entry contains parameters used for a BGP peering.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionBgpPrngPlcyName tnameditemorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionBgpPrngPlcyName indicates the peering policy which is used to set up the BGP peer for this pppoe session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionBgpAuthKeyChain tnameditemorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionBgpAuthKeyChain indicates the keychain which is used to sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionBgpMD5AuthKey octet string read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionBgpMD5AuthKey indicates the authentication key used between BGP peers neighbors before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionBgpImportPolicy tpolicystatementnameorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionBgpImportPolicy indicates the import policy.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionBgpExportPolicy tpolicystatementnameorempty read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionBgpExportPolicy indicates the export policy.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionBgpPeerAS inetautonomoussystemnumber read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionBgpPeerAS indicates the Autonomous System number for the remote peer.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionBgpPeeringStatus bgppeeringstatus read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionBgpPeeringStatus indicates the status of the BGP peering session.
           tmnxPppoeSessionOverridesTable no-access
A table that contains PPPoE session qos overrides. This table is replace with TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppOvrTable.
                 tmnxPppoeSessionOverridesEntry no-access
Information about a specific PPPoE session qos override.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionOvrDirection tdirection no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrDirection indicates whether this row specifies ingress or egress qos override parameters.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionOvrType tqosoverridetype no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrType indicates what field has been overwritten by this row.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionOvrTypeId integer32 no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrTypeId indicates the id of the queue/policer that has been overwritten by this row. If the value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrType is not 'queue (1)' or 'policer (2)', this field must be set to zero (0).
                     tmnxPppoeSessionOvrTypeName tnameditemorempty no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrTypeName indicates the name of the scheduler/arbiter that has been overwritten by this row. If the value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrType is not 'arbiter (4)' or 'scheduler (5)', this field must be set to zero (0).
                     tmnxPppoeSessionOvrPIR tpirrateoverride read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrPIR indicates the PIR rate in kbps allowed for the object overwritten by this row.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionOvrCIR tcirrateoverride read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrCIR indicates the CIR rate in kbps allowed for the object overwritten by this row.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionOvrCBS tburstsizebytesoverride read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrCBS indicates the amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) for the object overwritten by this row.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionOvrMBS tburstsizebytesoverride read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionOvrMBS indicates the maximum amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) for the object overwritten by this row.
           tmnxPppoeSessionAleTable no-access
A table that contains PPPoE session Access Loop Encapsulation information. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system. This table is a sparse augment of the tmnxPppoeSessionTable: entries are created only for PPPoE sessions for which Access Loop Encapsulation information is available. This table is replaced with TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppAleTable
                 tmnxPppoeSessionAleEntry no-access
Access Loop Encapsulation Information about a specific PPPoE session.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionAleDatalink tmnxaccessloopencapdatalink read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionAleDatalink indicates the data link used by the subscriber host on the DSL access loop.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionAleEncaps1 tmnxaccessloopencaps1 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionAleEncaps1 indicates the encapsulation used by the subscriber host on the DSL access loop.
                     tmnxPppoeSessionAleEncaps2 tmnxaccessloopencaps2 read-only
The value of tmnxPppoeSessionAleEncaps2 indicates the encapsulation used by the subscriber host on the DSL access loop.
           tmnxPppoeSessionFailureReason displaystring no-access
The object tmnxPppoeSessionFailureReason indicates the problem encountered by the system while trying to create a new PPPoE session in the tmnxPppoeSessionTable.
           tmnxPppoeNcpFailureProtocol integer no-access
The value of tmnxPppoeNcpFailureProtocol indicates the failing NCP protocol. Enumeration: 'ipv6cp': 2, 'ipcp': 1.
           tmnxPppoeNcpFailureReason displaystring no-access
The object tmnxPppoeNcpFailureReason indicates the problem encountered by the system during NCP phase.
           tmnxPppoeNotifyDescription displaystring no-access
The object tmnxPppoeNotifyDescription is a printable character string.
           tmnxPppIesIfTableLastChg timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppIesIfTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to the tmnxPppIesIfTable.
           tmnxPppIesIfTable no-access
A table that contains IES interface PPP configuration information. A row is automatically created in the tmnxPppIesIfTable for an entry in the iesIfTable where the value of the object iesIfType is equal to 'group (3)'.
               tmnxPppIesIfEntry no-access
PPP specific information about an IES interface.
                   tmnxPppIesIfLastChg timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppIesIfLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row.
                   tmnxPppIesIfDescription titemdescription read-write
The value of the object tmnxPppIesIfDescription specifies a user provided description for PPP on this IES interface.
                   tmnxPppIesIfAdminState tmnxpppoeadminstatus read-write
The value of the object tmnxPppIesIfAdminState specifies the administrative state of PPP on this IES interface.
                   tmnxPppIesIfPolicy tnameditem read-write
The value of tmnxPppIesIfPolicy specifies the PPP policy applicable on this IES interface.
                   tmnxPppIesIfSessionLimit unsigned32 read-write
The value of tmnxPppIesIfSessionLimit specifies the maximum number of PPP sessions allowed on this IES interface.
                   tmnxPppIesIfUserDb tnameditemorempty read-write
The value of tmnxPppIesIfUserDb specifies the local user database to use for PPP PAP/CHAP based authentication. If no authentication with the local user database is required, the value of this object must be set to the empty string.
               tmnxMlpppBundleTable no-access
The tmnxMlpppBundleTable allows the monitoring of subscriber MLPPP (Multi Link PPP) Bundles.
                   tmnxMlpppBundleEntry no-access
Each conceptual row represents a subscriber MLPPP Bundle. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleIndex unsigned32 no-access
The value of the object tmnxMlpppBundleIndex indicates the local identifier of the bundle.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleLocEpClass tmnxmlpppepclass read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleLocEpClass indicates the address class of the local endpoint. If the value of tmnxMlpppBundleLocEpClass is equal to 'null', the address class of the MLPPP Endpoint Discriminator option was not present in a received Configure-Request.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleLocEpAddress octet string read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleLocEpAddress indicates the address of the local MLPPP Endpoint. Its interpretation depends on the value of tmnxMlpppBundleLocEpClass.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleRemEpClass tmnxmlpppepclass read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleRemEpClass indicates the address class of the local endpoint. If the value of tmnxMlpppBundleRemEpClass is equal to 'null', the address class of the MLPPP Endpoint Discriminator option was not present in a received Configure-Request.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleRemEpAddress octet string read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleRemEpAddress indicates the address of the local MLPPP Endpoint. Its interpretation depends on the value of tmnxMlpppBundleRemEpClass.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleSubPppIndex unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleSubPppIndex indicates the local identifier of the subscriber PPP session. It is the index of the corresponding conceptual row in the TIMETRA-SUBSCRIBER-MGMT-MIB::tmnxSubPppTable.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleMaxLinks unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleMaxLinks indicates the maximum number of links allowed for this bundle.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleActualLinks gauge32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleActualLinks indicates the actual number of links of this bundle.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleRemMrru unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleRemMrru indicates the Maximum Reconstructed Receive Unit (MRRU) for this MLPPP bundle. This value is derived from the values proposed by the MLPPP peer for the MLPPP links in this bundle.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleLocMrru unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleLocMrru indicates the Maximum Reconstructed Receive Unit (MRRU) for this MLPPP bundle.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleIndicators bits read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleIndicators indicates various information about this bundle. lfiCfg - Link Fragmentation and Interleaving (LFI) configured when this bundle was created; lfi - LFI active; shortSeqNrRx - Short Sequence Numbers used for incoming messages; shortSeqNrTx - Short Sequence Numbers for outgoing messages. Bits: 'shortSeqNrRx': 2, 'lfi': 1, 'lfiCfg': 0, 'shortSeqNrTx': 3.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleFragmentSize unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleFragmentSize indicates the fragment size for this bundle. While there is no fragmentation and interleaving on this bundle, the value of this object is equal to zero.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleMaxDelayCfg unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleMaxDelayCfg indicates the maximum delay configured for this bundle when it was created.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleMaxDelay unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleMaxDelay indicates the maximum delay for this bundle.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleReassemblyTo unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleReassemblyTo indicates the reassembly timeout configured for this bundle when it was created.
                       tmnxMlpppBundleEgressRate unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppBundleEgressRate indicates the nominal egress rate for this bundle.
               tmnxMlpppLinkTable no-access
The tmnxMlpppLinkTable contains the subscriber MLPPP (Multi Link PPP) link sessions ordered per bundle.
                   tmnxMlpppLinkEntry no-access
Each conceptual row represents a subscriber MLPPP link. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system.
                       tmnxMlpppLinkRemMrru unsigned32 read-only
The value of tmnxMlpppLinkRemMrru indicates the Maximum Reconstructed Receive Unit (MRRU) proposed by the MLPPP peer for this MLPPP link.
               tmnxPppPlcyMlpppTableLastCh timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppTableLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to the tmnxPppPlcyMlpppTable.
               tmnxPppPlcyMlpppTable no-access
The tmnxPppPlcyMlpppTable has an entry for each PPP(oE) policy configured in the system. This table can be used to configure MLPPP for PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) and PPPoA (PPP over ATM) subscribers.
                   tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEntry no-access
Each row entry represents MLPPP information of a PPP(oE) policy configured in the system. Conceptual rows are created and destroyed automatically by the system.
                       tmnxPppPlcyMlpppLastCh timestamp read-only
The value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row.
                       tmnxPppPlcyMlpppAcceptMrru truthvalue read-only
The value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppAcceptMrru specifies if this system will accept the Multilink MRRU LCP option for the PPP sessions using this policy.
                       tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpClass tmnxmlpppepclass read-only
The value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpClass specifies the type of endpoint. If the value of 'tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpClass' is equal to 'ipv4Address', the address for the MLPPP Endpoint Discriminator Option is taken from tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpIpv4Address. If the value of 'tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpClass' is equal to 'macAddress', the address for the MLPPP Endpoint Discriminator Option is taken from tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpMacAddress. If the value of 'tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpClass' is equal to 'null', the MLPPP Endpoint Discriminator Option must not be transmitted. A value other than 'null' is only allowed if this system performs the role of LAC with respect to the PPP clients using this policy. Enumeration: 'ipv4Address': 2, 'macAddress': 3, 'null': 0.
                       tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpIpv4Address inetaddressipv4 read-only
The value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpIpv4Address specifies the class 2 address to use in the MLPPP Endpoint Discriminator Option. While the value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpClass is equal to 'ipv4Address', a value of all zeroes specifies that the system IP address be used; otherwise, it means that no address is specified.
                       tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpMacAddress macaddress read-only
The value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpMacAddress specifies the class 3 address to use in the MLPPP Endpoint Discriminator Option. While the value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppEpClass is equal to 'macAddress', a value of all zeroes specifies that the system MAC address be used; otherwise, it means that no address is specified.
                       tmnxPppPlcyMlpppShortSeqNumberRx truthvalue read-only
The value of tmnxPppPlcyMlpppShortSeqNumberRx specifies if this system requests to receive short sequence numbers from the peer. If the value of this object is 'true', this system includes the Short Sequence Number Header Format Option in its LCP configuration options. If the value of this object is 'false', this system does not includes the Short Sequence Number Header Format Option in its LCP configuration options.
The tmnxPppoeSessionFailure notification indicates that the system could not create a new PPPoE session in the tmnxPppoeSessionTable. The problem is described in the object tmnxPppoeSessionFailureReason.
The tmnxPppoeNcpFailure notification indicates that there is a NCP phase setup problem.
The tmnxMlpppBundleIndicatorsChange notification indicates that the value of the object tmnxMlpppBundleIndicatorsChange has changed. [CAUSE] The value of the object tmnxMlpppBundleIndicatorsChange has changed. A particular change is the change from 'lfi|lfiCfg' to 'lfiCfg': since interleaving is only supported on bundles with a single link, interleaving is disabled when a second link is added to a bundle. [EFFECT] When the value of the object tmnxMlpppBundleIndicatorsChange changes from 'lfi|lifCfg' to 'lfiCfg', Link Fragmentation and Interleaving (LFI) is disabled on the bundle.