ZYXEL-L2PT-MIB: View SNMP OID List / Download MIB


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Download standard MIB format if you are planning to load a MIB file into some system (OS, Zabbix, PRTG ...) or view it with a MIB browser. CSV is more suitable for analyzing and viewing OID' and other MIB objects in excel. JSON and YAML formats are usually used in programing even though some systems can use MIB in YAML format (like Logstash).
Keep in mind that standard MIB files can be successfully loaded by systems and programs only if all the required MIB's from the "Imports" section are already loaded.
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Object Name OID Type Access Info
The subtree for Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling (L2PT)
           zyL2ptState enabledstatus read-write
Enable/disable L2PT (Layer 2 protocol tunneling) feature on the switch. L2PT is used on the service provider's edge devices. L2PT allows edge switches to tunnel layer 2 STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) and VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol) packets between customer switches connected through the service provider's network. The edge switch encapsulates layer 2 protocol packets with a specific MAC address before sending them across the service provider's network to other edge switches.
           zyL2ptMacAddress macaddress read-write
Specify an MAC address with which the switch uses to encapsulate the layer 2 protocol packets by replacing the destination MAC address in the packets.
           zyxelL2ptTable no-access
The table contains L2PT configuration.
               zyxelL2ptEntry no-access
An entry contains L2PT configuration.
                   zyL2ptProtocolGroup bits read-write
Enable/disable L2PT protocols on the port. Select this option to have the Switch tunnel CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) packets so that other Cisco devices can be discovered through the service provider's network. Select this option to have the Switch tunnel STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) packets so that STP can run properly across the service provider's network and spanning trees can be set up based on bridge information from all (local and remote) networks. Select this option to have the Switch tunnel VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol) packets so that all customer switches can use consistent VLAN configuration through the service provider's network. Bits: 'stp': 1, 'cdp': 0, 'vtp': 2.
                   zyL2ptPointToPointProtocolGroup bits read-write
Enable/Disable L2PT point-to-point protocols on the port. The switch supports PAgP (Port Aggregation Protocol), LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) and UDLD (UniDirectional Link Detection) tunneling for a point-to-point topology. Both PAgP and UDLD are Cisco's proprietary data link layer protocols. PAgP is similar to LACP and used to set up a logical aggregation of Ethernet ports automatically. UDLD is to determine the link's physical status and detect a unidirectional link. Bits: 'pagp': 0, 'lacp': 1, 'udld': 2.
                   zyL2ptMode integer read-write
Select access to have the switch encapsulate the incoming layer 2 protocol packets and forward them to the tunnel port(s). Select access for ingress ports at the edge of the service provider's network. Select Tunnel for egress ports at the edge of the service provider's network. Enumeration: 'access': 1, 'tunnel': 2.