USB-MIB: View SNMP OID List / Download MIB


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Download standard MIB format if you are planning to load a MIB file into some system (OS, Zabbix, PRTG ...) or view it with a MIB browser. CSV is more suitable for analyzing and viewing OID' and other MIB objects in excel. JSON and YAML formats are usually used in programing even though some systems can use MIB in YAML format (like Logstash).
Keep in mind that standard MIB files can be successfully loaded by systems and programs only if all the required MIB's from the "Imports" section are already loaded.
The tree-like SNMP object navigator requires no explanations because it is very simple to use. And if you stumbled on this MIB from Google note that you can always go back to the home page if you need to perform another MIB or OID lookup.

Object Name OID Type Access Info
The MIB module to describe the USB interface.
             usbNumber integer32 read-only
The number of ports regardless of their current state in the usb general port table
             usbPortTable no-access
A list of port entries. The number of entries is given by the value usbNumber.
                 usbPortEntry no-access
Status and parameter values for the USB port.
                     usbPortIndex integer32 read-only
The unique identifier of the USB port hardware. By convention and if possible, hardware port numbers map directly to external connectors.
                     usbPortType integer read-only
The type of the USB port Enumeration: 'device': 2, 'host': 1, 'hub': 3.
                     usbPortRate integer read-only
The USB port rate that could be low-speed(1) for 1.5 Mbps, full-speed(2) for 12Mbps or high-speed(3) for USB 2.0 Enumeration: 'high-speed': 3, 'low-speed': 1, 'full-speed': 2.
             usbDeviceTable no-access
A list of USB device ports. Usually the device has only one USB device port
                 usbDeviceEntry no-access
Status and parameter values for the USB device port.
                     usbDeviceIndex integer32 read-only
The index is identical to usbPortIndex for the correspondent USB port
                     usbDevicePower integer read-only
the way USB device port is powered Enumeration: 'unknown': 1, 'bus-powered': 3, 'self-powered': 2.
                     usbDeviceVendorID octet string read-only
The USB device port vendor HEX-formatted string as it is provided to the USB host by the USB device
                     usbDeviceProductID octet string read-only
The product ID HEX-formatted string as it is provided to the USB host by the USB device
                     usbDeviceNumberConfigurations integer32 read-only
The total number of configurations the USB port supports. Device port should support at least one configuration
                     usbDeviceActiveClass integer read-only
This object returns USB Device Class type of the active configuration Enumeration: 'other': 1, 'cdc': 2.
                     usbDeviceStatus integer read-only
Current status of the USB device state machine Enumeration: 'powered': 3, 'default': 4, 'configured': 6, 'attached': 2, 'unattached': 1, 'suspended': 7, 'address': 5.
                     usbDeviceEnumCounter counter32 read-only
Total number reconnections (enumerations) since device is operational
                     usbDeviceRemoteWakeup truthvalue read-only
If set to true(1), the device supports Remote Wakeup function. If set to false(2), the device doesn't support it
                     usbDeviceRemoteWakeupOn truthvalue read-only
If set to true(1), the remote wakeup function is activated by the host. If set to false(2), remote wakeup function is not active.
             usbCDCTable no-access
A list of Communication Device Class (CDC) interfaces supported by the USB device. It could be more then one CDC interface for the device that expose more then one interface to the network
                 usbCDCEntry no-access
Status and parameter values for CDC device
                     usbCDCIndex integer32 read-only
The index is identical to usbPortIndex for the correspondent USB port
                     usbCDCIfIndex interfaceindexorzero read-only
The variable uniquely identifies the interface index which this CDC device is representing
                     usbCDCSubclass integer read-only
Subclass used in data transfer in Communication Device Class Enumeration: 'multichannel': 4, 'directLine': 1, 'atm': 7, 'acm': 2, 'telephony': 3, 'other': 0, 'capi': 5, 'ethernet': 6.
                     usbCDCVersion octet string read-only
String that describes the version of Communication Device Class in HEX format (Major, Minor)
                     usbCDCDataTransferType integer read-only
Type of data transfer for Data Class Interface used by the Communication Device. Isochronious mode is used for synchronous(1) and bulk transfer mode is used for asynchronous(2) Enumeration: 'asynchronous': 2, 'synchronous': 1.
                     usbCDCDataEndpoints integer32 read-only
Number of the data endpoints (IN and OUT) used by the Communication Device. If the networking device is in default interface setting, there are are no data endpoints and no traffic is exchanged. Under the normal operation there should be 2 Data Endpoints (one IN and one OUT) for the networking device. For the multichannel model this number could be larger then 2
                     usbCDCStalls counter32 read-only
Total number of times USB Data interface recovered from stall since re-initialization and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'.
             usbCDCEtherTable no-access
A list of Communication Device Class (CDC) USB devices that support Ethernet Networking Control Model.
                 usbCDCEtherEntry no-access
Status and parameter values for CDC devices that support Ethernet Networking Control Model
                     usbCDCEtherIndex integer32 read-only
The index is identical to usbPortIndex for the correspondent USB port
                     usbCDCEtherIfIndex interfaceindexorzero read-only
The variable uniquely identifies the interface index to which this CDC device is connected
                     usbCDCEtherMacAddress macaddress read-only
The 48bit MAC address that is provided by USB CDC device to the host. This address will be used as the source address of Ethernet frames sent by the host over the particular CDC interface.
                     usbCDCEtherPacketFilter bits read-only
Bitmap indicates the host requirements to the USB device to perform Ethernet packet filtering of the particular type frames directed to the host Bits: 'packetPromiscuous': 0, 'packetAllMulticast': 1, 'packetBroadcast': 3, 'packetDirected': 2, 'packetMulticast': 4.
                     usbCDCEtherDataStatisticsCapabilities bits read-only
Bitmap indicates the ability to collect Ethernet statistics of different types as it provided in Ethernet Networking Functional Descriptor. If the Particular bit is set, the device could provide the corresponding statistics counter to the host Bits: 'xmitDeferred': 22, 'xmitUnderrun': 25, 'bytesRcvBroadcastOk': 15, 'framesRcvCrcErr': 17, 'framesRcvBroadcastOk': 16, 'bytesRcvDirectOk': 11, 'frameXmitOk': 0, 'framesRcvDirectOk': 12, 'frameRcvNoBuff': 4, 'xmitQueueLen': 18, 'framesXmitMulticastOk': 8, 'xmitMoreCollisions': 21, 'rcvErrAlignment': 19, 'frameRcvOk': 1, 'frameXmitErr': 2, 'rcvOverrun': 24, 'bytesXmitMulticastOk': 7, 'framesXmitDirectOk': 6, 'bytesXmitDirectOk': 5, 'xmitTimesCrsLost': 27, 'framesRcvMulticastOk': 14, 'frameRcvErr': 3, 'framesXmitBroadcastOk': 10, 'xmitLateCollisions': 28, 'bytesXmitBroadcastOk': 9, 'xmitMaxCollision': 23, 'bytesRcvMulticastOk': 13, 'xmitOneCollision': 20, 'xmitHearbeatFailure': 26.
                     usbCDCEtherDataCheckErrs counter32 read-only
Total number of frames with an invalid frame check sequence, input from the USB Data interface since system re-initialization and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'.
             usbCDCEtherXmtAddressTable no-access
This table contains an entry for each multicast address for which the system will transmit packets/frames on a particular USB interface.
                 usbCDCEtherXmtAddressEntry no-access
A list of objects identifying an address for which the system will send packets/frames on the particular USB interface identified by the index values usbCDCIndex and ifIndex.
                     ifCDCEtherXmtAddress macaddress read-only
An address for which the system will will send packets/frames on the particular USB interface. The address only could be set by the host by using the command for USB interface.
The compliance statement for devices that implement USB MIB
Group of objects that are mandatory to support by device implementing this MIB
This group is implemented only in devices having at least one CDC interface
This group is implemented only in devices having at least one CDC interface that uses Ethernet Networking Control Model or remote NDIS
This group is implemented only for USB CDC interfaces that have transmit multicast filtering capabilities.