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Object Name | OID | Type | Access | Info |
mibt1NetworkProfileV1 | | |||
mibt1NetworkProfileV1Table | | no-access |
A list of mibt1NetworkProfile_v1 profile entries. |
| | no-access |
A mibt1NetworkProfile_v1 entry containing objects that maps to the parameters of mibt1NetworkProfile_v1 profile. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_ProfileNumber | | integer | read-write |
For potential backwards compatibility. The current design consists of one line profile numbered 0. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_Name | | displaystring | read-only |
Name of DS1 line. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_PhysicalAddress_Shelf | | integer | read-write |
The number of the shelf that the addressed physical device resides on. Enumeration: 'anyShelf': 1, 'shelf2': 3, 'shelf3': 4, 'shelf1': 2, 'shelf6': 7, 'shelf7': 8, 'shelf4': 5, 'shelf5': 6, 'shelf8': 9, 'shelf9': 10. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_PhysicalAddress_Slot | | integer | read-write |
The number of the slot that the addressed physical device resides on. Enumeration: 'aLim': 55, 'bLim': 56, 'trunkModule2': 46, 'slot36': 37, 'firstControlModule': 53, 'trunkModule1': 45, 'rightController': 50, 'slot28': 29, 'slot29': 30, 'slot24': 25, 'slot25': 26, 'slot26': 27, 'slot27': 28, 'slot20': 21, 'slot21': 22, 'slot22': 23, 'slot23': 24, 'slotPrimary': 59, 'cLim': 57, 'slot40': 41, 'secondControlModule': 54, 'leftController': 49, 'slot39': 40, 'controlModule': 51, 'slot9': 10, 'slot8': 9, 'controller': 42, 'slot38': 39, 'slot1': 2, 'slot3': 4, 'slot2': 3, 'slot5': 6, 'slot4': 5, 'slot7': 8, 'slot6': 7, 'slot11': 12, 'slot10': 11, 'slot13': 14, 'slot12': 13, 'slot15': 16, 'slot14': 15, 'slot17': 18, 'slot16': 17, 'slot19': 20, 'slot18': 19, 'slot31': 32, 'slot30': 31, 'slot37': 38, 'anySlot': 1, 'slot35': 36, 'slot34': 35, 'slot33': 34, 'dLim': 58, 'slot32': 33. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_PhysicalAddress_ItemNumber | | integer | read-write |
A number that specifies an addressable entity within the context of shelf and slot. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_BackToBack | | integer | read-write |
Indicates whether the Multiband is connected back-to-back to another Muliband, rather than a DPNSS PBX. If this field is TRUE, than we don't need to disable receiving interrupts when too many are coming in beyond our processing power. NOTE: GPT's iSDX keeps re-transmitting a frame at 8 ms intervals until it receives an acknowledgement. Enumeration: 'true': 2, 'false': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_PrimaryChannelUsage | | integer | read-write |
This is the use of the first T1 interface. Enumeration: 'dropAndInsert': 4, 'dualNetworkInterface': 5, 'tOnlineZgrInterface': 7, 't1LineQuiesce': 3, 'tOnlineUsrInterface': 6, 'lineUnavailable': 1, 'lineDisable': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_SecondaryChannelUsage | | integer | read-write |
The Multiband uses the first T1 interface as the primary interface and treats the secondary interface special. This is the use of the second interface. Enumeration: 'dropAndInsert': 4, 'dualNetworkInterface': 5, 'tOnlineZgrInterface': 7, 't1LineQuiesce': 3, 'tOnlineUsrInterface': 6, 'lineUnavailable': 1, 'lineDisable': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_TertiaryChannelUsage | | integer | read-write |
This is the use of the 3rd T1 interface. Enumeration: 'dropAndInsert': 4, 'dualNetworkInterface': 5, 'tOnlineZgrInterface': 7, 't1LineQuiesce': 3, 'tOnlineUsrInterface': 6, 'lineUnavailable': 1, 'lineDisable': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_Action_o | | integer | read-write |
Enumeration: 'deleteProfile': 3, 'createProfile': 2, 'noAction': 1. |
mibt1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterfaceTable | | no-access |
A list of mibt1NetworkProfile_v1__line_interface profile entries. |
| | no-access |
A mibt1NetworkProfile_v1__line_interface entry containing objects that maps to the parameters of mibt1NetworkProfile_v1__line_interface profile. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Name | | displaystring | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Index_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Enabled | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if the line is enabled, otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_TOnlineType | | integer | read-write |
The tonline type of an e1 line. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'te': 3, 'nt': 2, 'numberOfTonline': 4. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_FrameType | | integer | read-write |
The super-framing mode that is used on the physical link(s). Enumeration: 'esf': 2, 'd4': 1, 'g703': 3, 'n-2ds': 4. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Encoding | | integer | read-write |
The layer 1 line encoding used for the physical link(s). Enumeration: 'ami': 1, 'none': 4, 'hdb3': 3, 'b8zs': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ClockSource | | integer | read-write |
Enumeration: 'notEligible': 2, 'eligible': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ClockPriority | | integer | read-write |
Clock priority assigned to the T1 line. Used to select particular lines as clock source. Enumeration: 'highPriority': 2, 'lowPriority': 4, 'middlePriority': 3. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_SignalingMode | | integer | read-write |
Inband, ISDN, ISDN_NFAS, PBX or SS7 signaling. Enumeration: 'e1MalaysiaSignaling': 19, 'h248DataTrunk': 34, 'e1PhilippineSignaling': 15, 'e1KoreanSignaling': 6, 'e1ThailandSignaling': 22, 'isdn': 2, 'inbandFgdInFgcOut': 29, 'inbandFgcInFgcOut': 30, 'e1ArgentinaSignaling': 13, 'inbandFgdInFgdOut': 28, 'e1DpnssSignaling': 11, 'e1NewZealandSignaling': 20, 'e1BrazilSignaling': 14, 'e1VietnamSignaling': 32, 'tunneledPriSignaling': 27, 'isdnNfas': 3, 'e1MexicoSignaling': 24, 'inband': 1, 'e1P7Signaling': 7, 'ss7SigTrunk': 33, 'e1CzechSignaling': 17, 'e1ChineseSignaling': 8, 'dtmfR2Signaling': 25, 'e1KuwaitSignaling': 23, 'e1R2Signaling': 5, 'e1NoSignaling': 10, 'e1IsraelSignaling': 21, 'e1MeteredSignaling': 9, 'inbandFgcInFgdOut': 31, 'e1IndianSignaling': 16. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_IsdnEmulationSide | | integer | read-write |
Side the line will emulate: TE (user), or NT (network). Enumeration: 'te': 1, 'nt': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_RobbedBitMode | | integer | read-write |
Wink start, idle start, incoming wink. Enumeration: 'incW400': 4, 'loopStart': 5, 'incW200': 3, 'idleStart': 2, 'groundStart': 6, 'winkStart': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_DefaultCallType | | integer | read-write |
Specify the default call-type for incoming calls, for purposes of call routing and signalling. Enumeration: 'dnisOrDigital': 4, 'dnisOrVoip': 6, 'dnisOrVoice': 3, 'digital': 1, 'voice': 2, 'voip': 5. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_SwitchType | | integer | read-write |
The network switch type, needed for ISDN/NFAS signaling. Enumeration: 'btnr191Bri': 20, 'belgianBri': 24, 'islxDpnss': 12, 'mercuryDpnss': 13, 'switchCas': 29, 'taiwanPri': 31, 'german1tr6Bri': 27, 'globandPri': 3, 'japanPri': 4, 'unknownBri': 15, 'idslPtpBri': 30, 'btSs7': 32, 'ntiPri': 2, 'vn2Bri': 19, 'kddBri': 23, 'att5essBri': 16, 'isdxDpnss': 11, 'ptpNet3Bri': 22, 'vn3Pri': 5, 'dms100Nt1Bri': 17, 'danishPri': 8, 'dass2': 14, 'attPri': 1, 'swissBri': 26, 'net5Pri': 7, 'natIsdn2Pri': 10, 'australBri': 25, 'nisdn1Bri': 18, 'australPri': 9, 'onetr6Pri': 6, 'dutch1tr6Bri': 28, 'net3Bri': 21. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_NfasGroupId | | integer | read-write |
For NFAS lines: the nfas group id. Not used with robbed bit signaling. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_NfasId | | integer | read-write |
For NFAS lines: the interface id. For SS7 lines when Q.931+ control protocol is used: interface id. Not used with robbed bit signaling. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_IncomingCallHandling | | integer | read-write |
This parameter is used to determine the type of processing required for incoming calls from this line. Enumeration: 'ss7GatewayProcessing': 3, 'rejectAll': 1, 'internalProcessing': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_DeleteDigits | | integer | read-write |
Number of digits to delete from numbers received from a PBX. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_AddDigitString | | displaystring | read-write |
String of digits to prepend to phone number received from PBX. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_CallByCall | | integer | read-write |
Call-by-call value to set when routing calls from PBX to network. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_PbxAnswerNumber | | displaystring | read-write |
The answer number that is the equivalent of a port answer-number used for the network to pbx routing. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_AnswerService | | integer | read-write |
The switched service type (or none) that is used for routing network calls to the pbx. Enumeration: 'modem': 43, 'n-1024Clear': 24, 'x30RestrictedBearer': 39, 'n-2456krV110': 51, 'n-64kClear': 3, 'n-14464krV110': 80, 'v32': 66, 'n-1600Clear': 32, 'n-38456krV110': 55, 'n-64kX30Restricted': 41, 'n-1280Clear': 28, 'n-1856Clear': 36, 'n-28864krV110': 81, 'n-19264kV110': 59, 'n-896Clear': 22, 'n-192kClear': 11, 'n-9656krV110': 53, 'n-512Clear': 16, 'n-144kClear': 255, 'n-576Clear': 17, 'n-448Clear': 15, 'n-960Clear': 23, 'n-2464kV110': 56, 'n-4856kV110': 47, 'n-4856krV110': 52, 'n-14456kV110': 74, 'frameRelaySvc': 71, 'n-9664krV110': 63, 'iptoip': 263, 'n-19256krV110': 54, 'v110ClearBearer': 40, 'n-56kRestricted': 2, 'n-704Clear': 19, 'n-1088Clear': 25, 'n-1344Clear': 29, 'wormarq': 73, 'n-14464kV110': 78, 'atmodem': 44, 'n-9656kV110': 48, 'vpnTunnel': 72, 'n-28856krV110': 77, 'n-19264krV110': 64, 'n-38464kV110': 60, 'n-1472Clear': 31, 'atmSvc': 70, 'n-9664kV110': 58, 'n-4864krV110': 62, 'n-38456kV110': 50, 'n-14456krV110': 76, 'n-1536kClear': 8, 'n-1216Clear': 27, 'n-28856kV110': 75, 'n-2464krV110': 61, 'n-384kRestricted': 6, 'n-1792Clear': 35, 'n-56kClear': 5, 'n-320kClear': 13, 'n-19256kV110': 49, 'n-768Clear': 20, 'dws384Clear': 14, 'n-2456kV110': 46, 'voice': 1, 'n-1536kRestricted': 9, 'n-64kRestricted': 4, 'n-128kClear': 10, 'n-4864kV110': 57, 'n-384kClear': 7, 'n-1920Clear': 37, 'phs64k': 67, 'n-1728Clear': 34, 'n-1152Clear': 26, 'n-1664Clear': 33, 'n-56kV110Clear': 42, 'n-1408Clear': 30, 'n-256kClear': 12, 'voiceOverIp': 68, 'n-28864kV110': 79, 'n-832Clear': 21, 'n-640Clear': 18, 'modem31khzAudio': 82, 'n-38464krV110': 65, 'x25Svc': 83. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_oPBXType | | integer | read-write |
The PBX Class as defined in the enumeration above. Enumeration: 'hostPbxLeasedData': 3, 'hostPbxLeased11': 4, 'hostPbxVoice': 1, 'hostPbxData': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_DataSense | | integer | read-write |
D-channel normal or inverted data. Currently unused (normal data is always selected. Enumeration: 'inv': 2, 'normal': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_IdleMode | | integer | read-write |
D-channel mark or flag idle. Currently unused (flag idle is always selected. Enumeration: 'flagIdle': 2, 'markIdle': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_oFDL | | integer | read-write |
Who's FDL are we using. Used only if frame-type is ESF - Ignored otherwise. Enumeration: 'atNT': 2, 'none': 1, 'sprint': 4, 'ansi': 3. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_FrontEndType | | integer | read-write |
The front end type (CSU/DSX) of the T1 transceiver. Enumeration: 'cs': 1, 'dsx': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_oDSXLineLength | | integer | read-write |
The length of the physical T1 line (for DSX lines). Enumeration: 'n-400533': 4, 'n-1133': 1, 'n-534655': 5, 'n-267399': 3, 'n-134266': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_oCSUBuildOut | | integer | read-write |
Line buildout value for CSU lines. Enumeration: 'n-2255Db': 4, 'n-15Db': 3, 'n-75Db': 2, 'n-0Db': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_OverlapReceiving | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if overlap receiving procedure may be used to handle incoming call, FALSE if not Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_PriPrefixNumber | | displaystring | read-write |
The unique prefix of the PRI called party number. It is used to determine whether SETUP message contains any trailing digits when overlap receiving procedure is used to handle the incoming call. Defaults to '' to not count the trailing digits. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_TrailingDigits | | integer | read-write |
Number of trailing digits expected from the called party number information elements of INFORMATION messages when overlap receiving procedure is used to handle the incoming call. SETUP message may contain some trailing digits in the called party number information element. Defaults to 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_T302Timer | | integer | read-write |
Number of milliseconds to wait for additional called number information elements for an incoming call using overlap receiving procedure. Defaults to 10000. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Layer3End | | integer | read-write |
If x-side, layer 3 favors outgoing call when a call collision occurs. Enumeration: 'true': 2, 'false': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Layer2End | | integer | read-write |
This parameter is used to determine the address to send when two PBXs are connected back-to-back; one side must act as an ET, and the other side acts as a PBX. If a-side, layer 2 acts as ET. Enumeration: 'true': 2, 'false': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_NlValue | | integer | read-write |
Number of re-transmissions; default to 64. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_LoopAvoidance | | integer | read-write |
Loop Avoidance; the number of transit PBXs through which a call may be routed (1 to 26 default 7). |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_MaintenanceState | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if the line is in user-requested maintenance mode, otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_NumberComplete | | integer | read-write |
The criteria for having received enough digits on an incoming R2 call. Can either be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, or 15 digits received, or the end-of-pulsing signal received, or time-out. Enumeration: 'n-6Digits': 6, 'n-10Digits': 10, 'n-0Digits': 12, 'timeOut': 18, 'n-13Digits': 15, 'n-7Digits': 7, 'n-5Digits': 5, 'endOfPulsing': 11, 'n-9Digits': 9, 'n-14Digits': 16, 'n-3Digits': 3, 'n-4Digits': 4, 'n-11Digits': 13, 'n-8Digits': 8, 'n-1Digits': 1, 'n-2Digits': 2, 'n-15Digits': 17, 'n-12Digits': 14. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_GroupBAnswerSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send prior to answering a call. Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_GroupBBusySignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send to reject a call. Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_GroupBNoMatchSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send to reject a call with invalid call number. Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_GroupBCollectSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send to answer/reject a collect call. Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_GroupIiSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group II signal to send after sending all address digits. Enumeration: 'signalIi13': 13, 'signalIi12': 12, 'signalIi11': 11, 'signalIi10': 10, 'signalIi15': 15, 'signalIi14': 14, 'signalIi3': 3, 'signalIi2': 2, 'signalIi1': 1, 'signalIi7': 7, 'signalIi6': 6, 'signalIi5': 5, 'signalIi4': 4, 'signalIi9': 9, 'signalIi8': 8. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_InputSampleCount | | integer | read-write |
The number of Goertzel input samples (each Goertzel sample is of length N=205) to compute in order to decode DTMF tones, the more samples, the more acccurate the detection result Enumeration: 'twoSamples': 2, 'oneSample': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_AnswerDelay | | integer | read-write |
Number of milliseconds to wait before answering an incoming R2 call. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_CallerId | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if the caller Id is enabled, otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'noCallerId': 1, 'getCallerId': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_LineSignaling | | integer | read-write |
The line signaling of E1 line. Enumeration: 'aBitOnly0EqualBBit': 2, 'aBitOnly1EqualBBit': 3, 'abBitsLineSignaling': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Timer1CollectCall | | integer | read-write |
Adjustable between 0 ~ 2000ms |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Timer2CollectCall | | integer | read-write |
Adjustable between 10 ~ 2000ms |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_SendDiscVal | | integer | read-write |
Number of seconds before sending ISDN disconnect to switch. 0 means disable. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_HuntGrpPhoneNumber1 | | displaystring | read-write |
The hunt group phone number associated with this line. Manually entered field which is read-write accessible via SNMP. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_HuntGrpPhoneNumber2 | | displaystring | read-write |
The hunt group phone number associated with this line. Manually entered field which is read-write accessible via SNMP. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_HuntGrpPhoneNumber3 | | displaystring | read-write |
The hunt group phone number associated with this line. Manually entered field which is read-write accessible via SNMP. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_PriTypeOfNumber | | integer | read-write |
PRI Called Party element's Type-Of-Number value for outgoing T1-to-PRI calls. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_PriNumberingPlanId | | integer | read-write |
PRI Called Party element's Numbering-Plan-ID value for outgoing T1-to-PRI calls. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_SuperFrameSrcLineNumber | | integer | read-write |
The line from which the the Super-Frame sync pulse is taken. Needed by the 'Dropped&Inserted' line so that it can become synchronized to the source line. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_CollectIncomingDigits | | integer | read-write |
TRUE collect incoming called/calling digits, otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_T1InterDigitTimeout | | integer | read-write |
Inter-Digit Timeout (in milliseconds) for inband T1 and E1 R2 lines. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_R1UseAnir | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if the line is to use R1 signaling ANIR (CLID), otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_R1FirstDigitTimer | | integer | read-write |
The timer between sending KPA and receiving first Digit in R1 signaling in milliseconds. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_R1AnirDelay | | integer | read-write |
Delay in milliseconds between receiving ST and sending ANIR signal. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_R1AnirTimer | | integer | read-write |
Time in milliseconds of ANIR signal. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_R1Modified | | integer | read-write |
Use R1 modified signaling. Default is FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_FirstDs0 | | integer | read-write |
When using fractional T1/E1 the first DS0 used. Default is 1 |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_LastDs0 | | integer | read-write |
When using fractional T1/E1 the last DS0 used. Default is 24 |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_NailedGroup | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the set of lines that makes up a nailed group. 0 means this line is not part of a nailed group. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Ss7Continuity_IncomingProcedure | | integer | read-write |
Procedure used for incoming continuity check on this line. Enumeration: 'transponder': 3, 'loopback': 2. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Ss7Continuity_OutgoingProcedure | | integer | read-write |
Procedure used for outgoing continuity check on this line. Enumeration: 'send2000Expect1780': 6, 'send2010Expect1780': 3, 'singleTone2010': 2, 'singleTone2000': 5, 'send1780Expect2000': 7, 'send1780Expect2010': 4. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_LineProvision | | integer | read-write |
Line Provision. Enumeration: 'lineProvisionNone': 1, 'lineProvisionH0H11': 4, 'lineProvisionH0H12': 6, 'lineProvisionH0': 2, 'lineProvisionH0H11H12': 8, 'lineProvisionH12': 5, 'lineProvisionH11': 3, 'lineProvisionH11H12': 7. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Gr303Mode | | integer | read-write |
GR-303 Mode. Enumeration: 'gr303Disabled': 1, 'gr3035essPri': 2, 'gr303Normal': 5, 'gr303DmsPri': 3, 'gr303Secondary': 4. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Gr303GroupId | | integer | read-write |
For GR303 lines: the interface group id. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_Gr303Ds1Id | | integer | read-write |
For GR303 lines: The logical DS1 id. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_SwitchVersion | | integer | read-write |
Switch Version. Enumeration: 'switchVersionDefinityG3v4': 2, 'switchVersionGeneric': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_GroupBNoChargeSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send if subscriber line is idle / no charge Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_StatusChangeTrapEnable | | integer | read-write |
When set to yes, a line status change trap is sent. NOTE: when the line status change results from a higher level line status change, i.e., ds3, then no trap for the ds1 are sent. The default setting is No. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_DownTransDelay | | integer | read-write |
To control the delay in line state transition from up to down when loss of carrier is detected. Each unit of this value is equal to .1 seconds of Delay in UP to DOWN transition. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_UpTransDelay | | integer | read-write |
To control the delay in line state transition from down to up when carrier is detected. Each unit of this value is equal to .1 seconds of Delay in DOWN to UP transition. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_NetworkSpecificFacilities | | integer | read-write |
Network Specific Facilities (NSF) value to store in the NSF IE of the outgoing Q.931 Setup message. This sets the full 8 bits of the IE. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_CauseCodeVerificationEnable | | integer | read-write |
When set to yes, the received CAUSE value will be verified to ensure that cause is defined for the configured switch type. If the switch does not support the cause code, then INVALID ELEM CONTENTS (Cause value 100) will be used for generating PSTN Q931 response. When set to no, the received CAUSE value will be used to generate the PSTN Q931 response. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
mibt1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfigTable | | no-access |
A list of mibt1NetworkProfile_v1__line_interface__channel_config profile entries. |
| | no-access |
A mibt1NetworkProfile_v1__line_interface__channel_config entry containing objects that maps to the parameters of mibt1NetworkProfile_v1__line_interface__channel_config profile. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_Name | | displaystring | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_Index_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_Index1_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_ChannelUsage | | integer | read-write |
The usage for this specific channel. May be different than the usage for the line, e.g. a nailed channel (clear 64) in a line otherwise used for switched calls. Enumeration: 'nailed64Channel': 3, 'nfasSecondaryDChannel': 6, 'switchedChannel': 2, 'dChannel': 4, 'semiPermChannel': 7, 'nfasPrimaryDChannel': 5, 'ss7SignalingChannel': 8, 'unusedChannel': 1. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_TrunkGroup | | integer | read-write |
The trunk group assigned to this channel. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_PhoneNumber | | displaystring | read-write |
The phone number of this channel. This is the number sent to the far end in an inverse multiplexed call when instructing the far end to add more bandwidth. The number should contain the minimum number of digits to identify the channel. If the channel is part of a hunt group, the phone number should be blank. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_RoutePort_SlotNumber_SlotNumber | | integer | read-write | |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_RoutePort_SlotNumber_ShelfNumber | | integer | read-write |
TNT is a multi shelf system. To minimise the changes required to existing code the shelf number is added to this structure as it will almost always be needed when a slot number is needed. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_RoutePort_RelativePortNumber_RelativePortNumber | | integer | read-write | |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_NailedGroup | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the set of channels that makes up a nailed group. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_ChanGroup | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the channel-group to which this channel belongs. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_DestChanGroup | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the channel-group to which any incoming calls on this channel will be directed. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_DialPlanNumber | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the dial plan from the dial plan menu. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_NumberOfDialPlanSelectDigits | | integer | read-write |
The number of leading digits in the incoming phone number to use for selecting the Dial Plan. |
t1NetworkProfileV1_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_IdlePattern | | integer | read-write |
The idle pattern is the data pattern sent on a channel when it is idle. The idle pattern can be any value from 0(0x00) to 255(0xff) |
mibt1NetworkProfile | | |||
mibt1NetworkProfileTable | | no-access |
A list of mibt1NetworkProfile profile entries. |
| | no-access |
A mibt1NetworkProfile entry containing objects that maps to the parameters of mibt1NetworkProfile profile. |
t1NetworkProfile_Shelf_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfile_Slot_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfile_Item_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfile_Name | | displaystring | read-write |
Name of DS1 line. |
t1NetworkProfile_PhysicalAddress_Shelf | | integer | read-write |
The number of the shelf that the addressed physical device resides on. Enumeration: 'anyShelf': 1, 'shelf2': 3, 'shelf3': 4, 'shelf1': 2, 'shelf6': 7, 'shelf7': 8, 'shelf4': 5, 'shelf5': 6, 'shelf8': 9, 'shelf9': 10. |
t1NetworkProfile_PhysicalAddress_Slot | | integer | read-write |
The number of the slot that the addressed physical device resides on. Enumeration: 'aLim': 55, 'bLim': 56, 'trunkModule2': 46, 'slot36': 37, 'firstControlModule': 53, 'trunkModule1': 45, 'rightController': 50, 'slot28': 29, 'slot29': 30, 'slot24': 25, 'slot25': 26, 'slot26': 27, 'slot27': 28, 'slot20': 21, 'slot21': 22, 'slot22': 23, 'slot23': 24, 'slotPrimary': 59, 'cLim': 57, 'slot40': 41, 'secondControlModule': 54, 'leftController': 49, 'slot39': 40, 'controlModule': 51, 'slot9': 10, 'slot8': 9, 'controller': 42, 'slot38': 39, 'slot1': 2, 'slot3': 4, 'slot2': 3, 'slot5': 6, 'slot4': 5, 'slot7': 8, 'slot6': 7, 'slot11': 12, 'slot10': 11, 'slot13': 14, 'slot12': 13, 'slot15': 16, 'slot14': 15, 'slot17': 18, 'slot16': 17, 'slot19': 20, 'slot18': 19, 'slot31': 32, 'slot30': 31, 'slot37': 38, 'anySlot': 1, 'slot35': 36, 'slot34': 35, 'slot33': 34, 'dLim': 58, 'slot32': 33. |
t1NetworkProfile_PhysicalAddress_ItemNumber | | integer | read-write |
A number that specifies an addressable entity within the context of shelf and slot. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Enabled | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if the line is enabled, otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_TOnlineType | | integer | read-write |
The tonline type of an e1 line. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'te': 3, 'nt': 2, 'numberOfTonline': 4. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_FrameType | | integer | read-write |
The super-framing mode that is used on the physical link(s). Enumeration: 'esf': 2, 'd4': 1, 'g703': 3, 'n-2ds': 4. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Encoding | | integer | read-write |
The layer 1 line encoding used for the physical link(s). Enumeration: 'ami': 1, 'none': 4, 'hdb3': 3, 'b8zs': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ClockSource | | integer | read-write |
Enumeration: 'notEligible': 2, 'eligible': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ClockPriority | | integer | read-write |
Clock priority assigned to the T1 line. Used to select particular lines as clock source. Enumeration: 'highPriority': 2, 'lowPriority': 4, 'middlePriority': 3. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_SignalingMode | | integer | read-write |
Inband, ISDN, ISDN_NFAS, PBX or SS7 signaling. Enumeration: 'e1MalaysiaSignaling': 19, 'h248DataTrunk': 34, 'e1PhilippineSignaling': 15, 'e1KoreanSignaling': 6, 'e1ThailandSignaling': 22, 'isdn': 2, 'inbandFgdInFgcOut': 29, 'inbandFgcInFgcOut': 30, 'e1ArgentinaSignaling': 13, 'inbandFgdInFgdOut': 28, 'e1DpnssSignaling': 11, 'e1NewZealandSignaling': 20, 'e1BrazilSignaling': 14, 'e1VietnamSignaling': 32, 'tunneledPriSignaling': 27, 'isdnNfas': 3, 'e1MexicoSignaling': 24, 'inband': 1, 'e1P7Signaling': 7, 'ss7SigTrunk': 33, 'e1CzechSignaling': 17, 'e1ChineseSignaling': 8, 'dtmfR2Signaling': 25, 'e1KuwaitSignaling': 23, 'e1R2Signaling': 5, 'e1NoSignaling': 10, 'e1IsraelSignaling': 21, 'e1MeteredSignaling': 9, 'inbandFgcInFgdOut': 31, 'e1IndianSignaling': 16. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_IsdnEmulationSide | | integer | read-write |
Side the line will emulate: TE (user), or NT (network). Enumeration: 'te': 1, 'nt': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_RobbedBitMode | | integer | read-write |
Wink start, idle start, incoming wink. Enumeration: 'incW400': 4, 'loopStart': 5, 'incW200': 3, 'idleStart': 2, 'groundStart': 6, 'winkStart': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_DefaultCallType | | integer | read-write |
Specify the default call-type for incoming calls, for purposes of call routing and signalling. Enumeration: 'dnisOrDigital': 4, 'dnisOrVoip': 6, 'dnisOrVoice': 3, 'digital': 1, 'voice': 2, 'voip': 5. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_SwitchType | | integer | read-write |
The network switch type, needed for ISDN/NFAS signaling. Enumeration: 'btnr191Bri': 20, 'belgianBri': 24, 'islxDpnss': 12, 'mercuryDpnss': 13, 'switchCas': 29, 'taiwanPri': 31, 'german1tr6Bri': 27, 'globandPri': 3, 'japanPri': 4, 'unknownBri': 15, 'idslPtpBri': 30, 'btSs7': 32, 'ntiPri': 2, 'vn2Bri': 19, 'kddBri': 23, 'att5essBri': 16, 'isdxDpnss': 11, 'ptpNet3Bri': 22, 'vn3Pri': 5, 'dms100Nt1Bri': 17, 'danishPri': 8, 'dass2': 14, 'attPri': 1, 'swissBri': 26, 'net5Pri': 7, 'natIsdn2Pri': 10, 'australBri': 25, 'nisdn1Bri': 18, 'australPri': 9, 'onetr6Pri': 6, 'dutch1tr6Bri': 28, 'net3Bri': 21. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_NfasGroupId | | integer | read-write |
For NFAS lines: the nfas group id. Not used with robbed bit signaling. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_NfasId | | integer | read-write |
For NFAS lines: the interface id. For SS7 lines when Q.931+ control protocol is used: interface id. Not used with robbed bit signaling. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_IncomingCallHandling | | integer | read-write |
This parameter is used to determine the type of processing required for incoming calls from this line. Enumeration: 'ss7GatewayProcessing': 3, 'rejectAll': 1, 'internalProcessing': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_DeleteDigits | | integer | read-write |
Number of digits to delete from numbers received from a PBX. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_AddDigitString | | displaystring | read-write |
String of digits to prepend to phone number received from PBX. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_CallByCall | | integer | read-write |
Call-by-call value to set when routing calls from PBX to network. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_PbxAnswerNumber | | displaystring | read-write |
The answer number that is the equivalent of a port answer-number used for the network to pbx routing. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_AnswerService | | integer | read-write |
The switched service type (or none) that is used for routing network calls to the pbx. Enumeration: 'modem': 43, 'n-1024Clear': 24, 'x30RestrictedBearer': 39, 'n-2456krV110': 51, 'n-64kClear': 3, 'n-14464krV110': 80, 'v32': 66, 'n-1600Clear': 32, 'n-38456krV110': 55, 'n-64kX30Restricted': 41, 'n-1280Clear': 28, 'n-1856Clear': 36, 'n-28864krV110': 81, 'n-19264kV110': 59, 'n-896Clear': 22, 'n-192kClear': 11, 'n-9656krV110': 53, 'n-512Clear': 16, 'n-144kClear': 255, 'n-576Clear': 17, 'n-448Clear': 15, 'n-960Clear': 23, 'n-2464kV110': 56, 'n-4856kV110': 47, 'n-4856krV110': 52, 'n-14456kV110': 74, 'frameRelaySvc': 71, 'n-9664krV110': 63, 'iptoip': 263, 'n-19256krV110': 54, 'v110ClearBearer': 40, 'n-56kRestricted': 2, 'n-704Clear': 19, 'n-1088Clear': 25, 'n-1344Clear': 29, 'wormarq': 73, 'n-14464kV110': 78, 'atmodem': 44, 'n-9656kV110': 48, 'vpnTunnel': 72, 'n-28856krV110': 77, 'n-19264krV110': 64, 'n-38464kV110': 60, 'n-1472Clear': 31, 'atmSvc': 70, 'n-9664kV110': 58, 'n-4864krV110': 62, 'n-38456kV110': 50, 'n-14456krV110': 76, 'n-1536kClear': 8, 'n-1216Clear': 27, 'n-28856kV110': 75, 'n-2464krV110': 61, 'n-384kRestricted': 6, 'n-1792Clear': 35, 'n-56kClear': 5, 'n-320kClear': 13, 'n-19256kV110': 49, 'n-768Clear': 20, 'dws384Clear': 14, 'n-2456kV110': 46, 'voice': 1, 'n-1536kRestricted': 9, 'n-64kRestricted': 4, 'n-128kClear': 10, 'n-4864kV110': 57, 'n-384kClear': 7, 'n-1920Clear': 37, 'phs64k': 67, 'n-1728Clear': 34, 'n-1152Clear': 26, 'n-1664Clear': 33, 'n-56kV110Clear': 42, 'n-1408Clear': 30, 'n-256kClear': 12, 'voiceOverIp': 68, 'n-28864kV110': 79, 'n-832Clear': 21, 'n-640Clear': 18, 'modem31khzAudio': 82, 'n-38464krV110': 65, 'x25Svc': 83. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_oPBXType | | integer | read-write |
The PBX Class as defined in the enumeration above. Enumeration: 'hostPbxLeasedData': 3, 'hostPbxLeased11': 4, 'hostPbxVoice': 1, 'hostPbxData': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_DataSense | | integer | read-write |
D-channel normal or inverted data. Currently unused (normal data is always selected. Enumeration: 'inv': 2, 'normal': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_IdleMode | | integer | read-write |
D-channel mark or flag idle. Currently unused (flag idle is always selected. Enumeration: 'flagIdle': 2, 'markIdle': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_oFDL | | integer | read-write |
Who's FDL are we using. Used only if frame-type is ESF - Ignored otherwise. Enumeration: 'atNT': 2, 'none': 1, 'sprint': 4, 'ansi': 3. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_FrontEndType | | integer | read-write |
The front end type (CSU/DSX) of the T1 transceiver. Enumeration: 'cs': 1, 'dsx': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_oDSXLineLength | | integer | read-write |
The length of the physical T1 line (for DSX lines). Enumeration: 'n-400533': 4, 'n-1133': 1, 'n-534655': 5, 'n-267399': 3, 'n-134266': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_oCSUBuildOut | | integer | read-write |
Line buildout value for CSU lines. Enumeration: 'n-2255Db': 4, 'n-15Db': 3, 'n-75Db': 2, 'n-0Db': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_OverlapReceiving | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if overlap receiving procedure may be used to handle incoming call, FALSE if not Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_PriPrefixNumber | | displaystring | read-write |
The unique prefix of the PRI called party number. It is used to determine whether SETUP message contains any trailing digits when overlap receiving procedure is used to handle the incoming call. Defaults to '' to not count the trailing digits. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_TrailingDigits | | integer | read-write |
Number of trailing digits expected from the called party number information elements of INFORMATION messages when overlap receiving procedure is used to handle the incoming call. SETUP message may contain some trailing digits in the called party number information element. Defaults to 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_T302Timer | | integer | read-write |
Number of milliseconds to wait for additional called number information elements for an incoming call using overlap receiving procedure. Defaults to 10000. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Layer3End | | integer | read-write |
If x-side, layer 3 favors outgoing call when a call collision occurs. Enumeration: 'true': 2, 'false': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Layer2End | | integer | read-write |
This parameter is used to determine the address to send when two PBXs are connected back-to-back; one side must act as an ET, and the other side acts as a PBX. If a-side, layer 2 acts as ET. Enumeration: 'true': 2, 'false': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_NlValue | | integer | read-write |
Number of re-transmissions; default to 64. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_LoopAvoidance | | integer | read-write |
Loop Avoidance; the number of transit PBXs through which a call may be routed (1 to 26 default 7). |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_MaintenanceState | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if the line is in user-requested maintenance mode, otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_NumberComplete | | integer | read-write |
The criteria for having received enough digits on an incoming R2 call. Can either be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, or 15 digits received, or the end-of-pulsing signal received, or time-out. Enumeration: 'n-6Digits': 6, 'n-10Digits': 10, 'n-0Digits': 12, 'timeOut': 18, 'n-13Digits': 15, 'n-7Digits': 7, 'n-5Digits': 5, 'endOfPulsing': 11, 'n-9Digits': 9, 'n-14Digits': 16, 'n-3Digits': 3, 'n-4Digits': 4, 'n-11Digits': 13, 'n-8Digits': 8, 'n-1Digits': 1, 'n-2Digits': 2, 'n-15Digits': 17, 'n-12Digits': 14. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_GroupBAnswerSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send prior to answering a call. Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_GroupBBusySignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send to reject a call. Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_GroupBNoMatchSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send to reject a call with invalid call number. Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_GroupBCollectSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send to answer/reject a collect call. Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_GroupIiSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group II signal to send after sending all address digits. Enumeration: 'signalIi13': 13, 'signalIi12': 12, 'signalIi11': 11, 'signalIi10': 10, 'signalIi15': 15, 'signalIi14': 14, 'signalIi3': 3, 'signalIi2': 2, 'signalIi1': 1, 'signalIi7': 7, 'signalIi6': 6, 'signalIi5': 5, 'signalIi4': 4, 'signalIi9': 9, 'signalIi8': 8. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_InputSampleCount | | integer | read-write |
The number of Goertzel input samples (each Goertzel sample is of length N=205) to compute in order to decode DTMF tones, the more samples, the more acccurate the detection result Enumeration: 'twoSamples': 2, 'oneSample': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_AnswerDelay | | integer | read-write |
Number of milliseconds to wait before answering an incoming R2 call. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_CallerId | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if the caller Id is enabled, otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'noCallerId': 1, 'getCallerId': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_LineSignaling | | integer | read-write |
The line signaling of E1 line. Enumeration: 'aBitOnly0EqualBBit': 2, 'aBitOnly1EqualBBit': 3, 'abBitsLineSignaling': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Timer1CollectCall | | integer | read-write |
Adjustable between 0 ~ 2000ms |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Timer2CollectCall | | integer | read-write |
Adjustable between 10 ~ 2000ms |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_SendDiscVal | | integer | read-write |
Number of seconds before sending ISDN disconnect to switch. 0 means disable. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_HuntGrpPhoneNumber1 | | displaystring | read-write |
The hunt group phone number associated with this line. Manually entered field which is read-write accessible via SNMP. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_HuntGrpPhoneNumber2 | | displaystring | read-write |
The hunt group phone number associated with this line. Manually entered field which is read-write accessible via SNMP. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_HuntGrpPhoneNumber3 | | displaystring | read-write |
The hunt group phone number associated with this line. Manually entered field which is read-write accessible via SNMP. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_PriTypeOfNumber | | integer | read-write |
PRI Called Party element's Type-Of-Number value for outgoing T1-to-PRI calls. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_PriNumberingPlanId | | integer | read-write |
PRI Called Party element's Numbering-Plan-ID value for outgoing T1-to-PRI calls. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_SuperFrameSrcLineNumber | | integer | read-write |
The line from which the the Super-Frame sync pulse is taken. Needed by the 'Dropped&Inserted' line so that it can become synchronized to the source line. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_CollectIncomingDigits | | integer | read-write |
TRUE collect incoming called/calling digits, otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_T1InterDigitTimeout | | integer | read-write |
Inter-Digit Timeout (in milliseconds) for inband T1 and E1 R2 lines. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_R1UseAnir | | integer | read-write |
TRUE if the line is to use R1 signaling ANIR (CLID), otherwise FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_R1FirstDigitTimer | | integer | read-write |
The timer between sending KPA and receiving first Digit in R1 signaling in milliseconds. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_R1AnirDelay | | integer | read-write |
Delay in milliseconds between receiving ST and sending ANIR signal. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_R1AnirTimer | | integer | read-write |
Time in milliseconds of ANIR signal. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_R1Modified | | integer | read-write |
Use R1 modified signaling. Default is FALSE. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_FirstDs0 | | integer | read-write |
When using fractional T1/E1 the first DS0 used. Default is 1 |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_LastDs0 | | integer | read-write |
When using fractional T1/E1 the last DS0 used. Default is 24 |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_NailedGroup | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the set of lines that makes up a nailed group. 0 means this line is not part of a nailed group. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Ss7Continuity_IncomingProcedure | | integer | read-write |
Procedure used for incoming continuity check on this line. Enumeration: 'transponder': 3, 'loopback': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Ss7Continuity_OutgoingProcedure | | integer | read-write |
Procedure used for outgoing continuity check on this line. Enumeration: 'send2000Expect1780': 6, 'send2010Expect1780': 3, 'singleTone2010': 2, 'singleTone2000': 5, 'send1780Expect2000': 7, 'send1780Expect2010': 4. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_LineProvision | | integer | read-write |
Line Provision. Enumeration: 'lineProvisionNone': 1, 'lineProvisionH0H11': 4, 'lineProvisionH0H12': 6, 'lineProvisionH0': 2, 'lineProvisionH0H11H12': 8, 'lineProvisionH12': 5, 'lineProvisionH11': 3, 'lineProvisionH11H12': 7. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Gr303Mode | | integer | read-write |
GR-303 Mode. Enumeration: 'gr303Disabled': 1, 'gr3035essPri': 2, 'gr303Normal': 5, 'gr303DmsPri': 3, 'gr303Secondary': 4. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Gr303GroupId | | integer | read-write |
For GR303 lines: the interface group id. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_Gr303Ds1Id | | integer | read-write |
For GR303 lines: The logical DS1 id. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_SwitchVersion | | integer | read-write |
Switch Version. Enumeration: 'switchVersionDefinityG3v4': 2, 'switchVersionGeneric': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_BackToBack | | integer | read-write |
Indicates whether the Multiband is connected back-to-back to another Muliband, rather than a DPNSS PBX. If this field is TRUE, than we don't need to disable receiving interrupts when too many are coming in beyond our processing power. NOTE: GPT's iSDX keeps re-transmitting a frame at 8 ms intervals until it receives an acknowledgement. Enumeration: 'true': 2, 'false': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_ChannelUsage | | integer | read-write |
This is the use of the first T1 interface. Enumeration: 'dropAndInsert': 4, 'dualNetworkInterface': 5, 'tOnlineZgrInterface': 7, 't1LineQuiesce': 3, 'tOnlineUsrInterface': 6, 'lineUnavailable': 1, 'lineDisable': 2. |
t1NetworkProfile_Action_o | | integer | read-write |
Enumeration: 'deleteProfile': 3, 'createProfile': 2, 'noAction': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_GroupBNoChargeSignal | | integer | read-write |
The group B signal to send if subscriber line is idle / no charge Enumeration: 'signalB8': 8, 'signalB9': 9, 'signalB2': 2, 'signalB3': 3, 'signalB1': 1, 'signalB6': 6, 'signalB7': 7, 'signalB4': 4, 'signalB5': 5, 'signalB10': 10, 'signalB11': 11, 'signalB12': 12, 'signalB13': 13, 'signalB14': 14, 'signalB15': 15. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_StatusChangeTrapEnable | | integer | read-write |
When set to yes, a line status change trap is sent. NOTE: when the line status change results from a higher level line status change, i.e., ds3, then no trap for the ds1 are sent. The default setting is No. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_DownTransDelay | | integer | read-write |
To control the delay in line state transition from up to down when loss of carrier is detected. Each unit of this value is equal to .1 seconds of Delay in UP to DOWN transition. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_UpTransDelay | | integer | read-write |
To control the delay in line state transition from down to up when carrier is detected. Each unit of this value is equal to .1 seconds of Delay in DOWN to UP transition. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_NetworkSpecificFacilities | | integer | read-write |
Network Specific Facilities (NSF) value to store in the NSF IE of the outgoing Q.931 Setup message. This sets the full 8 bits of the IE. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_CauseCodeVerificationEnable | | integer | read-write |
When set to yes, the received CAUSE value will be verified to ensure that cause is defined for the configured switch type. If the switch does not support the cause code, then INVALID ELEM CONTENTS (Cause value 100) will be used for generating PSTN Q931 response. When set to no, the received CAUSE value will be used to generate the PSTN Q931 response. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1. |
mibt1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfigTable | | no-access |
A list of mibt1NetworkProfile__line_interface__channel_config profile entries. |
| | no-access |
A mibt1NetworkProfile__line_interface__channel_config entry containing objects that maps to the parameters of mibt1NetworkProfile__line_interface__channel_config profile. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_Shelf_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_Slot_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_Item_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_Index_o | | integer | read-only | |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_ChannelUsage | | integer | read-write |
The usage for this specific channel. May be different than the usage for the line, e.g. a nailed channel (clear 64) in a line otherwise used for switched calls. Enumeration: 'nailed64Channel': 3, 'nfasSecondaryDChannel': 6, 'switchedChannel': 2, 'dChannel': 4, 'semiPermChannel': 7, 'nfasPrimaryDChannel': 5, 'ss7SignalingChannel': 8, 'unusedChannel': 1. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_TrunkGroup | | integer | read-write |
The trunk group assigned to this channel. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_PhoneNumber | | displaystring | read-write |
The phone number of this channel. This is the number sent to the far end in an inverse multiplexed call when instructing the far end to add more bandwidth. The number should contain the minimum number of digits to identify the channel. If the channel is part of a hunt group, the phone number should be blank. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_RoutePort_SlotNumber_SlotNumber | | integer | read-write | |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_RoutePort_SlotNumber_ShelfNumber | | integer | read-write |
TNT is a multi shelf system. To minimise the changes required to existing code the shelf number is added to this structure as it will almost always be needed when a slot number is needed. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_RoutePort_RelativePortNumber_RelativePortNumber | | integer | read-write | |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_NailedGroup | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the set of channels that makes up a nailed group. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_ChanGroup | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the channel-group to which this channel belongs. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_DestChanGroup | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the channel-group to which any incoming calls on this channel will be directed. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_DialPlanNumber | | integer | read-write |
A number that identifies the dial plan from the dial plan menu. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_NumberOfDialPlanSelectDigits | | integer | read-write |
The number of leading digits in the incoming phone number to use for selecting the Dial Plan. |
t1NetworkProfile_LineInterface_ChannelConfig_IdlePattern | | integer | read-write |
The idle pattern is the data pattern sent on a channel when it is idle. The idle pattern can be any value from 0(0x00) to 255(0xff) |