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Object Name OID Type Access Info
The value tmnxPythonScriptTableLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxPythonScriptTable.
The table tmnxPythonScriptTable contains objects to configure Python scripts. These scripts are grouped in a script policy in the tmnxPythonPolicyMessageTable.
Each row represents a Python script. Entries in this table can be created or deleted via SNMP operations.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptName specifies the name of this Python script policy.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table.
The value tmnxPythonScriptLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this Python script policy.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptAdminState specifies the administrative state of the Python script.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptOperState indicates the operational state of the Python script.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptDescription specifies the description of this Python script policy.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptOnFail specifies the action taken when Python fails to modify the given message. When the value is passthrough the packet will be sent out without any modifications. When the value is drop the packet will be dropped.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptProtection specifies the method used to ensure the integrity and/or the confidentiality of the content of the Python script. A value of none (1) indicates the Python script is stored in plain text, without any mechanism in place to ensure the integrity nor the confidentiality of the content of the Python script. A value of hmacSha256 indicates the first line of the Python script must consist of the hash value obtained by hashing the rest of the Python script using the hmac-sha256 hashing algorithm given the key specified in tmnxPythonScriptProtectionKey. To set this field you must also set tmnxPythonScriptProtectionKey.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptProtectionKey specifies the secret key used for the protection mechanism specified in tmnxPythonScriptProtection. If tmnxPythonScriptProtection is set to none (1) this key must be set to the empty string. Performing an SNMP GET on this field will always return an empty string.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptPrimaryUrl specifies the URL of the primary script to change the Python message.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptSecondaryUrl specifies the URL of the secondary script to change the Python message.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptTertiaryUrl specifies the URL of the tertiary script to change the Python message.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptActiveUrl indicates from which URL the script has been loaded. A value of primary(1) indicates the URL in tmnxPythonScriptPrimaryUrl has been used. A value of secondary(2) indicates the URL in tmnxPythonScriptSecondaryUrl has been used. A value of tertiary(3) indicates the URL in tmnxPythonScriptTertiaryUrl has been used. A value of none(0) indicates no script has been loaded.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptOperStateDistrib indicates the operational state of the distributed deployment of the Python script.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptCodeSize indicates the bytecode size of the Python script.
The value of tmnxPythonScriptReloadAction specifies whether to reload the Python script file specified by this Python script. When SET to the value of doAction the system will load and parse the file specified in the primary, secondary or tertiary url. An SNMP GET request on this object should return notApplicable.
The value tmnxPythonPolicyTableLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxPythonPolicyTable.
The table tmnxPythonPolicyTable contains objects to configure Python policies.
Each row represents a Python policy. Entries in this table can be created or deleted via SNMP operations.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyName specifies the name of this Python policy.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table.
The value tmnxPyPlcyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this Python policy.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyDescription specifies the description of this Python policy.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyWlanGwGroup specifies the Wireless Local Access Network Gateway (WLAN Gateway) ISA group of this Python policy. While a nonzero value for this object is specified, the scripts associated with this Python policy run on the ISA cards associated with the WLAN Gateway group. The value zero means that no WLAN Gateway group is specified. A nonzero value for this object can only be set while this row is created; a nonzero value must correspond to a row in the TIMETRA-WLAN-GW-MIB::tmnxWlanGwGrpTable. The value of this object cannot be modified while this row is active.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyNatGroup specifies the identifier of the Network Address Translation (NAT) ISA group of this Python policy. While a nonzero value for this object is specified, the scripts associated with this Python policy run on the ISA cards associated with the NAT group. The value zero means that no NAT group is specified. A nonzero value for this object can only be set while this row is created; a nonzero value must correspond to a row in the TIMETRA-NAT-MIB::tmnxNatIsaGrpTable. The value of this object cannot be modified while this row is active.
The value tmnxPythonPolicyCacheTableLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxPythonPolicyCacheTable.
The table tmnxPythonPolicyCacheTable contains objects to configure Python policy caches.
Each row represents the cache of a Python policy. Entries in this table can be created or deleted via SNMP operations.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheEntrySize specifies the maximum size of the data structure that can be stored in a single Python cache entry. When requesting to store a data structure the size of the serialized object is compared with the value specified in this MIB field. If its larger, the object will not be stored and Python will throw an exception.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheMaxEntries specifies the maximum number of Python cache entries that can be stored in the cache of this Python policy. If the limit has been reached, a Python exception will be thrown when requested to store another data structure.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheMaxLifetime specifies the maximum allowed lifetime for each entry of the Python cache of this Python policy. When adding data to the Python cache the lifetime of the given object must always be specified. If the specified lifetime is bigger than the value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheMaxLifetime, the value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheMaxLifetime will be used instead of the lifetime that was specified.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheAdminState specifies the administrative state of the cache of this Python policy.
The value tmnxPyPlcyCacheLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to the cache of this Python policy.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCachePersistent specifies if the cache of this Python policy is persistent.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheMinLifetimeMcs specifies the minimum value for the remaining lifetime of any cache entry to be be synchronized with the peer system using Multi-Chassis Redundancy Synchronization.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheMinLifetimeHa specifies the minimum value for the remaining lifetime of any cache entry to be be synchronized with the standby CPM using High Availability.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheMinLifetimePers specifies the minimum value for the remaining lifetime of any cache entry to be be written to the system persistence file.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyCacheNumberOfEntries indicates the current number of Python cache entries that are stored in the cache of this Python policy.
The value tmnxPythonPolicyMessageTblLstCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxPythonPolicyMessageTable.
The table tmnxPythonPolicyMessageTable specifies when a Python script must be invoked.
Each row represents an event that triggers the execution of the specified Python script. Entries in this table can be created or deleted via SNMP operations.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyMessageType specifies the message type of the event.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyMessageDirection specifies whether the event is incoming or outgoing.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyMessageRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table.
The value tmnxPyPlcyMessageLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this Python policy protocol.
The value of tmnxPyPlcyMessagePyScript specifies the name of the Python script that will be used to handle the message specified by this row.
The value of tmnxPythonProtectFileUrl specifies the URL of the Python script to protect.
The value of tmnxPythonProtectDestFileUrl specifies the URL where the protected Python script must be stored.
The value of tmnxPythonProtectType specifies the method used to ensure the integrity and/or the confidentiality of the content of the Python script.
The value of tmnxPythonProtectKey specifies the secret key used for the protection mechanism specified in tmnxPythonProtectType.
Setting this object to doAction triggers an attempt to protect the Python script file specified in tmnxPythonProtectFileUrl. Reading this object returns the value notApplicable.
The value of the object tmnxPythonProtectActionSuccess indicates if the last action request was successful. If the value of the object equals false, a row in the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB::tmnxSnmpSetErrsTable is created.
The value of the object tmnxPythonProtectActionTime indicates the value of sysUpTime at the last time that the object tmnxPythonProtectActionSuccess was written by the system.
The table tmnxPythonScrStatsTable contains statistics about Python scripts. Conceptual rows in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system.
Each row represents statistics about a particular Python script executed on a particular ISA MDA that is part of a NAT group or WLAN-GW group.
The value of the object tmnxPythonScrStatsIsaGrpId indicates the identifier of a NAT Integrated Service Adaptor group or WLAN Gateway Integrated Service Adaptor group.
The value of the object tmnxPythonScrStatsRunsSuccess indicates the number of times the Python script has run successfully on the ISA MDA.
The value of the object tmnxPythonScrStatsRunsFailed indicates the number of times the Python script has run unsuccessfully on the ISA MDA.
The value of the object tmnxPythonScrStatsRunsTimeout indicates the number of times the Python script timed out while running on the ISA MDA.
The value of the object tmnxPythonScrStatsRunsRateLimit indicates the number of times the Python script was aborted due to rate limitation while running on the ISA MDA.