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Object Name OID Type Access Info
           swWebAuthAdminState integer read-write
This object enables/disables the web-based authentication status of the device. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'other': 1, 'enabled': 3.
           swWebAuthMethod integer read-write
This object indicates the authentication method type. The RADIUS method is authenticated per authentication server. Enumeration: 'radius': 2, 'local': 1.
           swWebAuthVlanName displaystring read-write
This object indicates the authentication method VLAN name.
           swWebAuthAllPortstate integer read-write
This object enables/disables the authentication state of all ports on the device. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'other': 1, 'enabled': 3.
           swWebAuthDefaultredirpath displaystring read-write
The URL that the client will be redirected to after successful authentication. Initially, the redirected path is an empty string. It must be specified by the user before the function can be enabled.
           swWebAuthLogouttimer integer read-write
The authenticated port will revert to an un-authenticated state after the logout times out. When the value is 0, it means the logout timer is infinite and the authenticated port will never revert to an un-authenticated state. The default value is 60 minutes.
           swWACVirtualIpAddr ipaddress read-write
Specifies the WAC virtual IP address which is used to accept authentication requests from an unauthenticated host. The virtual IP of WAC is used to accept authentication requests from an unauthenticated host. Only requests sent to this IP will get a correct response. NOTE: This IP does not respond to ARP requests or ICMP packets.
           swWACSwitchHttpProtocol integer read-write
Specifies which WAC protocol runs on this TCP port. Enumeration: 'http': 1, 'https': 2.
           swWACSwitchHttpPort integer read-write
Specifies the TCP port which the WAC switch listens to and uses to finish the authenticating process.
           swWACAuthFailOverState integer read-write
This object enables/disables the web-based authentication auth_failover status of the device. When the authentication failover is enabled, if RADIU servers authentication are unreachable, the local database will be used to do the authentication. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
           swWACRadiusAuthorizationState integer read-write
This object enables/disables the web-based authentication RADIUS authorization status of the device. When the RADIUS authorization state is disabled, the assigned information from the RADIUS server will be ignored. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
           swWACLocalAuthorizationState integer read-write
This object enables/disables the web-based authentication local authorization status of the device. When the local authorization state is disabled, the assigned information from the local database will be ignored. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
           swWACAuthClearDefaultredirpath integer read-write
This object is used to clear the default redirect URL that has been previously configured. Enumeration: 'start': 2, 'other': 1.
           swWACVirtualIPv6Addr ipv6address read-write
Specifies the WAC virtual IPv6 address which is used to accept authentication requests from an unauthenticated host. The virtual IP of WAC is used to accept authentication requests from an unauthenticated host. Only requests sent to this IP will get a correct response. NOTE: This IP does not respond to ARP requests or ICMP packets.
           swWACAuthInfoTable no-access
This table contains WAC client host information.
               swWACAuthInfoEntry no-access
This list contains WAC client host information.
                   swWACAuthInfoPort integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host port number.
                   swWACAuthInfoAuthStatus integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host Authentication state. Enumeration: 'authenticating': 2, 'authenticated': 1, 'blocked': 3.
                   swWACAuthInfoMACAddr macaddress read-only
Specifies the WAC host MAC address.
                   swWACAuthInfoVID vlanid read-only
Specifies the WAC host VID.
                   swWACAuthInfoRemainAgeTime integer read-only
Specifies the remaining WAC host agetime. 0 indicates the authenticated host on the port will never age out.
                   swWACAuthInfoIdleTime integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host idle time. 0 indicates the idle state of the authenticated host on the port will never be checked.
                   swWACAuthInfoBlockTime integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host block time.
                   swWACAuthInfoStatus integer read-write
Specifies the status of the WAC host. Setting delete (2) will delete this WAC host entry. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'delete': 2.
                   swWACAuthInfoPriority integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host priority assigned when pass authentication. -1 indicates the host has no priority assigned.
           swWACAuthStateTable no-access
This table contains WAC client host information.
               swWACAuthStateEntry no-access
This list contains WAC client host information.
                   swWACAuthStatePort integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host port number.
                   swWACAuthStateOriginalVid vlanid read-only
Specifies the WAC host original receive VLAN ID.
                   swWACAuthStateMACAddr macaddress read-only
Specifies the WAC host MAC address.
                   swWACAuthStateAuthStatus integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host Authentication state. Enumeration: 'authenticating': 2, 'authenticated': 1, 'blocked': 3.
                   swWACAuthStateAssignVid vlanid read-only
Specifies the WAC host assign VID.
                   swWACAuthStateAssignPriority integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host priority assigned when pass authentication. -1 indicates the host has no priority assigned.
                   swWACAuthStateRemainTime integer read-only
Specifies the remaining WAC host aging time/ block time. 0 indicates the authenticated host on the port will never age out.
                   swWACAuthStateIdleTime integer read-only
Specifies the WAC host idle time. 0 indicates the idle state of the authenticated host on the port will never be checked.
                   swWACAuthStateDelAction integer read-write
Used to delete the specified authentication entry. Setting delete(2) will delete this WAC host entry. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'delete': 2.
           swWebAuthPortTable no-access
A table that contains method and state information for every port.
               swWebAuthPortEntry no-access
A list of method types and states for each port.
                   swWebAuthPortIndex integer read-only
This object indicates the module's port number.
                   swWebAuthPortState integer read-write
This object enables/disables the authentication state of this port. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'other': 1, 'enabled': 3.
                   swWebAuthPortUserName displaystring read-only
This object indicates the user name of the port.
                   swWebAuthAuthStatus integer read-only
This object indicates whether the current port is authenticated or not. Enumeration: 'unauthenticated': 1, 'authenticated': 2.
                   swWebAuthAssignedVID integer read-only
This object indicates the assigned VLAN ID of this port.
                   swWACPortAgeingTime integer read-write
Specifies the time period during which an authenticated host will remain in the authenticated state. 0 indicates the authenticated host will never age out on the port.
                   swWACPortIdleTime integer read-write
Specifies the idle_time. If there is no traffic during idle_time, the host will be moved back to the unauthenticated state. 0 indicates the idle state of the authenticated host on the port will never be checked.
                   swWACPortBlockTime integer read-write
Specifies the block_time. If a host fails to pass authentication, it will be blocked for a period specified by the block_time.
           swWebAuthUserTable no-access
A table that contains web-based authentication account info.
               swWebAuthUserEntry no-access
A list that contains web-based authentication account info.
                   swWebAuthUserNameIndex displaystring read-only
This object indicates the username with 15 being the maximum number of characters.
                   swWebAuthUserPWD displaystring read-only
This object indicates the password (maximum number of characters is 15) for this user account. It is write-only.
                   swWebAuthUserVlanName displaystring read-only
This object indicates the VLAN name for this user account.
                   swWebAuthUserStatus rowstatus read-only
This object manages this entry.
                   swWebAuthUserVID integer read-only
This object indicates the VID for this user account. 0 indicates to delete configure VID in this user account.