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Object Name OID Type Access Info
The PE MIB module for managing devices that support Bridge Port Extension. Unless otherwise indicated, the references in this MIB module are to IEEE Std 802.1BR-2012. Copyright (C) IEEE. This version of this MIB module is part of IEEE 802.1BR-2012; see the specification itself for full legal notices.
           ieee8021BridgePEPortTable no-access
A table that contains per port information related to Port Extension. A row is created in this table for any port on a Controlling Bridge that is extended using Port Extension, including those ports that provide communication to the Port Extenders themselves.
               ieee8021BridgePEPortEntry no-access
A list of per port Port Extension objects.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortComponentId ieee8021pbbcomponentidentifier no-access
The component identifier is used to distinguish between the multiple virtual bridge instances within a PBB. In simple situations where there is only a single component the default value is 1.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPort ieee8021bridgeportnumber no-access
The port number of the port for which this entry contains bridge management information.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortType integer no-access
The operational mode of a port participating in Port Exension. The enumerated values are: pepCascade - the port is operating as a Cascade port pepUpstream - the port is operating as an Upstream port pepExtended - the port is operating as an Extended port Enumeration: 'pepUpstream': 2, 'pepExtended': 3, 'pepCascade': 1.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortUpstreamCSPAddress macaddress read-only
The MAC address used for communication of the PE CSP protocol of the device connected to the upstream port of the Port Extender (which may be the Controlling Bridge or an upstream Port Extender). This provides the hierarchal relationship in a cascade of Port Extenders
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortEcid ieee802bridgepeechannelidtc read-only
The default ECID assigend to this port and the port on the Port Extender to which this port corresponds.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortNumber ieee8021bridgeportnumberorzero read-only
The Port number on the of the Port on the Port Extender, or zero for the Upstream Port.
                   ieee8021BridgePECounterDiscontinuityTime timestamp read-only
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of the counters in this conceptaul row suffered a discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with this conceptual row of any Counter32 or Counter64 object. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortRxrqErrorsBridge counter64 read-only
The number of PE CSP flow control overflow errors that have occured for requests on the Bridge.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortRxrspErrorsBridge counter64 read-only
The number of PE CSP flow control overflow errors that have occured for responses on the Bridge.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortRxrqErrorsPE counter64 read-only
The number of PE CSP flow control overflow errors that have occured for requests on the Port Extender.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPortRxrspErrorsPE counter64 read-only
The number of PE CSP flow control overflow errors that have occured for responses on the Port Extender.
                   ieee8021BridgePEPCP truthvalue read-only
Indicates whether the Port Exender supports modification of the priority code point table (true) or not (false).
                   ieee8021BridgePEROW truthvalue read-only
Indicates whether the Port Extender supports rows in the PCP table in addition to the 8P0D row (true)or not (false).
                   ieee8021BridgePEDEI truthvalue read-only
Indicates whether the Port Extender supports encoding of the Drop Eligible Indicatior (true) or not (false).
                   ieee8021BridgePECN truthvalue read-only
Indicates whether the Port Extender supports Congestion Notification (true) or not (false).
                   ieee8021BridgePEPFC truthvalue read-only
Indicates whether the Port Extender supports Priority-based flow control(true) or not (false).
                   ieee8021BridgePEExtPortEChannelsSupported unsigned32 read-only
Indicates the number of Extended Port E-channels supported by the Port Extender.
                   ieee8021BridgePERemoteRepEChannelsSupported unsigned32 read-only
Indicates the number of Remote Replication E-channels supported by the Port Extender.
                   ieee8021BridgePETCsSupported unsigned32 read-only
Indicates the number of traffic clasees supported by the Port Extender.
                   ieee8021BridgePEUtVLANsSupported unsigned32 read-only
Indicates the number of untagged VLANs supported by the Port Extender.
           ieee8021BridgePERemoteReplicationTable no-access
A table that contains one row for each Remote Replication entry in the filtering database.
               ieee8021BridgePERemoteReplicationEntry no-access
A list of Remote Replication objects.
                   ieee8021BridgePERREcid ieee802bridgepeechannelidtc no-access
The ECID assigend to this Remote Replication filtering entry.
                   ieee8021BridgePERRPortMap portlist read-only
The list of ports to which a frame is to be replicated.
           ieee8021BridgePEETSTable no-access
A table that contains per port information related to Enhanced Transmission Selection. A row is created in this table for any port on a Controlling Bridge that corresponds to a Cascade Port. These objects refer to the ETS configuration of the attached Upstream Port
               ieee8021BridgePEETSEntry no-access
A list of per Cascade Port ETS objects.
                   ieee8021BridgePEETSTrafficClass ieee802bridgepetrafficclassvaluetc no-access
Indicates the traffic class to which this bandwidth applies
                   ieee8021BridgePEETSTrafficSelectionAlgorthm ieee802bridgepetrafficselectionalgorithmtc read-write
Inticates the Traffic Selection Algorthm assigned to this traffic class
                   ieee8021BridgePEETSBandwidth ieee802bridgepetrafficclassbandwidthvalue read-write
Indicates the bandwidth assigned to this traffic class.
The collection of objects used to represent Port Extension management objects.
The compliance statement for devices supporting PE as defined in IEEE 802.1BR.