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Object Name OID Type Access Info
                   vStationFirstDigitTimeout integer read-write
Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for the first digit.
                   vStationDigitTimeout integer read-write
Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait between digits.
                   vStationOffHookTimeout integer read-write
Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for the user to hang up phone after call disconnects or user executes an invalid operation. Howler tone is applied at timeout.
                   vStationNumStationCards integer read-write
Specifies the number of station cards installed in the system.
                   vStationExternalDialDigit displaystring read-write
Identifies the starting digit for making an external call.
                   vStationCardTable no-access
Table of status, control and configuraion about cards containing station devices within the system. There are as many entries as there are cards containing station devices
                       vStationCardEntry no-access
An entry in the Vertical Station Card table.
                           vStationCardSlotNumber integer read-only
Physical slot in the system in which the card is installed.
                           vStationCardType integer read-only
The Vertical's card Type. The following types are defined: card-type-NOT-CONFIGURED = 0, card-type-24-CHANNEL-STATION = 2, card-type-BRIDGE1 = 4 Enumeration: 'card-type-NOT-CONFIGURED': 0, 'card-type-BRIDGE1': 4, 'card-type-24-CHANNEL-STATION': 2.
                           vStationCardIOPortAddress integer read-only
The ISA bus base address for this Card.
                           vStationCardState integer read-only
The current status of the card. The valid values are 0 -> Disabled, 1 -> Enabled, 0xff -> Removed. Enumeration: 'disabled': 0, 'removed': 255, 'enabled': 1.
                           vStationCardErrorLED integer read-only
All Vertical cards have an ERROR LED and a READY LED. The combined values of these LEDs are as follows - ERRORLed READYLed VALUE OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OFF OFF (0 0) Invalid state ON OFF (1 0) Just after power up. This state remains until card is ready to service io. ON ON (1 1) Statue during software initialization OFF ON (0 1) The normal operational state of the card.
                           vStationCardReadyLED integer read-only
All Vertical cards have a READY LED and an ERROR LED. The combined values of these LEDs are as follows - ERRORLed READYLed OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OFF OFF invalid state ON OFF Just after power up. This state remains until card is ready to service io. ON ON Statue during software initialization OFF ON The normal operational state of the card.
                   vStationDeviceTable no-access
Table of status, control and configuraion about station devices within the system. There are as many entries as there are station devices.
                       vStationDeviceEntry no-access
An entry in the Vertical Station device Configuration table.
                           vStationDeviceSlotNumber integer read-only
Physical slot number inside the system in which the card containing this device is installed
                           vStationDeviceDeviceNumber integer read-only
The logical device number for this station device in its card.
                           vStationDeviceIfIndex integer read-only
The interface Index for this device. The value for this object correlates to the IfIndex found in MIB-II.
                           vStationDeviceBaseIOAddress integer read-only
The ISA bus base address for this Card.
                           vStationDeviceEnabled integer read-write
Setting this variable to Disabled will disable this particular station device. Enumeration: 'disabled': 0, 'enabled': 1.
                           vStationDeviceInterrupt integer read-only
Interrupt Request level for this card.
                           vStationDeviceNumChannels integer read-only
The ISA bus address for this Card.
                           vStationDeviceMVIPStartingChannel integer read-only
Vertical card revision level.
                           vStationDeviceMVIPStream integer read-only
Vertical card identification number.
                           vStationDeviceType integer read-only
Specifies the Type of this device Valid values are : dev-undef, // 0 : undefined dev-station, // 8 : Station channels Enumeration: 'dev-undef': 0, 'dev-station': 8.
                           vStationDeviceChangePending integer read-write
Interrupt Request level for this card/trunk.
                   vStationChannelTable no-access
Table of status, control and configuraion about station device channels within the system. There is an entry for each channel of each station device.
                       vStationChannelEntry no-access
An entry in the Vertical Station device Configuration table.
                           vStationChannelIndex integer read-only
This is the logical channel number of the channel within its station device. For 12 channel station devices, it is between 1 and 12 and for 24 channel stations, it is between 1 and 24.
                           vStationChannelSlotNumber integer read-only
The value for this object is the logical number of the slot in which the card containing this channel is located (vStationDeviceSlotNumber).
                           vStationChannelDeviceNumber integer read-only
The value for this object is the logical device number of the device containing this channel within its slot, ie vStationDeviceDeviceNumber
                           vStationChannelChannelType integer read-write
The Channel Type. Valid values are 1 -> Loop Start Enumeration: 'loopStart': 1.
                           vStationChannelMWIType integer read-write
Defines the type of Message Waiting Indication. The valid values are : 1 -> stutter, 2 -> lamp. Enumeration: 'lamp': 2, 'stutter': 1.
                           vStationChannelOperationMode integer read-write
Defines the operation mode of the channel. Valid values are : 1 -> station, 2 -> voiceMail, 3 -> PBX. Enumeration: 'voiceMail': 2, 'station': 1, 'pBX': 3.
                           vStationChannelState integer read-write
Indicates the operational status of this channel. Valid values are: 0 -> disabled, 1 -> enabled, 2 -> not configured Enumeration: 'disabled': 0, 'enabled': 1, 'notConfigured': 2.
                           vStationChannelType integer read-write
The phone type for this particular channel. Valid values are: 1 -> basic, 2 -> callerID, 3 -> callerID-callWaiting (caller ID with call waiting). Enumeration: 'callerID-callWaiting': 3, 'callerID': 2, 'basic': 1.
                           vStationChannelCallState integer read-only
Indicates the phone call state of this channel. Valid values are: call-state-VOID (0), -> invalid state call-state-IDLE (1), -> the line is in idle state call-state-DIALING (2), -> the line is originating a call call-state-COLLECT-FIRST-DIGIT (3), -> waiting to collect the first digit call-state-COLLECT-DIGITS (4), -> collecting additional digits call-state-CALL-OFFERED (5), -> the station call request has been offered to the PBX control call-state-PROCEEDING (6), -> the call is in progress call-state-RINGING (7), -> the call has seized a destination line call-state-ALERTING (8), -> the destination has been seized call-state-CONNECTED (9), -> the destination has answered the call call-state-DISCONNECTING (10), -> the call is in the process of terminating call-state-FAILED (11), -> the call attempt failed, wait for hangup call-state-UNAVAILABLE (12), -> destination is not available to receive call call-state-OFFHOOK (13), -> the call has been completed but the phone is offhook call-state-INITIALIZE (14), -> initialize the call object (binds with Conn Mgr) call-state-INITIALIZING (15), -> waiting for the response from Conn Mgr (Inservice Ack) call-state-DIAL-REQUEST (16), -> call object sent up OffhookInd and waiting for ACK call-state-HELD (17), -> the call has been put on hold call-state-FEATURE-INVOKED (18), -> indications that a feature has been invoked and waiting response call-state-OFFHOOK-IDLE (19), -> indicates that the phone is set to offhook and is IDLE call-state-OFFHOOK-ACTIVE (20), -> indicates that the phone is set to offhook and is ACTIVE call-state-OUT-OF-SERVICE (21), -> indicates that the phone is out of service call-state-OUTPULSING (22), -> digits are being sent to the external key or voice mail system Enumeration: 'call-state-HELD': 17, 'call-state-COLLECT-FIRST-DIGIT': 3, 'call-state-IDLE': 1, 'call-state-INITIALIZE': 14, 'call-state-OUTPULSING': 22, 'call-state-INITIALIZING': 15, 'call-state-DISCONNECTING': 10, 'call-state-CONNECTED': 9, 'call-state-DIAL-REQUEST': 16, 'call-state-DIALING': 2, 'call-state-ALERTING': 8, 'call-state-OFFHOOK': 13, 'call-state-FEATURE-INVOKED': 18, 'call-state-OFFHOOK-ACTIVE': 20, 'call-state-RINGING': 7, 'call-state-UNAVAILABLE': 12, 'call-state-PROCEEDING': 6, 'call-state-OFFHOOK-IDLE': 19, 'call-state-FAILED': 11, 'call-state-OUT-OF-SERVICE': 21, 'call-state-VOID': 0, 'call-state-COLLECT-DIGITS': 4, 'call-state-CALL-OFFERED': 5.
                           vStationChannelCalledPartyNumber displaystring read-only
Indicates the called party number, either an internal extension or external number.
                           vStationChannelCallingPartyNumber displaystring read-only
Indicates the calling party number, either an internal extension or external number.
                           vStationChannelChangePending integer read-write
Indicates that a change to the channel values have been made to the registry. The intepretation of the values are : 1 => change made to the registry, but not incorporated in the device yet 0 => the device changes the value to 0 from 1, after it incorporates the value from registry.
                   vStationFirstDigitTable no-access
Table of settings for each digits (0-9) which may be dialled as the first digit. There are 10 entries, one for each digit, in this table.
                       vStationFirstDigitEntry no-access
An entry in the Vertical Station First Digit Table.
                           vStationDigitIndex integer read-only
This is the index to an entry in the first digit table
                           vStationDigitString displaystring read-only
The first digit string . Valid values : '0' to '9'
                           vStationDigitCallType integer read-write
Type of call generated by this digit. Valid values are : fc-VOID (0), // undefined feature code fc-HOLD-CALL (1), fc-PARK-CALL (2), fc-STATION-CALL (3), fc-LONG-DISTANCE-CALL (4), fc-INTERNATIONAL-CALL (5), fc-LOCAL-CALL (6), fc-OPERATOR-CALL (7), fc-RECEPTIONIST-CALL (8), fc-CAMP-ON-CALL (9) Enumeration: 'fc-INTERNATIONAL-CALL': 5, 'fc-STATION-CALL': 3, 'fc-LOCAL-CALL': 6, 'fc-OPERATOR-CALL': 7, 'fc-HOLD-CALL': 1, 'fc-PARK-CALL': 2, 'fc-RECEPTIONIST-CALL': 8, 'fc-VOID': 0, 'fc-LONG-DISTANCE-CALL': 4, 'fc-CAMP-ON-CALL': 9.
                           vStationDigitMoreDigits integer read-write
The number of additional digits to collect after the matched digits.
                           vStationDigitTimeout2 integer read-write
Indicates whether the dialling should terminate on a timeout. valid values are : dontTerminate -> 0 terminate -> 1 Enumeration: 'terminate': 1, 'dontTerminate': 0.
                           vStationDigitStripDigits integer read-write
Indicates the number of leading digits to strip from the digitss collected before they are reported up to the connection manager.
                       vStationMWILampON displaystring read-write
Command expected from the external voice mail system to turn on a station's lamp.
                       vStationMWILampOFF displaystring read-write
Command expected from the external voice mail system to turn off a station's lamp.
                       vStationVMCallHandleTable no-access
Table of settings and commands for accessing the voice mail port for different types of access, i.e. external caller coming directly to voice mail port, external caller being forwarded to a voice mail port, etc.
                           vStationVMCallHandleEntry no-access
An entry in the Vertical Station Voice Mail call handle table.
                               vStationVMCallHandleIndex integer read-only
This is the index to an entry in the Voice Mail call handle table.
                               vStationVMCallHandleType integer read-only
Indicates the type of access to voice mail port made. valid values are : directExternal (1) -> An external caller coming directly into the voice mail port. forwardExternal (2) -> An external caller caling an extension, but was then forwarded to the voice mail port. directInternal (3) -> An internal caller coming directly into the voice mail port. forwardInternal (4) -> An internal caller caling an extension, but was then forwarded to the voice mail port. Enumeration: 'forwardExternal': 2, 'directInternal': 3, 'directExternal': 1, 'forwardInternal': 4.
                               vStationVMCallHandleOpcode octet string read-write
The opcode string for this operation.
                               vStationVMCallHandleSRCNumber octet string read-write
The source number format string. It contains a C type '%s' where the source number would be filled in
                               vStationVMCallHandleDSTNumber octet string read-write
The destination number format string. It contains a C type '%s' where the destination number would be filled in
This notification is sent when the specific channel cannot play tone.
This notification is sent when the specific channel cannot cancel tone.
This notification is sent when the specific channel cannot attach digits collected
This notification is sent when the specific channel cannot release digits collected
This notification is sent when the specific station device successfully reads and incorporates the values from the registry.
This notification is sent when the specific station device fails to incorporate the values read from the registry.