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Object Name OID Type Access Info
This MIB contains objects to manage the system. It focuses on the display of current configure file and image file,and the definition of reloading image. Add the support for XRN.
             h3cSysLocalClock dateandtime read-write
This node gives the current local time of the system. The unit of it is DateAndTime.
                 h3cSysSummerTimeEnable integer read-only
This node indicates the status of summer time. If the value of this node is enable, means that summer time is enabled. If the value is disable, means that summer time is disabled. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                 h3cSysSummerTimeZone displaystring read-write
This node describes the name of time zone in summer. The string is only used to display in local time when summer time is running. That the value of h3cSysLocalClock has the time zone information means that summer time is running.
                 h3cSysSummerTimeMethod integer read-write
This node provides the execute method of summer time. oneOff(1): means that summer time only takes effect at specified time. repeating(2): means that summer time takes effect in specified month/day once a year. Enumeration: 'repeating': 2, 'oneOff': 1.
                 h3cSysSummerTimeStart dateandtime read-write
This node provides the start time of summer time.
                 h3cSysSummerTimeEnd dateandtime read-write
This node provides the end time of summer time. The end time must be more than start time one day and less than start time one year.
                 h3cSysSummerTimeOffset integer32 read-write
This node provides the offset time of summer time. The offset time(in seconds) means that how much time need to be appended to the local time.
             h3cSysLocalClockString octet string read-write
This node gives the current local time of the system. For example, Tuesday May 26, 2002 at 1:30:15 would be displayed as: 2002-5-26T13:30:15.0Z
             h3cSysCurTable no-access
The current status of system. A configuration file, an image file and bootrom information are used to describe the current status.
                 h3cSysCurEntry no-access
An entry of h3cSysCurTable.
                     h3cSysCurEntPhysicalIndex integer32 no-access
The value of this object is the entity index which depends on the implementation of ENTITY-MIB. If ENTITY-MIB is not supported, the value for this object is the unit ID for XRN devices , 0 for non-XRN device which has only one mainboard, the board number for non-XRN device which have several mainboards.
                     h3cSysCurCFGFileIndex integer32 read-only
The startup configuration file currently used by the specified entity. If the value of it is zero, no configuration file is used. It will be the value of corresponding h3cSysCFGFileIndex in h3cSysCFGFileTable.
                     h3cSysCurImageIndex integer32 read-only
The image file currently used by the specified entity. It will be the value of corresponding h3cSysImageIndex in h3cSysImageTable.
                     h3cSysCurBtmFileName octet string read-only
The bootrom file currently used by the specified entity.
                     h3cSysCurUpdateBtmFileName octet string read-only
The default value of this object is the same as the value of h3cSysCurBtmFileName. The value will be changed after updating the bootrom successfully. This bootrom will take effect on next startup.
             h3cSysReloadSchedule integer32 read-write
The object points one row in h3cSysReloadScheduleTable. Its value is equal to the value of h3cSysReloadScheduleIndex. When a reload action is finished, the value of it would be zero which means no any reload schedule is selected.
             h3cSysReloadAction integer read-write
Writing reloadOnSchedule(2) to this object performs the reload operation on schedule. If h3cSysReloadScheduleTime is not set, the value of h3cSysReloadAction can't be set to 'reloadOnSchedule(2)'. Writing reloadAtOnce(3)to this object performs the reload operation at once, regardless of the h3cSysReloadScheduleTime. When reloadCancel(4)is set, the scheduled reload action will be cancelled and the value of h3cSysReloadAction will be 'reloadUnavailable(1)',the value of h3cSysReloadSchedule will be 0, h3cSysReloadTag will be given a value of zero length, but the content of h3cSysReloadScheduleTable will remain. The h3cSysReloadSchedule and h3cSysReloadTag determine the reload entity(ies) in mutually exclusive way. And the h3cSysReloadSchedule will be handled at first. If the value of h3cSysReloadSchedule is invalid, then the h3cSysReloadTag will be handled. If the value of h3cSysReloadSchedule is valid, the value of h3cSysReloadTag is ignored and a reload action will be implemented to the entity specified by h3cSysReloadEntity in the entry pointed by h3cSysReloadSchedule. If h3cSysReloadSchedule is valid, but the entry h3cSysReloadSchedule pointing to is not active, the reload action will be ignored , and an inconsistent value will be returned. If multiple entities are required to be reloaded at the same time, the value of h3cSysReloadTag must be specified to select the reload parameters in the h3cSysReloadSceduelTable, and h3cSysReloadSchedule must have the value of '0'. If the whole fabric is to be reloaded in an XRN device, all the units in the fabric must have at least one entry in the h3cSysReloadSceduelTable with the same tag in h3cSysReloadSceduelTagList. When a reload action is done, or there is no reload action, the value should be reloadUnavailable(1). Enumeration: 'reloadUnavailable': 1, 'reloadAtOnce': 3, 'reloadCancel': 4, 'reloadOnSchedule': 2.
             h3cSysReloadScheduleTable no-access
A reload parameters set table. The table is exclusively used for reloading. When reloading action finished, the value of the table may be empty or still exist. If the mainboard in non-XRN device or all the units of the fabric in XRN device are reloaded,then the table will be refreshed.
                 h3cSysReloadScheduleEntry no-access
Entry of h3cSysReloadScheduleTable.
                     h3cSysReloadScheduleIndex integer32 no-access
The index of h3cSysReloadScheduleTable. There are two parts for this index depicted as follows: 31 15 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + physical index + random index + ( bit 16..31 ) ( bit 0..15 ) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From bit0 to bit15 (two bytes), if the row is automatic created, the value is zero, and if the row is created by users, then the value is determined by the users. From bit16 to bit31 (two bytes) is the physical index the same as the entPhysicalIndex specified in ENTITY-MIB. For XRN devices, physical index is the value of a chassis entPhysicalIndex. 0 for non-XRN device which has only one main board, the board number for non-XRN device which have multiple main boards.
                     h3cSysReloadEntity integer32 read-only
The value of h3cSysReloadEntity indicates an entry in entPhysicalTable, which is the physical entity to be reloaded. If ENTITY-MIB is not supported,the value for this object is the unit ID for XRN devices , 0 for non-XRN device which has only one mainboard, the board number for non-XRN device which have several mainboards. Each entity has only one row in h3cSysReloadScheduleTable.
                     h3cSysReloadCfgFile integer32 read-only
The value indicates an entry in h3cSysCFGFileTable. It defines a configuration file for reload action. It is the value of corresponding h3cSysCFGFileIndex in h3cSysCFGFileTable. The zero value means no configuration file has been set for this entry, and no configuration file is used during system reloading.
                     h3cSysReloadImage integer32 read-only
The value indicates an entry in h3cSysImageTable. It defines an image file for reload action. It is the value of corresponding h3cSysImageIndex in h3cSysImageTable. If dual image is supported, the main image attribute can be set through this object or by h3cSysImageType of h3cSysImageTable of the entity. It is strongly suggested to set this attribute by the latter. If main image attribute is set here, the h3cSysImageType in h3cSysImageTable of the corresponding entity will be updated, and vice versa. Before reboot, the device will check the validation of the entry. If the file does not exist, the device will not reboot and a trap will be send to NMS.
                     h3cSysReloadReason displaystring read-only
The reason of system's reloading. It is a zero length octet string when not set.
                     h3cSysReloadScheduleTime dateandtime read-only
Specify the local time at which the reload action will occur. we will only take octet strings with length 8 for this object which indicates the local time of the switch. The maximum scheduled interval between the specified time and the current system clock time is 24 days . field octets contents range ----- ------ -------- ----- 1 1-2 year 0..65536 2 3 month 1..12 3 4 day 1..31 4 5 hour 0..23 5 6 minutes 0..59 6 7 seconds 0..60 For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM would be displayed as: 1992-5-26,13:30:15 If the set value is less than the value of h3cSysLocalClock or beyond the maximum scheduled time limit, a bad value error occurred. The value of all-zero octet strings indicates system reload at once if the reload action is reloadOnSchedule(2).
                     h3cSysReloadRowStatus rowstatus read-only
If one of the value of h3cSysReloadEntity,h3cSysReloadImage is invalid, the value of h3cSysReloadRowStatus can not be set to the value of ACTIVE. A valid entry means the specified element is available in current system.
                     h3cSysReloadScheduleTagList snmptaglist read-only
It specifies a tag list for the entry.
             h3cSysReloadTag snmptagvalue read-write
This object contains a single tag value which is used to select entries in the h3cSysReloadScheduleTable. In the h3cSysReloadScheduleTable,any entry that contains a tag value which is equal to the value of this object is selected. For example, the value of h3cSysReloadTag is 'TOM',and the h3cSysReloadScheduleTagList of each h3cSysReloadScheduleTable entry are as follows: 1)'TOM,ROBERT,MARY' 2)'TOM,DAVE' 3)'DAVE,MARY' Since there are 'TOM' in 1) and 2),so 1) and 2) are selected. If this object contains a value of zero length, no entries are selected.
             h3cSysImageNum integer32 read-only
The number of system images. It indicates the total entries of h3cSysImageTable.
             h3cSysImageTable no-access
The system image management table. When 'copy srcfile destfile' is executed via the CLI, if destfile is not existed, then h3cSysImageType of the new file will be 'none'; otherwise h3cSysImageType keeps its current value. When 'move srcfile destfile' is executed via the CLI, h3cSysImageType and h3cSysImageIndex remain the same while h3cSysImageLocation changes. When 'rename srcfile' is executed via the CLI,h3cSysImageType and h3cSysImageIndex remain the same while h3cSysImageName changes. When 'delete srcfile' is executed via the CLI, the file is deleted from h3cSysImageTable while index of the file keeps and will not be allocated.
                 h3cSysImageEntry no-access
An entity image entry. Each entry consists of information of an entity image. The h3cSysImageIndex exclusively defines an image file.
                     h3cSysImageIndex integer32 no-access
There are two parts for the index depicted as follows: 31 15 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + physical index + image index + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From bit0 to bit15 (two bytes) is the image index;Image file Index is a monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing events. When it reaches the maximum value, an extremely unlikely event, the agent wraps the value back to 1 and may flush existing entries. From bit16 to bit31 (two bytes) is the physical index the same as the entPhysicalIndex specified in ENTITY-MIB. If ENTITY-MIB is not supported,the value for this object is the unit ID for XRN devices ,0 for non-XRN device which has only one main board,the board number for non-XRN device which have several main boards. Any index beyond the above range will not be supported. If a file is added in, its h3cSysImageIndex will be the maximum image index plus one. If the image file is removed, renamed, or moved from one place to another, its h3cSysImageIndex is not reallocated. If the image file's content is replaced, its h3cSysImageIndex will not change.
                     h3cSysImageName displaystring read-only
The file name of the image. It MUST NOT contain the path of the file.
                     h3cSysImageSize integer32 read-only
Size of the file in bytes.
                     h3cSysImageLocation displaystring read-only
The directory path of the image. Its form should be the same as what defined in file system. Currently it is defined as follows: For mainboard: flash:/ For slave mainboard and subboards: slotN#flash:/ For XRN devices: unitN>slotN#flash:/
                     h3cSysImageType integer read-write
It indicates the reloading sequence attribute of the image. For devices which support dual image: If the value is 'main(1)',the image will be the first image in the next reloading procedure. If the value is 'backup(2)', the image will be used if the main image fails. If the value is 'secure(4)', the image will be used if the main image and backup image both fail. If the value is 'none(3)',the image will not be used in the next reloading procedure. At the same time,you also can specify the main image by h3cSysReloadImage in h3cSysReloadScheduleTable. If the image is different from previous main image, the previous main image will not be main image again. And the image table will update with this variation. Vice versa, if you have defined the reload schedule, and then you define a new main image through h3cSysImageType when you are waiting the reload schedule to be executed, the real main image will be the latest one. It is strongly suggested to define the main image here, not by h3cSysReloadImage in h3cSysReloadScheduleTable. There are some rules for setting the value of h3cSysImageType: a)When a new image file is defined as 'main' or 'backup' file,the h3cSysImageType of old 'main' or 'backup' file will automatically be 'none'. b)It is forbidden to set 'none' attribute manually. c)It is forbidden to set 'secure' attribute manually. d)If 'main' image is set to 'backup', the file keeps 'main'. And vice versa. At this time, the file has 'main-backup' property. e)If the secure image is set to 'main' or 'backup', the file has 'main-secure' or 'backup-secure'property. f)If the secure image is set to 'main' and 'backup', the file has the 'main-backup-secure' property. g)If the none image is set to 'main' or 'backup', the file has the 'main' or 'backup' property. The following table describes whether it is ok to set to another state directly from original state. +--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+ | set to | set to | set to | set to | | | | | | original | 'main' | 'backup' | 'none' | 'secure' | state | | | | | --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+ | | | | | main | --- | yes | no | no | | | | | | | | | | | --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------|-------------+ | | | | | backup | yes | --- | no | no | | | | | | --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------|-------------+ | | | | | | | | | | none | yes | yes | --- | no | | | | | | --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+ | | | | | secure | yes | yes | no | --- | | | | | | | | | | | --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+ If there is one main image in the system, one row of H3cSysReloadScheduleEntry whose h3cSysReloadImage is equal to the main image's h3cSysImageIndex will be created automatically. But if any row is deleted, it will not be created automatically in h3cSysReloadScheduleTable. For the device which doesn't support dual image(main/backup): Only 'main' and 'none' is supported and it only can be set from none to main. When a new image file is defined as 'main' file,the h3cSysImageType of old 'main' file will automatically be 'none'. Enumeration: 'main-backup': 5, 'none': 3, 'secure': 4, 'main-backup-secure': 8, 'backup-secure': 7, 'main-secure': 6, 'main': 1, 'backup': 2.
             h3cSysCFGFileNum integer32 read-only
The number of the configuration files in the system. It indicates the total entries of h3cSysCFGFileTable.
             h3cSysCFGFileTable no-access
A table of configuration files in this system. At present, the system doesn't support dual configure file, it should act as 'dual image' if dual configure file is supported.
                 h3cSysCFGFileEntry no-access
A configuration file entry. Each entry consists of information of a configuration file. h3cSysCFGFileIndex exclusively decides a configuration file.
                     h3cSysCFGFileIndex integer32 no-access
There are two parts for the index depicted as follows: 31 15 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + physical index + cfgFile index + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From bit0 to bit15 (two bytes) is the configuration file index; the configuration file index is a monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing events. When it reaches the maximum value, an extremely unlikely event, the agent wraps the value back to 1 and may flush existing entries. From bit16 to bit31 (two bytes) is the physical index the same as the entPhysicalIndex specified in ENTITY-MIB. If ENTITY-MIB is not supported, the value for this object is the unit ID for XRN devices ,0 for non-XRN device which has only one slot,the board number for non-XRN device which have several slots. Any index beyond the above range will not be supported.
                     h3cSysCFGFileName displaystring read-only
Configuration file name. The name should not include the colon (:) character as it is a special separator character used to delineate the device name, partition name and the file name.
                     h3cSysCFGFileSize integer32 read-only
Size of the file in bytes. Note that it does not include the size of the filesystem file header. File size will always be non-zero.
                     h3cSysCFGFileLocation displaystring read-only
The directory path of the image. Its form should be the same as what defined in filesystem. Currently it is defined as follows: For mainboard: flash:/ For slave mainboard and subboards: slotN#flash:/ For XRN devices: unitN>slotN#flash:/
                 h3cSysBtmLoadMaxNumber integer32 read-only
This object shows the maximum number of h3cSysBtmLoadEntry in each device/unit.
             h3cSysBtmLoadTable no-access
This table is used to update the bootrom and show the results of the update operation. The bootrom files are listed at the h3cFlhFileTable. These files are used to update bootrom.
                 h3cSysBtmLoadEntry no-access
Entries in the h3cSysBtmLoadTable are created and deleted using the h3cSysBtmRowStatus object. When a new row is being created and the number of entries is h3cSysBtmLoadMaxNumber, the row with minimal value of h3cSysBtmLoadTime and the value of h3cSysBtmFileType is none(2), should be destroyed automatically.
                     h3cSysBtmLoadIndex integer32 no-access
The index of h3cSysBtmLoadTable. There are two parts for this index depicted as follows: 31 15 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + physical index + random index + ( bit 16..31 ) ( bit 0..15 ) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From bit0 to bit15 (two bytes), if the row is created by command line, the value is determined by system, and if the row is created by SNMP, the value is determined by users. From bit16 to bit31 (two bytes) is the physical index the same as the entPhysicalIndex specified in ENTITY-MIB. If ENTITY-MIB is not supported, the value of this object is the unit ID for XRN devices, 0 for non-XRN device which has only one main board, the board number for non-XRN device which has multiple main boards.
                     h3cSysBtmFileName octet string read-only
The bootrom file name is determined by the users. The file must exist in corresponding entity. The validity of the bootrom file will be identified by system. If the file is invalid, the bootrom should fail to be updated, and the value of h3cSysBtmErrorStatus should be failed(4).
                     h3cSysBtmFileType integer read-only
main(1) - The effective bootrom file. none(2) - The noneffective file. When bootrom is being updated, this object must be set to main(1). When bootrom is updated successfully, this object should be main(1), and the former object with the same physical index should be none(2). When bootrom failed to be updated, this object should be none(2). Enumeration: 'none': 2, 'main': 1.
                     h3cSysBtmRowStatus rowstatus read-only
Only support active(1), createAndGo(4), destroy(6). When a row is created successfully, the value of this object should be active(1), the value of h3cSysBtmFileName and h3cSysBtmFileType can not be modified by users. When bootrom is being updated, the value of h3cSysBtmErrorStatus is inProgress(2). When bootrom failed to be updated, the value of h3cSysBtmErrorStatus should be failed(4). When bootrom is updated successfully, the value of h3cSysBtmErrorStatus should be success(3). The value of h3cSysCurUpdateBtmFileName should change to the new bootrom file name. When another row is created successfully with the same physical index, and the update is successful, then the value of former h3cSysBtmFileType should be none(2) automatically. If a row is destroyed, h3cSysCurUpdateBtmFileName should not change. If a device/unit reboots, h3cSysBtmLoadTable should be empty.
                     h3cSysBtmErrorStatus integer read-only
This object shows the status of the specified operation after creating a row. invalidFile(1) - file is invalid. inProgress(2) - the operation is in progress. success(3) - the operation was done successfully. failed(4) - the operation failed. Enumeration: 'failed': 4, 'inProgress': 2, 'invalidFile': 1, 'success': 3.
                     h3cSysBtmLoadTime timeticks read-only
This object indicates operation time.
             h3cSysPackageNum integer32 read-only
The number of software packages. It indicates the total entries of h3cSysPackageTable.
             h3cSysPackageTable no-access
The system package management table.
                 h3cSysPackageEntry no-access
An software package entry. Each entry consists of information of an software package.
                     h3cSysPackageIndex integer32 no-access
There are two parts for the index depicted as follows: 31 15 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + physical index + package index + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From bit0 to bit15 (two bytes) is the Package index; Package file Index is a monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing events. When it reaches the maximum value, an extremely unlikely event, the agent wraps the value back to 1 and may flush existing entries. From bit16 to bit31 (two bytes) is the physical index the same as the entPhysicalIndex specified in ENTITY-MIB. Any index beyond the above range will not be supported. If a file is added in, its h3cSysPackageIndex will be the maximum image index plus one. If the package file is removed, renamed, or moved from one place to another, its h3cSysPackageIndex is not reallocated. If the package file's content is replaced, its h3cSysPackageIndex will not change.
                     h3cSysPackageName displaystring read-only
The file name of the package. It MUST NOT contain the path of the file.
                     h3cSysPackageSize unsigned32 read-only
Size of the file in bytes.
                     h3cSysPackageLocation displaystring read-only
The directory path of the package. Its form should be the same as what defined in file system. Currently it is defined as follows: For mainboard: flash:/ For slave mainboard and subboards: slotN#flash:/
                     h3cSysPackageType integer read-only
It indicates the type of the package file. boot : kernel, file system, memory management and other core components. system : interface management, configuration management and other basic system package. feature : feature packages, providing different services. patch : patch file contains fixes for a specific defect. Enumeration: 'patch': 4, 'boot': 1, 'system': 2, 'feature': 3.
                     h3cSysPackageAttribute integer read-write
It indicates the attribute of the package file. If the value is 'primary', the package will be the first package in the next reloading procedure. If the value is 'secondary', the package will be used if the primary package fails. If the value is 'none', it will not be used in the next reloading procedure. Enumeration: 'primarySecondary': 4, 'none': 1, 'primary': 2, 'secondary': 3.
                     h3cSysPackageStatus integer read-only
It indicates the status of the package file. If this file is used in the current system, its status is 'active'. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'inactive': 2.
                     h3cSysPackageDescription displaystring read-only
It is the description of the package.
                     h3cSysPackageFeature displaystring read-only
Indicate the feature of the package. Different package files could be the same feature.
                     h3cSysPackageVersion displaystring read-only
Indicate the version of the package.
             h3cSysPackageOperateEntryLimit integer32 read-write
The maximum number of the entries in h3cSysPackageOperateTable.
             h3cSysPackageOperateTable no-access
A table of package file operate.
                 h3cSysPackageOperateEntry no-access
An operate request entry.
                     h3cSysPackageOperateIndex integer32 no-access
The unique index value of a row in this table.
                     h3cSysPackageOperatePackIndex integer32 read-only
Specify the package file in the h3cSysPackageTable.
                     h3cSysPackageOperateStatus integer read-only
activate or deactivate a package in the h3cSysPackageTable. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'inactive': 2.
                     h3cSysPackageOperateRowStatus rowstatus read-only
the status of this table entry. When the status is active all the object's value in the entry is not allowed to modified.
                     h3cSysPackageOperateResult integer read-only
the result of the operation. Enumeration: 'opNotSupport': 5, 'opInProgress': 1, 'opUnknownFailure': 3, 'opInvalidFile': 4, 'opSuccess': 2.
             h3cSysIpeFileNum integer32 read-only
The number of software IPE(Image Package Envelop) files. It indicates the total entries of h3cSysIpeFileTable.
             h3cSysIpeFileTable no-access
The system IPE file manage table.
                 h3cSysIpeFileEntry no-access
An IPE package file entry. Each entry consists of information of an IPE package file. h3cSysIpeFileIndex exclusively decides an IPE file.
                     h3cSysIpeFileIndex integer32 no-access
There are two parts for the index depicted as follows: 31 15 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + physical index + IPE index + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From bit0 to bit15 (two bytes) is the IPE file index; IPE file Index is a monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing events. When it reaches the maximum value, an extremely unlikely event, the agent wraps the value back to 1 and may flush existing entries. From bit16 to bit31 (two bytes) is the physical index the same as the entPhysicalIndex specified in ENTITY-MIB. Any index beyond the above range will not be supported. If a file is added in, its h3cSysIpeFileIndex will be the maximum image ndex plus one. If the IPE file is removed, renamed, or moved from one place to another, its h3cSysIpeFileIndex is not reallocated. If the IPE file's content is replaced, its h3cSysIpeFileIndex will not change.
                     h3cSysIpeFileName displaystring read-only
The file name of the IPE file. It MUST NOT contain the path of the file.
                     h3cSysIpeFileSize unsigned32 read-only
Size of the file in bytes.
                     h3cSysIpeFileLocation displaystring read-only
The directory path of the IPE file. Its form should be the same as what defined in file system. Currently it is defined as follows: For mainboard: flash:/ For slave mainboard and subboards: slotN#flash:/
             h3cSysIpePackageTable no-access
The IPE package file table. It shows the package files in the IPE file.
                 h3cSysIpePackageEntry no-access
An entry of the h3cIpePackageTable. Indexed by h3cSysIpeFileIndex and h3cSysIpePackageIndex.
                     h3cSysIpePackageIndex integer32 no-access
It is the IPE package index; IPE Package Index is a monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing events. When it reaches the maximum value, an extremely unlikely event, the agent wraps the value back to 1 and may flush existing entries. Any index beyond the above range will not be supported.
                     h3cSysIpePackageName displaystring read-only
The file name of the package file.
                     h3cSysIpePackageSize unsigned32 read-only
Size of the package file in bytes.
                     h3cSysIpePackageType integer read-only
It indicates the type of the package file. boot : kernel, file system, memory management and other core components. system : interface management, configuration management and other basic system package. feature : feature packages, providing different services. patch : patch file contains fixes for a specific defect. Enumeration: 'patch': 4, 'boot': 1, 'system': 2, 'feature': 3.
                     h3cSysIpePackageDescription displaystring read-only
It is the description of the package.
                     h3cSysIpePackageFeature displaystring read-only
Indicate the feature of the package.
                     h3cSysIpePackageVersion displaystring read-only
The version of the package.
             h3cSysIpeFileOperateTable no-access
A table of IPE file operate.
                 h3cSysIpeFileOperateEntry no-access
An operate request entry.
                     h3cSysIpeFileOperateIndex integer32 no-access
The unique index value of a row in this table.
                     h3cSysIpeFileOperateFileIndex integer32 read-only
Specify the IPE file in the h3cSysIpeFileTable. This IPE file will be unpacked to package files.
                     h3cSysIpeFileOperateAttribute integer read-only
It indicates the attribute of the IPE file when it is used in the reloading. If the value is 'primary', the packages in the IPE file will be the first packages in the next reloading procedure. If the value is 'secondary', the package in the IPE file will be used if the primary packages fails. If the value is 'none', the IPE file is only unpacked, will not be used in the reloading procedure. Enumeration: 'primarySecondary': 4, 'none': 1, 'primary': 2, 'secondary': 3.
                     h3cSysIpeFileOperateRowStatus rowstatus read-only
the status of this table entry. When the status is active all the object's value in the entry is not allowed to modified.
                     h3cSysIpeFileOperateResult integer read-only
the result of the operation. Enumeration: 'opInProgress': 1, 'opFileOpenError': 6, 'opInvalidFile': 4, 'opDeviceFull': 5, 'opSuccess': 2, 'opUnknownFailure': 3.
A clock changed notification is generated when the current local date and time for the system has been manually changed. The value of h3cSysLocalClock reflects new date and time.
A h3cSysReloadNotification will be sent before the corresponding entity is rebooted. It will also be sent if the entity fails to reboot because the clock has changed.
a h3cSysStartUpNotification trap will be sent when the system starts up with 'main' image file failed, a trap will be sent to indicate which type the current image file (I.e backup or secure)is.
The compliance statement for entities which implement the system management MIB.
A collection of objects providing mandatory system clock information.
A collection of objects providing mandatory system reload.
A collection of objects providing mandatory system image information.
A collection of objects providing mandatory system configuration file information.
A collection of system current status.
A collection of notifications.
A collection of objects providing system update bootrom information.