H3C-IDS-MIB: View SNMP OID List / Download MIB


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Download standard MIB format if you are planning to load a MIB file into some system (OS, Zabbix, PRTG ...) or view it with a MIB browser. CSV is more suitable for analyzing and viewing OID' and other MIB objects in excel. JSON and YAML formats are usually used in programing even though some systems can use MIB in YAML format (like Logstash).
Keep in mind that standard MIB files can be successfully loaded by systems and programs only if all the required MIB's from the "Imports" section are already loaded.
The tree-like SNMP object navigator requires no explanations because it is very simple to use. And if you stumbled on this MIB from Google note that you can always go back to the home page if you need to perform another MIB or OID lookup.

Object Name OID Type Access Info
This MIB describes IDS private information. IDS(Instruction Detecting System) is used to detect intruder activity.
                   h3cIDSTrapIPFragmentQueueLen unsigned32 no-access
The length of IP fragment queue.
                   h3cIDSTrapStatSessionTabLen unsigned32 no-access
The length of status session table.
                   h3cIDSTrapIPAddressType inetaddresstype no-access
The type of IP Address.
                   h3cIDSTrapIPAddress inetaddress no-access
IP Address.
                   h3cIDSTrapUserName octet string no-access
User name.
                   h3cIDSTrapLoginType integer no-access
Login type, including telnet, ssh and web. Enumeration: 'web': 3, 'ssh': 2, 'telnet': 1.
                   h3cIDSTrapUpgradeType integer no-access
Upgrade type, including programme(system image), crb(custom rule base, one kind of configuration file), vrb(vendor rule base, one kind of configuration file). Enumeration: 'crb': 2, 'vrb': 3, 'programme': 1.
                   h3cIDSTrapCRLName octet string no-access
CRL(Certificate Revoke List) name.
                   h3cIDSTrapCertName octet string no-access
Certificate name.
                   h3cIDSTrapDetectRuleID unsigned32 no-access
The rule ID which is a unique identifier for a specified detect rule.
                   h3cIDSTrapEngineID integer32 no-access
A unique number used to identify an interface.
                   h3cIDSTrapFileName octet string no-access
The file name.
                   h3cIDSTrapCfgLineInFile unsigned32 no-access
The line number in the configuration file.
                   h3cIDSTrapReasonForError octet string no-access
The information of the notification. Although the format and content of this object are device specific, they should be defined uniformly in the device.
This notification will be generated when the IP fragment queue is full. The h3cIDSTrapIPFragmentQueueLen describes the length of current fragment queue. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when the status session table is full. The h3cIDSTrapStatSessionTabLen describes the length of current status session table. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when failing to parse the rules for detecting. The h3cIDSTrapDetectRuleID object describes rule ID. The h3cIDSTrapEngineID object identifies an interface the rule applies to. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when connecting with database server fails. The h3cIDSTrapIPAddressType object describes the IP address type of database server. The h3cIDSTrapIPAddress object describes the IP address of database server. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError describes reason of connecting failure.
This notification will be generated when IDS device detects that CRL is out of date. The h3cIDSTrapCRLName object describes the CRL(Certificate Revoke List) name. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when IDS device detects that certificate is overdue. The h3cIDSTrapCertName object describes the certificate name. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when the login failure times of a user over a certain number. The h3cIDSTrapUserName object describes the user name when logging in. The h3cIDSTrapIPAddressType object describes the IP address type of client. The h3cIDSTrapIPAddress object describes the IP address of client. The h3cIDSTrapLoginType object describes login type, including: telnet, ssh, web. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when upgrading fails. The h3cIDSTrapUpgradeType object describes upgrade type, including: programme, vrb. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when accessing file fails. The h3cIDSTrapFileName object describes the name of file accessed. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when memory used by constructing the arithmetic to seek content is lacking. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when reading or writing SSRAM of CIE card fails. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
This notification will be generated when packets processed is in disorder. The h3cIDSTrapReasonForError object describes reason for error.
When devices startup and load the configuration file, if format error is found, this notification will be generated. The h3cIDSTrapFileName object describes the name of configuration file. The h3cIDSTrapCfgLineInFile object describes the line number in the file.