HH3C-DLDP-MIB: View SNMP OID List / Download MIB


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Object Name OID Type Access Info
H3C DLDP (Device Link Detection Protocol) MIB
               hh3cDLDPWorkMode integer read-write
The work mode of DLDP. Normal mode means DLDP does not detect neighbor on its own initiative when all neighbors aged. Enhance mode means DLDP detects neighbor on its own initiative when all neighbors aged. Enumeration: 'enhance': 2, 'normal': 1.
               hh3cDLDPSystemEnable truthvalue read-write
DLDP enable or disable systematically. This node only supports set operation. If setting it to true, all the fiber ports will enable DLDP and the agent automatically creates new rows for each port in hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable. If setting it to false, all the fiber ports will disable DLDP and the agent automatically destroy the corresponding rows in hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable
               hh3cDLDPSystemReset truthvalue read-write
DLDP reset systematically. This node only supports set operation. If the value of hh3cDLDPSystemReset is true, and the current state is disable, it will change to inactive while the port is down or active while the port is up. If hh3cDLDPPortDLDPState is not disable, it does not change.
               hh3cDLDPInterval integer read-write
The interval of sending an advertisement PDU. unit : second
               hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode integer read-write
Type of authentication mode. Enumeration: 'simple': 2, 'none': 1, 'md5': 3.
               hh3cDLDPAuthenticationPassword octet string read-write
This is the password for authentication. If the value of hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is none, the user can not set this node. If the value of hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is simple or MD5, the user must set this node with a string. When the user get or walk this node, it displays cipher password if hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is MD5 or clear password if hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is simple or zero length string if hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is none.
               hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalShutdown integer read-write
The mode of unidirectional shutdown. It indicates the shutdown mode when a unidirectional link happened. Auto mode means the port will be shut down automatically when DLDP detects unidirectional link. Manual mode means the port needs to be shut down by the administrator manually when DLDP detects unidirectional link. Enumeration: 'auto': 1, 'manual': 2.
           hh3cDLDPPortStateTable no-access
The table of the Ethernet ports of a LAN switch.
               hh3cDLDPPortStateEntry no-access
Information about a hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable entity.
                   hh3cDLDPPortState enabledstatus read-write
State of a port. If setting it to enabled, the port will enable DLDP and a new row will be added in hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable for this port. If setting it to disabled, the port will disable DLDP and the corresponding row will be destroyed in hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable.
           hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable no-access
Table of a LAN switch's ports, which enable DLDP.
               hh3cDLDPPortDLDPEntry no-access
The information of a port, which enable DLDP.
                   hh3cDLDPPortDLDPState dldpstatus read-only
Operating state of DLDP on the port. It is relational with hh3cDLDPPortState and hh3cDLDPLinkState.
                   hh3cDLDPLinkState integer read-only
The link state of the port. Enumeration: 'down': 1, 'unknown': 3, 'up': 2.
                   hh3cDLDPPortDLDPReset truthvalue read-write
DLDP reset systematically. This node only supports set operation. If the value of hh3cDLDPPortDLDPReset is true, and the current state is disable, it will change to inactive while the port is down or active while the port is up.
           hh3cDLDPNeighborTable no-access
Table of a port's neighbors.
               hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry no-access
The information of a neighbor.
                   hh3cDLDPNeighborBridgeMac macaddress no-access
The bridge MAC address of a neighbor.
                   hh3cDLDPNeighborPortIndex integer32 no-access
The port index of a neighbor.
                   hh3cDLDPNeighborState dldpneighborstatus read-only
The state of a neighbor.
                   hh3cDLDPNeighborAgingTime integer32 read-only
The aging time of a neighbor. unit: second
It will send a SNMP trap when the state of a port has changed to unidirectional-link .