OMNI-gx2OSW10B-MIB: View SNMP OID List / Download MIB


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Object Name OID Type Access Info
 gx2Osw10bAnalogTable no-access
This table contains gx2Osw10b specific parameters with nominal and current values.
     gx2Osw10bAnalogEntry no-access
This list contains the analog parameters and descriptions.
         gx2Osw10bAnalogTableIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the network element. This index is equal to the hfcCommonTableIndex for the same element.
         osw10blabelPriOpticalInputLevel displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter.
         osw10buomPriOpticalInputLevel displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the Unit of Measure of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter.
         osw10bmajorHighPriOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major High alarm value of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmajorLowPriOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major Low alarm value of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorHighPriOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor High alarm value of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorLowPriOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor Low alarm value of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bcurrentValuePriOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Current value of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bstateFlagPriOpticalInputLevel integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10bminValuePriOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the minimum value the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmaxValuePriOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the maximum value the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter can achieve. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10balarmStatePriOpticalInputLevel integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current alarm state of the Primary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. Enumeration: 'majorLowAlarm': 2, 'noAlarm': 1, 'minorHighAlarm': 4, 'majorHighAlarm': 5, 'minorLowAlarm': 3, 'informational': 6.
         osw10blabelSecOpticalInputLevel displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter.
         osw10buomSecOpticalInputLevel displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the Unit of Measure of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter.
         osw10bmajorHighSecOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major High alarm value of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmajorLowSecOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major Low alarm value of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorHighSecOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor High alarm value of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorLowSecOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor Low alarm value of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bcurrentValueSecOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the Current value of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bstateFlagSecOpticalInputLevel integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10bminValueSecOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the minimum value the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmaxValueSecOpticalInputLevel float read-only
The value of this object provides the maximum value the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10balarmStateSecOpticalInputLevel integer read-only
The value of this object provides the curent alarm state of the Secondary Optical Input Level Analog parameter. Enumeration: 'majorLowAlarm': 2, 'noAlarm': 1, 'minorHighAlarm': 4, 'majorHighAlarm': 5, 'minorLowAlarm': 3, 'informational': 6.
         osw10blabelPriOpticalThreshold displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter.
         osw10buomPriOpticalThreshold displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the Unit of Measure of the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter.
         osw10bmajorHighPriOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major High alarm value of the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmajorLowPriOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major Low alarm value of the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorHighPriOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor High alarm value of the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorLowPriOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor Low alarm value of the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bcurrentValuePriOpticalThreshold float read-write
The value of this object provides the Current value of the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bstateFlagPriOpticalThreshold integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10bminValuePriOpticalThreshold float read-write
The value of this object provides the minimum value the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmaxValuePriOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the maximum value the Primary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10balarmStatePriOpticalThreshold integer read-only
The value of this object provides the curent alarm state of the Primary Optical Threshold Analog parameter. Enumeration: 'majorLowAlarm': 2, 'noAlarm': 1, 'minorHighAlarm': 4, 'majorHighAlarm': 5, 'minorLowAlarm': 3, 'informational': 6.
         osw10blabelSecOpticalThreshold displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter.
         osw10buomSecOpticalThreshold displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the Unit of Measure of the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter.
         osw10bmajorHighSecOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major High alarm value of the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmajorLowSecOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major Low alarm value of the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorHighSecOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor High alarm value of the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorLowSecOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor Low alarm value of the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bcurrentValueSecOpticalThreshold float read-write
The value of this object provides the Current value of the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bstateFlagSecOpticalThreshold integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10bminValueSecOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the minimum value the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmaxValueSecOpticalThreshold float read-only
The value of this object provides the maximum value the Secondary Optical Input Threshold Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10balarmStateSecOpticalThreshold integer read-only
The value of this object provides the curent alarm state of the Secondary Optical Threshold Analog parameter. Enumeration: 'majorLowAlarm': 2, 'noAlarm': 1, 'minorHighAlarm': 4, 'majorHighAlarm': 5, 'minorLowAlarm': 3, 'informational': 6.
         osw10blabelModTemp displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Module Temperature Analog parameter.
         osw10buomModTemp displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the Unit of Measure of the Module Temperature Analog parameter.
         osw10bmajorHighModTemp float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major High alarm value of the Module Temperature Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmajorLowModTemp float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major Low alarm value of the Module Temperature Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorHighModTemp float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor High alarm value of the Module Temperature Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorLowModTemp float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor Low alarm value of the Module Temperature Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bcurrentValueModTemp float read-only
The value of this object provides the Current value of the Module Temperature Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bstateFlagModTemp integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the Module Temperature Analog parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10bminValueModTemp float read-only
The value of this object provides the minimum value the Module Temperature Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmaxValueModTemp float read-only
The value of this object provides the maximum value the Module Temperature Analog parameter can achive. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10balarmStateModTemp integer read-only
The value of this object provides the curent alarm state of the Module Temperature Analog parameter. Enumeration: 'majorLowAlarm': 2, 'noAlarm': 1, 'minorHighAlarm': 4, 'majorHighAlarm': 5, 'minorLowAlarm': 3, 'informational': 6.
         osw10blabelFanCurrent displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Fan Current Analog parameter.
         osw10buomFanCurrent displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the Unit of Measure of the Fan Current Analog parameter.
         osw10bmajorHighFanCurrent float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major High alarm value of the Fan Current Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmajorLowFanCurrent float read-only
The value of this object provides the Major Low alarm value of the Fan Current Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorHighFanCurrent float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor High alarm value of the Fan Current Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bminorLowFanCurrent float read-only
The value of this object provides the Minor Low alarm value of the Fan Current Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bcurrentValueFanCurrent float read-only
The value of this object provides the Current value of the Fan Current Analog parameter. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bstateFlagFanCurrent integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the Fan Current Analog parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10bminValueFanCurrent float read-only
The value of this object provides the minimum value the Fan Current Analog parameter can achieve. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10bmaxValueFanCurrent float read-only
The value of this object provides the maximum value the Fan Current Analog parameter can achieve. This value is a floating point number that is represented as an IEEE 32 bit number.
         osw10balarmStateFanCurrent integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current alarm state of the Fan Current Analog parameter. Enumeration: 'majorLowAlarm': 2, 'noAlarm': 1, 'minorHighAlarm': 4, 'majorHighAlarm': 5, 'minorLowAlarm': 3, 'informational': 6.
 gx2Osw10bDigitalTable no-access
This table contains gx2Osw10b specific parameters with nominal and current values.
     gx2Osw10bDigitalEntry no-access
This list contains digital parameters and descriptions.
         gx2Osw10bDigitalTableIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the network element. This index is equal to the hfcCommonTableIndex for the same element.
         osw10blabelSwitchControl displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Switch Control Digital parameter.
         osw10benumSwitchControl displaystring read-only
The value of this object represents the Enumeration values possible for the Digital parameter. Each Enumerated values is separated by a common. The first value has a enumerated value of 1.
         osw10bvalueSwitchControl integer read-write
The value of this object is the current value of the parameter. Enumeration: 'through': 1, 'crossover': 2.
         osw10bstateflagSwitchControl integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelSwitchMode displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Switch Control Digital parameter.
         osw10benumSwitchMode displaystring read-only
The value of this object represents the Enumeration values possible for the Digital parameter. Each Enumerated values is separated by a common. The first value has a enumerated value of 1.
         osw10bvalueSwitchMode integer read-write
The value of this object is the current value of the parameter. Enumeration: 'manual': 2, 'automatic': 1.
         osw10bstateflagSwitchMode integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelRevertMode displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Revert Mode Digital parameter.
         osw10benumRevertMode displaystring read-only
The value of this object represents the Enumeration values possible for the Digital parameter. Each Enumerated values is separated by a common. The first value has a enumerated value of 1.
         osw10bvalueRevertMode integer read-write
The value of this object is the current value of the parameter. Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'off': 1.
         osw10bstateflagRevertMode integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelRevertTime displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Revert Time Digital parameter.
         osw10benumRevertTime displaystring read-only
The value of this object represents the Enumeration values possible for the Digital parameter. Each Enumerated values is separated by a common. The first value has a enumerated value of 1.
         osw10bvalueRevertTime integer read-write
The value of this object is the current value of the parameter. Enumeration: 'sixtysec': 2, 'sixhundredsec': 3, 'tensec': 1.
         osw10bstateflagRevertTime integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelWavelength displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Wavelength Digital parameter.
         osw10benumWavelength displaystring read-only
The value of this object represents the Enumeration values possible for the Digital parameter. Each Enumerated values is separated by a common. The first value has a enumerated value of 1.
         osw10bvalueWavelength integer read-write
The value of this object is the current value of the parameter. Enumeration: 'thirteentennm': 1, 'fifteenfiftynnm': 2.
         osw10bstateflagWavelength integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the the parameter. (0-Hiden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelSwitchMonitor displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Switch State Digital parameter.
         osw10benumSwitchMonitor displaystring read-only
The value of this object represents the Enumeration values possible for the Digital parameter. Each Enumerated values is separated by a common. The first value has a enumerated value of 1.
         osw10bvalueSwitchMonitor integer read-only
The value of this object is the current value of the parameter. Enumeration: 'through': 1, 'crossover': 2.
         osw10bstateflagSwitchMonitor integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelOperationMode displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Switch State Digital parameter.
         osw10benumOperationMode displaystring read-only
The value of this object represents the Enumeration values possible for the Digital parameter. Each Enumerated values is separated by a common. The first value has a enumerated value of 1.
         osw10bvalueOperationMode integer read-write
The value of this object is the current value of the parameter. Enumeration: 'mode1x2': 2, 'mode2x2': 3, 'mode2x1': 1.
         osw10bstateflagOperationMode integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelFactoryDefault displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Factory Default Reset Digital parameter.
         osw10benumFactoryDefault displaystring read-only
The value of this object represents the Enumeration values possible for the Digital parameter. Each Enumerated values is separated by a common. The first value has a enumerated value of 1.
         osw10bvalueFactoryDefault integer read-write
The value of this object is the current value of the parameter. Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'off': 1.
         osw10bstateflagFactoryDefault integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
 gx2Osw10bStatusTable no-access
This table contains gx2Osw10b specific parameters with nominal and current values.
     gx2Osw10bStatusEntry no-access
This list contains Status parameters and descriptions.
         gx2Osw10bStatusTableIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the network element. This index is equal to the hfcCommonTableIndex for the same element.
         osw10blabelBoot displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Boot Status parameter.
         osw10bvalueBoot integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagBoot integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelFlash displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Flash Status parameter.
         osw10bvalueFlash integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagFlash integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelFactoryDataCRC displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Factory Data CRC Status parameter.
         osw10bvalueFactoryDataCRC integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagFactoryDataCRC integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelCalibrateTableStatus displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of optical input calibration table status description
         osw10bvalueCalibrateTableStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagCalibrateTableStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelAlarmDataCrc displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Alarm Data Crc parameter.
         osw10bvalueAlarmDataCrc integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagAlarmDataCrc integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelInputStatus displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Input Status parameter.
         osw10bvalueInputStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagInputStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelPriActiveStatus displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Primary Active Status parameter.
         osw10bvaluePriActiveStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagPriActiveStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelHardwareErr displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Primary Active Status parameter.
         osw10bvalueHardwareErr integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagHardwareErr integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelPriThresholdStatus displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Primary Input Below The Threshold Status parameter.
         osw10bvaluePriThresholdStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagPriThresholdStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
         osw10blabelSecThresholdStatus displaystring read-only
The value of this object provides the label of the Primary Input Below The Threshold Status parameter.
         osw10bvalueSecThresholdStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the current state of the parameter (0-Ok, 1-Undetermined 2-Warning, 3-Minor, 4-Major, 5-Critical). Enumeration: 'undetermined': 2, 'major': 5, 'ok': 1, 'warning': 3, 'critical': 6, 'minor': 4.
         osw10bstateflagSecThresholdStatus integer read-only
The value of this object provides the state of the parameter. (0-Hidden 1-Read-Only, 2-Updateable). Enumeration: 'updateable': 3, 'hidden': 1, 'read-only': 2.
 gx2Osw10bFactoryTable no-access
This table contains gx2Osw10b specific parameters with nominal and current values.
     gx2Osw10bFactoryEntry no-access
This list contains Factory parameters and descriptions.
         gx2Osw10bFactoryTableIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the network element. This index is equal to the hfcCommonTableIndex for the same element.
         osw10bbootControlByte integer read-only
The value of this object indicates which bank the firmware is currently being boot from.
         osw10bbootStatusByte integer read-only
This object indicates the status of the last boot
         osw10bbank1CRC integer read-only
This object provides the CRC code of bank 0.
         osw10bbank2CRC integer read-only
This object provides the CRC code of bank 1.
         osw10bprgEEPROMByte integer read-only
This object indicates if the EEPROM has been programmed
         osw10bfactoryCRC integer read-only
This object provides the CRC code for the Factory data.
         osw10bcalculateCRC integer read-only
This object indicates which of the Enums will have the CRC calculated. Enumeration: 'calTable': 2, 'na': 4, 'alarm': 3, 'factory': 1.
         osw10bhourMeter integer read-only
This object provides the hour meter reading of the module.
         osw10bflashPrgCntA integer read-only
This object provides the number of times Bank 1 flash has been programmed.
         osw10bflashPrgCntB integer read-only
This object provides the number of times Bank 1 flash has been programmed.
         osw10bflashBankARev displaystring read-only
This object provides the revision of flash bank 0.
         osw10bflashBankBRev displaystring read-only
This object provides the revision of flash bank 1.
 gx2Osw10bHoldTimeTable no-access
This table contains gx2Osw10b specific parameters with nominal and current values.
     gx2Osw10bHoldTimeEntry no-access
This list contains digital product class and the associated RF channel parameters and descriptions.
         rxgx2Osw10bHoldTimeTableIndex integer read-only
The value of this object is the index of the data object.
         rxgx2Osw10bHoldTimeSpecIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the index of the alarm object to be modified.
         rxgx2Osw10bHoldTimeData integer read-write
The value of this object provides access to the hold timers used to suppress nose on analog objects. This object is a 32 bit object. Validation data is entered into bytes zero and one of the object. Bytes three and four are used to entering the hold time for the specified alarm object. The Hold timer data ranges from 0 to 1300 seconds. The index of this object corresponds to the alarm object to be modified. Alarm Hold timers correspond to the index of this object as follows: Index 1 = xxx, index 2 = xxxx, Index 3 = xxxx, The hold time is represented in seconds.
This trap is issued if configuration of a single variable with integer type was changed (via ANY interface). TrapChangedValueInteger variable may contain current reading of that variable. trapPerceivedSeverity - 'indeterminate'
This trap is issued if configuration of a single variable with DispalayString type was changed (via ANY interface). TrapChangedValueDisplayString variable may contain current reading of that variable. trapPerceivedSeverity - 'indeterminate'
This trap is issued when the Switch Control signals go out of range. trapAdditionalInfoInteger variable contains current reading of this parameter.
This trap is issued when the Fan Current parameter goes out of range. trapAdditionalInfoInteger variable contains current reading of the this parameter.
This trap is issued when the Temperature goes out of range. trapAdditionalInfoInteger variable contains current reading of the this parameter.
This trap is issued when the detects an error during Flash memory operations.
This trap is issued when the detects an error while booting from bank 0 or bank 1.
This trap is issued when the optical calibration table corrupted.
This trap is issued when the Factory Data CRC is incorrect.
This trap is issued when the Alarm Data CRC is incorrect.
This trap is issued when the Optical input switched. This is info only alarm, unit nothing wrong
This trap is issued when the Factory Default Reset occurs. This is info only
This trap is issued when the secondary input becomes active.
This trap is issued when primary optical input out of range.
This trap is issued when Sec optical input out of range.
This trap is issued when hardware error happens.