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Object Name OID Type Access Info
     telProdNpConfigControlBugsClear integer no-access
In writing 1 resets all bugs stored in the system, in reading always 0. Enumeration: 'nondeletebugs': 0, 'deletebugs': 1.
     telProdNpConfigControlReload integer read-write
Reset of the device. Enumeration: 'last-set-failed': 3, 'indeterminated': 4, 'set': 1, 'last-set-ok': 2.
     telProdNpConfigControlRestart integer read-write
Restart of the device. Enumeration: 'last-set-failed': 3, 'indeterminated': 4, 'set': 1, 'last-set-ok': 2.
     telProdNpConfigControlSaveConfig integer read-write
It saves the configuration parameters of the device. Enumeration: 'last-set-failed': 3, 'indeterminated': 4, 'set': 1, 'confirm-set': 5, 'last-set-ok': 2.
     telProdNpConfigControlOKSet integer read-write
Number of processed and returned set by the SNMP agent. If a set to 1 (the only allowed value for set) is realized, the counter is reset to 0.
     telProdNpConfChkSum integer read-write
It establishes a backup of the SRAM to check the integrity of the data contained in it.
     telProdNpConfActDev integer read-write
Active Device. Device used to read and write configuration files. Enumeration: 'smartcard': 2, 'flash': 3, 'smartcard-flash': 1.
     telProdNpConfConfSavedDev integer read-only
Device where the last configuration has been saved. Enumeration: 'smartcard': 1, 'flash': 2, 'smartcard-flash': 3.
     telProdNpConfDataDescription displaystring read-only
A description of the device which includes hardware type, networking software and operating system.
     telProdNpConfDataObjectID object identifier read-only
Object Identifier assigned to the device
     telProdNpConfDataName displaystring read-write
Name assigned to the device (generally the one of TCP/IP).
     telProdNpConfDataContact displaystring read-write
Contact person; along with other data, as the telephone number.
     telProdNpConfDataLocation displaystring read-write
Location; where the device is located physically.
     telProdNpConfDataServices integer read-only
A coded number which indicates the layers for which this node performs services.
     telProdNpConfDataUptime timeticks read-only
Time in hundredths of a second from the last reboot of the device.
     telProdNpConfDataBuffersRxTable no-access
BuffersRx list. The value of the interface determines the entry number.
         telProdNpConfDataBuffersRxEntry no-access
Each entry consists of the router interface number of the device and the size of the reception buffer.
             telProdNpConfDataBuffersRxIndex integer read-only
Interface number of the router part of the device. It is the table index, and its value is between 1 until Router-Node, this last one excluded.
             telProdNpConfDataBuffersRxValue integer read-write
Size of the reception buffer. If the assigned value is less than 5 the default value will be 5, and if it is more than 255 the default value will be 255.
     telProdNpConfDataInactTime integer read-write
Maximum time (in minutes) of inactivity of the telnet, after which session disconnection will take place.
         telProdNpInterfAsigListInitialTable no-access
Interfaces list. It is the existing configuration after the last reset of the router. The table index is the interface number.
             telProdNpInterfAsigListInitialEntry no-access
Each entry consists of the index (interface number), the interface type, the connector and a description of the same one.
                 telNpInterfAListInitialIndex integer read-only
Interface number. It is the table index.
                 telNpInterfAListInitialType integer read-only
Number associated to the interface type.
                 telNpInterfAListInitialConn integer read-only
Number associated to the interface connector.
                 telNpInterfAListInitialDescription displaystring read-only
Hardware description of the interface.
         telProdNpInterfAsigTable no-access
Connectors list. The table index is the value of the line index: LAN, WAN, ISDN, INTERNAL, ROUTER-> NODE, NODE->ROUTER or CON-270.
             telProdNpInterfAsigEntry no-access
Each entry contains the index, the connector number and the interface value.
                 telNpInterfAsigIndex integer read-only
Number associated to the hardware which indexes the table. The only possible values are: lan1(1), line1(2), line2(3),line3(4), line4(5), line5(6), line6(7), line7(8), line8(9), lan2(16), isdn1(20), isdn2(21), internal(30), router-node(31), node-router(32), int-270(33). Enumeration: 'line8': 9, 'line7': 8, 'line6': 7, 'line5': 6, 'line4': 5, 'line3': 4, 'line2': 3, 'line1': 2, 'int-270': 33, 'internal': 30, 'lan2': 16, 'lan1': 1, 'node-router': 32, 'isdn2': 21, 'isdn1': 20, 'router-node': 31.
                 telNpInterfAsigConector integer read-only
Number associated to the connector. Enumeration: 'lan': 1, 'line7': 8, 'line6': 7, 'line5': 6, 'line4': 5, 'line3': 4, 'line2': 3, 'line1': 2, 'linea8': 9, 'lan2': 16, 'others': 0, 'isdn2': 11, 'isdn1': 10.
                 telNpInterfAsigValue integer read-write
This variable allows associating a certain protocol type to the connector. In reading, this variable shows if the last allocation attempt were in success (2, ok), in error (3) or if still any attempt has not been carried out to assign a protocol to a connector (4, indefinite). In writing, it is only permitted to do a set to some of the values allowed like possible protocols associated to the connectors. To LAN lines, the protocol type is determined by the device hardware (Ethernet or TokenRing), reason why they do not admit Set operations that try to modify this protocol. Possible values for WAN lines are: fr (61), ppp (59), pppas (55), sdlc (63), x25 (61444), x28 (11), atppp-dial (31). ISDN lines can have two B channels, and its possible values are: B1 channel: chb1-dial-fr (40), chb1-dial-ppp (41), chb1-dial-x25 (61442) B2 channel: chb2-dial-fr (240), chb2-dial-ppp (241), chb2-dial-x25 (261442) An interface MultiLink PPP can also be assigned to ISDN lines, independently of the type of B channel, since these interfaces are not associated to any specific connector, nor physical line. ch-mppp (75) When doing the allocation, the dial-fr and dial-ppp will always go first and the MPPP after. The INTERNAL interface can take the value xst (61445), associated to index 30. There can be another INTERNAL interface with the value int-270 (61446), associated to the index 33. This is the only way to assign the values, and any interrelation different from the associations above indicated cannot be done. When a atppp-dial (null, value 31) is assigned to one of the WAN lines by first time, two interfaces (one after the other) are added: one for the ATI of the B channel type: X.25(value 18), and another for the particular DIAL (PPP). The allocation of the DIAL interfaces (X25-DIAL, FR-DIAL, PPP-DIAL) is complex. In general, the allocation is done starting for the connector 1 and after with the connector 2. In general, chb1 will be assigned first and chb2 after. If it is tried to generate a chb2 in a connector which doesn't have chb1, it returns error. In case a same connector has FR-dial and/or PPP-dial in a B channel and X25-dial in the other B channel, FR-dial and / or PPP-dial will be assigned to chb1. I. If the device has an only basic access (ISDN) and can carry two B channels, then these will be chb1 and chb2. They are always present and are modified individually. II. If the device has two basic access and can carry two B channels, there are three possibilities: that they are associate one to each basic access, that two B channels are associate to one of the accesses and the other one is empty, and the inverse thing to the previous thing. A. CHB1 ALLOCATION: *If a chb1-x25 is assigned to a connector, two things can occur: - There is chb1 for that connector: If it is chb1-x25 nothing is done. If it is chb1-rdsi-base, it is changed to chb1-x25 and chb1-rdsi-base is eliminated. The PPP-DIAL or FR-DIAL which it has associate are eliminated if there is no another RDSI-BASE in that connector, otherwise they stay associated to that RDSI-BASE. - There isn't chb1 for that connector: In this case, the other connector has two B channels, chb1 and chb2. Therefore chb2 of the other connector is modified. If it is ch2-x25, it is associated to it to the chb1 of the initial connector. If it is chb2-rdsi-base, it is changed to chb1-x25 of the initial connector and chb2-rdsi-base is eliminated from its connector. The PPP-DIAL or FR-DIAL which it has associate, are eliminated if there is no another RDSI-BASE in its connector, otherwise they stay associated to that RDSI-BASE. *If a chb1-rdsi-base is assigned to a connector, two things can occur: - There is chb1 for that connector: If it is chb1-x25, it is changed to chb1-rdsi-base. If it is chb1-rdsi-base, PPP-DIAL or FR-DIAL is added to that chb1-rdsi-base. - There isn't chb1 for that connector: In this case, the other connector has two B channels, chb1 and chb2. Therefore chb2 of the other connector is modified. If it is chb2-x25, it is changed to chb1-rdsi-base. of the initial connector. If it is chb2-rdsi-base, it is changed to chb1-rdsi-base of the initial connector and chb2-rdsi-base is eliminated from its connector. The PPP-DIAL or FR-DIAL which it has associate, are eliminated if there is no another RDSI-BASE in its connector, otherwise they stay associated to that RDSI-BASE. B. CHB2 ALLOCATION: *If a chb2-x25 is assigned to a connector (this is always done after having associated the chb1 to that connector), two things can occur: - There is chb2 for that connector: If it is chb2-x25 nothing is done. If it is chb2-rdsi-base, it is changed to chb2-x25 and chb2-rdsi-base is eliminated. The PPP-DIAL or FR-DIAL which it has associate are eliminated if there is no another RDSI-BASE in that connector, otherwise they stay associated to that RDSI-BASE. - There isn't chb2 for that connector: In this case, the other connector has a B channel (chb1), therefore chb1 of the other connector is modified. If it is ch1-x25, it is associated to it to the chb2 of the initial connector. If it is chb1-rdsi-base, it is changed to chb2-x25 of the initial connector and chb1-rdsi-base is eliminated from its connector. The PPP-DIAL or FR-DIAL which it has associate, are eliminated if there is no another RDSI-BASE in its connector, otherwise they stay associated to that RDSI-BASE. *If a chb2-rdsi-base is assigned to a connector (this is always done after having associated the chb1 to that connector), two things can occur: - There is chb1 for that connector: If it is chb2-x25, it is changed to chb2-rdsi-base. If it is chb2-rdsi-base, PPP-DIAL or FR-DIAL is added to that chb2-rdsi-base. - There isn't chb2 for that connector: In this case, the other connector has a B channel (chb1), therefore the chb1 of the other connector is modified. If it is chb1-x25, it is changed to chb2-rdsi-base. of the initial connector. If it is chb1-rdsi-base, it is changed to chb2-rdsi-base of the initial connector and chb1-rdsi-base is eliminated from its connector. The PPP-DIAL or FR-DIAL which it has associate, are eliminated if there is no another RDSI-BASE in its connector, otherwise they stay associated to that RDSI-BASE. III. If the device has two basic accesses and can carry 4 B channels, they will be chb1 and chb2 for the RDSI1, and chb1 and chb2 for the RDSI2. They are always present and are modified individually. When a FR-DIAL or PPP-DIAL is assigned to one of the ISDN lines by first time, two interfaces are added: one for the ISDN and another for the particular DIAL (FR or PPP). A X25-DIAL by each ISDN basic access can only be assigned. There can be several FR-DIAL and PPP-DIAL in a same ISDN basic access. X25-dial cannot coexist with FR-dial nor PPP-dial in a same ISDN basic access. For that reason, when assigning a X25-dial to an ISDN connector, the ISDN-base is eliminated, and if there is no another RDSI-base associated to that connector, possible PPP-dial and FR-dial are also eliminated; the same happens if there is a X25-dial in a basic access and it is tried to add a FR-dial or a PPP-dial: then the X25-DIAL is eliminated. The maximum number of interfaces that the device can have is 40. In addition, there can be 6 DIAL in total between the two basic accesses, for each ISDN basic access. Enumeration: 'chb1-dial-x25': 61442, 'fr': 61, 'ok': 2, 'pppas': 55, 'chb2-dial-ppp': 241, 'chb2-dial-x25': 261442, 'int-270': 61446, 'atppp-dial': 31, 'chb1-dial-ppp': 41, 'xst': 61445, 'chb2-dial-fr': 240, 'ppp': 59, 'x28': 11, 'sdlc': 63, 'error': 3, 'x25': 61444, 'indefinite': 4, 'ch-mppp': 75, 'chb1-dial-fr': 40.
         telProdNpInterfAsigListModifyTable no-access
List of the modified interfaces. It is the actual interfaces configuration, considering the modifications done in the router. The table index is the interface number.
             telProdNpInterfAsigListModifyEntry no-access
Each entry contains the information of the index (the interface number), the variable to delete an interface (whenever it is permitted), the interface type, the connector, and a description of the interface type and connector.
                 telNpInterfAListModifyIndex integer read-only
Interface type. It is the index table.
                 telNpInterfAListModifyDelInterf integer read-write
This variable allows deleting an interface. The operation is done if it is permitted to delete this interface. A set to 1 must be done to delete the interface (it returns 1(valid) if it is done with success and error in opposite case). Get returns 2(last-set-ok) if the last set was done with success, 3(last-set-non-ok) if it resulted in error and 4 in another case. Enumeration: 'last-set-non-ok': 3, 'valid': 1, 'indeterminate': 4, 'last-set-ok': 2.
                 telNpInterfAListModifyType integer read-only
Number associated to the interface type.
                 telNpInterfAListModifyConn integer read-only
Number associated to the interface connector.
                 telNpInterfAListModifyTypeDescription displaystring read-only
Description of the interface type.
                 telNpInterfAListModifyConnDescription displaystring read-only
Description of the connector type.
                 telNpInterfAListModifyAdminStat integer read-write
Administrative or wished status of the interface. Enumeration: 'down': 2, 'ignored': 3, 'up': 1.
                 telNpInterfAListModifyOperStat integer read-only
Operative state of the interface. Enumeration: 'dormant': 5, 'ignored': 3, 'unknown': 4, 'up': 1, 'down': 2, 'not-present': 6.
     telNpInterfADelAll integer read-write
This variable deletes all interfaces configuration that has been modified until the moment. Enumeration: 'last-set-failed': 3, 'set': 1, 'indeterminate': 4, 'last-set-ok': 2.