HH3C-EVC-MIB: View SNMP OID List / Download MIB


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Object Name OID Type Access Info
Ethernet Virtual Connection MIB
                 hh3cEvcSrvInstEncapCapabilities bits read-only
This object displays the encapsulation capabilities of service instance with respect to certain fields. The following values may be supported: encapPortBased: Support for matching packets by port. encapUntagged: Support for matching untagged packets. encapTagged: Support for matching all tagged packets. encapSvlanId: Support for matching packets by a SVLAN ID, and the packets may be untagged if PVID of the port is the SVLAN ID when the encapSvlanIdOnlyTagged field is not set. encapSvlanIdList: Support for matching packets by SVLAN ID list, and the packets may be untagged if PVID of the port is in SVLAN ID list when the encapSvlanIdOnlyTagged field is not set. encapSvlanIdOnlyTagged: encapSvlanId or encapSvlanId field indicates to support for matching only tagged packets when this field is set. Bits: 'encapSvlanIdList': 4, 'encapTagged': 2, 'encapSvlanId': 3, 'encapSvlanIdOnlyTagged': 5, 'encapUntagged': 1, 'encapPortBased': 0.
                 hh3cEvcPortMaxSrvInstNum integer32 read-only
The max service instance number of a port.
             hh3cEvcSrvInstTable no-access
A table for configuring service instance parameter of the port.
                 hh3cEvcSrvInstEntry no-access
An entry for configuring service instance parameter of the port.
                     hh3cEvcSrvInstId integer32 no-access
Service instance ID. Its value ranges from 1 to the value of hh3cEvcPortMaxSrvInstNum.
                     hh3cEvcSrvInstEncap integer read-only
Encapsulation mode of a service instance. none : Invalid value. portBased : Match packets by port. It is supported when encapPortBased field of hh3cEvcCapabilities is set. untagged : Match untagged packets. It is supported when encapUntagged field of hh3cEvcCapabilities is set. tagged : Match all tagged packets. It is supported when encapTagged field of hh3cEvcCapabilities is set. svlanIdList: Match packets by SVLAN ID list and untagged packets if PVID of the port is in SVLAN ID list, the SVLAN ID list is denoted by hh3cEvcSrvInstSvlanIdListLow and hh3cEvcSrvInstSvlanIdListLow. It is supported when encapSvlanId or encapSvlanIdList field of hh3cEvcCapabilities is set. Only a VLAN ID is supported when encapSvlanId field of hh3cEvcCapabilities is set. svlanIdListOnlyTagged: Match only tagged packets by SVLAN ID list, the SVLAN ID is denoted by hh3cEvcSrvInstSvlanIdListLow and hh3cEvcSrvInstSvlanIdListLow. It is supported when encapSvlanId (or encapSvlanIdList) and encapSvlanIdOnlyTagged fields of hh3cEvcCapabilities are set. Only a VLAN ID is supported when encapSvlanId and encapSvlanIdOnlyTagged field of hh3cEvcCapabilities are set. Enumeration: 'none': 0, 'tagged': 3, 'svlanIdList': 4, 'untagged': 2, 'portBased': 1, 'svlanIdListOnlyTagged': 5.
                     hh3cEvcSrvInstSvlanIdListLow octet string read-only
This object contains the first 2048 bits of the 4096 bit vector indicating which SVLAN IDs are assigned to this service instance. The lowest order bit of the first octet corresponds to SVLAN 1, while the highest order bit of the last octet corresponds to SVLAN 2048. A bit that is on (equal to 1) indicates that the corresponding SVLAN ID is assigned to this service instance.
                     hh3cEvcSrvInstSvlanIdListHigh octet string read-only
This object contains the second 2048 bits of the 4096 bit vector indicating which SVLAN IDs are assigned to this service instance. The lowest order bit of the first octet corresponds to SVLAN 2049, while the third highest order bit of the last octet corresponds to SVLAN 4094. A bit that is on (equal to 1) indicates that the corresponding SVLAN ID is assigned to this service instance.
                     hh3cEvcSrvInstRowStatus rowstatus read-only
Operation status of this table entry.