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Object Name OID Type Access Info
                     sc5553MIBversion displaystring read-only
Identifies the version of the MIB. The format of the version is x.yzT, where 'x' identifies the major revision number, 'y' identifies the minor revision number, 'z' identifies the typographical revision, and T identifies the test revision. Upon formal release, no designation for the test revision will be present. Acceptable values for the individual revision components are as follows: x: 1 - 9, y: 0 - 9, z: 0 - 9, T: A - Z
                     sc5553VersionTable no-access
                         sc5553VersionEntry no-access
An entry in the GDC Dsx1 Version Table.
                             sc5553VersionIndex scinstance read-only
Identifies Version parameters associated with the managed object.
                             sc5553FirmwareRev displaystring read-only
The version number of the firmware, to allow products to know which revision is installed. The released version number is sequenced from --, A-, ... AA, ... ZZ. Test versions are numerical from 01 to 99.
                             sc5553ActiveFirmwareRev displaystring read-only
The version number of the firmware currently executing. The format is MM.NN.BB where: MM: Major Revision (0-99) NN: Minor Revision (0-99) BB: Bug Fix Revision (0-99) Valid [i]nterface = 0
                             sc5553StoredFirmwareRev displaystring read-only
The version number of the firmware stored (in a compressed format) but not currently executing. MM: Major Revision (0-99) NN: Minor Revision (0-99) BB: Bug Fix Revision (0-99) Valid [i]nterface = 0
                             sc5553StoredFirmwareStatus integer read-only
This object represents the state of the Non-Active or Stored firmware: statBlank(1) Factory Default statDownLoading(2) In process of downloading firmware statOK(3) Zipped version checksum succesful (OK to switch) (can set sc5553SwitchActiveFirmware to switchActive(2)) statCheckSumBad(4) Failed checksum after download statUnZipping(5) In process of uncompressing into active area statBadUnZip(6) Failed last uncompress statDownloadAborted(7) Download aborted by user Valid [i]nterface = 0 Enumeration: 'statDownloadAborted': 7, 'statDownLoading': 2, 'statBadUnZip': 6, 'statBlank': 1, 'statOK': 3, 'statUnZipping': 5, 'statCheckSumBad': 4.
                             sc5553SwitchActiveFirmware integer read-write
This object is used to switch the active executing firmware from the version in sc5553ActiveFirmwareRev to the version in sc5553StoredFirmwareRev. When a switchActive(2) is set (write only) the element will: 1) reboot 2) uncompress stored code into active area 3) perform checksum on active area 4) Set sc5553StoredStatus object to indicate results 5) If succesfull: update sc5553ActiveFirmwareRev and sc5553StoredFirmwareRev and begin executing If failed: replace active area with previous revision The switchNorm(1) enumeration will always be read. Setting switchActive(2) when the sc5553StoredFirmwareStatus is not statOK(3) will result in an error. Valid [i]nterface = 0 Enumeration: 'switchNorm': 1, 'switchActive': 2.
                             sc5553DownloadingMode integer read-write
This object is used to configure the download mode: disableAll(1) Prevents any firmware downloading to GDCHDSL enableAndWait(2) Allows downloading zipped code to be stored only! enableAndSwitch(3) Allows downloading and then unzips and begins executing the new code Valid [i]nterface = 0 Enumeration: 'enableAndSwitch': 3, 'enableAndWait': 2, 'disableAll': 1.
                     sc5553Ds0AllocationTable no-access
The GDC 5553 DS0 allocation table
                         sc5553Ds0AllocationEntry no-access
The GDC SC5553 Configuration table entry.
                             sc5553Ds0AllocationIndex scinstance read-only
The index value: slot, line, drop, and interface
                             sc5553DS0BaseRate integer read-write
Indicates the DS0 base rate: either 56K or 64K bits per second. This is used in conjunction with the number of DS0s set to 'enabled' to determine the total bandwidth. The base rate of 64K defines the DS0 data format as clear channel in which all 8 bits of the DS0 are used. A base rate of 56K defines the DS0 as non-clear in which bits 1-7 are used for channel data and the 8th bit is either unused and forced to marks or used to pass signaling information. Enumeration: 'nx64k': 1, 'nx56k': 2.
                             sc5553Highway integer read-only
The highway used for ds0 traffic by this device Enumeration: 'highway3': 3, 'highway2': 2, 'highway1': 1, 'highway4': 4.
                             sc5553DccDs0 integer read-write
The values 1-32 indicates Ds0 1 - DS0 32, is used for diagnostics communications. The value noDccDs0(33) indicates that diagnostics communications does not utilize a seperate Ds0, also see the related mib object: sc5553InbandDccMode in the Configuration table below. Enumeration: 'dccDs021': 21, 'dccDs020': 20, 'dccDs023': 23, 'dccDs022': 22, 'dccDs025': 25, 'dccDs024': 24, 'dccDs027': 27, 'dccDs026': 26, 'dccDs029': 29, 'dccDs028': 28, 'dccDs06': 6, 'dccDs07': 7, 'dccDs04': 4, 'dccDs05': 5, 'dccDs02': 2, 'dccDs03': 3, 'dccDs01': 1, 'dccDs032': 32, 'dccDs08': 8, 'dccDs09': 9, 'dccDs030': 30, 'dccDs031': 31, 'noDccDs0': 33, 'dccDs018': 18, 'dccDs019': 19, 'dccDs010': 10, 'dccDs011': 11, 'dccDs012': 12, 'dccDs013': 13, 'dccDs014': 14, 'dccDs015': 15, 'dccDs016': 16, 'dccDs017': 17.
                             sc5553DS0Allocation octet string read-only
A bitwise snapshot of the DS0 allocation as follows: first octet second octet third octet fourth octet fifth octet ----------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ----------- bit0 - ds0 7 bit0 - ds0 14 bit0 - ds0 21 bit0 - ds0 28 bit0 - n/u bit1 - ds0 6 bit1 - ds0 13 bit1 - ds0 20 bit1 - ds0 27 bit1 - n/u bit2 - ds0 5 bit2 - ds0 12 bit2 - ds0 19 bit2 - ds0 26 bit2 - n/u bit3 - ds0 4 bit3 - ds0 11 bit3 - ds0 18 bit3 - ds0 25 bit3 - ds0 32 bit4 - ds0 3 bit4 - ds0 10 bit4 - ds0 17 bit4 - ds0 24 bit4 - ds0 31 bit5 - ds0 2 bit5 - ds0 9 bit5 - ds0 16 bit5 - ds0 23 bit5 - ds0 30 bit6 - ds0 1 bit6 - ds0 8 bit6 - ds0 15 bit6 - ds0 22 bit6 - ds0 29 bit7 - n/u bit7 - n/u bit7 - n/u bit7 - n/u bit7 - n/u bit values are: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, Reservation of DS0's for this device is accomplished through the new shelf mib.
                     sc5553ConfigTable no-access
The GDC 5553 Configuration table.
                         sc5553ConfigEntry no-access
The sc5553 Configuration table entry.
                             sc5553ConfigIndex scinstance read-only
The index value: slot, line, drop, and interface
                             sc5553ExternalTiming integer read-write
Disabled indicates timing is provided by the 5553. Enabled indicates timing is provided by the customer business equipment Enumeration: 'disabled': 1, 'enabled': 2.
                             sc5553ChannelType integer read-only
The channel interface type Enumeration: 'eia530': 2, 'v35': 1.
                             sc5553ClockInvert integer read-write
Clock invert option Enumeration: 'txClockInvertRxClockNorm': 3, 'txClockNormRxClockInvert': 2, 'txClockNormRxClockNorm': 1, 'txClockInvertRxClockInvert': 4.
                             sc5553DataInvert integer read-write
Data invert option Enumeration: 'txDataInvertRxDataInvert': 4, 'txDataNormRxDataInvert': 2, 'txDataInvertRxDataNorm': 3, 'txDataNormRxDataNorm': 1.
                             sc5553ConstantDCD integer read-write
Controls the operation of Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal. Enumeration: 'disabled': 1, 'enabled': 2.
                             sc5553ConstantDSR integer read-write
Controls the operation of the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal. Enumeration: 'disabled': 1, 'enabled': 2.
                             sc5553RTSCTScontrol integer read-write
Controls the function of the channel's Request To Send and and Clear To Send signals used for flow control. ctsOn indicates that CTS is forced on at all times, ctsDelay10ms indicates that CTS responds to RTS after a 10ms delay, and ctsDelayStandard indicates that CTS responds to RTS after a delay of 40 bits times. Enumeration: 'ctsOn': 1, 'ctsDelay10ms': 2, 'ctsDelayStandard': 3.
                             sc5553ExtLLCtrl integer read-write
Enables/disables the ability to initiate a local loop test via the assertion of the EIA LL test lead at the DTE interface. Enumeration: 'disabled': 1, 'enabled': 2.
                             sc5553ExtRLCtrl integer read-write
Enables/disables the ability to initiate a remote loop test via the assertion of the EIA RL test lead at the DTE interface. Enumeration: 'disabled': 1, 'enabled': 2.
                             sc5553InbandDccMode integer read-write
The mode of propagation of inband Diagnostics Communication Channel to the dedicated remote NMS553 unit. None specifies no inband DCC. Embedded is an allowed value when the mib object sc5553DS0BaseRate is set to Nx56K, and specifies that DCC is propagated in the 8th bit of the assigned DS0's. dccDs0 specifies that a DS0 is used for propagation of DCC, this value would be selected if the sc5553DS0BaseRate is Nx64k (clear channel) since all data bits are used for user data, a minimum of two DS0's must be assigned to this device in this mode, the last ds0 should be set as the sc5553DccDs0 when using this mode. The DS0 allocation may be read from the mib object sc5553DS0Allocation. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'dccDs0': 3, 'embedded': 2.
                             sc5553InbandLoop integer read-write
This object is also referred to as RDL response. When enabled (pn127), the channel will enter a remote data loopback when an inband RDL code is detected. The required in-band code must conform to CCITT V.54 PN-127 scrambled codes. Enumeration: 'pn127': 2, 'disable': 1.
                             sc5553InbandLoopdown integer read-write
This object is also referred to as RDL Auto Timeout. When enabled (tenMinutes), the loopback will be automatically terminated by the unit after ten minutes. When disabled, the loopback must be terminated by an in-band loopdown code. Enumeration: 'disable': 1, 'tenMinutes': 2.
                             sc5553WakeUpRemote displaystring read-only
This object is requested to initiate the add remote process. The serial number of the associated remote is returned.
                     sc5553SignalStatusTable no-access
The sc5553 DTE Signal Status table. Information in the entries of this table define the status of DSU channel interface leads. There are entries in this table for each channel of the associated DSU.
                         sc5553SignalStatusEntry no-access
The sc5553 DTE Signal Status table entry.
                             sc5553SignalStatusIndex scinstance read-only
The index value: slot, line, drop, and interface
                             sc5553CTSstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's Clear To Send (CTS) signal. The value transitions(3) indicates that the signal is alternating between the states off(1) and on(2). Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'transitions': 3, 'off': 1.
                             sc5553RTSstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's Request To Send (RTS) signal. The value transitions(3) indicates that the signal is alternating between the states off(1) and on(2). Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'transitions': 3, 'off': 1.
                             sc5553DTRstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal. Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'off': 1.
                             sc5553DSRstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's Data Set Ready (DSR) signal. Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'off': 1.
                             sc5553DCDstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal. The value transitions(3) indicates that the signal is alternating between the states off(1) and on(2). Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'transitions': 3, 'off': 1.
                             sc5553RXCstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's receive clock (RXC) signal. The value transitions(2) indicates that the signal is alternating between states off(1) and on(2). Enumeration: 'transitions': 2, 'off': 1.
                             sc5553TXCstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's Transmit Clock (TXC) signal. The value transitions(2) indicates that the signal is alternating between states off(1) and on(2). Enumeration: 'transitions': 2, 'off': 1.
                             sc5553RXDstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's Receive Data (RXD) signal. Enumeration: 'mark': 2, 'transitions': 3, 'space': 1.
                             sc5553TXDstatus integer read-only
The state of the sc5553's Transmit Data (TXD) signal. Enumeration: 'mark': 2, 'transitions': 3, 'space': 1.
                             sc5553ALTestLeadStatus integer read-only
Sets state of the AL Test lead. Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'off': 1.
                             sc5553RLTestLeadStatus integer read-only
Sets state of the RL Test lead. Enumeration: 'on': 2, 'off': 1.
                     sc5553DiagTable no-access
The SC5553 Diagnostics Table.
                         sc5553DiagEntry no-access
The SC5553 Diagnostics entry.
                             sc5553DiagIndex scinstance read-only
The index value: slot, line, drop, and interface
                             sc5553DiagPattern integer read-write
Selects the test pattern for Remote and Local loopback tests. Enumeration: 'send2047Pattern': 2, 'send511Pattern': 1.
                             sc5553DiagTestResults integer read-only
The results of the last diagnostic test. This can be the current test running or the last completed test. The units of the value of this object depend on the type of diagnostic test run. For all cases except a network delay measurement, the units of the value of this object is the number of bit errors that occurred. Bit errors can be read at any time during the duration of the test. The valid range for bit errors is 0 to 4,095. 65,535 will be returned if for any reason the test was terminated early. 32,770 will be returned if the number of bit errors exceeds 4,095. For a network delay measurement, the units of the value of this test are milliseconds. If the test is terminated early than 65,535 will be returned and if the delay is greater than 4,095 milliseconds then 32,770 will be returned.
                             sc5553DiagTestDuration integer read-write
This specifies the test duration for the Remote and Local loopback tests. Enumeration: 'testTime15Mins': 11, 'testTime10Mins': 10, 'testTime3Mins': 3, 'testTime7Mins': 7, 'testTime4Mins': 4, 'testTime25Mins': 13, 'testTime5Mins': 5, 'testTime20Mins': 12, 'testTime9Mins': 9, 'testTime2Mins': 2, 'testTime30Secs': 15, 'testTime30Mins': 14, 'testTime1Min': 1, 'testTime6Mins': 6, 'testTime8Mins': 8.
                             sc5553DiagTestSelection integer read-write
To halt the execution of any and all diagnostic tests that may be running, SET this object to stopTestorNoTest(1). LocalLoopBack: To initiate a LocalLoopBack with no SelfTest, SET this object to localloop(2). Data from the DTE will be looped back to itself. This loopback can be terminated by sending stopTestorNoTest(1). LocalLoopBack with SelfTest: To initiate a LocalLoopBack SelfTest, SET this object to localloopselftest(3). The pattern specified in sc5553DiagPattern will be sent and checked for bit errors. The test will run for the time specified in sc5553DiagTestDuration, unless terminated by sending stopTestorNoTest(1). Test results can be checked by reading the sc5553DiagTestResults object. DigitalLoopback: To initiate a DigitalLoopback test SET this object to digitalLoop(4). This will allow the data from the DTE attached to the far end unit (nms553) to be looped back to itself. This loopback can be terminated by sending stopTestorNoTest(1). RemoteLoopback: To initiate a RemoteLoopback test with no SelfTest, SET this object to remoteloop(5). The sc5553 DSE transmits an in-band command to its remote DSU, directing the remote to loop received signals back to the network. The DSE is configurable to send (and accept) a PN127 remote loop command. The remote DSU must be configured to accept the same command the DSE transmits. This loopback can be terminated by sending stopTestorNoTest(1). RemoteLoopback with SelfTest: To initiate a RemoteLoopback with SelfTest SET this object to remoteloopselftest(6). The remote unit will go into remoteloopback and the master (sc5553) unit will go into Selftest. The sc5553 transmits an in-band command to its remote DSU, directing the remote to loop received signals back onto the network. The DSE is configurable to send (and accept) a PN127 remote loop command. The remote DSU must be configured to accept the same command the DSE transmits. The sc5553 enables its internal Test Pattern Generator to provide the signal for the Remote Loop and enables the Pattern Generator to verify the signal. The pattern specified in sc5553DiagPattern will be sent for this test. The test will run for the time specified in sc5553DiagTestDuration, unless terminated by sending stopTestorNoTest(1). Test results can be checked by reading the sc5553DiagTestResults object. Network Delay: To initiate a Network Delay Test SET this object to networkdelay(7). The results are valid only after the test is completed which takes about 10 seconds. Network Delay Time can be checked by reading the sc5553DiagTestResults object after completion of the test. For a GET, the value stopTestorNoTest(1) indicates there are no active diagnostic tests currently running. Any other value indicates which test is currently active. Enumeration: 'remoteloopselftest': 6, 'digitalLoop': 4, 'stopTestorNoTest': 1, 'localloopselftest': 3, 'remoteloop': 5, 'localloop': 2, 'networkdelay': 7.
                     sc5553MaintTable no-access
The table describes the maintenance functions for the sc5553.
                         sc5553MaintEntry no-access
An entry in the GDC maintenance Table
                             sc5553MaintIndex scinstance read-only
The index value: slot, line, drop, and interface
                             sc5553LedStatus octet string read-only
Returns a bitwise snapshot of the front panel LED state and front panel switches. Octet 1 bit 7 - not used bit 6 - ON bit 5 - INSV bit 4 - RSP bit 3 - TMG bit 2 - future use bit 1 - future use bit 0 - future use Octet 2 bit 7 - not used bit 6 - SD transitions bit 5 - SD on/off bit 4 - RD transitions bit 3 - RD on/off bit 2 - RS transitions bit 1 - RS on/off bit 0 - future use Octet 3 bit 7 - not used bit 6 - CO transitions bit 5 - CO on/off bit 4 - ALM transitions bit 3 - ALM on/off bit 2 - TM transitions bit 1 - TM on/off bit 0 - future use Octet 4 bit 7 - not used bit 6 - ST (switch) bit 5 - LT (switch) bit 4 - RL (switch) bit 3 - DL (switch) bit 2 - future use bit 1 - future use bit 0 - future use
                             sc5553SoftReset integer read-write
Supports the action of soft resetting the unit. When this object is set to reset(1), then the unit performs a soft reset. The value norm will be returned when the reset is complete. The value of norm can not be set by management. Enumeration: 'reset': 1, 'norm': 2.
                             sc5553FrontPanel integer read-write
This variable is used to indicate whether the front panel switches are operational or not. Enumeration: 'inhibit': 1, 'enable': 2.
                             sc5553DefaultInit integer read-write
This is used to allow the NonVolatile Configuration to be set to a factory default state. When this value is set to factoryDefault, the unit will reset to the default configuration. The value of normal will be returned when the initialization is complete. The value normal can not be set by management. Enumeration: 'normal': 2, 'factoryDefault': 1.