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Object Name OID Type Access Info
                     cylinkStatusTable no-access
The cylink Status table. This table contains information about the current state of the Cylink CSUs attached to the system.
                         cylinkStatusEntry no-access
An entry in the cylink Status table.
                             cylinkIndex integer read-only
An index value that uniquely identifies a cylink system interface. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value in an ifIndex object instance.
                             cylinkLinkState integer read-only
The current state of the link. The meanings of the values are: cylinkNotConnected(1) The link is not physically connected to the CSU. This may be due to loss of input circuit or loss of output circuit. cylinkNoInput(2) The input circuit is not connected. cylinkNoOutput(3) The output circuit is not connected. cylinkConnected(4) The link is connected to the CSU. Enumeration: 'cylinkNoOutput': 3, 'cylinkNoInput': 2, 'cylinkConnected': 4, 'cylinkNotConnected': 1.
                             cylinkLoopback integer read-only
The loopback mode of the link. The meaning of values are: cylinkNoLoopback(1) The link is not in loopback mode. cylinkNearEndLoopback(2) The link has been placed in loopback mode at the near end: data is being looped back within the local CSU. cylinkFarEndLoopback(3) The link has been placed in loopback mode at the far end: data is being looped across the link to the remote CSU and back. Enumeration: 'cylinkFarEndLoopback': 3, 'cylinkNearEndLoopback': 2, 'cylinkNoLoopback': 1.
                             cylinkQRSS integer read-only
The Quasi-Random Signal Sequence test mode of the CSU. The value of the meanings are: cylinkNoQRSS(1) The CSU is not in QRSS mode. cylinkQRSSMaster(2) The CSU is transmitting a QRSS test pattern. cylinkQRSSSlave(3) The CSU is receiving a QRSS test pattern. Enumeration: 'cylinkQRSSSlave': 3, 'cylinkQRSSMaster': 2, 'cylinkNoQRSS': 1.
                     cylinkConfigTable no-access
The cylink Configuration table. This table contains information about the configuration of the Cylink CSUs attached to the system.
                         cylinkConfigEntry no-access
An entry in the cylink Configuration table.
                             cylinkConfigIndex integer read-only
The index value which uniquely identifies the CSU to which this entry is applicable. The CSU identified by a particular value of this index is the same CSU as identified by the same value in a cylinkIndex object instance.
                             cylinkSerialNumber integer read-only
The manufacturer's serial number of this CSU.
                             cylinkSoftwareVersion displaystring read-only
The version number of the microcode running in the CSU.
                             cylinkDTEFraming integer read-only
The DTE framing selected (D4, or ESF). Framing conversion is automatically performed at both ends if the DTE is D4 framed and the network interface is ESF framed. Enumeration: 'cylinkDTEFramingESF': 2, 'cylinkDTEFramingD4': 1.
                             cylinkNetworkFraming integer read-only
The network framing selected (D4, or ESF). Framing conversion is automatically performed at both ends if the DTE is D4 framed and the network interface is ESF framed. Enumeration: 'cylinkNetworkFramingESF': 2, 'cylinkNetworkFramingD4': 1.
                             cylinkDTEDS1Mode integer read-only
The DTE DS-1 mode selected (B8ZS, or AMI). Enumeration: 'cylinkDTEDS1ModeB8ZS': 1, 'cylinkDTEDS1ModeAMI': 2.
                             cylinkNetworkDS1Mode integer read-only
The network DS-1 mode selected (B8ZS, or AMI). Enumeration: 'cylinkNetworkDS1ModeB8ZS': 1, 'cylinkNetworkDS1ModeAMI': 2.
                             cylinkOnesResponsibility integer read-only
The component selected for Ones Density Responsibility (DTE, or CSU. Enumeration: 'cylinkOnesResponsibilityDTE': 1, 'cylinkOnesResponsibilityACSU': 2.
                             cylinkOnesControl integer read-only
The Ones Density Control selected (LSB 24, D4 FRM, or ESF DL). Enumeration: 'cylinkOnesControlLSB24': 1, 'cylinkOnesControlESFDL': 3, 'cylinkOnesControlD4FRM': 2.
                             cylinkZeroProtection integer read-only
The Consecutive Zero Control selected (15, or 80). This determines the the maximum number of consecutive zeros allowed in the data stream before a one is forced. Enumeration: 'cylinkZeroProtection15': 2, 'cylinkZeroProtection80': 1.
                             cylinkClockSource integer read-only
The transmit clock source selected for NRZ DIUs (network, DTE, an external clock, or the CSU's internal clock). Enumeration: 'cylinkClockSourceNetwork': 1, 'cylinkClockSourceDTE': 2, 'cylinkClockSourceInternal': 4, 'cylinkClockSourceExternal': 3.
                             cylinkClockFrequency integer read-only
The external clock frequency selected (56 kHz, 256 kHz, 1.344 MHz, 1.544 MHz). Enumeration: 'cylinkClockFreq-1-544MHz': 4, 'cylinkClockFreq-56kHz': 1, 'cylinkClockFreq-1-344MHz': 3, 'cylinkClockFreq-256kHz': 2.
                             cylinkClockBackup integer read-only
The transmit clock backup source selected for NRZ DIUs (network, DTE, an external clock, or the CSU's internal clock). Enumeration: 'cylinkClockBackupDTE': 2, 'cylinkClockBackupNetwork': 1, 'cylinkClockBackupExternal': 3, 'cylinkClockBackupInternal': 4.
                             cylinkDIUFrequency integer read-only
The DIU frequency selected for NRZ DIUs (767 kbps, 1.244 Mbps, 1.528 Mbps, 1.536 Mbps). Enumeration: 'cylinkDIUFreq-768kbps': 1, 'cylinkDIUFreq-1-344Mbps': 2, 'cylinkDIUFreq-1-536Mbps': 4, 'cylinkDIUFreq-1-528Mbps': 3.
                             cylinkDIUTiming integer read-only
The DIU transmit timing selected for NRZ DIUs (Send Timing, or Terminal Timing). Enumeration: 'cylinkDIUTimingTT': 1, 'cylinkDIUTimingST': 2.
                             cylinkDialoutCapability integer read-only
The DIU dial-out capability selected (polled, tone, or pulse). Enumeration: 'cylinkDialoutCapabilityPulse': 3, 'cylinkDialoutCapabilityPolled': 1, 'cylinkDialoutCapabilityTone': 2.
                             cylinkDialoutHoldoff integer read-only
The mininum time, in minutes, between successful CSU-to-NMS connections to report alarm conditions.
                             cylinkPrimaryPhone displaystring read-only
The primary telephone number used by by the CSU to contact the NMS.
                             cylinkSecondaryPhone displaystring read-only
The secondary telephone number used by by the CSU to contact the NMS.
                             cylinkAlarmRepeatTime integer read-only
The interval, in minutes, that the CSU will insert duplicate messages in the alarm queue for persistant alarm conditions.
                             cylinkESThreshold integer read-only
The threshold, in seconds, for the errored second value in the current 15-minute interval.
                             cylinkSecondaryContact integer read-only
The state of the CSU secondary contact (open or closed). Enumeration: 'cylinkSecondaryContactOpen': 1, 'cylinkSecondaryContactClosed': 2.
                 ibmMainProcessorLoadTable no-access
A table containing the average main processor load over each minute for the last 60 minutes.
                     ibmMainProcessorLoadEntry no-access
An entry in the main processor load table.
                         ibmMainProcessorLoadIndex integer read-only
Indicates the number of minutes ago that this entry contains main processor load information for.
                         ibmMainProcessorLoad gauge read-only
The main processor load averaged over one minute. The load is given as a percentage. For example, 25% is 25.
                     swVpdTable no-access
A table containing software vital product data information.
                         swVpdEntry no-access
An entry for a piece of software installed on this router.
                             swvpdIndex integer read-only
A unique value for each entry in this table.
                             swvpdName displaystring read-only
The name of this software product.
                             swvpdPtfName displaystring read-only
If this entry represents a PTF, this object contains the name of the PTF. Otherwise this object contains a string of zero length.
                             swvpdVerId integer read-only
The version identifier for this piece of software.
                             swvpdRelId integer read-only
The release identifier for this piece of software.
                             swvpdModId integer read-only
The modification level identifier for this piece of software.
                             swvpdFixId integer read-only
The fix level identifier for this piece of software.
                             swvpdState integer read-only
The state of the action in swvpdAction being performed on this software. Enumeration: 'cancelled': 4, 'broken': 3, 'complete': 1, 'pending': 2, 'unknown': 5.
                             swvpdAction integer read-only
The action being performed on this software. Enumeration: 'unknown': 6, 'commit': 2, 'decommit': 4, 'cleanup': 5, 'reject': 3, 'apply': 1.
                             swvpdPath integer read-only
An indication of which part of the system this software is installed on. The values correspond to the following paths: root(1) /etc/objrepos usr(2) /usr/lib/objrepos share(3) /usr/share/lib/objrepos Enumeration: 'share': 3, 'root': 1, 'usr': 2.
                             swvpdDateTime displaystring read-only
A string indicating the date and time that the action in swvpdAction was performed on this software.
                     ibmmaintShutdown integer read-write
When read, an active 6611 will return the value running(1). To force a shutdown, without a subsequent re-ipl of the 6611, this value should be set to shutdown-noipl(2). To recyle the 6611, (i.e.- shutdown with a subsequent re-ipl), and use the currently installed configuration, this variable should be set to shutdown-ipl-local(4). Enumeration: 'shutdown-ipl-local': 4, 'shutdown-noipl': 2, 'running': 1.
                             ibmsysMBUFsInUses gauge read-only
Number of kernel MBUFs currently in use.
                             ibmsysMBUFsKbytes gauge read-only
Kbytes of MBUFs currently allocated to the network.
                             ibmsysMBUFsPercents gauge read-only
Percentage of total MBUFs available that are currently allocated to the network
                             ibmsysMBUFsDeniedRequests counter read-only
Number of MBUF requests that were denied due to lack of resources.
                             ibmsysMBUFsDelayedRequests counter read-only
Number of MBUF requests that were delayed due to lack of resources.
                             ibmsysPageSpaceTotal integer read-only
Total number of paging space pages available on the 6611. A page is defined as 4096 bytes, so for example, an ibmsysPageSpaceTotal value of 12288 equals 12288 * 4096 = 50331648 bytes of paging space.
                             ibmsysPageSpaceInUse gauge read-only
Total number of paging space pages currently in use on the 6611. A page is defined as 4096 bytes, so for example, an ibmsysPageSpaceInUse value of 8839 equals 8839 * 4096 = 36204544 bytes of paging space in use.
                             ibmsysRealMemSize integer read-only
Total number of real memory frames available on the 6611. A frame is defined as 4096 bytes, so for example, an ibmsysRealMemSize value of 4096 equals 4096 * 4096 = 16777216 bytes of real memory.
                             ibmsysRealMemInUse gauge read-only
Total number of real memory frames currently in use on the 6611. A frame is defined as 4096 bytes, so for example, an ibmsysRealMemInUse value of 4025 equals 4025 * 4096 = 16486400 bytes of real memory in use.
                             ibmsysRealMemFree gauge read-only
Total number of real memory frames currently free on the 6611. A frame is defined as 4096 bytes, so for example, an ibmsysRealMemFree value of 71 equals 71 * 4096 = 290816 bytes of real memory free.
                 ibmTrapNum counter read-only
Number of IBM enterprise specific traps generated by this node.
                 ibmTrapThrottleCount counter read-only
Number of traps throttled since last trap.
                 ibmTrapThrottleId integer read-only
Trap ID of throttled traps. All throttled traps counted by ibmTrapThrottleCount have the this ID.
                 ibmTrapThrottleTime integer read-only
Number of seconds which must separate consecutive enterprise-specific traps with identical ID in order to not throttle them. If the value of this object is 0, then trap throttling is inactive.
                     ibmmacAddrFilterInfoTable no-access
Table of MAC address filtering information.
                         ibmmacAddrFilterInfoEntry no-access
MAC address filtering information for a single interface.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInBcastType integer read-only
For the incoming MAC address filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutBcastType integer read-only
For the outgoing MAC address filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInFilterType integer read-only
For the incoming filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutFilterType integer read-only
For the outgoing filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmmacAddrFilterInTable no-access
Table of MAC address filtering information for incoming frames.
                         ibmmacAddrFilterInEntry no-access
Filtering information for incoming frames.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInSrcAddress octet string read-only
MAC source address to be filtered.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInSrcMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmmacAddrFilterInSrcAddress to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInDestAddress octet string read-only
MAC destination address to be filtered.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInDestMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmmacAddrFilterInDestAddress to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterInType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmmacAddrFilterOutTable no-access
Table of MAC address filtering information for outgoing frames.
                         ibmmacAddrFilterOutEntry no-access
Filtering information for outgoing frames.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutSrcAddress octet string read-only
MAC source address to be filtered.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutSrcMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmmacAddrFilterOutSrcAddress to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutDestAddress octet string read-only
MAC destination address to be filtered.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutDestMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmmacAddrFilterOutDestAddress to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmmacAddrFilterOutType integer read-only
Type type of entry either sr or tb Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmsapFilterInfoTable no-access
Table of SAP filtering information.
                         ibmsapFilterInfoEntry no-access
SAP filtering information for a single interface.
                             ibmsapFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmsapFilterInBcastType integer read-only
For the incoming SAP filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmsapFilterOutBcastType integer read-only
For the outgoing SAP filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmsapFilterIn octet string read-only
A bitmap of all possible source SAPs (even) that will be on or off depending on whether or not an incoming frame with that SAP is to be forwarded.
                             ibmsapFilterOut octet string read-only
A bitmap of all possible source SAPs (even) that will be on or off depending on whether or not an outgoing frame with that SAP is to be forwarded.
                             ibmsapFilterInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmsapFilterOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmsapFilterType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmsnapFilterInfoTable no-access
Table of SNAP filtering information. Note that SNAP filtering only comes into play if packets with source SAP 0xAA are being forwarded.
                         ibmsnapFilterInfoEntry no-access
SNAP filtering information for a single interface.
                             ibmsnapFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmsnapFilterInFilterType integer read-only
For the incoming SNAP filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmsnapFilterOutFilterType integer read-only
For the outgoing SNAP filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmsnapFilterInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmsnapFilterOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmsnapFilterType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmsnapFilterInTable no-access
Table of SNAP type filtering information for incoming frames. Note that the entries in this table only come into play if packets with source SAP 0xAA are being forwarded.
                         ibmsnapFilterInEntry no-access
Filtering information for a single SNAP value on a single interface.
                             ibmsnapFilterInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmsnapFilterInValue integer read-only
Indicates which SNAP value to filter.
                             ibmsnapFilterInMask integer read-only
Mask to allow ibmsnapFilterInValue to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmsnapFilterInType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmsnapFilterOutTable no-access
Table of SNAP filtering information for outgoing frames. Note that the entries in this table only come into play if packets with source SAP 0xAA are being forwarded.
                         ibmsnapFilterOutEntry no-access
Filtering information for a single SNAP value on a single interface.
                             ibmsnapFilterOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmsnapFilterOutValue integer read-only
Indicates which SNAP values to filter.
                             ibmsnapFilterOutMask integer read-only
Mask to allow ibmsnapFilterOutValue to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmsnapFilterOutType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmringFilterInfoTable no-access
Table of ring filtering information.
                         ibmringFilterInfoEntry no-access
Ring filtering information for a single interface.
                             ibmringFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmringFilterInBcastType integer read-only
For the incoming ring filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmringFilterOutBcastType integer read-only
For the outgoing ring filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmringFilterInFilterType integer read-only
For the incoming ring filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmringFilterOutFilterType integer read-only
For the outgoing ring filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmringFilterInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmringFilterOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                     ibmringFilterInTable no-access
Table of ring number filtering information for incoming frames.
                         ibmringFilterInEntry no-access
Filtering information for a single ring number on a single interface.
                             ibmringFilterInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmringFilterInNumber integer read-only
Indicates which ring number to filter.
                             ibmringFilterInMask integer read-only
Mask to allow ibmringFilterInNumber to be used as a range of values.
                     ibmringFilterOutTable no-access
Table of ring number filtering information for outgoing frames.
                         ibmringFilterOutEntry no-access
Filtering information for a single ring number on a single interface.
                             ibmringFilterOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmringFilterOutNumber integer read-only
Indicates which ring number to filter.
                             ibmringFilterOutMask integer read-only
Mask to allow ibmringFilterOutNumber to be used as a range of values.
                     ibmhopCountFilterInfoTable no-access
Table of hop count filtering information.
                         ibmhopCountFilterInfoEntry no-access
Hop count filtering information for a single interface.
                             ibmhopCountFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmhopCountFilterBcastType integer read-only
Determines what type of incoming frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmhopCountFilterCount integer read-only
The number of hops allowed for incoming frames.
                     ibmwindowFilterInfoTable no-access
Table of Window filtering information.
                         ibmwindowFilterInfoEntry no-access
Window filtering information for a single interface.
                             ibmwindowFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmwindowFilterInBcastType integer read-only
For the incoming Window filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutBcastType integer read-only
For the outgoing Window filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmwindowFilterInFilterType integer read-only
For the incoming filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutFilterType integer read-only
For the outgoing filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmwindowFilterInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmwindowFilterType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmwindowFilterInTable no-access
Table of Window filtering information for incoming frames.
                         ibmwindowFilterInEntry no-access
Filtering information for incoming frames.
                             ibmwindowFilterInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmwindowFilterInContents octet string read-only
String of bytes that will be compared with bytes in the frame.
                             ibmwindowFilterInMaskString octet string read-only
String of bytes that will be masked with bytes in the contents field.
                             ibmwindowFilterInOffsetStart displaystring read-only
Determines the starting point where the contents field should be applied. A value of 'MAC' means the base is at the beginning of the destination MAC address field, whereas, a value of 'SAP' means it is applied at the beginning of the destination SAP field.
                             ibmwindowFilterInNumBytes octet string read-only
Number of bytes in the contents field that are used for filtering.
                             ibmwindowFilterInOffset octet string read-only
Number of bytes offset into the frame from the offset start point to begin the compare.
                             ibmwindowFilterInId integer read-only
A unique identifier associated with this window filter entry.
                             ibmwindowFilterInType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmwindowFilterOutTable no-access
Table of Window filtering information for outgoing frames.
                         ibmwindowFilterOutEntry no-access
Filtering information for outgoing frames.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutContents octet string read-only
String of bytes that will be compared with bytes in the frame.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutMaskString octet string read-only
String of bytes that will be masked with bytes in the contents field.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutOffsetStart displaystring read-only
Determines the starting point where the contents field should be applied. A value of 'MAC' means the base is at the beginning of the destination MAC address field, whereas, a value of 'SAP' means it is applied at the beginning of the destination SAP field.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutNumBytes octet string read-only
Number of bytes in the contents field that are used for filtering.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutOffset octet string read-only
Number of bytes offset into the frame from the offset start point to begin the compare.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutId integer read-only
A unique identifier associated with this window filter entry.
                             ibmwindowFilterOutType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmFiltOrderInTable no-access
Table of information describing which order the filters are applied for incoming frames.
                         ibmFiltOrderInEntry no-access
Filter order information for incoming frames.
                             ibmFiltOrderInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmFiltOrderInPriority integer read-only
The priority of when a filter is applied to an incoming frame. A value of 1 signifies that it is applied first.
                             ibmFiltOrderInName displaystring read-only
The name of the filter applied to incoming frames that is associated with the priority, ibmFiltOrderInPriority.
                             ibmFiltOrderInType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmFiltOrderOutTable no-access
Table of information describing which order the filters are applied for outgoing frames.
                         ibmFiltOrderOutEntry no-access
Filter order information for outgoing frames.
                             ibmFiltOrderOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmFiltOrderOutPriority integer read-only
The priority of when a filter is applied to an outgoing frame. A value of 1 signifies that it is applied first.
                             ibmFiltOrderOutName displaystring read-only
The name of the filter applied to outgoing frames that is associated with the priority, ibmFiltOrderOutPriority.
                             ibmFiltOrderOutType integer read-only
The type of entry, either sr or tb. Enumeration: 'sr': 1, 'tb': 2.
                     ibmRIFFilterInfoTable no-access
Table of routing information field filtering information.
                         ibmRIFFilterInfoEntry no-access
Routing information field filtering information for a single interface.
                             ibmRIFFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmRIFFilterInBcastType integer read-only
For the incoming routing information field filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutBcastType integer read-only
For the outgoing routing information field filter table, determines what type of frames will be filtered. Enumeration: 'filterSRB': 2, 'filterBoth': 3, 'filterARB': 1.
                             ibmRIFFilterInFilterType integer read-only
For the incoming routing information filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutFilterType integer read-only
For the outgoing routing information field filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmRIFFilterInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                     ibmRIFFilterInTable no-access
Table of routing information field filtering information for incoming frames.
                         ibmRIFFilterInEntry no-access
Filtering information for a single routing information field on a single interface.
                             ibmRIFFilterInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmRIFFilterInRingNumber integer read-only
Indicates which ring number to filter.
                             ibmRIFFilterInRingMask integer read-only
Mask to allow ibmRIFFilterInRingNumber to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmRIFFilterInBridgeNumber integer read-only
Indicates which bridge number to filter.
                             ibmRIFFilterInBridgeMask integer read-only
Mask to allow ibmRIFFilterInBridgeNumber to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmRIFFilterInRouteDesignator integer read-only
Indicates which route designators in the routing information field are to be used for filtering. Enumeration: 'allroutedesignators': 3, 'firstroutedesignator': 1, 'nexttolastroutedesignator': 2.
                     ibmRIFFilterOutTable no-access
Table of routing information field filtering information for outgoing frames.
                         ibmRIFFilterOutEntry no-access
Filtering information for a single routing information field on a single interface.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutRingNumber integer read-only
Indicates which ring number to filter.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutRingMask integer read-only
Mask to allow ibmRIFFilterOutRingNumber to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutBridgeNumber integer read-only
Indicates which bridge number to filter.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutBridgeMask integer read-only
Mask to allow ibmRIFFilterOutBridgeNumber to be used as a range of values.
                             ibmRIFFilterOutRouteDesignator integer read-only
Indicates which route designators in the routing information field are to be used for filtering. Enumeration: 'allroutedesignators': 3, 'firstroutedesignator': 1, 'nexttolastroutedesignator': 2.
                 ibmfrDlcmiTable no-access
The Parameters for the Data Link Connection Management Interface corresponding to any given ifEntry.
                     ibmfrDlcmiEntry no-access
The Parameters for the Data Link Connection Management Interface.
                         ibmfrDlcmiIfIndex integer read-only
The ifIndex value of the corresponding ifEn- try.
                         ibmfrDlcmiState integer read-only
This variable states which Data Link Connec- tion Management scheme is active (and by impli- cation, what DLCI it uses) on the Frame Relay interface. Enumeration: 'lmiRev1': 2, 'noLmiConfigured': 1, 'ansiT1-617-B': 4, 'ansiT1-617-D': 3.
                         ibmfrDlcmiAddress integer read-only
This variable states which address format is in use on the Frame Relay interface. Enumeration: 'q921': 1, 'q922': 4, 'q922March90': 2, 'q922November90': 3.
                         ibmfrDlcmiAddressLen integer read-only
This variable states which address length in octets. In the case of Q922 format, the length indicates the entire length of the address in- cluding the control portion. Enumeration: 'two-octets': 2, 'four-octets': 4, 'three-octets': 3.
                         ibmfrDlcmiPollingInterval integer read-only
This is the number of seconds between succes- sive status enquiry messages.
                         ibmfrDlcmiFullEnquiryInterval integer read-only
Number of status enquiry intervals that pass before issuance of a full status enquiry mes- sage.
                         ibmfrDlcmiErrorThreshold integer read-only
This is the maximum number of unanswered Status Enquiries the equipment shall accept be- fore declaring the interface down.
                         ibmfrDlcmiMonitoredEvents integer read-only
This is the maximum number of responses to FULL STATUS or LINK INTEGERITY VERIFICATION messages missed before the device will mark the interface down.
                         ibmfrDlcmiMaxSupportedVCs integer read-only
The maximum number of Virtual Circuits allowed for this interface. Usually dictated by the Frame Relay network. In response to a SET, if a value less than zero or higher than the agent's maximal capability is configured, the agent should respond bad- Value
                         ibmfrDlcmiMulticast integer read-only
This indicates whether the Frame Relay provid- er offers a Multicast Service. Enumeration: 'broadcast': 2, 'nonBroadcast': 1.
                 ibmfrCircuitTable no-access
A table containing information about specific Data Link Connection Identifiers and corresponding virtual circuits.
                     ibmfrCircuitEntry no-access
The information regarding a single Data Link Connection Identifier.
                         ibmfrCircuitIfIndex integer read-only
The ifIndex Value of the ifEntry this virtual circuit is layered onto.
                         ibmfrCircuitDlci integer read-only
The Data Link Connection Identifier for this virtual circuit.
                         ibmfrCircuitState integer read-only
Indicates whether the particular virtual cir- cuit is operational. In the absence of a Data Link Connection Management Interface, virtual circuit entries (rows) may be created by set- ting virtual circuit state to active, or delet- ed by changing Circuit state to deleted. Whether or not the row actually disappears is let to the implementation, so this object may actually read as 'invalid' for some arbitrary length of time. It is also legal to set the state of a virtual circuit to inactive to tem- porarily disable a given circuit. Enumeration: 'active': 2, 'inactive': 3, 'invalid': 1.
                         ibmfrCircuitReceivedFECNs counter read-only
Number of frames received from the network in- dicating forward congestion since the virtual circuit was created.
                         ibmfrCircuitReceivedBECNs counter read-only
Number of frames received from the network in- dicating backward congestion since the virtual circuit was created.
                         ibmfrCircuitSentFrames counter read-only
The number of frames sent from this virtual circuit since it was created.
                         ibmfrCircuitSentOctets counter read-only
The number of octets sent from this virtual circuit since it was created.
                         ibmfrCircuitReceivedFrames counter read-only
Number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created.
                         ibmfrCircuitReceivedOctets counter read-only
Number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created.
                         ibmfrCircuitCreationTime timeticks read-only
The time when this virtual circuit was created, whether by the Data Link Connection Management Interface or by a SetRequest. The time value is relative to other times on this interface only.
                         ibmfrCircuitLastTimeChange timeticks read-only
The time when last there was a change in the virtual circuit state. The time value is relative to other times on this interface only.
                         ibmfrCircuitCommittedBurst integer read-only
This variable indicates the maximum amount of data, in bits, that the network agrees to transfer under normal conditions, during the measurement interval.
                         ibmfrCircuitExcessBurst integer read-only
This variable indicates the maximum amount of uncommitted data bits that the network will at- tempt to deliver over the measurement interval. By default, if not configured when creating the entry, the Excess Information Burst Size is set to the value of ifSpeed.
                         ibmfrCircuitThroughput integer read-only
Throughput is the average number of 'Frame Re- lay Information Field' bits transferred per second across a user network interface in one direction, measured over the measurement inter- val. If the configured committed burst rate and throughput are both non-zero, the measurement interval T=ibmfrCircuitCommittedBurst/ibmfrCircuitThroughput. If the configured committed burst rate and throughput are both zero, the measurement in- terval T=ibmfrCircuitExcessBurst/ifSpeed.
                 ibmfrErrTable no-access
A table containing information about Errors on the Frame Relay interface.
                     ibmfrErrEntry no-access
The error information for a single frame relay interface.
                         ibmfrErrIfIndex integer read-only
The ifIndex Value of the corresponding ifEn- try.
                         ibmfrErrType integer read-only
The type of error that was last seen on this interface. Enumeration: 'dlcmiUnknownRpt': 9, 'unknownDLCI': 5, 'dlcmiSequenceErr': 8, 'dlcmiUnknownIE': 7, 'illegalDLCI': 4, 'receiveLong': 3, 'receiveShort': 2, 'dlcmiProtoErr': 6, 'unknownError': 1.
                         ibmfrErrData octet string read-only
An octet string containing as much of the er- ror packet as possible. As a minimum, it must contain the Q.922 Address or as much as was delivered. It is desirable to include all in- formation up to the PDU.
                         ibmfrErrTime timeticks read-only
The time at which the error was detected. The time value is relative to other times on this interface only.
                 ibmdlsVirtualRingSegmentNumber integer read-only
The token ring segment number used in all frames passed to or from the IBM 6611 Data Link Switching function.
                 ibmdlsFrameFilterType integer read-only
The type of SNA filtering applied using the ibmdlsLocalFrameFilterTable and ibmdlsRemoteFrameFilterTable. If this field = permit(2), then all filters defined for SNA use the action of permitting frames to be forwarded if they meet the criteria given by the source and destination address values. If this field = deny(1), then all filters defined for SNA use the action of denying frames to be forwarded if they meet the criteria given by the source and destination address values. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                 ibmdlsNameFilterType integer read-only
The type of NetBIOS filtering applied using the ibmdlsLocalNameFilterTable and ibmdlsRemoteNameFilterTable. If this field = permit(2), then all filters defined for NetBIOS use the action of permitting frames to be forwarded if they meet the criteria given by the source and destination address values. If this field = deny(1), then all filters defined for NetBIOS use the action of denying frames to be forwarded if they meet the criteria given by the source and destination address values. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                 ibmdlsRouterTable no-access
A table of information regarding all routers participating in Data Link Switching.
                     ibmdlsRouterEntry no-access
Information for a single participating router.
                         ibmdlsRouterAddress ipaddress read-only
The IP address of the router participating in Data Link Switching.
                         ibmdlsRouterStatus integer read-only
The current state of the remote connection Enumeration: 'notActive': 1, 'active': 2.
                         ibmdlsRouterDefinedBy integer read-only
The origin of this entry. user(1) indicates that this router is defined via the Configuration Program. system(2) indicates that this router was defined automatically as a result of a connection request from another router. Enumeration: 'user': 1, 'system': 2.
                         ibmdlsRouterInFrames counter read-only
Number of frames received from the partner router.
                         ibmdlsRouterOutFrames counter read-only
Number of frames sent to the partner router.
                 ibmdlsLocalFrameFilterTable no-access
The SNA local frame filter table. This table contains information regarding the filtering of SNA frames received from local LAN segments.
                     ibmdlsLocalFrameFilterEntry no-access
Filter information for a MAC address source-destination pair.
                         ibmdlsLocalFrameFilterID integer read-only
A unique identifier for this filter.
                         ibmdlsLocalFrameFilterSrcAddress octet string read-only
The source MAC address that this filter is applied to.
                         ibmdlsLocalFrameFilterSrcMask octet string read-only
A mask indicating the bits of the source address considered significant when using the filter. For every bit equal to one in the mask, the same bit in the source address is considered significant.
                         ibmdlsLocalFrameFilterDestAddress octet string read-only
The destination MAC address that this filter is applied to.
                         ibmdlsLocalFrameFilterDestMask octet string read-only
A mask indicating the bits of the destination address considered significant when using the filter. For every bit equal to one in the mask, the same bit in the destination address is considered significant.
                 ibmdlsRemoteFrameFilterTable no-access
The SNA remote frame filter table. This table contains information regarding the filtering of SNA frames received from other participating DLS routers.
                     ibmdlsRemoteFrameFilterEntry no-access
Filter information for a MAC address source-destination pair.
                         ibmdlsRemoteFrameFilterID integer read-only
A unique identifier for this filter.
                         ibmdlsRemoteFrameFilterSrcAddress octet string read-only
The source MAC address that this filter is applied to.
                         ibmdlsRemoteFrameFilterSrcMask octet string read-only
A mask indicating the bits of the source address considered significant when using the filter. For every bit equal to one in the mask, the same bit in the source address is considered significant.
                         ibmdlsRemoteFrameFilterDestAddress octet string read-only
The destination MAC address that this filter is applied to.
                         ibmdlsRemoteFrameFilterDestMask octet string read-only
A mask indicating the bits of the destination address considered significant when using the filter. For every bit equal to one in the mask, the same bit in the destination address is considered significant.
                 ibmdlsLocalNameFilterTable no-access
The NetBIOS local name filter table. This table contains information regarding the filtering of NetBIOS frames received from local LAN segments.
                     ibmdlsLocalNameFilterEntry no-access
Filter information for a NetBIOS source-destination name pair.
                         ibmdlsLocalNameFilterID integer read-only
A unique identifier for this filter.
                         ibmdlsLocalNameFilterSrcAddress displaystring read-only
The source NetBIOS name that this filter is applied to.
                         ibmdlsLocalNameFilterDestAddress displaystring read-only
The destination NetBIOS name that this filter is applied to.
                 ibmdlsRemoteNameFilterTable no-access
The NetBIOS name filter table. This table contains information regarding the filtering of NetBIOS frames received from other participating DLS routers.
                     ibmdlsRemoteNameFilterEntry no-access
Filter information for a NetBIOS source-destination name pair.
                         ibmdlsRemoteNameFilterID integer read-only
A unique identifier for this filter.
                         ibmdlsRemoteNameFilterSrcAddress displaystring read-only
The source NetBIOS name that this filter is applied to.
                         ibmdlsRemoteNameFilterDestAddress displaystring read-only
The destination NetBIOS name that this filter is applied to.
                 ibmdlsDefaultDestTable no-access
Table of default routers for MAC addresses.
                     ibmdlsDefaultDestEntry no-access
Mapping of a MAC address to a default router.
                         ibmdlsDefaultDestAddress octet string read-only
The destination address that this table entry applies to.
                         ibmdlsDefaultRouterAddress ipaddress read-only
The default router used for reaching the destination address in ibmdlsDefaultDestAddress.
                 ibmdlsDefaultNBDestTable no-access
Table of default routers for NetBIOS names.
                       ibmdlsDefaultNBDestEntry no-access
Mapping of a NetBIOS name to a default router.
                           ibmdlsDefaultNBDestName displaystring read-only
The destination NetBIOS name that this table entry applies to.
                           ibmdlsDefaultNBRouterAddress ipaddress read-only
The default router used for reaching the destination name in ibmdlsDefaultNBDestName.
                 ibmdlsStationTable no-access
Table of configuration information on SNA stations attached to this router.
                       ibmdlsStationEntry no-access
Information on a single SNA station attached to this router.
                           ibmdlsStationIfIndex integer read-only
The value of IfIndex for the port to which this station is attached.
                           ibmdlsStationAddress integer read-only
The SDLC address of this station.
                           ibmdlsStationTransmitWindowCount integer read-only
The number of SDLC information frames to send to this station before turning the line around to get a response.
                           ibmdlsStationRetransmitCount integer read-only
The number of contiguous information frame bursts that will be transmitted to this station before declaring a permanent transmission error.
                           ibmdlsStationRetransmitThreshold integer read-only
The number of information frame transmissions allowed as a percentage of total information frame transmissions. The specified rate is the maximum rate of retransmissions allowed above which an error log entry will be make.
                           ibmdlsStationForceDisconnectTimeout integer read-only
The number of seconds that the IBM 6611 will wait after requesting a disconnect from the link (DISC) before forcing a disconnect.
                           ibmdlsStationMaxIfieldSize integer read-only
The value in bytes of the maximum I-field size (a multiple of 256 plus 9).
                           ibmdlsStationPrimaryRepollTimeout integer read-only
The length of time (in tenths of seconds) that the primary station will wait for a response from the secondary station.
                           ibmdlsStationPrimaryRepollCount integer read-only
The number of times that the primary station will poll the secondary station unsuccessfully before marking the station as not working.
                           ibmdlsStationPrimaryRepollThreshold integer read-only
The number of repolls as a percentage of the total polls sent to the secondary station. The specified percentage equals the maximum rate of repolls allowed, above which the IBM 6611 declares that a temporary error has occurred and logs an entry in the system error log.
                           ibmdlsStationPrimarySlowListTimeout integer read-only
The number of seconds that the primary station will wait between polls to stations on the slow list.
                           ibmdlsStationSrcAddress octet string read-only
The token ring physical address used for this station.
                           ibmdlsStationDestAddress octet string read-only
The token ring physical address to which this station should be connected. If this information is not available the IBM 6611 Network Processor will return a length of zero for this object.
                 ibmdlsCirTable no-access
Table of information on DLS circuits active on this router.
                       ibmdlsCirEntry no-access
Information on a DLS circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirIfIndex integer read-only
The value of IfIndex for the interface supporting this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirSrcAddress octet string read-only
The MAC address of the source of this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirSrcSap integer read-only
The SAP identifier of the source of this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirDestAddress octet string read-only
The MAC address of the destination of this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirDestSap integer read-only
The SAP identifier of the destination of this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirPartnerRouterAddress ipaddress read-only
The IP address of the partner router used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkState integer read-only
The state of the local link station used by this circuit. Enumeration: 'closing': 3, 'inactive': 4, 'opened': 2, 'opening': 1.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkSubState integer read-only
The sub-state of the local link station used by this circuit. Enumeration: 'remoteBusy': 5, 'localBusy': 4, 'contacted': 3, 'listening': 2, 'calling': 1.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkRouting octet string read-only
The routing information field used by the local link portion of this circuit. The routing information field consists of a 2-byte routing control field and up to eight 2-byte route designators.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkTestCmdsSent counter read-only
The number of test commands sent by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkTestCmdsFail counter read-only
The number of test commands failed by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkTestCmdsRcv counter read-only
The number of test commands received by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkDataPktSent counter read-only
The number of sequenced data packets sent by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkDataPktResent counter read-only
The number of sequenced data packets resent by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkMaxContResent counter read-only
The maximum number of contiguous resendings by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkDataPktRcv counter read-only
The number of sequenced data packets received by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkInvalidPktRcv counter read-only
The number of invalid packets received by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkAdpRcvErr counter read-only
The number of data-detected receive errors by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkAdpSendErr counter read-only
The number of data-detected transmit errors by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkRcvInactiveTimeouts counter read-only
The number of inactivity timeouts received by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkCmdPollsSent counter read-only
The number of command polls sent by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkCmdRepollsSent counter read-only
The number of command repolls sent by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalLinkCmdContRepolls counter read-only
The number of continuous repolls sent by the local link station used by this circuit.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalAddress integer read-only
The address (ibmdlsCirSrcAddress or ibmdlsCirDestAddress) that is local on this circuit. Enumeration: 'destinationIsLocal': 2, 'sourceIsLocal': 1.
                           ibmdlsCirLocalConnectionState integer read-only
The state of the DLSw circuit connection based upon the progression of events as a logical link station and its associated DLSw connection is brought up or down. Enumeration: 'discontactPending': 4, 'contactPending': 2, 'connected': 5, 'contacted': 3, 'discontacted': 1.
                   ibmpppLinkControlTable no-access
A table containing PPP-link specific control variables for this managed object. An entry in this table is uniquely identified by the ibmpppLinkControlIndex value comprised by said entry.
                       ibmpppLinkControlEntry no-access
Management control information about a particular PPP Link.
                           ibmpppLinkControlIndex integer read-only
A unique value for each PPP link. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is that identified by the same value of an ifIndex object instance. The value for each link must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
                           ibmpppLinkCRCSize integer read-only
Number of bits used in the CRC on this link. See section 3.1, 'Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Field' on page 5 of RFC 1171. Setting this object to a new value will have effect when this link is next restarted. Enumeration: 'ppp-crc-32': 32, 'ppp-crc-16': 16.
                           ibmpppLinkRestartTimerValue integer read-only
The value used for the Restart Timer. It is in units of hundredths of a second. See section 4.3, 'Timers and Counters' on page 20 of RFC 1171.
                           ibmpppLinkMaxRestarts integer read-only
The Max-Restarts parameter described in section 4.3, 'Timers and Counters' on page 20 of RFC 1171.
                           ibmpppLinkLocalMRU integer read-only
The MRU (Maximum Receive Unit) of this node on the link. See section 2.1, page 2, 'Maximum Receive Unit' of RFC 1172. Changing this object will have effect when the link is next restarted.
                           ibmpppLinkRemoteMRU integer read-only
What this node believes is the MRU for the node on the other end of the link. See section 2.1, page 2, 'Maximum Receive Unit' of RFC 1172. Changing this object will immediately cause the local node to use the new MRU when transmitting packets. If this number is increased, then the sender MAY elect to use the new MRU. If the MRU is decreased then the sender MUST use the new MRU.
                           ibmpppLinkLocalACCMap octet string read-only
The (ACC) Asynchronous-Control-Character-Map for this node. This is the ACC Map that the node on the other end of the link will use when building a packet to send to this node. See section 2.2, page 3, 'Async-Control- Character-Map' of RFC 1172. The IBM 6611 Network Processor always provides a value of zero for this object.
                           ibmpppLinkRemoteACCMap octet string read-only
The (ACC) Asynchronous-Control-Character-Map that this node uses when building a packet to send to the node on the other end of the link. See section 2.2, page 3, 'Async-Control-Character-Map' of RFC 1172. The IBM 6611 Network Processor always provides a value of zero for this object.
                           ibmpppLinkMagicLoopCount integer read-only
The number of times that this node will do a Magic Number Configuration before deciding that the link is looped back. 0 indicates that the node does not do Magic Number Configuration. -1 indicates that it tries forever. Changing this object takes effect the next time that the link is restarted.
                           ibmpppLinkCommand integer read-only
See section 4.14 on page 13 of RFC 1171. Reading from this variable will return no-op(1). The IBM 6611 Network Processor always provides a value of no-op(1) for this object. Enumeration: 'close': 2, 'no-op': 1.
                   ibmpppLinkStatusTable no-access
A table containing PPP-link status specific information for this managed object. An entry in this table is uniquely identified by the ibmpppLinkStatusIndex value comprised by said entry.
                       ibmpppLinkStatusEntry no-access
Status information about a particular PPP Link.
                           ibmpppLinkStatusIndex integer read-only
A unique value for each PPP link. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is that identified by the same value of an ifIndex object instance. The value for each link must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
                           ibmpppLinkVersion integer read-only
The version of LCP that is being run over this link (per RFC 1171). This value currently must be 1.
                           ibmpppLinkCurrentState integer read-only
The current state of the link automaton. See section 4.1.3. 'State Transition Table' on page 13 of RFC 1171. Enumeration: 'closed': 1, 'ackrecvd': 4, 'acksent': 5, 'closing': 7, 'listen': 2, 'open': 6, 'reqsent': 3.
                           ibmpppLinkPreviousState integer read-only
The immediately previous state of the link automaton. See section 4.1.3. 'State Transition Table' on page 13 of RFC 1171. Enumeration: 'closed': 1, 'ackrecvd': 4, 'acksent': 5, 'closing': 7, 'listen': 2, 'open': 6, 'reqsent': 3.
                           ibmpppLinkChangeTime timeticks read-only
The value of sysUpTime when the state of the link automaton last changed.
                           ibmpppLinkMagicNumber integer read-only
This node's Magic Number. See section 2.4, page 7, 'Magic Number' of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkLocalQualityPeriod integer read-only
This is the maximum interval at which this node will transmit Link-Quality-Report Packets. See section 2.5, on page 10 of RFC 1172. This object is in units of microseconds.
                           ibmpppLinkRemoteQualityPeriod integer read-only
This is the maximum interval at which this node expects that the other node will transmit Link-Quality-Report Packets. See section 2.5, on page 10 of RFC 1172. This object is in units of microseconds.
                           ibmpppLinkProtocolCompression integer read-only
Indicates the Protocol compression that has been configured on the link. Receive-only(1) indicates that this node can receive compressed packets but won't send them. Send-only(2) indicates that this node will send compressed packets but can not receive them. Receive-and-send(3) indicates that the node will send and can receive compressed packets. None(4) indicates that this node will neither send nor receive compressed packets. See section 2.6, on page 11 of RFC 1172. The IBM 6611 Network Processor always provides a value of none(4) for this object. Enumeration: 'send-only': 2, 'receive-only': 1, 'none': 4, 'receive-and-send': 3.
                           ibmpppLinkACCompression integer read-only
Indicates the Address/Control Field compression that has been configured on the link. Receive-only(1) indicates that this node can receive compressed packets but won't send them. Send-only(2) indicates that this node will send compressed packets but can not receive them. Receive-and- send(3) indicates that the node will send and can receive compressed packets. None(4) indicates that this node will neither send nor receive compressed packets. See section 2.7, on page 13 of RFC 1172. The IBM 6611 Network Processor always provides a value of none(4) for this object. Enumeration: 'send-only': 2, 'receive-only': 1, 'none': 4, 'receive-and-send': 3.
                           ibmpppLinkMeasurementsValid integer read-only
The current value of the Measurements-Valid state variable used for Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkQuality integer read-only
The current quality of the link as declared by the nodes Link-Quality Management modules. No effort is made to define good or bad, nor the policy used to determine it. Enumeration: 'bad': 2, 'good': 1.
                           ibmpppLinkPhysical object identifier read-only
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular physical interface type (e.g. T1) being used by the PPP Link. If the agent is unable to obtain this information, the value of this object will be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntatically valid object identifier, and any conformant implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be able to generate and recognize this value.
                   ibmpppLinkErrorsTable no-access
A table containing PPP-link specific statistical information for this managed object. An entry in this table is uniquely identified by the ibmpppLinkErrorsIndex value comprised by said entry.
                       ibmpppLinkErrorsEntry no-access
Error information about a particular PPP Link.
                           ibmpppLinkErrorsIndex integer read-only
A unique value for each PPP link. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is that identified by the same value of an ifIndex object instance. The value for each link must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
                           ibmpppLinkBadAddresses counter read-only
The number of packets received with an incorrect Address Field. See section 3.1, Page 5, 'Address Field' of RFC 1171.
                           ibmpppLinkLastBadAddress octet string read-only
The most recent incorrect address received on this link.
                           ibmpppLinkBadControls counter read-only
The number of packets received on this link with an incorrect Control Field. See Section 3.1, Page 5, 'Flag Sequence' of RFC 1171.
                           ibmpppLinkLastBadControl octet string read-only
The most recent incorrect Control Field received on this link.
                           ibmpppLinkLastUnknownProtocol octet string read-only
The most recently received unknown Protocol. An unknown Protocol is one which has a well-formed Protocol number, but which the PPP implementation does not know how to handle.
                           ibmpppLinkInvalidProtocols counter read-only
The number of times that a packet has been received with an invalid Protocol specified in the Protocol Field. An invalid Protocol is one which does not conform to the requirements of section 3.1, page 5 of RFC 1171.
                           ibmpppLinkLastInvalidProtocol octet string read-only
The most recently received invalid Protocol.
                           ibmpppLinkPacketTooLongs counter read-only
The number of received packets that have been discarded because their length exceeded the MRU.
                           ibmpppLinkBadCRCs counter read-only
The number of received packets that have been discarded due to having an incorrect CRC.
                           ibmpppLinkConfigTimeouts counter read-only
The number of Configure Request packets that have timed out.
                           ibmpppLinkTerminateTimeouts counter read-only
The number of Terminate Request packets that have timed out.
                   ibmpppLinkQualityTable no-access
A table containing PPP-link specific statistical information for this managed object. An entry in this table is uniquely identified by the ibmpppLinkQualityIndex value comprised by said entry.
                       ibmpppLinkQualityEntry no-access
Link Quality Management information about a particular PPP Link.
                           ibmpppLinkQualityIndex integer read-only
A unique value for each PPP link. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is that identified by the same value of an ifIndex object instance. The value for each link must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
                           ibmpppLinkInTxLQRs counter read-only
The current value of In-Tx-LQRs used in Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkInTxPackets counter read-only
The current value of the In-Tx-Packets counter used for Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkLastOutTxPackets counter read-only
The current value of the Last-Out-Tx-Packets-Ctr counter used bu Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkInTxOctets counter read-only
The current value of the In-Tx-Octets counter used for Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkLastOutTxOctets counter read-only
The current value of the Last-Out-Tx-Octets-Counter counter used for Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkInRxPackets counter read-only
The current value of the In-Rx-Packets counter used for Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkLastInRxPackets counter read-only
The current value of the Last-In-Rx-Packets-Ctr counter used for Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkInRxOctets counter read-only
The current value of the In-Rx-Octets counter used for Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                           ibmpppLinkLastInRxOctets counter read-only
The current value of the Last-In-Rx-Octets-Ctr counter used for Link-Quality Management. See section 3.5, page 19, of RFC 1172.
                       ibmpppIPTable no-access
A table containing specific information for the running of the IP over PPP in this managed object. An entry in this table is uniquely identified by the ibmpppIPLinkNumber value comprised by said entry.
                           ibmpppIPEntry no-access
All information pertinant to running the IP over a single PPP link.
                               ibmpppIPLinkNumber integer read-only
The value of ibmpppLinkIndex for the link over which this instance of the IP is being run.
                               ibmpppIPRejects counter read-only
The number of Protocol Reject Messages received when attempting to send an IP packet over the link identified by ibmpppIPLinkNumber.
                               ibmpppIPInPackets counter read-only
The number of IP packets received on the link identified by ibmpppIPLinkNumber.
                               ibmpppIPInOctets counter read-only
The number of octets received in IP packets received on the link identified by ibmpppIPLinkNumber. Only octets in the PPP Information Field are counted. Octets inserted for transparency are not counted. Padding octets are not counted.
                               ibmpppIPOutPackets counter read-only
The number of IP packets sent on the link identified by ibmpppIPLinkNumber.
                               ibmpppIPOutOctets counter read-only
The number of octets all in IP Packets sent on the link identified by ibmpppIPLinkNumber. Only octets in the PPP Information Field are counted. Octets inserted for transparency are not counted. Padding octets are not counted.
                       ibmpppIPCPTable no-access
A table containing specific information for the running of the IPCP over PPP in this managed object. An entry in this table is uniquely identified by the ibmpppIPCPLinkNumber value comprised by said entry.
                           ibmpppIPCPEntry no-access
All information pertinant to running the IPCP over a single PPP link.
                               ibmpppIPCPLinkNumber integer read-only
The value of ibmpppLinkIndex for the link over which this instance of the IPCP is being run.
                               ibmpppIPCPRejects counter read-only
The number of Protocol Reject Messages received when attempting to send an IPCP Packet over the link identified by ibmpppIPCPLinkNumber.
                               ibmpppIPCPInPackets counter read-only
The number of IPCP packets received on the link identified by ibmpppIPCPLinkNumber.
                               ibmpppIPCPInOctets counter read-only
The number of octets received in IPCP packets received on the link identified by ibmpppIPCPLinkNumber. Only octets in the PPP Information Field are counted. Octets inserted for transparency are not counted. Padding octets are not counted.
                               ibmpppIPCPOutPackets counter read-only
The number of IPCP packets sent on the link identified by ibmpppIPLinkNumber.
                               ibmpppIPCPOutOctets counter read-only
The number of octets all in IPCP packets sent on the link identified by ibmpppIPCPLinkNumber. Only octets in the PPP Information Field are counted. Octets inserted for transparency are not counted. Padding octets are not counted.
                               ibmpppIPCPCompressionType integer read-only
The compression type used on this link as defined in section 5.2 of RFC 1172. The numerical values that this object can be are the same as the numerical values that are included in the IPCP compression option configuration packets. The IBM 6611 Network Processor always provides a value of none(1) for this object. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'van-jacobson-compressed-tcp': 2.
                       ibmpppLCPTable no-access
A table containing specific information for the running of LCP over PPP in this managed object. An entry in this table is uniquely identified by the ibmpppLCPLinkNumber value comprised by said entry.
                           ibmpppLCPEntry no-access
All information pertinant to running LCP over a single PPP link.
                               ibmpppLCPLinkNumber integer read-only
The value of ibmpppLinkIndex for the link over which this instance of LCP is being run.
                               ibmpppLCPRejects counter read-only
The number of Protocol Reject Messages received when attempting to send an LCP packet over the link identified by ibmpppLCPLinkNumber. This really ought not to happen.
                               ibmpppLCPInPackets counter read-only
The number of LCP packets received on the link identified by ibmpppLCPLinkNumber.
                               ibmpppLCPInOctets counter read-only
The number of octets received in LCP packets received on the link identified by ibmpppLCPLinkNumber. Only octets in the PPP Information Field are counted. Octets inserted for transparency are not counted. Padding octets are not counted.
                               ibmpppLCPOutPackets counter read-only
The number of LCP packets sent on the link identified by ibmpppLCPLinkNumber.
                               ibmpppLCPOutOctets counter read-only
The number of octets all in LCP packets sent on the link identified by ibmpppLCPLinkNumber. Only octets in the PPP Information Field are counted. Octets inserted for transparency are not counted. Padding octets are not counted.
                               ibmpppLCPOutCRs counter read-only
Number of Configuration Request packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInCRs counter read-only
Number of Configuration Request packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutCAs counter read-only
Number of Configuration Acknowledge packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInCAs counter read-only
Number of Configuration Acknowledge packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutCNs counter read-only
Number of Configuration NAK packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInCNs counter read-only
Number of Configuration NAK packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutCRejs counter read-only
Number of Configuration Reject packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInCRejs counter read-only
Number of Configuration Reject packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutTRs counter read-only
Number of Terminate Request packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInTRs counter read-only
Number of Terminate Request packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutTAs counter read-only
Number of Terminate Acknowledge packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInTAs counter read-only
Number of Terminate Acknowledge packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutCodeRejs counter read-only
Number of Code Reject packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInCodeRejs counter read-only
Number of Code Reject packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutEchoReqs counter read-only
Number of Echo Request packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInEchoReqs counter read-only
Number of Echo Request packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutEchoReps counter read-only
Number of Echo Reply packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInEchoReps counter read-only
Number of Echo Reply packets received on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPOutDiscReqs counter read-only
Number of Discard Request packets sent on this link.
                               ibmpppLCPInDiscReqs counter read-only
Number of Discard Request packets received on this link.
                   ibmxnsidpForwarding integer read-only
Indicates if this node is acting as an XNS router. Enumeration: 'forwarding': 1, 'not-forwarding': 2.
                   ibmxnsConfigTable no-access
The table of XNS configuration information gathered on a per-interface basis.
                       ibmxnsConfigEntry no-access
XNS configuration information for a single interface.
                           ibmxnsPortIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                           ibmxnsPortStatus integer read-only
The status of the XNS protocol stack on this interface. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'inactive': 2.
                           ibmxnsidpChecksum integer read-only
Indicates the type of checksumming being done by IDP. Enumeration: 'header': 2, 'off': 1, 'packet': 3.
                           ibmxnsErrpActive integer read-only
Indicates if this port is originating error protocol packets. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'suppressed': 2.
                           ibmxnsLoopbackActive integer read-only
Indicates if this port will use the hardware to loopback locally addressed packets or return the packet to the system via a software loopback. Enumeration: 'hardware-loopback-active': 2, 'software-loopback-active': 1.
                   ibmxnsidpInReceives counter read-only
Total number of IDP datagrams received.
                   ibmxnsidpBcastInReceives counter read-only
Number of IDP broadcast datagrams received.
                   ibmxnsidpMcastInReceives counter read-only
Number of IDP multicast datagrams received.
                   ibmxnsidpInDiscards counter read-only
Number of incoming IDP datagrams discarded due to lack of resources.
                   ibmxnsidpOutRequests counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams generated by local IDP user protocols. This counter does not include any datagrams counted in ibmxnsidpForwDatagrams.
                   ibmxnsidpBcastOutRequests counter read-only
Number of IDP broadcast datagrams generated by local IDP user protocols. This counter does not include any datagrams counted in ibmxnsidpForwDatagrams.
                   ibmxnsidpMcastOutRequests counter read-only
Number of IDP multicast datagrams generated by local IDP user protocols. This counter does not include any datagrams counted in ibmxnsidpForwDatagrams.
                   ibmxnsidpForwDatagrams counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams for which an attempt was made to forward.
                   ibmxnsidpOutDiscards counter read-only
Total number of outgoing IDP datagrams discarded.
                   ibmxnsidpOutNoRoutes counter read-only
Number of outgoing IDP datagrams discarded because no route was available to the specified destination.
                   ibmxnsidpRoutingDiscards counter read-only
Number of routing entries discarded even though they were valid.
                   ibmxnsidpZeroDirBcast counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams forwarded to the system due to zeronet broadcast.
                   ibmxnsidpTooSmall counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams with len < the size of an IDP header.
                   ibmxnsidpBadLen counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams with number of bytes in the packet less than the number of bytes specified in the IDP header field.
                   ibmxnsidpBadSum counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams with a bad checksum
                   ibmxnsidpBadTTL counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams with TTL value > IDP maximum hopcount of 16.
                   ibmxnsErrUnspec counter read-only
Number of Error packets generated because an IDP datagram was dropped for unspecified reasons.
                   ibmxnsErrChecksum counter read-only
Number of Error packets generated because an IDP datagram was dropped due a bad checksum.
                   ibmxnsErrUnreach counter read-only
Number of Error packets generated because an IDP datagram was dropped due to an unreachable host.
                   ibmxnsErrTTLExpired counter read-only
Number of Error packets generated because an IDP datagram was dropped because its time-to-live counter had expired.
                   ibmxnsErrTooBig counter read-only
Number of Error packets generated because an IDP datagram was dropped because it was too large to be forwarded through this node.
                   ibmxnsErrResources counter read-only
Number of Error packets generated because an IDP datagram was dropped due to lack of resources.
                   ibmxnsErrCongWarn counter read-only
Number of Error packets generated for congestion warnings.
                   ibmxnsErrCongDiscard counter read-only
Number of Error packets generated for congestion discards.
                   ibmxnsErrSquelched counter read-only
Number of error packets that would have been generated, except that the faulted datagram had one of the following conditions: - was sent as link layer broadcast - NS destination was broadcast - NS source was 0, loopback, or broadcast
                   ibmxnsErrOutMsgs counter read-only
Total number of error packets generated.
                   ibmxnsAddrTable no-access
The XNS Address Table.
                         ibmxnsAddrEntry no-access
An entry in the XNS address table.
                             ibmxnsAddrAddress octet string read-only
The XNS address to which this entry's addressing information pertains.
                             ibmxnsAddrIfIndex integer read-only
The interface index which identifies the interface to which this entry is applicable.
                   ibmxnsRouteTable no-access
The XNS Route Table.
                         ibmxnsRouteEntry no-access
An entry in the XNS route table.
                             ibmxnsRouteDest octet string read-only
The desination network of this route.
                             ibmxnsRouteIfIndex integer read-only
The index value which identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached.
                             ibmxnsRouteNextHop octet string read-only
The XNS network address of the next hop of this route.
                             ibmxnsRouteMetric integer read-only
The hop count to the destination.
                             ibmxnsRouteUse counter read-only
Reference counter for this route.
                   ibmxnsFilterTable no-access
The XNS Filter Table.
                         ibmxnsFilterEntry no-access
An entry in the XNS filter table.
                             ibmxnsFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmxnsFilterNumber integer read-only
A unique integer identifying this filter entry for this interface.
                             ibmxnsFilterValue octet string read-only
An octet string representing the IDP header information required by this filter entry. Incoming IDP packets will be bitwise ANDed with the value of ibmxnsFilterMask, and if the result is equal to the value of this object, the packet will be filtered according to the value of ibmxnsFilterType. The structure of an IDP header is as follows: BIT16 checksum BIT16 length BIT8 transport control (ie. hop count) BIT8 packet type BIT32 destination network address BIT48 destination host address BIT16 destination socket BIT32 source network address BIT48 source host address BIT16 source socket
                             ibmxnsFilterMask octet string read-only
An octet string indicating the parts of the IDP header relevant to this filter entry. This mask will be bitwise ANDed with the IDP packet; if the result is equal to the value of ibmxnsFilterValue, the packet will be filtered according to the value of ibmxnsFilterType.
                             ibmxnsFilterType integer read-only
Determines whether this filter is a deny entry or a permit entry. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmxnsFilterHCCompare integer read-only
Indicates the relational association desired if filtering is being done based on hop count. If filtering is not being done based on hop count (that is, if the hop count portion of ibmxnsFilterMask is 0) the value of this object will be none(1). Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'less-than': 2, 'greater-than-equal': 5, 'equal': 4, 'greater-than': 6, 'less-than-equal': 3.
                             ibmxnsFilterUse counter read-only
Usage count for this filter entry.
                   ibmipxidpForwarding integer read-only
Indicates if this node is acting as an IPX router. Enumeration: 'forwarding': 1, 'not-forwarding': 2.
                   ibmipxConfigTable no-access
The table of IPX configuration information gathered on a per-interface basis.
                       ibmipxConfigEntry no-access
IPX configuration information for a single interface.
                           ibmipxPortIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                           ibmipxPortStatus integer read-only
The status of the IPX protocol stack on this interface. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'inactive': 2.
                           ibmipxidpChecksum integer read-only
Indicates the type of checksumming being done by IDP. Enumeration: 'header': 2, 'off': 1, 'packet': 3.
                           ibmipxLoopbackActive integer read-only
Indicates if this port will use the hardware to loopback locally addressed packets or return the packet to the system via a software loopback. Enumeration: 'hardware-loopback-active': 2, 'software-loopback-active': 1.
                   ibmipxidpInReceives counter read-only
Total number of IDP datagrams received.
                   ibmipxidpBcastInReceives counter read-only
Number of IDP broadcast datagrams received.
                   ibmipxidpInDiscards counter read-only
Number of incoming IDP datagrams discarded due to lack of resources.
                   ibmipxidpInAddrErrors counter read-only
Number of incoming IDP datagrams discarded because the network portion of the address did not match the configured address for this host.
                   ibmipxidpOutRequests counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams generated by local IDP user protocols. This counter does not include any datagrams counted in ibmipxidpForwDatagrams.
                   ibmipxidpBcastOutRequests counter read-only
Number of IDP broadcast datagrams generated by local IDP user protocols. This counter does not include any datagrams counted in ibmipxidpForwDatagrams.
                   ibmipxidpForwDatagrams counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams for which an attempt was made to forward.
                   ibmipxidpOutDiscards counter read-only
Total number of outgoing IDP datagrams discarded.
                   ibmipxidpOutNoRoutes counter read-only
Number of outgoing IDP datagrams discarded because no route was available to the specified destination.
                   ibmipxidpRoutingDiscards counter read-only
Number of routing entries discarded even though they were valid.
                   ibmipxidpZeroDirBcast counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams forwarded to the system due to zeronet broadcast.
                   ibmipxidpTooSmall counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams with len < the size of an IDP header.
                   ibmipxidpBadLen counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams with number of bytes in the packet less than the number of bytes specified in the IDP header field.
                   ibmipxidpBadSum counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams with a bad checksum
                   ibmipxidpBadTTL counter read-only
Number of IDP datagrams with TTL value > IDP maximum hopcount of 16.
                   ibmipxAddrTable no-access
The IPX Address Table.
                         ibmipxAddrEntry no-access
An entry in the IPX address table.
                             ibmipxAddrAddress octet string read-only
The IPX address to which this entry's addressing information pertains.
                             ibmipxAddrIfIndex integer read-only
The interface index which identifies the interface to which this entry is applicable.
                   ibmipxRouteTable no-access
The IPX Route Table.
                         ibmipxRouteEntry no-access
An entry in the IPX route table.
                             ibmipxRouteDest octet string read-only
The desination network of this route.
                             ibmipxRouteIfIndex integer read-only
The index value which identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached.
                             ibmipxRouteNextHop octet string read-only
The IPX network address of the next hop of this route.
                             ibmipxRouteMetric integer read-only
The hop count to the destination.
                             ibmipxRouteUse counter read-only
Reference counter for this route.
                   ibmipxFilterTable no-access
The IPX Filter Table.
                         ibmipxFilterEntry no-access
An entry in the IPX filter table.
                             ibmipxFilterIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmipxFilterNumber integer read-only
A unique integer identifying this filter entry for this interface.
                             ibmipxFilterValue octet string read-only
An octet string representing the IDP header information required by this filter entry. Incoming IDP packets will be bitwise ANDed with the value of ibmipxFilterMask, and if the result is equal to the value of this object, the packet will be filtered according to the value of ibmipxFilterType. The structure of an IDP header is as follows: BIT16 checksum BIT16 length BIT8 transport control (ie. hop count) BIT8 packet type BIT32 destination network address BIT48 destination host address BIT16 destination socket BIT32 source network address BIT48 source host address BIT16 source socket
                             ibmipxFilterMask octet string read-only
An octet string indicating the parts of the IDP header relevant to this filter entry. This mask will be bitwise ANDed with the IDP packet; if the result is equal to the value of ibmipxFilterValue, the packet will be filtered according to the value of ibmipxFilterType.
                             ibmipxFilterType integer read-only
Determines whether this filter is a deny entry or a permit entry. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                             ibmipxFilterHCCompare integer read-only
Indicates the relational association desired if filtering is being done based on hop count. If filtering is not being done based on hop count (that is, if the hop count portion of ibmipxFilterMask is 0) the value of this object will be none(1). Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'less-than': 2, 'greater-than-equal': 5, 'equal': 4, 'greater-than': 6, 'less-than-equal': 3.
                             ibmipxFilterUse counter read-only
Usage count for this filter entry.
                   ibmipxsapStatInRequests counter read-only
Number of SAP requests received by this entity.
                   ibmipxsapStatOutRequests counter read-only
Number of SAP requests sent by this entity.
                   ibmipxsapStatInResponses counter read-only
Number of SAP responses received by this entity.
                   ibmipxsapStatOutResponses counter read-only
Number of SAP responses sent by this entity.
                   ibmipxsapStatInErrors counter read-only
Number of incoming SAP packets discarded due to errors.
                   ibmipxsapStatOutDiscards counter read-only
Number of outgoing SAP packets discarded due to lack of resources.
                   ibmipxsapServerTable no-access
Table of IPX servers.
                         ibmipxsapServerEntry no-access
Information on a single server.
                             ibmipxsapServerType integer read-only
The type of this server.
                             ibmipxsapServerNet octet string read-only
The IPX network number of this server.
                             ibmipxsapServerHost octet string read-only
The IPX host address of this server.
                             ibmipxsapServerSocket integer read-only
The IPX socket number this server uses to advertise its service.
                             ibmipxsapServerName displaystring read-only
The name of this server.
                             ibmipxsapServerAge integer read-only
The number of seconds since this server entry was updated by the SAP protocol.
                             ibmipxsapServerHops integer read-only
The number of network hops required to reach this server.
                             ibmipxsapServerIfIndex integer read-only
The interface which is used to reach this server. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                             ibmipxsapServerIndex integer read-only
A unique number identifying servers advertised at the same IPX network and host address.
                             ibmipxsapServerRequestsFiltered counter read-only
Number of times a request for this server has been filtered.
                           ibmappnNodeCpName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned network name for this node in the format NETID.CPNAME.
                           ibmappnNodeNetid displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned APPN network identification, which can be from one to eight characters. This ID is used with the control point name to create a fully-qualified control point name.
                           ibmappnNodeBlockNum displaystring read-only
The block number is the first three digits of the node_id. These 3 hexadecimal digits identify the product and are not configurable.
                           ibmappnNodeIdNum displaystring read-only
The ID number is the last 5 digits of the node_id. These 5 hexadecimal digits are administratively defined and combined with the 3 digit block number form the node_id. This node_id is used to identify the local node and is include in APPN alerts as well as being included in XIDs. A unique value is required for connections to SNA sub-area.
                           ibmappnNodeType integer read-only
Type of APPN node, either network, len, or end node. Enumeration: 'endNode': 2, 'networkNode': 1, 'len': 4.
                           ibmappnNodeUpTime timeticks read-only
Time (in hundredths of a second) since this APPN node was initialized.
                           ibmappnNodeNegotLs integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports negotiable link stations. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeSegReasm integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports segment reassembly. This is only supported when segment generation is also supported. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeBindReasm integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports Bind segment reassembly. This will only be supported when Bind segment generation is also supported. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeParallelTg integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports parallel TGs. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeService integer read-only
Indicates whether this node allows call-in from nodes not defined locally. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeAdaptiveBindPacing integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports adaptive bind pacing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeNnRcvRegChar integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports receiving registered characteristics. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeNnGateway integer read-only
Indicates whether this is a gateway node. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeNnCentralDirectory integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports central directory cache. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeNnTreeCache integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports route tree cache. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeNnTreeUpdate integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports incremental_tree_update, which is only supported when tree caching is supported. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeNnRouteAddResist integer read-only
Route addition resistance is a value that indicates the relative desirability of using this node for intermediate session traffic. The value, which can be any integer 0-255, is used in route computation. The lower the value, the more desirable the node is for intermediate routing.
                           ibmappnNodeNnIsr integer read-only
Indicates whether the node supports intermediate session routing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeNnFrsn integer read-only
Flow reduction sequence numbers (FRSNs) are associated with Topology Database Updates (TDUs) and are unique only within each APPN network node. A TDU can be associated with multiple APPN resources. This object is the last FRSN sent in a topology update to adjacent network nodes.
                           ibmappnNodeEnSegGen integer read-only
Indicates whether this end node supports segment generation. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeEnModeCosMap integer read-only
Indicates whether this end node supports mode name to COS name mapping. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeEnLocateCdinit integer read-only
Indicates whether this end node supports Locate Cdinit. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeEnSendRegNames integer read-only
Indicates whether the node will register its LUs with the adjacent serving network node: NO - do not register names YES - register names Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodeEnSendRegChar integer read-only
Indicates whether this node supports send register characteristics, which is only supported when send registered names is also supported. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNodePortTable no-access
The Port table describes the configuration and current status of the ports used by APPN. The type of DLC is included in this table as a pointer to the DLC port specific tables.
                               ibmappnNodePortEntry no-access
The Port Name is used as the index to this table.
                                   ibmappnNodePortName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this APPN port. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodePortState integer read-write
Indicates the current state of this port. Enumeration: 'active': 3, 'inactive': 1, 'pendinact': 4, 'pendactive': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcType integer read-only
The type of DLC interface, distinguished according to the protocol immediately 'below' this layer. Enumeration: 'tokenRing': 6, 'socket': 4, 'dls': 3, 'other': 1, 'sdlc': 2, 'ethernet': 5.
                                   ibmappnNodePortPortType integer read-only
Identifies the type of line used by this port. Enumeration: 'sharedAccessFacilities': 3, 'leased': 1, 'switched': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodePortSIMRIM integer read-only
Indicates whether Set Initialization Mode (SIM) and Receive Initialization Mode (RIM) are supported. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodePortLsRole integer read-only
Initial role for LSs activated through this port, where 'abm' indicates asynchronous balance mode. Enumeration: 'abm': 4, 'primary': 1, 'negotiable': 3, 'secondary': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodePortMaxRcvBtuSize integer read-only
Maximum Basic Transmission Size (BTU) that a link station on this port can receive.
                                   ibmappnNodePortMaxIframeWindow integer read-only
Maximum number of I-frames that can be received by the XID sender before an acknowledgement is received.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDefLsGoodXids counter read-only
The total number of successfull XIDs that have occurred on all defined link stations on this port since the last time this port was started.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDefLsBadXids counter read-only
The total number of unsuccessfull XIDs that have occurred on all defined link stations on this port since the last time this port was started.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDynLsGoodXids counter read-only
The total number of successfull XIDs that have occurred on all dynamic link stations on this port since the last time this port was started.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDynLsBadXids counter read-only
The total number of unsuccessfull XIDs that have occurred on all dynamic link stations on this port since the last time this port was started.
                                   ibmappnNodePortSpecific object identifier read-only
Identifies the port specific OBJECT IDENTIFIER that can provide additional information.
                           ibmappnNodePortIpTable no-access
Port table (TCP/IP specific).
                               ibmappnNodePortIpEntry no-access
The IP Name is used as the index to this table.
                                   ibmappnNodePortIpName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this APPN port. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodePortIpPortNum integer read-only
Local TCP/IP port number.
                           ibmappnNodePortDlsTable no-access
Port table (DLS specific).
                               ibmappnNodePortDlsEntry no-access
The DLS Name is used as the index to this table.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlsName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this APPN DLS port. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlsMac octet string read-only
Local DLS MAC address.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlsSap octet string read-only
Local DLS Sap address.
                           ibmappnNodePortTrTable no-access
Port table (Token Ring specific).
                               ibmappnNodePortTrEntry no-access
The TR Name is used as the index to this table.
                                   ibmappnNodePortTrName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this APPN port. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodePortTrMac octet string read-only
Local Token Ring MAC address.
                                   ibmappnNodePortTrSap octet string read-only
Local Token Ring Sap address.
                           ibmappnNodePortDlcTraceTable no-access
Port table generic DLC trace table.
                               ibmappnNodePortDlcTraceEntry no-access
The Port name and a dynamic integer are the index to this table.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcTracPortName displaystring read-only
The Port name associated with this this trace table entry.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcTracIndex integer read-only
This index value is updated every time a new trace entry is created which provides a means to retrieve only the updated entries and also provides a simple method of correlating the entries. The table will wrap when the table is full, which will result in previous entries being written over. The mangement station can over come this by retrieving the table using this index to retrieve only the new table entries.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcTracDlcType integer read-only
The type of DLC interface, distinguished according to the protocol immediately 'below' this layer. Enumeration: 'tokenRing': 6, 'socket': 4, 'dls': 3, 'other': 1, 'sdlc': 2, 'ethernet': 5.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcTracLocalAddr displaystring read-only
Local address in format described below: other = free form DisplayString ip = ld.ld.ld.ld/2d tr = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx dlsw = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx ethernet = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcTracRemoteAddr displaystring read-only
Remote Address in the format described below: other = free form DisplayString ip = ld.ld.ld.ld/2d tr = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx dlsw = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx ethernet = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcTracMsgType integer read-only
Indicates the type of trace record entry Enumeration: 'confirm': 4, 'unknown': 2, 'request': 3, 'other': 1, 'indication': 5, 'response': 6.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcTracCmdType integer read-only
Indicates the command type of the trace entry. Enumeration: 'iamOkay': 29, 'haltLsNow': 25, 'trRestartLs': 6016, 'trMibLsFrame': 6028, 'ipRespAck': 2005, 'ipContedFrame': 2009, 'ipNetBioSnr': 2019, 'contedFrame': 9, 'respFrame': 2, 'ipExitBusy': 2013, 'xidFrame': 7, 'ipLsRestarted': 2017, 'ipHaltLsNow': 2025, 'trLsHalted': 6015, 'haltFrame': 14, 'trXidFrame': 6007, 'ipIamOkay': 2029, 'trTestRsp': 6024, 'trCurFrame': 6003, 'trHaltFrame': 6014, 'trContedFrame': 6009, 'dlsTestReq': 4122, 'ipRespFrame': 2002, 'restartLs': 16, 'trLsRestarted': 6017, 'trNetdFrame': 6021, 'ipCurFrame': 2003, 'ipTestRsp': 2024, 'trGnetFrame': 6020, 'lsRestarted': 17, 'ipLsHalted': 2015, 'trContFrame': 6008, 'trExitBusy': 6013, 'trNetBioAnq': 6026, 'trNetBioSnr': 6019, 'trNetBioSnq': 6018, 'trNetBioAnr': 6027, 'icrFrame': 4, 'trRespFrame': 6002, 'lsHalted': 15, 'trIFrame': 6010, 'contFrame': 8, 'ipEnterBusy': 2012, 'testRsp': 24, 'ipOobFrame': 2022, 'ipIFrame': 2010, 'mibLsFrame': 28, 'ipIcrFrame': 2004, 'ipNetBioSnq': 2018, 'ipHaltFrame': 2014, 'alterSap': 23, 'ipContFrame': 2008, 'dlsTestRsp': 4123, 'trRespAck': 6005, 'dlsIpm': 4124, 'trEnterBusy': 6012, 'trIcrFrame': 6004, 'ipTestFrame': 2001, 'trDgrmFrame': 6006, 'enterBusy': 12, 'ipGnetFrame': 2020, 'respAck': 5, 'trTestFrame': 6001, 'gnetFrame': 20, 'netdFrame': 21, 'ipRestartLs': 2016, 'curFrame': 3, 'testFrame': 1, 'trAlterSap': 6023, 'trHaltLsNow': 6025, 'iFrame': 10, 'ipNetdFrame': 2021, 'ipNetBioAnq': 2026, 'oobFrame': 22, 'ipMibLsFrame': 2028, 'dgrmFrame': 6, 'trIamOkay': 6029, 'netBioSnr': 19, 'netBioSnq': 18, 'ipAlterSap': 2023, 'ipXidFrame': 2007, 'ipNetBioAnr': 2027, 'exitBusy': 13, 'netBioAnq': 26, 'netBioAnr': 27, 'ipDgrmFrame': 2006, 'trOobFrame': 6022.
                                   ibmappnNodePortDlcTracUseWan integer read-only
Enumeration: 'useWan': 4, 'notApplicable': 2, 'other': 1, 'useLan': 5, 'useUnknown': 3.
                           ibmappnNodeLsTable no-access
This table contains detail information about the link station configuration and current status.
                               ibmappnNodeLsEntry no-access
This table is indexed by the link station name.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for the link station. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsPortName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for the port. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsDlcType integer read-only
The type of DLC interface, distinguished according to the protocol immediately 'below' this layer. Enumeration: 'tokenRing': 6, 'socket': 4, 'dls': 3, 'other': 1, 'sdlc': 2, 'ethernet': 5.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsDynamic integer read-only
Identifies whether this resource is a dynamic link station. Dynamic link stations are created when adjacent nodes that have not been locally defined establish a connection with this node. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsState integer read-write
State of this link station. Enumeration: 'active': 3, 'inactive': 1, 'pendinact': 4, 'pendactive': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsCpName displaystring read-only
Fully-qualified name of the adjacent node for this link station. The name can be from three to seventeen characters. Format is netid.cpname.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsTgNum integer read-only
Number associated with the TG to this link station.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsLimResource integer read-only
Indicates whether the link station is a limited resource. If it is, the TG is deactivated when there are no sessions. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsMigration integer read-only
Indicates whether this link station will be used for connections to down-level or migration partners. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsBlockNum displaystring read-only
The block number is the first three digits of the node_id. These 3 hexideimal digits identify the product and are not configurable.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsIdNum displaystring read-only
The ID number is the last 5 digits of the node_id. These 5 hexadecimal digits are administratively defined and combined with the 3 digit block number form the node_id. This node_id is used to identify the local node and is include in APPN alerts as well as being included in XIDs. A unique value is required for connections to SNA sub-area.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsCpCpSession integer read-only
Indicates whether CP-CP sessions are supported by this link station. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsTargetPacingCount integer read-only
Numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive indicating the desired pacing window size for BINDs on this TG. The number is significant only when fixed bind pacing is being performed.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsMaxSendBtuSize integer read-only
Numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive indicating the desired number of bytes in a Basic Transmission Unit (BTU) that can be sent on this TG. This is an administratively assigned value.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsEffCap integer read-only
The effective capacity is an integer value that indicates the kilo bits per second. It is derived from the link bandwidth and maximum load factor with the range of 0 thru 603,979,776. This is an administratively assigned value associated with the TG using this link station.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsConnCost integer read-only
Cost per connect time: a value representing the relative cost per unit of time to use the TG. Range is from 0, which means no cost, to 255, which indicates maximum cost. This is an administratively assigned value associated with the TG using this link station.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsByteCost integer read-only
Relative cost of transmitting a byte over this link. Range is from 0 (lowest cost) to 255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with the TG using this link station.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsSecurity integer read-only
The security is represented as an integer with a range of 1 thru 255 with the most common values enumerated as defined above. This is an administratively assigned value associated with the TG using this link station. Enumeration: 'guardedRadiation': 192, 'guardedConduit': 128, 'encrypted': 160, 'undergroundCable': 64, 'publicSwitchedNetwork': 32, 'secureConduit': 96, 'nonsecure': 1.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsDelay integer read-only
Relative amount of time that it takes for a signal to travel the length of the logical link. This time is represented in micro seconds, with some of the more common values enumerated. This is an administratively assigned value associated with the TG using this link station. Enumeration: 'terrestrial': 9216, 'maximum': 2013265920, 'long': 294912, 'minimum': 1, 'negligible': 384, 'packet': 147456.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsUsr1 integer read-only
First user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with the TG using this link station.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsUsr2 integer read-only
Second user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with the TG using this link station.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsUsr3 integer read-only
Third user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with the TG using this link station.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsInXidBytes counter read-only
Number of XID bytes received.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsInMsgBytes counter read-only
Number of message (I-frame) bytes received.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsInXidFrames counter read-only
Number of XID frames received.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsInMsgFrames counter read-only
Number of message (I-frame) frames received.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsOutXidBytes counter read-only
Number of XID bytes sent.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsOutMsgBytes counter read-only
Number of message (I-frame) bytes sent.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsOutXidFrames counter read-only
Number of XID frames sent.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsOutMsgFrames counter read-only
Number of message (I-frame) frames sent.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsEchoRsps counter read-only
Number of responses returned from adjacent link station. A response should be returned for each test frame sent by this node. Test frames are sent to adjacent nodes periodically to verify connectivity and to measure that actual round trip time, that is the time the test frame is sent until the response is received.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsCurrentDelay integer read-only
The time that it took for the last test signal to be sent and returned from this link station to the adjacent links station. This time is represented in milliseconds.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsMaxDelay integer read-only
The longest time it took for a test signal to be sent and returned from this link station to the adjacent links station. This time is represented in milliseconds .
                                   ibmappnNodeLsMinDelay integer read-only
The shortest time it took for a test signal to be sent and returned from this link station to the adjacent links station. This time is represented in milliseconds.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsMaxDelayTime timeticks read-only
The time (since system up in hundredth of seconds) when the longest delay occurred. This time can be used to identify when this high water mark occurred in relation to the last initialization of the APPN node.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsGoodXids counter read-only
The total number of successful XIDs that have occurred on this link station since the time it was started.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsBadXids counter read-only
The total number of unsuccessful XIDs that have occurred on this link station since the time it was started.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsSpecific object identifier read-only
Identifies the DLC specific OBJECT IDENTIFIER that can provide additional information.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsSubState integer read-only
State of this link station. Enumeration: 'pendRcvConnInd': 12, 'sentConnRsp': 14, 'sentSetMode': 5, 'sentDestroyTg': 9, 'pendXidExch': 3, 'sentDeactAsOrd': 7, 'sentReqOpnstn': 2, 'sentActAs': 4, 'sentDiscOrd': 8, 'sentConnReq': 11, 'sentCreateTg': 10, 'inactive': 1, 'pendSendConnRsp': 13, 'active': 6, 'pendDeact': 15.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStartTime timeticks read-only
The time (in hundredth of seconds) this link station has been active the last time since the time APPN was initialized.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsActiveTime timeticks read-only
The time (in hundredth of seconds) this link station has been in the active state. A zero value indicates the link station has never been active.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsCurrentStateTime timeticks read-only
The time (in hundredth of seconds) the link station is in the current state.
                           ibmappnNodeLsIpTable no-access
Link station table (TCP/IP specific).
                               ibmappnNodeLsIpEntry no-access
The IP Name is used as the index to this table.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsIpName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this link station. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsIpState integer read-only
State of this link station. Enumeration: 'active': 3, 'inactive': 1, 'pendinact': 4, 'pendactive': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsLocalIpAddr ipaddress read-only
Local IP address.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsLocalIpPortNum integer read-only
Local TCP/IP port number. The default listening port will be administratively assigned and will dynamically change if this node initiates a session with adjacent node.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsRemoteIpAddr ipaddress read-only
Remote IP address.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsRemoteIpPortNum integer read-only
Remote TCP/IP port number.
                           ibmappnNodeLsDlsTable no-access
Ls Table (DLS specific).
                               ibmappnNodeLsDlsEntry no-access
The DLS Name is used as the index to this table.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsDlsName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this link station. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsDlsState integer read-only
State of this link station. Enumeration: 'active': 3, 'inactive': 1, 'pendinact': 4, 'pendactive': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsLocalDlsMac octet string read-only
Local MAC address.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsLocalDlsSap octet string read-only
Local SAP address.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsRemoteDlsMac octet string read-only
Remote MAC address.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsRemoteDlsSap octet string read-only
Remote SAP address.
                           ibmappnNodeLsTrTable no-access
Ls Table (Token Ring specific).
                               ibmappnNodeLsTrEntry no-access
The TR Name is used as the index to this table.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsTrName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this link station. The name can be from one to eight characters.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsTrState integer read-only
State of this link station. Enumeration: 'active': 3, 'inactive': 1, 'pendinact': 4, 'pendactive': 2.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsLocalTrMac octet string read-only
Local MAC address.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsLocalTrSap octet string read-only
Local SAP address.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsRemoteTrMac octet string read-only
Remote MAC address.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsRemoteTrSap octet string read-only
Remote SAP address.
                           ibmappnNodeLsStatusTable no-access
This table contains information related to exceptional and potential exceptional conditions that occur during the activation, XID exchange, and termination of the connection.
                               ibmappnNodeLsStatusEntry no-access
This table is indexed by the LsStatusIndex, which is an integer that is continuously updated until it eventually wraps. This provides the management station the ability to retrieve only the updates to the table by using the standard GET NEXT.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusIndex integer read-only
Table index. The value of the index begins at zero and is incremented up to a maximum value of 2**31-1 (2,147,483,647) before wrapping.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusTime timeticks read-only
Time (in hundreds of a second) since this node was last initialized.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusLsName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this link station.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusCpName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned fully-qualified name of the adjacent node partner. This will be provided when the adjacent node has been defined at this node or when the XID sequence has proceeded far enough to to identify the adjacent node. A blank CP name will indicate the name is unknown.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusNodeId octet string read-only
Adjacent Node id
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusTgNum integer read-only
Number associated with the TG to this link station with a range from 0 to 256. A value of 256 indicates the tg number has not been negotiated and is unknown at this time.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusGeneralSense octet string read-only
The error sense code associated with the start sequence of activation of a link up to the beginning of the XID sequence.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusNofRetry integer read-only
Indicates whether NOF will retry the start request to activate the link. Enumeration: 'noretry': 2, 'retry': 1.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusEndSense octet string read-only
The sense code associated with the termination of the link connection to adjacent node. This includes all sense information included in the disconnect recieved from the lower layer DLCs and also sense information indicating the link termination originated by upper layer APPN components.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusXidLocalSense octet string read-only
The error sense code associated with the rejection of the XID.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusXidRemoteSense octet string read-only
The error sense code adjacent node returned to this node indicating the reason the XID was rejected.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusXidByteInError integer read-only
This identifies the actual byte in the XID that caused the error. The value of zero (0) indicates that the variable has no meaning. Enumeration: 'na': 1000.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusXidBitInError integer read-only
This identifies the actual bit within the error byte of the XID. This only has meaning when the byte in error is greater than zero. Enumeration: 'na': 8.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusDlcType integer read-only
This identifies DLC type that was being used when error occurred. This also is used to the format of the local and remote address provided. other = free form DisplayString ip = ld.ld.ld.ld/2d tr = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx dlsw = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx ethernet = lx:lx:lx:lx:lx:lx.lx Enumeration: 'socket': 4, 'tr': 6, 'dls': 3, 'other': 1, 'sdlc': 2, 'ethernet': 5.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusLocalAddr displaystring read-only
This contains a displayable string that identifies the DLC type and appropriate address. See DlcType above for details of the format.
                                   ibmappnNodeLsStatusRemoteAddr displaystring read-only
This contains a displayable string that identifies the DLC type and appropriate address. See DlcType above for details of the format.
                           ibmappnSnmpInPkts counter read-only
Total number of messages delivered to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpInGetRequests counter read-only
Total number of GET requests delivered to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpInGetNexts counter read-only
Total number of GETNEXT requests delivered to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpInSetRequests counter read-only
Total number of SET requests delivered to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpInTotalVars counter read-only
Total number of VARIABLES included in both GET and GETNEXT requests to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpInGetVars counter read-only
Total number of VARIBLES included in all GET requests to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpInGetNextVars counter read-only
Total number of VARIABLES included in all GETNEXT requests to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpInSetVars counter read-only
Total number of VARIBLES included in all SET requests to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpOutNoSuchNames counter read-only
Total number of VARIABLES that could not be found by the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnSnmpOutGenErrs counter read-only
Total number of undefined errors that occurred processing SNMP request to the APPN SNMP sub-agent.
                           ibmappnMemorySize integer read-only
Size of the shared storage segment, as obtained by storage management from the underlying operating system.
                           ibmappnMemoryUsed integer read-only
Number of bytes in the segment that are currently allocated to process.
                           ibmappnMemoryWarnThresh integer read-only
Allocation threshold beyond which storage management considers the storage resources to be constrained.
                           ibmappnMemoryCritThresh integer read-only
Allocation threshold beyond which storage management considers the storage resources to be critically constrained.
                           ibmappnNodeDefLsGoodXids counter read-only
The current number of successfull XIDs that have occurred on all defined link stations since the last time this node was initialized.
                           ibmappnNodeDefLsBadXids counter read-only
The current number of unsuccessfull XIDs that have occurred on all defined link stations since the last time this node was initialized.
                           ibmappnNodeDynLsGoodXids counter read-only
The current number of successfull XIDs that have occurred on all dynamic link stations since the last time this node was initialized.
                           ibmappnNodeDynLsBadXids counter read-only
The current number of unsuccessfull XIDs that have occurred on all dynamic link stations since the last time this node was initialized.
                           ibmappnNnTopoMaxNodes integer read-only
Maximum number of nodes allowed in the APPN topology database This administratively assigned value must be equal to or greater than the maximum total number of end nodes and network nodes. If the number of nodes exceeds this value, APPN will issue an Alert and the node can no longer participate as a network node.
                           ibmappnNnTopoCurNumNodes gauge read-only
Current number of nodes in this node's topology database. If this value exceeds the maximum number of nodes allowed (NnTopoMaxNodes), APPN alert CPDB002 is issued.
                           ibmappnNnTopoInTdus counter read-only
Total number of TDUs received from all adjacent NN since last initialization.
                           ibmappnNnTopoOutTdus counter read-only
Total number of TDUs built by this node to be sent to all adjacent NN since last initialization.
                           ibmappnNnTopoNodeLowRsns counter read-only
Total number of topology node updates received by this node with a RSN less than the current RSN. Both even and odd RSN are included in this count. These TDUs are not errors, but result when TDUs are broadcast to all adjacent network nodes. No update to this node's topology database occurs, but this node will send a TDU with it's higher RSN to the adjacent node that sent this low RSN.
                           ibmappnNnTopoNodeEqualRsns counter read-only
Total number of topology node updates received by this node with a RSN equal to the current RSN. Both even and odd RSN are included in this count. These TDUs are not errors, but result when TDUs are broadcast to all adjacent network nodes. No update to this node's topology database occurs.
                           ibmappnNnTopoNodeGoodHighRsns counter read-only
Total number of topology node updates received by this node with a RSN greater than the current RSN. This results in updating this nodes topology and broadcasting a TDU to all adjacent network nodes. It is not required to send a TDU to the sender of this update because that node already has the update.
                           ibmappnNnTopoNodeBadHighRsns counter read-only
Total number of topology node updates received by this node with an odd RSN greater than the current RSN. These updates represent a topology inconsistency detected by one of the APPN network nodes. This results in updating this nodes topology and broadcasting a TDU to all adjacent network nodes.
                           ibmappnNnTopoNodeStateUpdates counter read-only
Total number of topology Node records built as a result of internally detected node state changes that affect APPN topology and routing. Updates are sent via TDUs to all adjacent network nodes.
                           ibmappnNnTopoNodeErrors counter read-only
Total number of topology node records inconsistencies detected by this node. This occurs when this node attempts to update its topology database and detects a data inconsistency. This node will create a TDU with the current RSN incremented to the next odd number and broadcast it to all adjacent NNs.
                           ibmappnNnTopoNodeTimerUpdates counter read-only
Total number of topology node records built for this node's resource due to timer updates. Updates are sent via TDUs to all adjacent network nodes. These updates insure other network nodes do not delete this node's resources from their topology database.
                           ibmappnNnTopoNodePurges counter read-only
Total number of topology node records purged from this node's topology database. This occurs when a node has not been updated in a specified amount of time. The owning node is responsible for broadcasting updates for its resource that it wants kept in the network topology.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTgLowRsns counter read-only
Total number of topology TG updates received by this node with a RSN less than the current RSN. Both even and odd RSN are included in this count. These TDUs are not errors, but result when TDUs are broadcast to all adjacent network nodes. No update to this node's topology database occurs, but this node will send a TDU with it's higher RSN to the sender of the low RSN.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTgEqualRsns counter read-only
Total number of topology TG updates received by this node with a RSN equal to the current RSN. Both even and odd RSN are included in this count. These TDUs are not errors, but result when TDUs are broadcast to all adjacent network nodes. No update to this node's topology database occurs.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTgGoodHighRsns counter read-only
Total number of topology TG updates received by this node with a RSN greater than the current RSN. This results in updating this nodes topology and broadcasting the update to all adjacent network nodes.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTgBadHighRsns counter read-only
Total number of topology TG updates received by this node with an odd RSN greater than the current RSN. These updates represent a topology inconsistency detected by one of the APPN network nodes. This results in updating this nodes topology and broadcasting a TDU to all adjacent network nodes.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTgStateUpdates counter read-only
Total number of topology TG records built as a result of internally detected node state changes that affect APPN topology and routing. Updates are sent via TDUs to all adjacent network nodes.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTgErrors counter read-only
Total number of topology TG records inconsistencies detected by this node. This occurs when this node attempts to update its topology database and detects a data inconsistency. This node will create a TDU with the current RSN incremented to the next odd number and broadcast it to all adjacent NNs.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTgTimerUpdates counter read-only
Total number of topology TG records built for this node's resource due to timer updates. Updates are sent via TDUs to all adjacent network nodes. These updates insure other network nodes do not delete this node's resources from their topology database.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTgPurges counter read-only
Total number of topology TG records purged from this node's topology database. This occurs when a TG has not been updated in a specified amount of time. The owning node is responsible for broadcasting updates for its resource that it wants to keep in the network topology.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTotalRouteCalcs counter read-only
Number of routes calculated for all class of services since the last initialization.
                           ibmappnNnTopoTotalRouteRejs counter read-only
Number of route requests for all class of services that could not be calculated since last initialization.
                           ibmappnNnTopoRouteTable no-access
Table containing an entry for every Class of Service that it has calculated a route for.
                                 ibmappnNnTopoRouteEntry no-access
The Class of Service name is the index for this table.
                                     ibmappnNnTopoRouteCos displaystring read-only
The Class of Service for the route.
                                     ibmappnNnTopoRouteTrees counter read-only
Number of routes tree caches built for this Class of Service since the last initialization.
                                     ibmappnNnTopoRouteCalcs counter read-only
Number of routes calculated since last initialization.
                                     ibmappnNnTopoRouteRejs counter read-only
Number of route requests that could not be calculated since last initialization.
                       ibmappnNnAdjNodeTable no-access
Table containing an entry for every node. The information kept in this table is the last FRSN sent and received, the status of the CP-CP sessions, and a gauge that indicates the number of outstanding TDUs.
                           ibmappnNnAdjNodeEntry no-access
The adjacent node name is the index for this table.
                               ibmappnNnAdjNodeAdjName displaystring read-only
An administratively-assigned fully-qualified name of this node's adjacent network node.
                               ibmappnNnAdjNodeCpCpSessStatus integer read-only
Indicates the state of CP-CP sessions between this node and adjacent network and end nodes. Incative indicates no CP-CP sessions exists between this node and the adjacent node. Active indicates CP-CP sessons are active using both the ConWinner and ConLoser sessions. The session initiated by this node is refered to as the ConWinner session and is used by this node to send to the adjacent node. The ConLoserr session is initiated by the adjacent node and is used by this node to receive from the adjacent node. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'conWinnerActive': 3, 'conLoserActive': 2, 'inactive': 4.
                               ibmappnNnAdjNodeOutOfSeqTdus gauge read-only
Number of out of sequence Topology Database Updates (TDUs). In a quiesced state, this value is zero. In normal operation, the value varies depending on the network environment.
                               ibmappnNnAdjNodeLastFrsnSent integer read-only
Flow reduction sequence numbers (FRSNs) are associated with Topology Database Updates (TDUs) and are unique only within each APPN network node. A TDU can be associated with multiple APPN resources. This FRSN indicates the last TDU sent to this adjacent node.
                               ibmappnNnAdjNodeLastFrsnRcvd integer read-only
Flow reduction sequence numbers (FRSNs) are associated with Topology Database Updates (TDUs) and are unique only within each APPN network node. A TDU can be associated with multiple APPN resources. This FRSN indicates the last TDU received from this adjacent node.
                           ibmappnNnTopologyTable no-access
Portion of the APPN routing table that describes all of the APPN network nodes and virtual nodes known to this node.
                               ibmappnNnTopologyEntry no-access
The fully-qualified node name is used to index this table.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned network name that is locally defined at each network node in the format NETID.CPNAME.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFrsn integer read-only
Flow reduction sequence numbers (FRSNs) are associated with Topology Database Updates (TDUs) and are unique only within each APPN network node. A TDU can be associated with multiple APPN resources. This FRSN indicates the last time this resource was updated at this node.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeEntryTimeLeft integer read-only
Number of days before deletion of this network node entry. Range is 0-31.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeType integer read-only
Type of APPN node. Enumeration: 'virtualnode': 3, 'networknode': 1.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeRsn integer read-only
Resource sequence number that is assigned and controlled by the network node that owns this resource. This is always an even 32-bit number unless an error has occurred.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeRouteAddResist integer read-only
Route addition resistance indicates the relative desirability of using this node for intermediate session traffic. The value, which can be any integer 0-255, is used in route computation. The lower the value, the more desirable the node is for intermediate routing.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeCongested integer read-only
Indicates whether this node is congested. This node is not be included in route selection by other nodes when this congestion exists. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeIsrDepleted integer read-only
Indicates whether intermediate session routing resources are depleted. This node is not included in intermediate route selection by other nodes when resources are depleted. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeEndptDepleted integer read-only
Indicates whether session endpoint resources are depleted. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeQuiescing integer read-only
Indicates whether the node is quiescing. This node is not included in route selection by other nodes when the node is quiescing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeGateway integer read-only
Indicates whether the node provide gateway functions. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeCentralDirectory integer read-only
Indicates whether the node is central directory. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeIsr integer read-only
Indicates whether the node supports intermediate session routing (ISR). Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeChainSupport integer read-only
Indicates whether the node supports chaining. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNnTgTopologyTable no-access
Portion of the APPN topology database that describes all of the APPN transmissions groups used by the APPN network nodes.
                               ibmappnNnTgTopologyEntry no-access
This table requires three indexes to provide a unique index. The indexes are the owning or originating CPname, the destination CPname, and the TG number.
                                   ibmappnNnTgOwner displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for the originating node for this TG. The format is NETID.CPNAME and is the same name specified in the node table.
                                   ibmappnNnTgDest displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned fully-qualified network name for the destination node for this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgNum integer read-only
Number associated with this transmission group. Range is 0-255.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFrsn integer read-only
Flow reduction sequence numbers (FRSNs) are associated with Topology Database Updates (TDUs) and are unique only within each APPN network node. A TDU can be associated with multiple APPN resources. This FRSN indicates the last time this resource was updated at this node.
                                   ibmappnNnTgEntryTimeLeft integer read-only
Number of days before deletion of this network node TG entry. Range is 0-31.
                                   ibmappnNnTgDestVirtual integer read-only
Indicates whether the destination node is a virtual node. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnTgDlcData octet string read-only
DLC specific data related to the link connection network. Token-Ring - MAC/SAP X.25 Switched - dial digits X.21 Switched - dial digits Circuit Swtch - dial digits
                                   ibmappnNnTgRsn integer read-only
Current owning node's resource sequence number for this resource.
                                   ibmappnNnTgOperational integer read-only
Indicates whether the transmission group is operational. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnTgQuiescing integer read-only
Indicates whether the transmission group is quiescing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnTgCpCpSession integer read-only
Indicates whether CP-CP sessions are supported on this TG. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnTgEffCap integer read-only
The effective capacity is an integer value that indicates the kilo bits per second. It is derived from the link bandwidth and maximum load factor with the range of 0 thru 603,979,776. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgConnCost integer read-only
Cost per connect time: a value representing the relative cost per unit of time to use the TG. Range is from 0, which means no cost, to 255, which indicates maximum cost. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgByteCost integer read-only
Relative cost of transmitting a byte over this link. Range is from 0 (lowest cost) to 255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgSecurity integer read-only
The security is represented as an integer with a range of 1 thru 255 with the most common values enumerated as defined above. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG. Enumeration: 'guardedRadiation': 192, 'guardedConduit': 128, 'encrypted': 160, 'undergroundCable': 64, 'publicSwitchedNetwork': 32, 'secureConduit': 96, 'nonsecure': 1.
                                   ibmappnNnTgDelay integer read-only
Relative amount of time that it takes for a signal to travel the length of the logical link. This time is represented in micro seconds, with some of the more common values enumerated. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG. Enumeration: 'terrestrial': 9216, 'maximum': 2013265920, 'long': 294912, 'minimum': 1, 'negligible': 384, 'packet': 147456.
                                   ibmappnNnTgModemClass integer read-only
This is used to have multiple images for a connection network. For a connection network it is the same as in the TG vector; for a non-connection network it is X'00'.
                                   ibmappnNnTgUsr1 integer read-only
First user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgUsr2 integer read-only
Second user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgUsr3 integer read-only
Third user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                           ibmappnNnTopologyFRTable no-access
Portion of the APPN routing table that describes all of the APPN network nodes and virtual nodes known to this node.
                               ibmappnNnTopologyFREntry no-access
The fully-qualified node name is used to index this table.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned network name that is locally defined at each network node in the format NETID.CPNAME.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRFrsn integer read-only
Flow reduction sequence numbers (FRSNs) are associated with Topology Database Updates (TDUs) and are unique only within each APPN network node. A TDU can be associated with multiple APPN resources. This FRSN indicates the last time this resource was updated at this node.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFREntryTimeLeft integer read-only
Number of days before deletion of this network node entry. Range is 0-31.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRType integer read-only
Type of APPN node. Enumeration: 'virtualnode': 3, 'networknode': 1.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRRsn integer read-only
Resource sequence number that is assigned and controlled by the network node that owns this resource. This is always an even 32-bit number unless an error has occurred.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRRouteAddResist integer read-only
Route addition resistance indicates the relative desirability of using this node for intermediate session traffic. The value, which can be any integer 0-255, is used in route computation. The lower the value, the more desirable the node is for intermediate routing.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRCongested integer read-only
Indicates whether this node is congested. This node is not be included in route selection by other nodes when this congestion exists. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRIsrDepleted integer read-only
Indicates whether intermediate session routing resources are depleted. This node is not included in intermediate route selection by other nodes when resources are depleted. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFREndptDepleted integer read-only
Indicates whether session endpoint resources are depleted. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRQuiescing integer read-only
Indicates whether the node is quiescing. This node is not included in route selection by other nodes when the node is quiescing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRGateway integer read-only
Indicates whether the node provide gateway functions. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRCentralDirectory integer read-only
Indicates whether the node is central directory. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRIsr integer read-only
Indicates whether the node supports intermediate session routing (ISR). Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnNodeFRChainSupport integer read-only
Indicates whether the node supports chaining. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                           ibmappnNnTgTopologyFRTable no-access
Portion of the APPN topology database that describes all of the APPN transmissions groups used by the APPN network nodes.
                               ibmappnNnTgTopologyFREntry no-access
This table is indexed by four columns: FRSN, TG owner fully-qualified node name, TG destination fully-qualified node name, TG number.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFROwner displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for the originating node for this TG. The format is NETID.CPNAME and is the same name specified in the node table.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRDest displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned fully-qualified network name for the destination node for this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRNum integer read-only
Number associated with this transmission group. Range is 0-255.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRFrsn integer read-only
Flow reduction sequence numbers (FRSNs) are associated with Topology Database Updates (TDUs) and are unique only within each APPN network node. A TDU can be associated with multiple APPN resources. This FRSN indicates the last time this resource was updated at this node.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFREntryTimeLeft integer read-only
Number of days before deletion of this network node TG entry. Range is 0-31.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRDestVirtual integer read-only
Indicates whether the destination node is a virtual node. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRDlcData octet string read-only
DLC specific data related to the link connection network. Token-Ring - MAC/SAP X.25 Switched - dial digits X.21 Switched - dial digits Circuit Swtch - dial digits
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRRsn integer read-only
Current owning node's resource sequence number for this resource.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFROperational integer read-only
Indicates whether the transmission group is operational. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRQuiescing integer read-only
Indicates whether the transmission group is quiescing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRCpCpSession integer read-only
Indicates whether CP-CP sessions are supported on this TG. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFREffCap integer read-only
The effective capacity is an integer value that indicates the kilo bits per second. It is derived from the link bandwidth and maximum load factor with the range of 0 thru 603,979,776. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRConnCost integer read-only
Cost per connect time: a value representing the relative cost per unit of time to use the TG. Range is from 0, which means no cost, to 255, which indicates maximum cost. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRByteCost integer read-only
Relative cost of transmitting a byte over this link. Range is from 0 (lowest cost) to 255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRSecurity integer read-only
The security is represented as an integer with a range of 1 thru 255 with the most common values enumerated as defined above. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG. Enumeration: 'guardedRadiation': 192, 'guardedConduit': 128, 'encrypted': 160, 'undergroundCable': 64, 'publicSwitchedNetwork': 32, 'secureConduit': 96, 'nonsecure': 1.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRDelay integer read-only
Relative amount of time that it takes for a signal to travel the length of the logical link. This time is represented in micro seconds, with some of the more common values enumerated. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG. Enumeration: 'terrestrial': 9216, 'maximum': 2013265920, 'long': 294912, 'minimum': 1, 'negligible': 384, 'packet': 147456.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRModemClass integer read-only
This is used to have multiple images for a connection network. For a connection network it is the same as in the TG vector; for a non-connection network it is X'00'.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRUsr1 integer read-only
First user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRUsr2 integer read-only
Second user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                                   ibmappnNnTgFRUsr3 integer read-only
Third user-defined TG characteristic for this TG with a range of 0-255. This is an administratively assigned value associated with this TG.
                               ibmappnLocalNodeName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned fully-qualified name for this node. Format is NETID.CPNAME.
                               ibmappnLocalNodeType integer read-only
Type of APPN node. Enumeration: 'endnode': 2, 'networknode': 1, 'len': 4.
                               ibmappnLocalNnRsn integer read-only
Resource sequence number is assigned and controlled by the network node that owns this resource. This is always an even unsigned number unless an error has occurred.
                               ibmappnLocalNnRouteAddResist integer read-only
Route addition resistance indicates the relative desirability of using this node for intermediate session traffic. The value, which can be any integer 0-255, is used in route computation. The lower the value, the more desirable the node is for intermediate routing.
                               ibmappnLocalNnCongested integer read-only
Indicates whether this node is congested. Other network nodes stop routing traffic to this node while this flag is on. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnLocalNnIsrDepleted integer read-only
Indicate whether intermediated session routing resources are depleted. Other network nodes stop routing traffic through this node while this flag is on. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnLocalNnEndptDepleted integer read-only
Indicates whether session endpoint resources are depleted. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnLocalNnQuiescing integer read-only
Indicates whether the node is quiescing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnLocalNnGateway integer read-only
Indicates whether the node is a gateway. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnLocalNnCentralDirectory integer read-only
Indicates whether the node is a central directory. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnLocalNnIsr integer read-only
Indicates whether the node supports intermediate session routing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnLocalNnChainSupport integer read-only
Indicates whether the node supports chaining. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnLocalNnFrsn integer read-only
Flow reduction sequence numbers (FRSNs) are associated with Topology Database Updates (TDUs) and are unique only within each APPN network node. A TDU can be associated with multiple APPN resources. This object is the last FRSN sent in a topology update to adjacent network nodes.
                               ibmappnLocalTgTable no-access
TG Table describes all of the TGs owned by this node. The TG destination can be a virtual node, network node, len, or end node.
                                   ibmappnLocalTgEntry no-access
This table is indexed by the destination CPname and the TG number.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgDest displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for the destination node for this TG. This is the fully-qualified network node name.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgNum integer read-only
Number associated with this transmission group.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgDestVirtual integer read-only
Indicates whether the destination node is a Virtual node. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgDlcData octet string read-only
DLC specific data related to the link connection network. Token-Ring - MAC/SAP X.25 Switched - dial digits X.21 Switched - dial digits Circuit Swtch - dial digits
                                       ibmappnLocalTgRsn integer read-only
The resource sequence number is assigned and controlled by the network node that owns this resource. This is always an even unsigned number unless an error has occurred.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgQuiescing integer read-only
Indicates whether the Transmission Group is quiescing. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgOperational integer read-only
Indicates whether the Transmission Group is operational. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgCpCpSession integer read-only
Indicates whether the CP-CP Sessions are supported on this TG. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgEffCap integer read-only
The effective capacity is an integer value that indicates the actual kilo bits per second. It is derived from the link bandwidth and maximum load factor with the range of 0 thru 603,979,776.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgConnCost integer read-only
Cost per connect time: a value representing the relative cost per unit of time to use the TG. Range is from 0, which means no cost, to 255.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgByteCost integer read-only
Relative cost of transmitting a byte over this link. Range is from 0 (lowest cost) to 255.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgSecurity integer read-only
Security level for this TG. Enumeration: 'guardedRadiation': 192, 'guardedConduit': 128, 'encrypted': 160, 'undergroundCable': 64, 'publicSwitchedNetwork': 32, 'secureConduit': 96, 'nonsecure': 1.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgDelay integer read-only
Relative amount of time that it takes for a signal to travel the length of the logical link. This time is represented in micro seconds, with some of the more common values enumerated. Enumeration: 'terrestrial': 9216, 'maximum': 2013265920, 'long': 294912, 'minimum': 1, 'negligible': 384, 'packet': 147456.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgModemClass integer read-only
This is used to have multiple images for a connection network. For a connection network it is the same as in the TG vector and for a non-connection network it is zero.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgUsr1 integer read-only
Value of the first user-defined TG characteristic for this TG. Range is 0-255.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgUsr2 integer read-only
Value of the second user-defined TG characteristic for this TG. Range is 0-255.
                                       ibmappnLocalTgUsr3 integer read-only
Value of the third user-defined TG characteristic for this TG. Range is 0-255.
                           ibmappnLocalEnTable no-access
Portion of the APPN topology database that describes the end nodes known to this node.
                               ibmappnLocalEnEntry no-access
This table is indexed by the end node CPname.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned fully-qualified name of end node in the format NETID.CPNAME.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnEntryTimeLeft integer read-only
Number of days before deletion of this end node entry. Range is 0-31.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnType integer read-only
Type of APPN node (must always be a len or end node). Enumeration: 'endnode': 2, 'len': 4.
                           ibmappnLocalEnTgTable no-access
Table describing all of the TGs owned by the end nodes known to this node. The TG destination can be a virtual node, network node, or end node.
                               ibmappnLocalEnTgEntry no-access
This table requires multiple indexes to uniquely identify each TG. They are originating CPname, destination CPname, and the TG number.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgOrigin displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for the origination node for this TG. This is the fully-qualified network name.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgDest displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for the destination node for this TG. This is the fully-qualified network name.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgNum integer read-only
Number associated with this transmission group.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgEntryTimeLeft integer read-only
Number of days before deletion of this end node TG entry. Range is 0-31.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgDestVirtual integer read-only
Indicates whether the destination node is a virtual node. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgDlcData octet string read-only
DLC specific data related to the link connection network. Token-Ring - MAC/SAP X.25 Switched - dial digits X.21 Switched - dial digits Circuit Swtch - dial digits
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgOperational integer read-only
Indicates whether the Transmission Group is operational. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgCpCpSession integer read-only
Indicates whether CP-CP sessions are supported on this TG. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgEffCap integer read-only
The effective capacity is an integer value that indicates the actual kilo bits per second. It is derived from the link bandwidth and maximum load factor with the range of 0 thru 603,979,776.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgConnCost integer read-only
Cost per connect time: a value representing the relative cost per unit of time to use the TG. Range is from 0, which means no cost, to 255.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgByteCost integer read-only
Relative cost of transmitting a byte over this link. Range is from 0, which means no cost, to 255.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgSecurity integer read-only
Security level for this TG. Enumeration: 'guardedRadiation': 192, 'guardedConduit': 128, 'encrypted': 160, 'undergroundCable': 64, 'publicSwitchedNetwork': 32, 'secureConduit': 96, 'nonsecure': 1.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgDelay integer read-only
Relative amount of time that it takes for a signal to travel the length of the logical link. This time is represented in micro seconds, with some of the more common values enumerated. Enumeration: 'terrestrial': 9216, 'maximum': 2013265920, 'long': 294912, 'minimum': 1, 'negligible': 384, 'packet': 147456.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgModemClass integer read-only
This is used to have multiple images for a connection network. For a connection network it is the same as in the TG vector and for a non connection network it is zero.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgUsr1 integer read-only
First user-defined TG characteristic for this TG. Range of values is 0-255.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgUsr2 integer read-only
Second user-defined TG characteristic for this TG. Range of values is 0-255.
                                   ibmappnLocalEnTgUsr3 integer read-only
Third user-defined TG characteristic for this TG. Range of values is 0-255.
                           ibmappnDirMaxCaches integer read-only
Maximum number of cache entries allowed. This is an administratively assigned value.
                           ibmappnDirCurCaches gauge read-only
Current number of cache entries.
                           ibmappnDirCurHomeEntries gauge read-only
Current number of home entries.
                           ibmappnDirRegEntries gauge read-only
Current number of registered entries.
                           ibmappnDirInLocates counter read-only
Number of directed locates received.
                           ibmappnDirInBcastLocates counter read-only
Number of broadcast locates received.
                           ibmappnDirOutLocates counter read-only
Number of directed locates sent.
                           ibmappnDirOutBcastLocates counter read-only
Number of broadcast locates sent.
                           ibmappnDirNotFoundLocates counter read-only
Number of directed locates returned with a 'not found'.
                           ibmappnDirNotFoundBcastLocates counter read-only
Number of broadcast locates returned with a not found.
                           ibmappnDirLocateOutstands gauge read-only
Current number of outstanding locates, both directed and broadcast. This value varies. A value of zero indicates that no locates are unanswered.
                       ibmappnDirTable no-access
Table containing information about all known LUs and TPs.
                           ibmappnDirEntry no-access
This table is indexed by the LU name.
                               ibmappnDirLuName displaystring read-only
Fully-qualified network LU name in the domain of the serving network node.
                               ibmappnDirServerName displaystring read-only
Fully-qualified control point (CP) name of the network node server. For unassociated end node entries, the end node fully-qualified name is returned.
                               ibmappnDirLuOwnerName displaystring read-only
Fully-qualified CP name of the node at which the LU is located. This name is the same as the serving NN name when the LU is located at a network node or an unassociated end node. It is also the same as the fully-qualified LU name when this is the control point LU for this node.
                               ibmappnDirLuLocation integer read-only
Specifies the location of the LU. Enumeration: 'domain': 2, 'xdomain': 3, 'local': 1.
                               ibmappnDirType integer read-only
Directory types are: 1 - Home The LU is in the domain of the local network node and the LU information has been configured at the local node. 2 - Cache The LU has previously been located by a broadcast search and the location information has been saved. 3 - Register The LU is at an end node that is in the domain of the local network node. Registered entries are registered by the served end node. Enumeration: 'home': 1, 'registered': 3, 'cache': 2.
                               ibmappnDirWildCard integer read-only
1 - Other means unknown type of LU entry. 2 - Expliced-entry means the full LUNAME will be used for locating this LU. 3 - Partial-wildcard means only the non-blank portions of the LUNAME will be used for locating this LU. 4 - Full-wildcard means all LUNAMES will be directed to this LU. Enumeration: 'explicit-entry': 2, 'partial-wildcard': 3, 'other': 1, 'full-wildcard': 4.
                       ibmappnCosModeTable no-access
Table representing all of the defined mode names for this node. The table contains the matching COS name.
                           ibmappnCosModeEntry no-access
This table is indexed by the Mode Name.
                               ibmappnCosModeName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this mode entry.
                               ibmappnCosModeCosName displaystring read-only
An administratively assigned name for this Class of Service.
                       ibmappnCosNameTable no-access
Table representing all of the defined class-of-service names for this node. The COS node and TG tables are accessed using the same index, which is the COS name.
                           ibmappnCosNameEntry no-access
The COS name is the index to this table.
                               ibmappnCosName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this class of service.
                               ibmappnCosTransPriority integer read-only
Transmission priority for this class of service. Values are: Low Medium High Network Enumeration: 'high': 3, 'medium': 2, 'low': 1, 'network': 4.
                       ibmappnCosNodeRowTable no-access
This table contains all node-row information for all class of service in this node.
                           ibmappnCosNodeRowEntry no-access
The COS name is the first index and a integer is the second index to insure a unique index.
                               ibmappnCosNodeRowName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this class of service.
                               ibmappnCosNodeRowIndex integer read-only
Index of COS name. This same value is used to access the node and TG COS tables. Range of values is 0-255.
                               ibmappnCosNodeRowWgt displaystring read-only
Weight to be associated with the nodes that fit the criteria specified by this node row.
                               ibmappnCosNodeRowResistMin integer read-only
Minimum route addition resistance value for this node. Range of values is 0-255. The lower the value, the more desirable the node is for intermediate routing.
                               ibmappnCosNodeRowResistMax integer read-only
Maximum route addition resistance value for this node. Range of values is 0-255. The lower the value, the more desirable the node is for intermediate routing.
                               ibmappnCosNodeRowMinCongestAllow integer read-only
Indicates whether low congestion will be tolerated. The minimum and maximum parameters will allow specifying either low-congested, high-congested, or either to be used. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                               ibmappnCosNodeRowMaxCongestAllow integer read-only
Indicates whether high congestion will be tolerated. The minimum and maximum parameters will allow specifying either low-congested, high-congested, or either to be used. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                       ibmappnCosTgRowTable no-access
Table containing all the Tg-row information for all class of service defined in this node.
                           ibmappnCosTgRowEntry no-access
The TgRowName and the TgRowIndex are the index for this table.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowName displaystring read-only
Administratively-assigned name for this class of service.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowIndex integer read-only
Index of COS name. This same value is used to access the node and TG COS tables.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowWgt displaystring read-only
Weight to be associated with the nodes that fit the criteria specified by this tg-row.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowEffCapMin integer read-only
Minimum acceptable speed for this Class of Service. The effective capacity is an integer value that indicates the actual kilo bits per second. It is derived from the link bandwidth and maximum load factor with the range of 0 thru 603,979,776.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowEffCapMax integer read-only
Maximum acceptable speed for this Class of Service. The effective capacity is an integer value that indicates the actual kilo bits per second. It is derived from the link bandwidth and maximum load factor with the range of 0 thru 603,979,776.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowConnCostMin integer read-only
Minimum acceptable cost per connect time for this Class of Service. Cost per connect time: a value representing the relative cost per unit of time to use the TG. Range is from 0, which means no cost, to 255.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowConnCostMax integer read-only
Maximum acceptable cost per connect time for this Class of Service. Cost per connect time: a value representing the relative cost per unit of time to use the TG. Range is from 0, which means no cost, to 255.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowByteCostMin integer read-only
Minimum acceptable cost per byte for this Class of Service.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowByteCostMax integer read-only
Maximum acceptable cost per byte for this Class of Service.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowSecurityMin integer read-only
Minimum acceptable security for this Class of Service. Enumeration: 'guardedRadiation': 192, 'guardedConduit': 128, 'encrypted': 160, 'undergroundCable': 64, 'publicSwitchedNetwork': 32, 'secureConduit': 96, 'nonsecure': 1.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowSecurityMax integer read-only
Maximum acceptable security for this Class of Service. Enumeration: 'guardedRadiation': 192, 'guardedConduit': 128, 'encrypted': 160, 'undergroundCable': 64, 'publicSwitchedNetwork': 32, 'secureConduit': 96, 'nonsecure': 1.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowDelayMin integer read-only
Minimum acceptable propagation delay for this class of service. Relative amount of time that it takes for a signal to travel the length of the logical link. This time is represented in micro seconds, with the more values enumerated. Enumeration: 'terrestrial': 9216, 'maximum': 2013265920, 'long': 294912, 'minimum': 1, 'negligible': 384, 'packet': 147456.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowDelayMax integer read-only
Maximum acceptable propagation delay for this class of service. Relative amount of time that it takes for a signal to travel the length of the logical link. This time is represented in micro seconds, with the more values enumerated. Enumeration: 'terrestrial': 9216, 'maximum': 2013265920, 'long': 294912, 'minimum': 1, 'negligible': 384, 'packet': 147456.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowUsr1Min integer read-only
Minimum acceptable value for this user defined characteristic. Range of values is 0-255.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowUsr1Max integer read-only
Maximum acceptable value for this user defined characteristic. Range of values is 0-255.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowUsr2Min integer read-only
Minimum acceptable value for this user defined characteristic. Range of values is 0-255.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowUsr2Max integer read-only
A Maximum acceptable value for this user defined characteristic.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowUsr3Min integer read-only
Minimum acceptable value for this user defined characteristic. Range of values is 0-255.
                               ibmappnCosTgRowUsr3Max integer read-only
Maximum acceptable value for this user defined characteristic. Range of values is 0-255.
                                   ibmappcInGlobeStatus integer read-write
Indicates the current collection options in effect: 1. notActive: collection of counters and some names is not active. 2. active: collection of counters and some names is active. Enumeration: 'notActive': 1, 'active': 2.
                                   ibmappcInGlobeRscv integer read-write
Indicates the current collection options in effect: 1. notActive: collection of route selection control vectors is not active. 2. active: collection of route selection control vectors is active. Enumeration: 'notActive': 1, 'active': 2.
                                   ibmappcInGlobeRscvTime timeticks read-only
Time when the ibmappcInGlobeRscv object last changed. This time is in hundreds of a second.
                                   ibmappcInGlobeCtrStatus integer read-write
Indicates whether or not the appc session counters are active. This object reflects the combination of the ibmappcInGlobeStatus object and any other product dependant object(s). The values are: 1. notActive: collection of counters and some names is not active. 2. active: collection of counters and some names is active. Enumeration: 'notActive': 1, 'active': 2.
                                   ibmappcInGlobeCtrStatusTime timeticks read-only
Time when the ibmappcInGlobeCtrStatus object last changed. This time is in hundreds of a second.
                                   ibmappcInGlobeActSess gauge read-only
Number of currently active APPC sessions
                               ibmappcInLluTable no-access
APPC Local Lu Table
                                   ibmappcInLluEntry no-access
Entry of APPC Local Lu Information Table.
                                       ibmappcInLluLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified LU name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInLluDefType integer read-only
Indicates whether the LU definition was specified in the nodes system definitions or was dynamically created. Enumeration: 'dynamic': 2, 'sysdef': 1.
                                       ibmappcInLluSessLimit integer read-only
The maximum number of session supported by this LU.
                                       ibmappcInLluBindRspMayQ integer read-only
Indicates whether or not a received bind response will be queued if the LU is not currently active. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLluDefaultLu integer read-only
Indicates whether the LU is the default LU for the node. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLluCntlPtLu integer read-only
Indicates whether or not the LU is the control point (CP) LU. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLluCurActSess gauge read-only
The number of currently active sessions.
                               ibmappcInRluTable no-access
APPC Remote Partner Lu Table
                                   ibmappcInRluEntry no-access
Entry of APPC Remote Partner Lu Information Table.
                                       ibmappcInRluLocLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified local LU name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInRluParLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified partner LU name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInRluParLuLocName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified partner LU local name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInRluDefType integer read-only
Indicates whether the LU definition was specified in the nodes system definitions or was dynamically created. Enumeration: 'dynamic': 2, 'sysdef': 1.
                                       ibmappcInRluDefParaSessSup integer read-only
Defined Parallel Sessions Supported. Indicates whether or not multiple session between the partner LU and its associated local LU are permitted. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluDefCnosSup integer read-only
Defined CNOS Supported. Indicates whether or not Change Number of Sessions (CNOS) will be used to negotiate session limits between the logical points. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluDefAllVerSup integer read-only
Defined Already Verified Accepted. Indicates whether or not an attach, specifying that TP security has already been verified, is accepted by the adjacent CP LU. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluDefAttSecSup integer read-only
Defined Attach Security Supported. Indicates whether or not the adjacent CP LU supports attach security. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluDefSessSecSup integer read-only
Defined Session Security Supported. Indicates whether or not the adjacent CP LU may omit a password in the user data portion of the BIND. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluDefEnhanSecSup integer read-only
Defined Enhance Security Supported. Indicates the level of enhance security support: 1 = none 2 = level 1 3 = level 2 Enumeration: 'level1': 2, 'none': 1, 'level2': 3.
                                       ibmappcInRluActType integer read-only
Indicates whether the LU active definitions are currently active or not currently active. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'notActive': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluActParaSessSup integer read-only
Active Parallel Sessions Supported. Indicates whether or not multiple session between the partner LU and its associated local LU are permitted. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluActCnosSup integer read-only
Active CNOS Supported. Indicates whether or not Change Number of Sessions (CNOS) will be used to negotiate session limits between the logical points. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluActAllVerSup integer read-only
Active Already Verified Accepted. Indicates whether or not an attach, specifying that TP security has already been verified, is accepted by the adjacent CP LU. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluActAttSecSup integer read-only
Active Attach Security Supported. Indicates whether or not the adjacent CP LU supports attach security. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluActSessSecSup integer read-only
Active Session Security Supported. Indicates whether or not the adjacent CP LU may omit a password in the user data portion of the BIND. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInRluActEnhanSecSup integer read-only
Active Enhance Security Supported. Indicates the level of enhance security support: 1 = none 2 = level 1 3 = level 2 Enumeration: 'level1': 2, 'none': 1, 'level2': 3.
                               ibmappcInMdTable no-access
APPC Mode Table
                                   ibmappcInMdEntry no-access
Entry of APPC Mode Information Table.
                                       ibmappcInMdLluName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified local LU name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInMdRluName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified remote LU name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInMdModeName displaystring read-only
The mode name.
                                       ibmappcInMdDefType integer read-only
Indicates whether the mode definition was specified in the nodes system definitions or was dynamically created. Enumeration: 'dynamic': 2, 'sysdef': 1.
                                       ibmappcInMdSessEndTpName displaystring read-only
The session end point transaction program name.
                                       ibmappcInMdSessLimit integer read-only
Session Limit. Identifies the total number of sessions that can be established with the partner LU.
                                       ibmappcInMdMaxSessLimit integer read-only
Maximum Session Limit. Specifies the maximum number of sessions supported by the LU pair using this mode name.
                                       ibmappcInMdAutoActLimit integer read-only
Auto Activate Limit. Specifies the maximum number of sessions which can be activated when this mode is active.
                                       ibmappcInMdDrainSelf integer read-only
Drain Self. Indicates whether or not the local LU can be drained. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInMdDrainPart integer read-only
Drain Partner. Indicates whether or not the partner LU can be drained. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInMdMinCwinLimit integer read-only
Minimum Conwinners Limit. Identifies the minimum number of conwinner sessions.
                                       ibmappcInMdMinClosLimit integer read-only
Minimum Conlossers Limit. Identifies the minimum number of conloser sessions.
                                       ibmappcInMdRecvPacWinSz integer read-only
The size of the receive pacing window.
                                       ibmappcInMdSendPacWinSz integer read-only
The size of the send pacing window.
                                       ibmappcInMdPrefRecvRuSz integer read-only
The preferred receive ru size.
                                       ibmappcInMdPrefSendRuSz integer read-only
The preferred send ru size.
                                       ibmappcInMdRecvRuSzUpBnd integer read-only
The receive ru upper boundary size.
                                       ibmappcInMdSendRuSzUpBnd integer read-only
The send ru upper boundary size.
                                       ibmappcInMdRecvRuSzLoBnd integer read-only
The receive ru lower boundary size.
                                       ibmappcInMdSendRuSzLoBnd integer read-only
The send ru lower boundary size.
                                       ibmappcInMdDfSyncLvl integer read-only
The defined sync level. Enumeration: 'syncPoint': 3, 'none': 1, 'confirm': 2.
                                       ibmappcInMdAcSyncLvl integer read-only
The active sync level. Enumeration: 'syncPoint': 3, 'none': 1, 'confirm': 2.
                                       ibmappcInMdDfCrypto integer read-only
Defined cryoptograhy supported. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInMdAcCrypto integer read-only
Active cryptography supported. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInMdReinit integer read-only
The reinitialization parameter. Enumeration: 'secondaryOnly': 3, 'primaryOnly': 2, 'operatorControlled': 1, 'primaryOrSecondary': 4.
                                       ibmappcInMdAltCode integer read-only
Alternate code supported. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInMdActCwin gauge read-only
The number of active conwinners.
                                       ibmappcInMdActClos gauge read-only
The number of active conlosers.
                                       ibmappcInMdPndCwin gauge read-only
The number of pending conwinners.
                                       ibmappcInMdPndClos gauge read-only
The number of pending conlosers.
                                       ibmappcInMdPtmCwin gauge read-only
The number of pending termination conlosers.
                                       ibmappcInMdPtmClos gauge read-only
The number of pending termination conwinners.
                                       ibmappcInMdFreeSessLst gauge read-only
The size of the free seesion list.
                                       ibmappcInMdWaitReqLst gauge read-only
The size of the waiting request list.
                               ibmappcInLtpTable no-access
APPC Local TP Table
                                   ibmappcInLtpEntry no-access
Entry of APPC Local TP Information Table.
                                       ibmappcInLtpLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified local LU name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInLtpTpName displaystring read-only
The local transaction program name.
                                       ibmappcInLtpDefType integer read-only
The TP definition type. Indicates whether the TP was specified in the nodes system definitions or was dynamically created. Enumeration: 'dynamic': 2, 'sysdef': 1.
                                       ibmappcInLtpSyncLvl integer read-only
The TP synchroniztion level. Enumeration: 'syncPoint': 3, 'none': 1, 'confirm': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpInstLmt integer read-only
The TP instance limit.
                                       ibmappcInLtpInstNum gauge read-only
The number of TP instances.
                                       ibmappcInLtpStatus integer read-only
The TP status. Enumeration: 'enabled': 1, 'permDisabled': 3, 'tempDisabled': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpLongRun integer read-only
The long running transaction program. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpPfCnos integer read-only
The TP Change Number of Sessions (CNOS) privileged function. This parameter specifies whether or not this program is allowed to issue CNOS verbs. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpPfSessCntl integer read-only
The TP Session Control privileged function. This parameter specifies whether or not this program is allowed to issue ACTIVATE_SESSION and DEACTIVATE_SESSION verbs. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpPfDefine integer read-only
The TP Define privileged function. This parameter specifies whether or not this program is allowed to issue DEFINE and DELETE verbs. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpPfDisplay integer read-only
The TP Display privileged function. This parameter specifies whether or not this program is allowed to issue DISPLAY verbs. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpPfAllocSer integer read-only
The TP Allocate Service privileged function. This parameter specifies whether or not this program is allowed to issue the ALLOCATE verb with its TPN parameter specifying an SNA service transmission program. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpRescSup integer read-only
The TP resources supported parameter. 1. basic conversations 2. mapped conversations 3. all conversations Enumeration: 'allConv': 3, 'basicConv': 1, 'mappedConv': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpRecoSup integer read-only
The TP reconnect supported parameter. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpSecReq integer read-only
The TP security required parameter. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpSecLvl integer read-only
The TP security level parameter. Enumeration: 'specificUserProfiles': 4, 'specificUsers': 2, 'specificUserLus': 5, 'noAdditional': 1, 'specificProfiles': 3, 'specificUserProfLus': 6.
                                       ibmappcInLtpVerPip integer read-only
The TP verify pip parameter. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                                       ibmappcInLtpPipSubNum integer read-only
The TP number of pip subfields.
                               ibmappcInSsTable no-access
APPC Session Table
                                   ibmappcInSsEntry no-access
Entry of APPC Session Information Table.
                                       ibmappcInSsFqLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified CP name or PU name of the node at which the session and cid originated. For APPN and LEN nodes, this is either CP name of the APPN node at which the origin LU is located or the CP name of the NN serving the LEN node at which the origin LU is located. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInSsPcid octet string read-only
The procedure correlation identifier (pcid) of a session. It is an 8-octet value assigned by the primary LU.
                                       ibmappcInSsPluName displaystring read-only
The primary LU name of the session.
                                       ibmappcInSsSluName displaystring read-only
The secondary LU name of the session.
                                       ibmappcInSsModeName displaystring read-only
The Mode Name name used for this session. This is a 1-8 character name.
                                       ibmappcInSsCosName displaystring read-only
The Class of Service (COS) name used for this session. This is a 1-8 character name.
                                       ibmappcInSsSessType integer read-only
The type of session. Enumeration: 'lu62': 1.
                                       ibmappcInSsSessState integer read-only
Indicates the state of the session. 1. session is pending inactive or, 2. session is pending active or, 3. session is active or, 4. session is inactive Enumeration: 'active': 3, 'inactive': 1, 'pendinact': 4, 'pendactive': 2.
                                       ibmappcInSsTransPriority integer read-only
The transmission priority of this session.
                                       ibmappcInSsPaceType integer read-only
The type of pacing used for this session. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'fixed': 2, 'adaptive': 3.
                                       ibmappcInSsSendMaxRuSz integer read-only
The maximum ru size which can be sent.
                                       ibmappcInSsRecvMaxRuSz integer read-only
The maximum ru size which can be received.
                                       ibmappcInSsEnhanceSecSup integer read-only
Enhanced security supported. Indicates the level of enhance security support: 1 = none 2 = level 1 3 = level 2 Enumeration: 'level1': 2, 'none': 1, 'level2': 3.
                                       ibmappcInSsSendPacingType integer read-only
The type of pacing being used for sending data. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'fixed': 2, 'adaptive': 3.
                                       ibmappcInSsSendRpc gauge read-only
The send residual pace count. This represents the number of MU's that can still be sent in the current session window.
                                       ibmappcInSsSendNxWndwSize gauge read-only
The size of the next window which will be used to send data.
                                       ibmappcInSsRecvPacingType integer read-only
The type of pacing being used for receiving data. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'fixed': 2, 'adaptive': 3.
                                       ibmappcInSsRecvRpc gauge read-only
The receive residual pace count. This represents the number of MU's that can still be received in the current session window.
                                       ibmappcInSsRecvNxWndwSize gauge read-only
The size of the next window which will be used to receive data.
                                       ibmappcInSsSessStartTime timeticks read-only
Time when the session started in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappcInSsSessUpTime timeticks read-only
Length of time the session has been active in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappcInSsCtrUpTime timeticks read-only
Length of time the session counters have been active in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappcInSsP2SFmdPius counter read-only
Number of FMD PIUs sent from the Primary LU to the Secondary LU
                                       ibmappcInSsS2PFmdPius counter read-only
Number of FMD PIUs sent from the Secondary LU to the Primary LU
                                       ibmappcInSsP2SNonFmdPius counter read-only
Number of non-FMD PIUs sent from the Primary LU to the Secondary LU
                                       ibmappcInSsS2PNonFmdPius counter read-only
Number of non-FMD PIUs sent from the Secondary LU to the Primary LU
                                       ibmappcInSsP2SFmdBytes counter read-only
Number of FMD Bytes sent from the Primary LU to the Secondary LU
                                       ibmappcInSsS2PFmdBytes counter read-only
Number of FMD Bytes sent from the Secondary LU to the Primary LU
                                       ibmappcInSsP2SNonFmdBytes counter read-only
Number of non-FMD Bytes sent from the Primary LU to the Secondary LU
                                       ibmappcInSsS2PNonFmdBytes counter read-only
Number of non-FMD Bytes sent from the Secondary LU to the Primary LU
                                       ibmappcInSsRscv octet string read-only
The route selection control vector (RSCV x'2B') used for this session. It is not present for APPN CP-CP sessions and also not present for LEN nodes. The format of this vector is described in SNA Formats.
                               ibmappcInSsStatusTable no-access
APPC Session Status Table
                                   ibmappcInSsStatusEntry no-access
Entry of APPC Session Status Information Table. This table is indexed by the SsStatusIndex, which is an integer that is continuously updated until it eventually wraps. This provides the management station the ability to retrieve only the updates to the table by using the standard GET NEXT.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusIndex integer read-only
Table index. The value of the index begins at zero and is incremented up to a maximum value of 2**31-1 (2,147,483,647) before wrapping.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusTime timeticks read-only
Time (in hundreds of a second) since this node was last initialized.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusType integer read-only
Indicates the entry type: 1. Received a negative bind response from the partner LU. 2. Sent a negative bind response to the partner LU. 3. Session activation rejected by the partner LU. 4. Unbind sent to the partner LU. 5. Unbind received from the partner LU. Enumeration: 'unbindSent': 4, 'sendNegBindRsp': 2, 'sessActRejected': 3, 'recvNegBindRsp': 1, 'unbindReceived': 5.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusLocLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified local LU name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusParLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified partner LU name. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusModeName displaystring read-only
The mode name.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusUnbindType octet string read-only
The type of unbind which terminated the session. This value is consists of one (1) octet; and its meaning is defined in SNA Formats.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusSenseCode octet string read-only
The sense code associated with the termination of the session. This value consists of four (4) octets; and its meaning is defined in SNA Formats.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusComponentId displaystring read-only
The name of the component which sent the entry.
                                       ibmappcInSsStatusDetectModule displaystring read-only
The name of the module which detected the condition and sent the entry.
                                   ibmappnIsInGlobeStatus integer read-write
Indicates the current collection options in effect: 1. notActive: collection of counters and some names is not active. 2. active: collection of counters and some names is active. Enumeration: 'notActive': 1, 'active': 2.
                                   ibmappnIsInGlobeRscv integer read-write
Indicates the current collection options in effect: 1. notActive: collection of route selection control vectors is not active. 2. active: collection of route selection control vectors is active. Enumeration: 'notActive': 1, 'active': 2.
                                   ibmappnIsInGlobeRscvTime timeticks read-only
Time when the ibmappnIsInGlobeRscv object last changed. This time is in hundreds of a second.
                                   ibmappnIsInGlobeCtrStatus integer read-write
Indicates whether or not the intermediate session counters are active. This object reflects the combination of the ibmappnIsInGlobeStatus object and the ibmappnIsAcBtypeActive object. The values are: 1. notActive: collection of counters and some names is not active. 2. active: collection of counters and some names is active. Enumeration: 'notActive': 1, 'active': 2.
                                   ibmappnIsInGlobeCtrStatusTime timeticks read-only
Time when the ibmappnIsInGlobeCtrStatus object last changed. This time is in hundreds of a second.
                               ibmappnIsInTable no-access
Intermediate Session Information Table
                                   ibmappnIsInEntry no-access
Entry of Intermediate Session Information Table.
                                       ibmappnIsInFqLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified CP name or PU name of the node at which the session and cid originated. For APPN and LEN nodes, this is either CP name of the APPN node at which the origin LU is located or the CP name of the NN serving the LEN node at which the origin LU is located. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappnIsInPcid octet string read-only
The procedure correlation identifier (pcid) of a session. It is an 8-octet value assigned by the primary LU.
                                       ibmappnIsInPriLuName displaystring read-only
The primary LU name of the session.
                                       ibmappnIsInSecLuName displaystring read-only
The secondary LU name of the session.
                                       ibmappnIsInModeName displaystring read-only
The Mode Name name used for this session. This is a 1-8 character name.
                                       ibmappnIsInCosName displaystring read-only
The Class of Service (COS) name used for this session. This is a 1-8 character name.
                                       ibmappnIsInTransPriority integer read-only
The transmission priority of this session.
                                       ibmappnIsInSessType integer read-only
The type of intermediate session. Enumeration: 'lu62': 1, 'lu0thru3': 2.
                                       ibmappnIsInSessState integer read-write
Indicates the state of the session. 1. session is pending inactive or, 2. session is pending active or, 3. session is active or, 4. session is inactive Existing sessions can be deactivated by setting this object to inactive. Enumeration: 'active': 3, 'inactive': 1, 'pendinact': 4, 'pendactive': 2.
                                       ibmappnIsInSessStartTime timeticks read-only
Time when the session started in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappnIsInSessUpTime timeticks read-only
Length of time the session has been active in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappnIsInCtrUpTime timeticks read-only
Length of time the session counters have been active in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappnIsInP2SFmdPius counter read-only
Number of FMD PIUs sent from the Primary LU to the Secondary LU
                                       ibmappnIsInS2PFmdPius counter read-only
Number of FMD PIUs sent from the Secondary LU to the Primary LU
                                       ibmappnIsInP2SNonFmdPius counter read-only
Number of non-FMD PIUs sent from the Primary LU to the Secondary LU
                                       ibmappnIsInS2PNonFmdPius counter read-only
Number of non-FMD PIUs sent from the Secondary LU to the Primary LU
                                       ibmappnIsInP2SFmdBytes counter read-only
Number of FMD Bytes sent from the Primary LU to the Secondary LU
                                       ibmappnIsInS2PFmdBytes counter read-only
Number of FMD Bytes sent from the Secondary LU to the Primary LU
                                       ibmappnIsInP2SNonFmdBytes counter read-only
Number of non-FMD Bytes sent from the Primary LU to the Secondary LU
                                       ibmappnIsInS2PNonFmdBytes counter read-only
Number of non-FMD Bytes sent from the Secondary LU to the Primary LU
                                       ibmappnIsInPsAdjCpName displaystring read-only
The primary stage adjacent CP name of this session.
                                       ibmappnIsInPsAdjTgNum integer read-only
The primary stage adjacent transmission group (TG) number associated with this session.
                                       ibmappnIsInPsSendMaxBtuSize integer read-only
The primary stage maximum basic transmission size (BTU) for sending data.
                                       ibmappnIsInPsSendPacingType integer read-only
The primary stage type of pacing being used for sending data. Enumeration: 'adaptive': 2, 'fixed': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsInPsSendRpc gauge read-only
The primary stage send residual pace count. This represents the primary stage number of MU's that can still be sent in the current session window.
                                       ibmappnIsInPsSendNxWndwSize gauge read-only
The primary stage size of the next window which will be used to send data.
                                       ibmappnIsInPsRecvPacingType integer read-only
The primary stage type of pacing being used for receiving data. Enumeration: 'adaptive': 2, 'fixed': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsInPsRecvRpc gauge read-only
The primary stage receive residual pace count. This represents the primary stage number of MU's that can still be received in the current session window.
                                       ibmappnIsInPsRecvNxWndwSize gauge read-only
The primary stage size of the next window which will be used to receive data.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsAdjCpName displaystring read-only
The secondary stage adjacent CP name of this session.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsAdjTgNum integer read-only
The secondary stage adjacent transmission group (TG) number associated with this session.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsSendMaxBtuSize integer read-only
The secondary stage maximum basic transmission size (BTU) for sending data.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsSendPacingType integer read-only
The secondary stage type of pacing being used for sending data. Enumeration: 'adaptive': 2, 'fixed': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsSendRpc gauge read-only
The secondary stage send residual pace count. This represents the secondary stage number of MU's that can still be sent in the current session window.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsSendNxWndwSize gauge read-only
The secondary stage size of the next window which will be used to send data.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsRecvPacingType integer read-only
The secondary stage type of pacing being used for receiving data. Enumeration: 'adaptive': 2, 'fixed': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsRecvRpc gauge read-only
The secondary stage send residual pace count. This represents the secondary stage number of MU's that can still be received in the current session window.
                                       ibmappnIsInSsRecvNxWndwSize gauge read-only
The secondary stage size of the next window which will be used to receive data.
                                       ibmappnIsInRouteInfo octet string read-only
The route selection control vector (RSCV x'2B') used for this session. It is present for APPN nodes; but is not present for LEN nodes. The format of this vector is described in SNA Formats.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeStatus integer read-only
This object indicates the current status for accounting type. 1. indicates collection is not active for any media type. 2. indicates collection is active for at least one media type; and that media is not full. 3. indicates collection is active for at least one media type; but all active medias are full. Enumeration: 'notActive': 1, 'activeNotFull': 2, 'activeButFull': 3.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeByteThresh integer read-write
The byte threshold for recording accounting information for an active session. If the total of the byte counters (FmdBytes and NonFmdBtyes) is an even multiple of this non-zero value, statistics for this session will be recorded to all active buffers. A value of zero indicates that no byte threshold has been set.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeCheckPt integer read-write
By setting this value to yes, the agent will collect accounting information for all active sessions. This information will be recorded to all active buffers. Enumeration: 'ready': 1, 'yes': 2.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcSecs integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) seconds. It contains an integer from 0 to 59. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcMins integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) minutes. It contains an integer from 0 to 59. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcHours integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) hours. It contains an integer from 0 to 23. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcMdays integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) day of the month. It contains an integer from 1 to 31; or 0 if the manager has not set this object. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcMonths integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) months since January. It contains an integer from 0 to 11. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation. Enumeration: 'february': 1, 'october': 9, 'march': 2, 'august': 7, 'september': 8, 'may': 4, 'january': 12, 'june': 5, 'april': 3, 'december': 11, 'july': 6, 'november': 10.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcYears integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) years since 1900. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcWdays integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) days since Sunday. It contains an integer from 0 to 6. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation. Enumeration: 'monday': 1, 'tuesday': 2, 'friday': 5, 'wednesday': 3, 'thursday': 4, 'sunday': 7, 'saturday': 6.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcYdays integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) days since January 1. It contains an integer from 0 to 365. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrUtcIsdst integer read-write
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) daylight saving time flag. It is positive if daylight saving time is in effect. It is zero if daylight saving time is not in effect. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation.
                                   ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgrName displaystring read-write
The name of the manager who set the manager UTC times or NULL if the manager name has not been set. It contains: a. the network id of the manager, b. a period (.) c. the cp name of the manager. By setting this value, the agent will create time record with its corresponding time and name. When setting this object, the manager should also set all other ibmappnIsAcGlobeMgr objects with the same SET operation.
                               ibmappnIsAcBtypeTable no-access
Intermediate Session Accounting Buffer Type Table
                                   ibmappnIsAcBtypeEntry no-access
Entry of Intermediate Session Accounting Buffer Type Table.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeMedia integer read-only
The media for storing the intermediate session accounting records. Enumeration: 'dasd': 2, 'memory': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeActive integer read-write
Indicates whether or not the buffer media is active. 1. no: indicates the buffer media is not currently used for recording. 2. yes: indicates the buffer media is currently being used for recording. Enumeration: 'yes': 2, 'no': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeDirName displaystring read-only
The name of the directory which will be used to allocate and write buffers of this type. For memory buffer types, this field will be NULL.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypePrdMaxBufs integer read-only
The maximum number of buffer medias supported by the product.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeMaxBufs integer read-write
The maximum number of buffer medias which will be used for recording accounting information. This value must be in the range of zero to the Product Maximum.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeCurBufs gauge read-only
The current number of buffer media. This is the sum of all full and in use buffers of this type.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypePrdRecPerBuf integer read-only
The maximum number of records supported by the product.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeRecPerBuf integer read-write
The maximum number of records which will be recorded in an individual buffer. This value must be in the range of zero to the Product Maximum.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeRecFormat integer read-write
This defines the recording format of records. (1) ascii: records are recorded in ascii (english text format) (2) binary: records are recorded in binary (machine readable format) Enumeration: 'binary': 2, 'ascii': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullAction integer read-write
This defines the behaviour used when all buffer medias are full. (1) halt: stop creating new records (2) wrap: overwrite the existing records. Enumeration: 'wrap': 2, 'halt': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullTime timeticks read-only
The time which the full condition was encountered. This time is represented in hundreds of a second since the node was started. 2**32-1 (4,294,967,295), and wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullReason integer read-only
The reason the buffer media is full. (1) The media is not full. (2) The maximum number of buffers have been reach, all buffers are full and the full action is halt. (3) The maximum number of buffers is zero or the maximum number of records is less than 5 or a unique record number cannot be generated. (4) Unable to write to the media due to I/O errors. Enumeration: 'ioErrors': 4, 'physicallyFull': 2, 'logicallyFull': 3, 'notFull': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullWraps integer read-only
The number of accounting records being overwritten due to buffer full situation.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullLosts integer read-only
The number of new accounting records lost due to the buffer full situation.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeErrorWraps integer read-only
The number of accounting records lost to due to other reasons, (e.g. I/O error, software error) while in a wrap condition.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeErrorLosts integer read-only
The number of accounting records lost to due to other reasons, (e.g. I/O error, software error) while not in a full condition.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeCheckPts integer read-only
The number of times a buffer of this type has been recorded to for checkpointing active intermediate sessions.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypePurges integer read-only
The number of times a buffer of this type has been purged.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeDeletes integer read-only
The number of times an entry has been deleted from a buffer of this type.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeResets integer read-only
The number of times the Btype counters have been reset as a result of a SET.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBtypeClearStats integer read-write
By setting this object to yes, all statistics for this media type will be cleared (set to zero); and the Btype reset counter will be incremented. Objects affected by this include: - ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullTime - ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullReason - ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullWraps - ibmappnIsAcBtypeFullLosts - ibmappnIsAcBtypeErrorWraps - ibmappnIsAcBtypeErrorLosts - ibmappnIsAcBtypeCheckPts - ibmappnIsAcBtypePurges - ibmappnIsAcBtypeDeletes Enumeration: 'ready': 1, 'yes': 2.
                               ibmappnIsAcBufTable no-access
Intermediate Session Accounting Buffer Table
                                   ibmappnIsAcBufEntry no-access
Entry of Intermediate Session Accounting Buffer Table.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBufMedia integer read-only
The media for storing the intermediate session accounting records. Enumeration: 'dasd': 2, 'memory': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBufNumber integer read-only
Number of the buffer. Each time a new buffer is used for recording, an incremented number will be assigned. Thus, the order of in which the buffers filled can be determined.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBufState integer read-write
The current buffer state. 1. complete: indicates the buffer is full or recording is not active for this buffer. In either case, the buffer is ready to be retrieved. This value may be specified in a SET operation to change a buffers state from active to complete. 2. active: indicates the buffer is currently being used for recording. This value is not valid for use in a SET operation. 3. purge: indicates the buffer should be purged. This value may be specified in a SET operation to remove a buffer. Specification of this value is only valid for complete buffers. It is not valid for active buffers. Enumeration: 'active': 2, 'purge': 3, 'complete': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBufRecFormat integer read-only
This defines the recording format of records. (1) ascii: records are recorded in ascii (english text format) (2) binary: records are recorded in binary (machine readable format) Enumeration: 'binary': 2, 'ascii': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBufMaxRecords integer read-only
The maximum number of records this buffer may contain. It is derived from the number of records per buffer set in the buffer type table.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBufOldestIndex integer read-write
The oldest accounting index contained in this buffer. By setting this object, all records with indexes less than this value will be deleted. The set value must be greater than or equal to the current oldest index and less than or equal to the current newest index. Setting of this object will not be honored for all types of buffers.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBufNewestIndex integer read-only
The newest accounting index contained in this buffer.
                                       ibmappnIsAcBufName displaystring read-only
The name of the buffer.
                               ibmappnIsAcTimeTable no-access
Intermediate Session Accounting Time Table
                                   ibmappnIsAcTimeEntry no-access
Entry of Intermediate Session Accounting Time Table.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeIndex integer read-only
Intermediate Session Time record index. It starts with 0, and increase up to maximum value of 2**31-1 (2,147,483,647), and wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeEntryType integer read-only
Indicates whether the entry was made as the result of: 1. a SET to start collecting accounting data, or 2. a SET to stop collecting accounting data, or 3. the creation of a new media to store accounting data, or 4. a media was full and wrapped (over writing records), or 5. the system time changed, or 6. a manager set the manager times and/or manager name, or 7. the record format for this media changed, or 8. time reference for the media Enumeration: 'createdMedia': 3, 'recordFormatChanged': 7, 'managerSetTime': 6, 'wrappedMedia': 4, 'timeChange': 5, 'endCollection': 2, 'timeReference': 8, 'startCollection': 1.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeForMedia integer read-only
This object qualifies the time entry type. It indicates the media type for which the entry occured. Enumeration: 'memoryMedia': 1, 'dasdMedia': 2, 'allMedias': 99.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeRecTime timeticks read-only
Intermediate Session Record time. It represents the time in hundreds of a second since the node was started. 2**32-1 (4,294,967,295), and wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcSecs integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) seconds. It contains an integer from 0 to 59.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcMins integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) minutes. It contains an integer from 0 to 59.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcHours integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) hours. It contains an integer from 0 to 23.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcMdays integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) day of the month. It contains an integer from 1 to 31.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcMonths integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) months since January. It contains an integer from 0 to 11. Enumeration: 'february': 1, 'october': 9, 'march': 2, 'august': 7, 'september': 8, 'may': 4, 'january': 12, 'june': 5, 'april': 3, 'december': 11, 'july': 6, 'november': 10.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcYears integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) years since 1900.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcWdays integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) days since Sunday. It contains an integer from 0 to 6. Enumeration: 'monday': 1, 'tuesday': 2, 'friday': 5, 'wednesday': 3, 'thursday': 4, 'sunday': 7, 'saturday': 6.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcYdays integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) days since January 1. It contains an integer from 0 to 365.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtUtcIsdst integer read-only
The agents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) daylight saving time flag. It is positive if daylight saving time is in effect. It is zero if daylight saving time is not in effect.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeAgtName displaystring read-only
The name of the agent who set the agent UTC times. It contains: a. the network id of the agent, b. a period (.) c. the cp name of the agent.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcSecs integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) seconds. It contains an integer from 0 to 59.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcMins integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) minutes. It contains an integer from 0 to 59.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcHours integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) hours. It contains an integer from 0 to 23.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcMdays integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) day of the month. It contains an integer from 1 to 31; or 0 if the manager has not set this object.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcMonths integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) months since January. It contains an integer from 0 to 11. Enumeration: 'february': 1, 'october': 9, 'march': 2, 'august': 7, 'september': 8, 'may': 4, 'january': 12, 'june': 5, 'april': 3, 'december': 11, 'july': 6, 'november': 10.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcYears integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) years since 1900.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcWdays integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) days since Sunday. It contains an integer from 0 to 6. Enumeration: 'monday': 1, 'tuesday': 2, 'friday': 5, 'wednesday': 3, 'thursday': 4, 'sunday': 7, 'saturday': 6.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcYdays integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) days since January 1. It contains an integer from 0 to 365.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrUtcIsdst integer read-only
The managers Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) daylight saving time flag. It is positive if daylight saving time is in effect. It is zero if daylight saving time is not in effect.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrName displaystring read-only
The name of the manager who set the manager UTC times or NULL if the manager name has not been set. It contains: a. the network id of the manager, b. a period (.) c. the cp name of the manager.
                                       ibmappnIsAcTimeMgrTimeValid integer read-write
This indicates whether or not the the manager UTC times are valid. It is set by the manager if the manager determines the manager UTC times are valid. Enumeration: 'valid': 2, 'notvalid': 1.
                               ibmappnIsAcDataTable no-access
Intermediate Session Accounting Data Table
                                   ibmappnIsAcDataEntry no-access
Entry of Intermediate Session Accounting Data Table.
                                       ibmappnIsAcIndex integer read-only
Session accounting record index. Upon initial startup, it will begin with 0, and increase up to maximum value of 2**31-1 (2,147,483,647), and wraps. Upon subsequent startups, it will be initialized with the value of the oldest index in any media type; or 0 if no indices are found.
                                       ibmappnIsAcEntryType integer read-only
Indicates whether the entry was made as the result of: 1. a session starting or, 2. a session ending or, 3. a session threshold reached or 4. a session checkpoint request Enumeration: 'endEntry': 2, 'startEntry': 1, 'checkpointEntry': 4, 'thresholdEntry': 3.
                                       ibmappnIsAcRecTime timeticks read-only
Intermediate Session Record time. It represents the time in hundreds of a second since the node was started. 2**32-1 (4,294,967,295), and wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcFqLuName displaystring read-only
The network-qualified CP name or PU name of the node at which the session and pcid originated. For APPN and LEN nodes, this is either CP name of the APPN node at which the origin LU is located or the CP name of the NN serving the LEN node at which the origin LU is located. This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name.
                                       ibmappnIsAcPcid octet string read-only
The procedure correlation identifier (pcid) of a session. It is an 8-octet value assigned by the primary LU.
                                       ibmappnIsAcPriLuName displaystring read-only
Primary LU Name of the session.
                                       ibmappnIsAcSecLuName displaystring read-only
Secondary LU Name of the session.
                                       ibmappnIsAcModeName displaystring read-only
The mode name used for this session
                                       ibmappnIsAcCosName displaystring read-only
The class of service (cos) used for this session
                                       ibmappnIsAcTransPriority integer read-only
Transmission priority for this session. The values are: 1. Low 2. Medium 3. High 4. Network Enumeration: 'high': 3, 'medium': 2, 'low': 1, 'network': 4.
                                       ibmappnIsAcSessType integer read-only
The type of intermediate session. Enumeration: 'lu62': 1, 'lu0thru3': 2.
                                       ibmappnIsAcSessState integer read-only
Indicates the state of the session. 1. session is pending inactive or, 2. session is pending active or, 3. session is active or, 4. session is inactive Enumeration: 'active': 3, 'inactive': 1, 'pendinact': 4, 'pendactive': 2.
                                       ibmappnIsAcSessStartTime timeticks read-only
Time when the session started in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappnIsAcSessUpTime timeticks read-only
Length of time the session has been active in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappnIsAcCtrUpTime timeticks read-only
Length of time the session counters have been active in hundreds of a second.
                                       ibmappnIsAcEndReason octet string read-only
The SNA sense code which resulted when the session ended.
                                       ibmappnIsAcP2SFmdPius counter read-only
The number of FMD PIU's sent from the primary LU to the secondary LU. The counter has a range of of 0 to 2**32; and then wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcS2PFmdPius counter read-only
The number of FMD PIU's sent from the secondary LU to the primary LU. The counter has a range of of 0 to 2**32; and then wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcP2SNonFmdPius counter read-only
The number of non-FMD PIU's sent from the primary LU to the secondary LU. The counter has a range of of 0 to 2**32; and then wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcS2PNonFmdPius counter read-only
The number of non-FMD PIU's sent from the secondary LU to the primary LU. The counter has a range of of 0 to 2**32; and then wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcP2SFmdBytes counter read-only
The number of FMD bytes sent from the primary LU to the secondary LU. The counter has a range of of 0 to 2**32; and then wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcS2PFmdBytes counter read-only
The number of FMD bytes sent from the secondary LU to the primary LU. The counter has a range of of 0 to 2**32; and then wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcP2SNonFmdBytes counter read-only
The number of non-FMD bytes sent from the primary LU to the secondary LU. The counter has a range of of 0 to 2**32; and then wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcS2PNonFmdBytes counter read-only
The number of non-FMD bytes sent from the secondary LU to the primary LU. The counter has a range of of 0 to 2**32; and then wraps.
                                       ibmappnIsAcRouteInfo octet string read-only
The route selection control vector (RSCV x'2B') used for this session. It is present for APPN nodes; but is not present for LEN nodes.
                       ibmdot1dBaseBridgeAddress octet string read-only
The MAC address used by this bridge when it must be referred to in a unique fashion. It is recommended that this be the numerically smallest MAC address of all ports that belong to this bridge. However it is only required to be unique. When concatenated with ibmdot1dStpPriority a unique BridgeIdentifier is formed which is used in the Spanning Tree Protocol.
                       ibmdot1dBaseNumPorts integer read-only
The number of TB ports controlled by this bridging entity.
                       ibmdot1dBaseType integer read-only
Indicates what type of bridging this bridge can perform. If a bridge is actually performing a certain type of bridging this will be indicated by entries in the port table for the given type. Enumeration: 'unknown': 1, 'transparent-only': 2, 'srt': 4, 'sourceroute-only': 3.
                       ibmdot1dBasePortTable no-access
A table that contains generic information about every port that is associated with this bridge.
                           ibmdot1dBasePortEntry no-access
A list of information for each port of the bridge.
                               ibmdot1dBasePort integer read-only
The port number of the port for which this entry contains bridge management information.
                               ibmdot1dBasePortIfIndex integer read-only
The value of the instance of the ifIndex object, defined in RFC 1156, RFC 1213 for the interface corresponding to this port.
                               ibmdot1dBasePortCircuit object identifier read-only
For a port which potentially has the same value of ibmdot1dBasePortIfIndex as another port on the same bridge, this object contains an identifier unique to this port. For example, in the case where multiple ports correspond one-to-one with multiple Frame Relay circuit's, this value provides the object identifier for the frame relay MIB. Fpr a port which has a unique value of ibmdot1dBasePortIfIndex, this object can have the value {0.0}.
                               ibmdot1dBasePortDelayExceededDiscards counter read-only
The number of frames discarded by this port due to excessive transit delay through the bridge.
                               ibmdot1dBasePortMtuExceededDiscards counter read-only
The number of frames discarded by this port due to an excessive size.
                       ibmdot1dStpProtocolSpecification integer read-only
An indication of what version of the Spanning Tree Protocol is being run. The value 'decLb100(2)' indicates the DEC LANbridge 100 Spanning Tree protocol. IEEE 802.1d implementations will return 'ieee8021d(3)'. If future versions of the IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol are released that are incompatible with the current version a new value will be defined. Enumeration: 'ieee8021d': 3, 'unknown': 1, 'decLb100': 2.
                       ibmdot1dStpPriority integer read-write
The value of the write-able portion of the Bridge ID, i.e., the first two octets of the (8 octet long) Bridge ID. The other (last) 6 octets of the Bridge ID are given by the value of ibmdot1dBaseBridgeAddress.
                       ibmdot1dStpTimeSinceTopologyChange timeticks read-only
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the last time a topology change was detected by the bridge entity.
                       ibmdot1dStpTopChanges counter read-only
The total number of topology changes detected by this bridge since the management entity was last reset or initialized.
                       ibmdot1dStpDesignatedRoot octet string read-only
The bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node. This value is used as the Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by this node.
                       ibmdot1dStpRootCost integer read-only
The cost of the path to the root as seen from this bridge.
                       ibmdot1dStpRootPort integer read-only
The port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the root bridge.
                       ibmdot1dStpMaxAge integer read-only
The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol information learned from the network on any port before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using.
                       ibmdot1dStpHelloTime integer read-only
The amount of time between the transmission of Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on any port when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying to become so, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using.
                       ibmdot1dStpHoldTime integer read-only
This time value determines the interval length during which no more than two Configuration bridge PDUs shall be transmitted by this node, in units of hundredths of a second.
                       ibmdot1dStpForwardDelay integer read-only
This time value, measured in units of hundredths of a second, controls how fast a port changes its spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding state. The value determines how long the port stays in a particular state before moving to the next state. For example, how long a port stays in the Listening state when moving from Blocking to Learning. This value is also used, when a topology change has been detected and is underway, to age all dynamic entries in the Forwarding Database. (Note that this value is the one that this bridge is currently using, in contrast to ibmdot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay which is the value that this bridge and all others would start using if/when this bridge were to become the root.)
                       ibmdot1dStpBridgeMaxAge integer read-write
The value that all bridges use for MaxAge when this bridge is acting as the root. Note that 802.1d/D9 specifies that the range for this parameter is related to the value of ibmdot1dStpBridgeHelloTime. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1d/D9 to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole number of seconds. The IBM 6611 Network Processor obtains this value from the 'Max Age' parameter provided to the configuration program.
                       ibmdot1dStpBridgeHelloTime integer read-write
The value that all bridges use for HelloTime when this bridge is acting as the root. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1d/D9 to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole number of seconds. The IBM 6611 Network Processor obtains this value from the 'Hello Time' parameter provided to the configuration program.
                       ibmdot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay integer read-write
The value that all bridges use for ForwardDelay when this bridge is acting as the root. Note that 802.1d/D9 specifies that the range for this parameter is related to the value of ibmdot1dStpBridgeMaxAge. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1d/D9 to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole number of seconds. The IBM 6611 Network Processor obtains this value from the 'Forward Delay Time' parameter provided to the configuration program.
                       ibmdot1dStpPortTable no-access
A table that contains port-specific information for the Spanning Tree Protocol.
                             ibmdot1dStpPortEntry no-access
A list of information maintained by every port about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that port.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPort integer read-only
The port number of the port for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information. This port number is the same as that reported by ibmdot1dBasePort.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortPriority integer read-write
The value of the priority field which is contained in the first (in network byte order) octet of the (2 octet long) Port ID. The other octet of the Port ID is given by the value of ibmdot1dStpPort.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortState integer read-only
The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) state. For ports which are disabled (see ibmdot1dStpPortEnable), this object will have a value of disabled(1). Enumeration: 'listening': 3, 'disabled': 1, 'broken': 6, 'learning': 4, 'forwarding': 5, 'blocking': 2.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortEnable integer read-write
The enabled/disabled status of the port. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortPathCost integer read-write
The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree root which include this port. The IBM 6611 Network Processor obtains this value from the 'Path Cost' parameter provided to the configuration program.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortDesignatedRoot octet string read-only
The unique Bridge Identifier of the Bridge recorded as the Root in the Configuration BPDUs transmitted by the Designated Bridge for the segment to which the port is attached.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortDesignatedCost integer read-only
The path cost of the Designated Port of the segment connected to this port. This value is compared to the Root Path Cost field in received bridge PDUs.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortDesignatedBridge octet string read-only
The Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port considers to be the Designated Bridge for this port's segment.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortDesignatedPort octet string read-only
The Port Identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment.
                                 ibmdot1dStpPortForwardTransitions counter read-only
The number of times this port has transitioned from the Learning state to the Forwarding state.
                       ibmdot1dTpLearnedEntryDiscards counter read-only
The total number of Forwarding Database entries, which have been or would have been learnt, but have been discarded due to a lack of space to store them in the Forwarding Database. If this counter is increasing, it indicates that the Forwarding Database is regularly becoming full (a condition which has unpleasant performance effects on the subnetwork). If this counter has a significant value but is not presently increasing, it indicates that the problem has been occurring but is not persistent.
                       ibmdot1dTpAgingTime integer read-write
The timeout period in seconds for aging out dynamically learned forwarding information. The IBM 6611 Network Processor obtains this value from the 'Aging Time' parameter provided to the configuration program.
                       ibmdot1dTpFdbTable no-access
A table that contains information about unicast entries for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information. This information is used by the transparent bridging function in determining how to propagate a received frame.
                           ibmdot1dTpFdbEntry no-access
Information about a specific unicast MAC address for which the bridge has some forwarding and/or filtering information.
                               ibmdot1dTpFdbAddress octet string read-only
A unicast MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information.
                               ibmdot1dTpFdbPort integer read-only
Either the value '0', or the port number of the port on which a frame having a source address equal to the value of the corresponding instance of ibmdot1dTpFdbAddress has been seen. A value of '0' indicates that the port number has not been learned but that the bridge does have some forwarding/filtering information about this address (e.g. in the ibmdot1dStaticTable). Implementors are encouraged to assign the port value to this object whenever it is learned even for addresses for which the corresponding value of ibmdot1dTpFdbStatus is not learned(3).
                               ibmdot1dTpFdbStatus integer read-only
The status of this entry. The meanings of the values are: other(1) : none of the following. This would include the case where some other MIB object (not the corresponding instance of ibmdot1dTpFdbPort, nor an entry in the ibmdot1dStaticTable) is being used to determine if and how frames addressed to the value of the corresponding instance of ibmdot1dTpFdbAddress are being forwarded. invalid(2) : this entry is not longer valid (e.g., it was learned but has since aged-out), but has not yet been flushed from the table. learned(3) : the value of the corresponding instance of ibmdot1dTpFdbPort was learned, and is being used. self(4) : the value of the corresponding instance of ibmdot1dTpFdbAddress represents one of the bridge's addresses. The corresponding instance of ibmdot1dTpFdbPort indicates which of the bridge's ports has this address. mgmt(5) : the value of the corresponding instance of ibmdot1dTpFdbAddress is also the value of an existing instance of ibmdot1dStaticAddress. Enumeration: 'learned': 3, 'other': 1, 'self': 4, 'invalid': 2, 'mgmt': 5.
                       ibmdot1dTpPortTable no-access
A table that contains information about every port that is associated with this transparent bridge.
                           ibmdot1dTpPortEntry no-access
A list of information for each port of a transparent bridge.
                               ibmdot1dTpPort integer read-only
The port number of the port for which this entry contains Transparent bridging management information.
                               ibmdot1dTpPortMaxInfo integer read-only
The maximum size of the INFO (non-MAC) field that this port will receive or transmit.
                               ibmdot1dTpPortInFrames counter read-only
The number of frames that have been received by this port from its segment. Note that a frame received on the interface corresponding to this port is only counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging function.
                               ibmdot1dTpPortOutFrames counter read-only
The number of frames that have been transmitted by this port to its segment. Note that a frame transmitted on the interface corresponding to this port is only counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging function.
                               ibmdot1dTpPortInDiscards counter read-only
Count of valid frames received which were discarded (i.e., filtered) by the Forwarding Process.
                       ibmdot1dStaticTable no-access
A table containing filtering information configured into the bridge by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from specific ports and containing specific destination addresses are allowed to be forwarded. The value of zero in this table as the port number from which frames with a specific destination address are received, is used to specify all ports for which there is no specific entry in this table for that particular destination address. Entries are valid for unicast and for group/broadcast addresses.
                           ibmdot1dStaticEntry no-access
Filtering information configured into the bridge by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and containing a specific destination address are allowed to be forwarded.
                               ibmdot1dStaticAddress octet string read-write
The destination MAC address in a frame to which this entry's filtering information applies. This object can take the value of a unicast address, a group address or the broadcast address.
                               ibmdot1dStaticReceivePort integer read-write
Either the value '0', or the port number of the port from which a frame must be received in order for this entry's filtering information to apply. A value of zero indicates that this entry applies on all ports of the bridge for which there is no other applicable entry.
                               ibmdot1dStaticAllowedToGoTo octet string read-write
The set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and destined for a specific MAC address, are allowed to be forwarded. Each octet within the value of this object specifies a set of eight ports, with the first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the second octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit represents the highest numbered port. Thus, each port of the bridge is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that port is included in the set of ports; the port is not included if its bit has a value of '0'. (Note that the setting of the bit corresponding to the port from which a frame is received is irrelevant.)
                               ibmdot1dStaticStatus integer read-write
This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so are different from each of the following values. invalid(2) - writing this value to the object removes the corresponding entry. permanent(3) - this entry is currently in use and will remain so after the next reset of the bridge. deleteOnReset(4) - this entry is currently in use and will remain so until the next reset of the bridge. deleteOnTimeout(5) - this entry is currently in use and will remain so until it is aged out. Enumeration: 'permanent': 3, 'other': 1, 'deleteOnTimeout': 5, 'deleteOnReset': 4, 'invalid': 2.
                       ibmtbmacFiltInfoTable no-access
Table of MAC address filtering information.
                           ibmtbmacFiltInfoEntry no-access
MAC address filtering information for a single interface.
                               ibmtbmacFiltIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbmacFiltInFilterType integer read-only
For the incoming filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                               ibmtbmacFiltOutFilterType integer read-only
For the outgoing filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                               ibmtbmacFiltInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                               ibmtbmacFiltOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                       ibmtbmacFiltInTable no-access
Table of MAC address filtering information for incoming frames.
                           ibmtbmacFiltInEntry no-access
Filtering information for incoming frames.
                               ibmtbmacFiltInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbmacFiltInSrcAddress octet string read-only
MAC source address to be filtered.
                               ibmtbmacFiltInSrcMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmtbmacFiltInSrcAddress to be used as a range of values.
                               ibmtbmacFiltInDestAddress octet string read-only
MAC destination address to be filtered.
                               ibmtbmacFiltInDestMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmtbmacFiltInDestAddress to be used as a range of values.
                       ibmtbmacFiltOutTable no-access
Table of MAC address filtering information for outgoing frames.
                           ibmtbmacFiltOutEntry no-access
Filtering information for outgoing frames.
                               ibmtbmacFiltOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbmacFiltOutSrcAddress octet string read-only
MAC source address to be filtered.
                               ibmtbmacFiltOutSrcMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmtbmacFiltOutSrcAddress to be used as a range of values.
                               ibmtbmacFiltOutDestAddress octet string read-only
MAC destination address to be filtered.
                               ibmtbmacFiltOutDestMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmtbmacFiltOutDestAddress to be used as a range of values.
                       ibmtbsapFiltInfoTable no-access
Table of SAP filtering information.
                           ibmtbsapFiltInfoEntry no-access
SAP filtering information for a single interface.
                               ibmtbsapFiltIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbsapFiltIn octet string read-only
A bitmap of all possible source SAPs (even) that will be on or off depending on whether or not an incoming frame with that SAP is to be forwarded.
                               ibmtbsapFiltOut octet string read-only
A bitmap of all possible source SAPs (even) that will be on or off depending on whether or not an outgoing frame with that SAP is to be forwarded.
                               ibmtbsapFiltInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                               ibmtbsapFiltOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                       ibmtbEthTypeFiltInfoTable no-access
Table of Ethernet type filtering information. Note that this filtering only applies to: 1) The Ethernet TYPE field for DIX version 2 frames. 2) The Ethernet TYPE field contained in the SNAP header of 802.3 frames, if the frame contains a SNAP header (SSAP = DSAP = 0xAA)
                           ibmtbEthTypeFiltInfoEntry no-access
Ethernet type filtering information for a single interface.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltInFilterType integer read-only
For the incoming Ethernet type filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltOutFilterType integer read-only
For the outgoing Ethernet type filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                       ibmtbEthTypeFiltInTable no-access
Table of Ethernet type filtering information for incoming frames. Note that this filtering only applies to: 1) The Ethernet TYPE field for DIX version 2 frames. 2) The Ethernet TYPE field contained in the SNAP header of 802.3 frames, if the frame contains a SNAP header (SSAP = DSAP = 0xAA)
                           ibmtbEthTypeFiltInEntry no-access
Filtering information for a single Ethernet type on a single interface.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltInValue octet string read-only
Indicates which Ethernet type to filter.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltInMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmtbEthTypeFiltInValue to be used as a range of values.
                       ibmtbEthTypeFiltOutTable no-access
Table of Ethernet type filtering information for outgoing frames. Note that this filtering only applies to: 1) The Ethernet TYPE field for DIX version 2 frames. 2) The Ethernet TYPE field contained in the SNAP header of 802.3 frames, if the frame contains a SNAP header (SSAP = DSAP = 0xAA)
                           ibmtbEthTypeFiltOutEntry no-access
Filtering information for a single Ethernet type on a single interface.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltOutValue octet string read-only
Indicates which Ethernet type to filter.
                               ibmtbEthTypeFiltOutMask octet string read-only
Mask to allow ibmtbEthTypeFiltOutValue to be used as a range of values.
                       ibmtbwinFiltInfoTable no-access
Table of Window filtering information.
                           ibmtbwinFiltInfoEntry no-access
Window filtering information for a single interface.
                               ibmtbwinFiltIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbwinFiltInFilterType integer read-only
For the incoming filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutFilterType integer read-only
For the outgoing filter table, determines whether the entries are permit or deny entries. Enumeration: 'deny': 1, 'permit': 2.
                               ibmtbwinFiltInNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the incoming direction, because they were filtered out.
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutNotForwarded counter read-only
Number of packets not forwarded, in the outgoing direction, because they were filtered out.
                       ibmtbwinFiltInTable no-access
Table of Window filtering information for incoming frames.
                           ibmtbwinFiltInEntry no-access
Filtering information for incoming frames.
                               ibmtbwinFiltInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbwinFiltInContents octet string read-only
String of bytes that will be compared with bytes in the frame.
                               ibmtbwinFiltInMaskString octet string read-only
String of bytes that will be masked with bytes in the contents field.
                               ibmtbwinFiltInOffsetStart displaystring read-only
Determines the starting point where the contents field should be applied. A value of 'MAC' means the base is at the beginning of the destination MAC address field, whereas, a value of 'DATA' means it is applied at the beginning of the data field.
                               ibmtbwinFiltInNumBytes octet string read-only
Number of bytes in the contents field that are used for filtering
                               ibmtbwinFiltInOffset octet string read-only
Number of bytes offset into the frame from the offset start point to begin the compare.
                               ibmtbwinFiltInId integer read-only
A unique identifier associated with this window filter entry.
                       ibmtbwinFiltOutTable no-access
Table of Window filtering information for outgoing frames.
                           ibmtbwinFiltOutEntry no-access
Filtering information for outgoing frames.
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutContents octet string read-only
String of bytes that will be compared with bytes in the frame.
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutMaskString octet string read-only
String of bytes that will be masked with bytes in the contents field.
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutOffsetStart displaystring read-only
Determines the starting point where the contents field should be applied. A value of 'MAC' means the base is at the beginning of the destination MAC address field, whereas, a value of 'DATA' means it is applied at the beginning of the data field.
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutNumBytes octet string read-only
Number of bytes in the contents field that are used for filtering
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutOffset octet string read-only
Number of bytes offset into the frame from the offset start point to begin the compare.
                               ibmtbwinFiltOutId integer read-only
A unique identifier associated with this window filter entry.
                       ibmtbFiltOrderInTable no-access
Table of information describing which order the filters are applied for incoming frames.
                           ibmtbFiltOrderInEntry no-access
Filter order information for incoming frames.
                               ibmtbFiltOrderInIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbFiltOrderInPriority integer read-only
The priority of when a filter is applied to an incoming frame. A value of 1 signifies that it is applied first.
                               ibmtbFiltOrderInName displaystring read-only
The name of the filter applied to incoming frames that is associated with the priority, ibmtbFiltOrderInPriority.
                       ibmtbFiltOrderOutTable no-access
Table of information describing which order the filters are applied for outgoing frames.
                           ibmtbFiltOrderOutEntry no-access
Filter order information for outgoing frames.
                               ibmtbFiltOrderOutIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The value of this object for a particular interface has the same value as the ifIndex object for the same interface.
                               ibmtbFiltOrderOutPriority integer read-only
The priority of when a filter is applied to an outgoing frame. A value of 1 signifies that it is applied first.
                               ibmtbFiltOrderOutName displaystring read-only
The name of the filter applied to outgoing frames that is associated with the priority, ibmtbFiltOrderOutPriority.
                       ibmSelectNetTable no-access
The list of selected network definition entries.
                           ibmSelectNetEntry no-access
The description of a selected network definition.
                               ibmSelectNetIndex integer read-only
An identifier that is unique to the default zone name that is present in this entry.
                               ibmSelectNetZone octet string read-only
The ASCII default zone name of this entry.
                               ibmSelectNetNetStart octet string read-only
The network address that starts the range for this entry. This address is a two octet DDP network address in network byte order.
                               ibmSelectNetNetEnd octet string read-only
The network address that ends the range for this entry. This address is a two octet DDP network address in network byte order.
                               ibmSelectNetInterfaceNetStart octet string read-only
The network address that starts the range for the interface associated with this definition.
                       ibmnbpFilterPacketsFiltered counter read-only
The number of packets filtered by nbp filters.
                       ibmnbpFilterPacketsSent counter read-only
The number of packets not filtered by nbp filters.
                       ibmatportFilterTable no-access
The list of Appletalk port destination network filter entries.
                           ibmatportFilterEntry no-access
The description of a filter on this Appletalk port.
                               ibmatportFilterIndex integer read-only
An identifier that is unique to the Appletalk port to which this filter applies. The port identified by this value is the same port as identified by atportIndex.
                               ibmatportFilterNetStart octet string read-only
The network address that starts the range for this destination network filter. This address is a two octet DDP network address in network byte order.
                               ibmatportFilterNetEnd octet string read-only
The network address that ends the range for this destination network filter. This address is a two octet DDP network address in network byte order.
                       ibmSelectNetFilterTable no-access
The list of selected network destination network filter entries.
                           ibmSelectNetFilterEntry no-access
The description of a filter for this selected network definition.
                               ibmSelectNetFilterIndex integer read-only
An identifier that is unique to the selected network definition to which this filter applies. This value is the same as that provided by ibmSelectNetIndex.
                               ibmSelectNetFilterNetStart octet string read-only
The network address that starts the range for this destination network filter. This address is a two octet DDP network address in network byte order.
                               ibmSelectNetFilterNetEnd octet string read-only
The network address that ends the range for this destination network filter. This address is a two octet DDP network address in network byte order.
                   ibmdecAllRoutersFuncAddr octet string read-only
The functional address used in communicating with with all DECnet Phase IV and DECnet Phase IV-Prime routers on a token ring LAN.
                   ibmdecAllEndNodesFuncAddr octet string read-only
The functional address used in communicating with with all DECnet Phase IV and DECnet Phase IV-Prime end nodes on a token ring LAN.
                   ibmdecSplitHorPoisonRev integer read-only
Defines whether the Split Horizon with Poison Reverse option is enabled or not Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
                   ibmdecNodeType integer read-only
This parameter indicates the node type of the router. This object is the same as the phivRouteType object defined by RFC 1289, however, this definition extends the enumerations to provide new values. Enumeration: 'routing-IV-Prime': 7, 'routing-III': 1, 'area': 3, 'nonrouting-IV': 5, 'nonrouting-III': 2, 'routing-IV': 4, 'nonrouting-IV-Prime': 8, 'area-IV-Prime': 6.
                   ibmdecLANCircuitTable no-access
The list of information relevant to LAN circuits. This table extends the information provided by the phivCircuitParametersTable defined by RFC 1289.
                       ibmdecLANCircuitEntry no-access
Table entry with information relevant to LAN circuits.
                           ibmdecLANCircuitIndex integer read-only
A unique index value for each known circuit on a LAN interface. The value of this variable is the same as that provided by phivCircuitIndex.
                           ibmdecLANCircuitType integer read-only
If the CircuitType is Bilingual for a circuit, the router would use a Phase_IV compliant locally administered MAC address for that circuit and would be configured to communicate with Phase_IV and Phase_IV-Prime nodes over that circuit. A bilingual router can help communication between the Phase_IV and the Phase_IV-Prime nodes over the same extended LAN segment, and prevents a partitioned network. If the CircuitType is AMA ( Arbitrary MAC Address ) for a circuit, the router would use an arbitrary MAC address for that circuit, and would be configured to communicate with Phase_IV-Prime nodes over that circuit. If the CircuitType is PhaseIV for a circuit, the router would use the Phase_IV compliant locally administered MAC address for that circuit, and would be configured to communicate with Phase_IV nodes over that circuit. Enumeration: 'ama': 2, 'phaseIV': 3, 'bilingual': 1.
                           ibmdecLANCircuitSourceRoute integer read-only
This parameter indicates if source routing is enabled on a token-ring circuit. A value of 3 is returned for circuits which are not of the 802.5/token-ring type. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'notapplicable': 3, 'enabled': 1.
                           ibmdecLANCircuitAddrType integer read-only
This parameter indicates the type of MAC address used on this circuit. The value returned is decnet(1), if a DECnet Phase_IV compliant locally administered MAC address is being used. The value returned is hardware(2), if the unique assigned ROM address is used. The value returned is user(3), if a non DECnet Phase_IV compliant locally administered MAC address is being used. Enumeration: 'hardware': 2, 'user': 3, 'decnet': 1.
                       ibmvSysRtr integer read-only
Indicates whether this node is acting as a VINES router. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                       ibmvRouterName displaystring read-only
The name of the router node, up to 15 characters long.
                       ibmvRouterNetid integer read-only
The VINES network ID of the router node equal to the router node's serial number. This id may be up to 4 bytes in length.
                       ibmvipTotalIn counter read-only
The total number of VINES IP packets that the router node has received since the last reboot.
                       ibmvipTotalOut counter read-only
The total number of VINES IP packets that the router node has sent since the last reboot.
                       ibmvipRouted counter read-only
The total number of packets that were routed to another node since the last reboot.
                       ibmvipBcast counter read-only
The number of VINES IP broadcast packets sent, both generated from the router node and routed from other nodes, since the last reboot.
                       ibmvipInReceives counter read-only
The number of unicast VINES IP packets received since the last reboot. A unicast packet is destined for this particular router node. It is not being forwarded, multicasted or broadcasted.
                       ibmvipBcastInReceives counter read-only
The number of VINES IP broadcast packets received since the last reboot.
                       ibmvipBad counter read-only
The total number of badly formed packets that the router node has received since the last booted.
                       ibmvipBadHeaders counter read-only
The number of incoming VINES IP packets received since the last reboot which contained a header error; excluding the following errors: length, checksum and time to live.
                       ibmvipTooSmalls counter read-only
The number of VINES IP packets received since the last reboot with len < the size of a VINES IP header.
                       ibmvipBadLens counter read-only
The number of VINES IP packets received since the last reboot whose packet size is not equal to the number of bytes specified in the VINES IP header field.
                       ibmvipBadSums counter read-only
The number of VINES IP packets received since the last reboot with a bad checksum.
                       ibmvipInDiscards counter read-only
The number of incoming VINES IP packets discarded since the last reboot due to lack of resources.
                       ibmvipZeroHops counter read-only
The number of VINES IP packets discarded since the last reboot because the hop count equals zero and the current node is not the destination.
                       ibmvipOutNoRoutes counter read-only
The number of outgoing VINES IP packets discarded since the last reboot because no route is available.
                           ibmvarpQueryReqs counter read-only
The number of query requests received from clients since the last reboot. When a client is first booted up, it sends out a broadcast query request packet on its LAN segment.
                           ibmvarpServiceResps counter read-only
The number of ARP query responses sent out from this router node since the last reboot. Each router node on the same LAN segment that is providing address assignments will respond.
                           ibmvarpAssignReqs counter read-only
The number of ARP assignment request received from clients since the last reboot. The client issues an assignment request packet to the router node that responded first to the query request.
                           ibmvarpAssignResps counter read-only
The number of ARP assignment responses sent to clients since the last reboot. The router node issues a VINES internet address for the client and sends it back in an assignment response packet.
                           ibmvarpHeaderError counter read-only
The number of ARP packets received since the last reboot with a header error.
                       ibmvNbrNumber integer read-only
The number of entries in the neighbor table.
                       ibmvNbrTable no-access
A list of information about IBM's VINES router neighbor table.
                           ibmvNbrEntry no-access
The information for each entry in the neighbor table.
                               ibmvNbrNetid octet string read-only
The network ID of the neighbor. The VINES internet address has the following form: 'nnnnnnnn.ssss'hex, where n = network ID and s = subnetwork ID. If the neighbor is a router, then network ID is the router node's (the neighbor's) serial number.
                               ibmvNbrSubNetid octet string read-only
The subnetwork ID of the neighbor. The VINES internet address has the following form: 'nnnnnnnn.ssss'hex, where n = network ID and s = subnetwork ID. If the neighbor is a router node, then the subnetwork ID for the router node (the neighbor) is 1.
                               ibmvNbrType integer read-only
The type of the neighbor (workstation = pc). Enumeration: 'workstation': 2, 'server': 1.
                               ibmvNbrIfType integer read-only
The type of interface that the server uses to reach the neighbor. Enumeration: 'propPointToPointSerial': 22, 'frame-relay': 32, 'cept': 19, 'rfc877-x25': 5, 'ds3': 30, 'ppp': 23, 'ddn-x25': 4, 'slip': 28, 'proteon-10Mbit': 12, 'ethernet-3Mbit': 26, 'sip': 31, 'loopback': 24, 'iso88023-csmacd': 7, 'other': 1, 'sdlc': 17, 'lapb': 16, 'iso88024-tokenBus': 8, 'hyperchannel': 14, 'basicISDN': 20, 'ethernet-csmacd': 6, 'primaryISDN': 21, 'fddi': 15, 'proteon-80Mbit': 13, 'starLan': 11, 'eon': 25, 'iso88025-tokenRing': 9, 'ds1': 18, 'hdh1822': 3, 'nsip': 27, 'regular1822': 2, 'iso88026-man': 10, 'ultra': 29.
                               ibmvNbrRemAddress octet string read-only
The address of the neighbor's physical interface. For LAN's, it is the hardware address of the neighbor.
                               ibmvNbrLocAddress octet string read-only
The address of the router node's physical interface, such as a LAN address.
                               ibmvNbrLocSlot integer read-only
The slot number of the interface card that the router node uses to reach the neighbor.
                               ibmvNbrLocPort integer read-only
The port number on the interface card that the router node used to reach the neighbor.
                               ibmvNbrAging integer read-only
The amount of time left before a neighbor entry will be removed because of aging. For a WAN link, which is defined to be permanent, this object is not applicable.
                               ibmvNbrFlags integer read-only
Only applicable to a WAN link; states if the link is permanent or non-permanent. Enumeration: 'permanent': 1, 'nonpermanent': 2.
                               ibmvNbrRIF octet string read-only
LAN - MAC address and if applicable, source routing information. Frame Relay - n/a PPP - n/a
                               ibmvNbrIfIndex integer read-only
The interface (using the MIB II standard) used to reach the neighbor. This number corresponds to the IfIndex object found in MIB II.
                               ibmvNbrMetric integer read-only
The cost to reach the neighbor.
                           ibmvRtCfgMax integer read-only
The maximum number of entries allowed in the routing table. This value is not defined by administrator.
                           ibmvRtCfgInFlt integer read-only
Enables or disables all inbound RTP filters defined. If no inbound RTP filters are defined, then this object has no effect. If a filter is defined, then the default value is 'enabled'. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                           ibmvRtCfgInFltNum integer read-only
The number of inbound RTP filters currently defined.
                           ibmvRtCfgInFltTable no-access
A list of information about the inbound RTP filters which are specified for this router node.
                               ibmvRtCfgInFltEntry no-access
The information for each entry in the inbound RTP filter table.
                                   ibmvRtCfgInFltNetID octet string read-only
Administrator defined object which specifies the VINES network number to be filtered on the port. The range of the network number is 00000000 - FFFFFFFE. If the network number, 0xFFFFFFFF, is defined, then all network numbers will be filtered.
                                   ibmvRtCfgInFltIfIndex integer read-only
The interface (using the MIB II standard) for which the inbound RTP filters were defined. This number corresponds to the IfIndex object found in MIB II.
                                   ibmvRtCfgInFltMode integer read-only
The filtering action for the inbound RTP filter. The inbound RTP filters operate on network numbers contained in the topological entries in the RTP update, response, and redirect packets received over a specified interface. In deny mode, the 6611 ignores route information for a network if the network number and the port on which the route information was received matches any inbound RTP filter. In permit mode, the IBM 6611 processes route information for a network only if the network number and the port on which the route information was received matches any inbound RTP filter. The default for this object is 'deny'. Enumeration: 'deny': 2, 'permit': 1.
                                   ibmvRtCfgInFltUses counter read-only
The number of times the defined filter was used.
                           ibmvRtCfgOutFlt integer read-only
Enables or disables all outbound RTP filters defined. If no outbound RTP filters are defined, then this object has no effect. If a filter is defined, then the default value is 'enabled'. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                           ibmvRtCfgOutFltNum integer read-only
The number of outbound RTP filters currently defined.
                           ibmvRtCfgOutFltTable no-access
A list of information about the outbound RTP filters which are specified for this router node.
                               ibmvRtCfgOutFltEntry no-access
The information for each entry in the outbound RTP filter table.
                                   ibmvRtCfgOutFltNetID octet string read-only
Administrator defined object which specifies the VINES network number to be filtered on the port. The range of the network number is 00000000 - FFFFFFFE. If the network number, 0xFFFFFFFF, is defined, then all network numbers will be filtered.
                                   ibmvRtCfgOutFltIfIndex integer read-only
The interface (using the MIB II standard) for which the outbound RTP filters were defined. This number corresponds to the IfIndex object found in MIB II.
                                   ibmvRtCfgOutFltMode integer read-only
The filtering action for the outbound RTP filter. The outbound RTP filters operate on the network numbers contained in the topological entries in RTP update and response packets transmitted over a specified interface. In deny mode, filters operate on interface names and network numbers (that is, the network numbers contained in the topological entries in the RTP packets). In deny mode, the IBM 6611 does not advertise route information for a network if the network number and the interface on which the route information is to be transmitted matches any outbound RTP filter. In permit mode, the 6611 advertises route information for a network only if the network number and the interface on which the route information is to be transmitted matches any outbound RTP filter. The default for this object is 'Deny'. Enumeration: 'deny': 2, 'permit': 1.
                                   ibmvRtCfgOutFltUses counter read-only
The number of times the defined filter was used.
                           ibmvRtCfgFlt integer read-only
Enables or disables all RTP router filters defined. If no RTP router filters are defined, then this object has no effect. If a filter is defined, then the default value is 'enabled'. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                           ibmvRtCfgFltNum integer read-only
The number of RTP router filters currently defined.
                           ibmvRtCfgFltTable no-access
A list of information about the RTP router filters which are specified for this router node.
                                 ibmvRtCfgFltEntry no-access
The information for each entry in the RTP router filter table.
                                     ibmvRtCfgFltNetID octet string read-only
Administrator defined object which specifies the VINES network number to be filtered on the port. The range of the network number is 00000000 - FFFFFFFE. If the network number, 0xFFFFFFFF, is defined, then all network numbers will be filtered.
                                     ibmvRtCfgFltMode integer read-only
The filtering action for the RTP router filter. The RTP router filters operate on the network number contained in the source network number field in the IP header of any RTP packet (update, request, response, and redirect). (The subnetwork ID is assumed to be 0x0001.) In deny mode, the IBM 6611 ignores route information from a service node if the sending router's network number matches any RTP router filter. In permit mode, the IBM 6611 processes route information from a router only if the sending router's network number matches any RTP router filter. The default for this object is 'deny'. Enumeration: 'deny': 2, 'permit': 1.
                                     ibmvRtCfgFltUses counter read-only
The number of times the defined filter was used.
                           ibmvrtpUpdSents counter read-only
The number of routing update packets sent since the last reboot. The routing update packets are periodically broadcast by nodes to notify neighboring nodes of their existence. Router nodes include network topology information in these updates.
                           ibmvrtpUpdRecs counter read-only
The number of routing update packets received since the last reboot. The routing update packets are sent from neighboring node making known their existence. Packets received from router nodes include network topology information.
                           ibmvrtpReqSents counter read-only
The number of routing request packets sent since the last reboot. Routing request packets are sent by a node when it requires an immediate update.
                           ibmvrtpReqRecs counter read-only
The number of routing request packets received since the last reboot. The 6611 receives routing request packets when another node requires an immediate update. The 6611 will send the update in a routing response packet.
                           ibmvrtpResSents counter read-only
The number of routing response packets sent since the last reboot. Routing response packets are sent in response to a routing request packet.
                           ibmvrtpResRecs counter read-only
The number of routing response packets received since the last reboot. When a node sends out a routing request packet, it receives a routing response packet which contains all the routing information requested.
                           ibmvrtpRedSents counter read-only
The number of routing redirect packets sent since the last reboot. The routing redirect packets are sent by a node to notify another node of a more direct path to a destination node.
                           ibmvrtpRedRecs counter read-only
The number of routing redirect packets received since the last reboot. A 6611 receives a routing redirect packet when another node knows a more direct path to the destination node.
                           ibmvrtpHeaderError counter read-only
The number of RTP packets received since the last reboot with a RTP header error.
                       ibmvRtNumber integer read-only
The number of entires in the route table.
                       ibmvRtTable no-access
A list of information about IBM's VINES router table.
                           ibmvRtEntry no-access
The information for each entry in the router table.
                               ibmvRtNetid octet string read-only
The network ID of the router node's destination router node.
                               ibmvRtMetric integer read-only
The routing metric used by the called router node to reach the destination. A routing metric is an estimated round-trip delay time associated with the router that maximum sized VINES IP packets will take to reach the destination. The metric reflects the cost of the path to the destination, it is in 200-millisecond units.
                               ibmvRtIdle integer read-only
The time to live timer for this router node's entry. This value indicates the amount of time before the entry is removed from the called router node's routing table. The value is returned in 90 second units.
                               ibmvRtGateNetid octet string read-only
The network ID of the router node that acts as the router for reaching the destination router node.
                               ibmvRtIfIndex integer read-only
The interface (using the MIB II standard) which identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached. This number corresponds to the IfIndex object found in MIB II.
                               ibmvRtState integer read-only
The state the routing entry; permanent or not permanent. Enumeration: 'permanent': 1, 'nonpermanent': 2.
                       ibmvicpExcGens counter read-only
Number of exception notifications generated from this router node since the last reboot.
                       ibmvicpMetricGens counter read-only
The number of metric notifications generated from this router node since the last reboot. The ICP packet contains metric information about the final transmission medium used to reach a client node.
                       ibmvicpHeaderError counter read-only
The number of ICP packets received since the last reboot with an ICP header error.
                       ibmvFRPreassembles counter read-only
The number of times packets were reassembled since the last reboot. One VINES IP packet being broken into three message fragments is counted as one fragmentation. The three fragments being reassembled into one VINES IP packet counts as one reassembly.
                       ibmvFRPfragsReassembled counter read-only
The number of fragments that were reassembled since the last reboot. If three fragments are to be reassembled into one packet, then this object value will add three to its total.
                       ibmvFRPreasFails counter read-only
The number of times the reassembly of fragments fails since the last reboot.
                       ibmvFRPfragmented counter read-only
The number of packet fragmentations performed since the last reboot.
                       ibmvFRPfrgCreated counter read-only
The number of fragments created since the last reboot when fragmenting VINES IP packets. If a VINES IP packet is fragmented into three fragments, then this object value will add three to its total.
                       ibmvFRPfrgFails counter read-only
The number of times the fragmentation of a VINES IP packets fails since the last reboot.
                       ibmvPortCfgTable no-access
The list of information about port configuration at each interface.
                           ibmvPortCfgEntry no-access
The information for each entry in the port configuration table.
                               ibmvPortCfgIfIndex integer read-only
The interface (using the MIB II standard) which uniquely identifies each interface and allows multiple tables to be associated with a given interface. This number corresponds to the IfIndex object found in MIB II.
                               ibmvPortCfgARP integer read-only
Administrator defined value which specifies whether the router node will assign VINES addresses to clients that reside on the LAN attached to this port. The default value for this object is 'disable'. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                               ibmvPortCfgServ integer read-only
Administrator defined value specifying whether the serverless option is enables or disabled. When the serverless option is enabled; the router looks for particular broadcasts that clients use in finding the services on the VINES server. This allows client nodes on a serverless LAN to communicate with a VINES server more than one hop away. The default value for this object is 'disable'. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                               ibmvPortCfgHCtoServ integer read-only
Administrator defined value which specifies the number of hops from the client to the router node.
                               ibmvPortCfgPerUpdate integer read-only
Administrator defined value which specifies whether periodic updates will be sent over a WAN link. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'na': 3, 'enabled': 1.
                               ibmvPortCfgMetric integer read-only
Administrator defined value for port metric. This value overrides the metric which is used by the IBM 6611 to make routing decisions. If no response is provided to this parameter, the IBM 6611 will use defaults contained within the MPNP program. These defaults are based on values assigned by Banyan Systems for its VINES servers. The port metric is a rough estimate of the round trip delay for a maximum sized VINES IP packet to travel to any neighbor on this port. The unit for the metric value is 200 milliseconds. The default metric for an Ethernet port is 2. The default metric for a Token-Ring is determined by the response to the Token-Ring Data Rate parameter. The default metric for a serial port is determined by the response to the Serial-Line Speed parameter.
                               ibmvPortCfgTR integer read-only
Administrator defined value which determines the encapsulation method used for receiving and transmitting VINES packets on this port. IEEE 802.5 LLC uses 802.2 encapsulation followed by an LLC field using SAP value 0xBC You cannot use IEEE 802.5 LLC encapsulation on the same port that performs data link switching, if the 0xBC SAP has been configured for frame forwarding by the data link switching function. IEEE 802.5 SNAP uses 802.2 encapsulation followed by a SNAP header using the organizationally unique ID 0x08 00 4A, the protocol id 0x80C4 for VINES IP and the protocol id 0x80C5 for VINES Link Level Echo. Enumeration: 'snap': 2, 'na': 1, 'vines-tr': 3.
                               ibmvPortCfgEN integer read-only
Administrator defined value which determines the encapsulation method used for receiving and transmitting VINES packets on this port. Ethernet II uses DIX encapsulation with a packet type 0x0BAD for VINES IP and 0x0BAF for VINES Link Level Echo. IEEE 802.3 SNAP uses 802.2 encapsulation followed by a SNAP header using the organizationally unique ID 0x08 00 4A, the protocol id 0x80C4 for VINES IP and the protocol id 0x80C5 for VINES Link Level Echo. Enumeration: 'snap': 2, 'na': 1, 'v2': 3.
                               ibmvPortCfgInFlt integer read-only
Administrator defined value which allows inbound port filters to be defined. The default value is 'disabled'. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                               ibmvPortCfgInFltNum integer read-only
The number of inbound port filters defined for this port.
                               ibmvPortCfgOutFlt integer read-only
Administrator defined value which allows outbound port filters to be defined. The default value is 'disabled'. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                               ibmvPortCfgOutFltNum integer read-only
The number of outbound port filters defined for this port.
                       ibmvFltTable no-access
The list of information about port filter configurations at each interface .
                           ibmvFltEntry no-access
The information for each entry in the port filter configuration table.
                               ibmvFltIfIndex integer read-only
The value of this object identifies the interface for which this entry contains management information. The IfIndex allows a subset of the filter table to be associated with a particular interface.
                               ibmvFltNo integer read-only
A unique integer identifying this filter entry for this interface.
                               ibmvFltMode integer read-only
Identifies if the port filter is an inbound or outbound filter. Enumeration: 'inbound': 1, 'outbound': 2.
                               ibmvFltValue octet string read-only
An octet string representing the concatenation of VINES IP header fields and VINES transport header fields required by this filter entry. Incoming packets will be bitwise ANDed with the value of ibmvFltMask, and if the result is equal to the value of this object, the packet will be filtered according to the value of ibmvFltValue. Fields from VINES IP and transport headers used for filtering: field length field name ------------ ------------------------------ 8 BITS protocol type 4 BITS hop count 32 BITS destination network number 16 BITS destination subnetwork number 16 BITS destination port number 32 BITS source network number 16 BITS source subnetwork number 16 BITS source port number
                               ibmvFltMask octet string read-only