ZTE-AN-UAPS-MIB: View SNMP OID List / Download MIB


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Object Name OID Type Access Info
The MIB module for the management of UAPS function.
           zxAnUapsCapabilities bits read-only
The UAPS management capabilities of this equipment. The bit value 1 means the function represented by this bit is supported. portsTableSupported(0): value 1 means zxAnUapsPrimaryPortsTable and zxAnUapsSecondaryPortsTable are supported. In this case, the UAPS primary port list and second port list should be created or deleted by zxAnUapsPrimaryPortsTable and zxAnUapsSecondaryPortsTable, instead of the zxAnUapsPrimaryPortList and zxAnUapsPrimaryPortList. Bits: 'portsTableSupported': 0.
           zxAnUapsGroupTable no-access
This table includes the managed objects of the UAPS group.
               zxAnUapsGroupEntry no-access
An entry in zxAnUapsGroupTable.
                   zxAnUapsGroupIndex integer32 no-access
The index of UAPS group.
                   zxAnUapsGroupName displaystring read-only
The name of UAPS group.
                   zxAnUapsPrimaryPortList object identifier read-only
The primary UAPS ports. The maximum port numbers joined in this port list should not be more than 4. Each member of this variable is ifIndex of a port.
                   zxAnUapsSecondaryPortList object identifier read-only
The secondary UAPS ports. The maximum port numbers joined in this port list should not be more than 4. Furthermore, the port numbers joined in this port list should be equal to the zxAnUapsPrimaryPortList's. Each number of this variable is ifIndex of a port.
                   zxAnUapsPortWorkingStatus integer read-only
It indicates which port group is in working state. Enumeration: 'secondaryPortInWorking': 2, 'primaryPortInWorking': 1.
                   zxAnUapsAutoFailbackEnable integer read-only
Enables or disables recovery to the UAPS primary port automatically when the primary port is normal again. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
                   zxAnUapsNextHopIpType inetaddresstype read-only
Next hop IP type.
                   zxAnUapsNextHopIp inetaddress read-only
Next hop IP. Only IPv4 is supported now. If it is, UAPS will not check the link of next hop.
                   zxAnUapsIpLinkType integer read-only
The link type used to check IP link status. Enumeration: 'defaultIpLink': 1, 'serviceIpLink': 2.
                   zxAnUapsIpLinkCheckRetries integer32 read-only
The retries of checking link status.
                   zxAnUapsIpLinkCheckTimeout integer32 read-only
The timeout of checking link status.
                   zxAnUapsIpLinkStatus integer read-only
The status of IP link. Enumeration: 'down': 2, 'testing': 3, 'up': 1, 'invalid': 4.
                   zxAnUapsSwapMode integer read-only
It indicates swap mode. common: If one port of working port list down, all ports will swap to slave port list. trunk: Only when all working ports down, ports will swap to slave port list. upPortNum: If the number of up working ports is less than the number of up slave ports, swap to slave port list. Enumeration: 'upPortNum': 3, 'common': 1, 'trunk': 2.
                   zxAnUapsForceSwap integer read-only
Force to swap the primary and secondary ports. Enumeration: 'swap': 1.
                   zxAnUapsSwapReason integer read-only
It indicates the reason of swap. failback(1): Primary port is recovery. failoverByPhyLinkDown(2): Primary port is in fault of physical layer. failoverByIpLinkDown(3): Primary port is in fault of IP layer. forceSwap(4): Force swap. swapByPhyLinkUp(5): In upPortNum mode, swap may be caused by physical link up. swapByPortAdded(6): Swap caused by adding new port. swapByPortDeleted(7): Swap caused by deleting port. swapBySwapModeChanged(8): Swap caused by changing swap mode. noSwap(255): No swap. Enumeration: 'swapBySwapModeChanged': 8, 'swapByPhyLinkUp': 5, 'forceSwap': 4, 'swapByPortDeleted': 7, 'noSwap': 255, 'failoverByPhyLinkDown': 2, 'swapByPortAdded': 6, 'failoverByIpLinkDown': 3, 'failback': 1.
                   zxAnUapsSwapRequestInCache bits read-only
It indicates the swap request in memory. Bits: 'swapBySwapModeChanged': 7, 'swapByPhyLinkUp': 4, 'forceSwap': 3, 'swapByPortDeleted': 6, 'failoverByPhyLinkDown': 1, 'swapByPortAdded': 5, 'failoverByIpLinkDown': 2, 'failback': 0.
                   zxAnUapsSwapLastRequest integer read-only
It indicates the last swap request. Enumeration: 'swapBySwapModeChanged': 8, 'swapByPhyLinkUp': 5, 'forceSwap': 4, 'swapByPortDeleted': 7, 'noSwap': 255, 'failoverByPhyLinkDown': 2, 'swapByPortAdded': 6, 'failoverByIpLinkDown': 3, 'failback': 1.
                   zxAnUapsProtectionTime integer32 read-only
The protection time of UAPS. When the fail time of port is larger than it, the UAPS module should failover to the secondary port.
                   zxAnUapsIsInProtectionTime truthvalue read-only
It indicates if the UAPS is in protection time status.
                   zxAnUapsSlavePortTxOptShutdown integer read-only
If it is enabled, the slave port transmitted optical signal will be shutdown. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
                   zxAnUapsFailureTime unsigned32 read-only
It indicates the time since the secondary UAPS ports became in working or any port of this UAPS group was down. After the primary UAPS ports become in working and all ports of this UAPS group are up, it's value will be zero.
                   zxAnUapsGroupRowStatus rowstatus read-only
The status of this conceptual row. To create a row in this table, a manager must set this object to createAndGo(4). To delete a row in this table, a manager must set this object to destroy(6).
           zxAnUapsPrimaryPortsTable no-access
This table includes the primary ports of the UAPS group.
               zxAnUapsPrimaryPortsEntry no-access
An entry in zxAnUapsPrimaryPortsTable.
                   zxAnUapsPrimaryPortsRowStatus rowstatus read-only
The status of this conceptual row. To create a row in this table, a manager must set this object to createAndGo(4). To delete a row in this table, a manager must set this object to destroy(6).
           zxAnUapsSecondaryPortsTable no-access
This table includes the secondary ports of the UAPS group.
               zxAnUapsSecondaryPortsEntry no-access
An entry in zxAnUapsSecondaryPortsTable.
                   zxAnUapsSecondaryPortsRowStatus rowstatus read-only
The status of this conceptual row. To create a row in this table, a manager must set this object to createAndGo(4). To delete a row in this table, a manager must set this object to destroy(6).
It indicates the primary and secondary port of UAPS module has swapped.
A zxAnUapsSwappedAlm is sent when the agent has detected that the primary/secondary ports of UAPS module have swapped.
A zxAnUapsSwappedClr trap is sent when the agent has detected that the zxAnUapsSwappedAlm is cleared manually.