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Object Name OID Type Access Info
The MIB module describes the Managed Objects of the Alarm Management of the Resilient Telco Platform (RTP) $Header: c:\cvsroot/mib_base/siemens/HiPath8000_Mibs_2008/RtpAdmAlarmMgmt.mib,v 1.1 2008/11/13 21:06:27 qiaxi01 Exp $
The Alarm Management Functionality.
         rtpArmAlarmObjectTable no-access
A list of Alarm Objects. The conceptual rows in this table can be read and modified.
             rtpArmAlarmObjectEntry no-access
An Alarm Object entry.
                 rtpArmAlarmObjectType alarmtype read-only
The type of the Alarm Object.
                 rtpArmAlarmObjectStatus integer read-only
the current state of the Alarm Object Enumeration: 'rtpArmNOk': 1, 'rtpArmOk': 0.
                 rtpArmAlarmObjectAction integer read-write
Get requests will always return 'nothing'. Setting this object to 'clear' clears the indexed alarm object by removing all related alarms; the related conceptual rows in 'rtpArmAlarmTable' are removed. Setting this object to 'nothing' has no effect. Enumeration: 'nothing': 0, 'clear': 1.
         rtpArmAlarmTable no-access
A list of active Alarms. The conceptual rows in this table can be read and deleted. Active alarms will return with their current Id (rtpArmAlarmId). You will get further information about this alarm using the event table (see rtpEvtTable).
             rtpArmAlarmEntry no-access
An Alarm entry.
                 rtpArmAlarmType alarmtype read-only
The alarm type of an active alarm or 0.
                 rtpArmAlarmTime timestampseconds read-only
The time when the alarm occured, in seconds since 01.Jan.1970 00:00:00h UTC. This is the event time used in rtpEvtEventTime.
                 rtpArmAlarmId unsigned32 read-only
The current Id (logId) of an active alarm. This is the log record Id in the database used in rtpEvtCurrId.
                 rtpArmAlarmAction integer read-write
Get requests will always return 'nothing'. Setting this object to one of the specified actions has the following effects: deleteSingle: Deletes a single entry selected by its current Id (rtpArmAlarmId) from the alarm table. rtpArmAlarmType and rtpArmAlarmTime should be set to zero or to valid values (i.e. an existing OID). deleteBeforeId: Deletes all entries within the specified alarm type from the top of the alarm table to the set current Id (rtpArmAlarmId) from the alarm table. rtpArmAlarmTime should be set to zero or to a valid value (i.e. an existing OID). deleteBeforeTime: Deletes all entries within the specified alarm type from the top of the alarm table to the set alarm time (rtpArmAlarmTime) from the alarm table. rtpArmAlarmId must be set to a valid value (i.e. an existing OID). Setting this object to 'nothing' has no effect. Enumeration: 'nothing': 0, 'deleteBeforeTime': 3, 'deleteSingle': 1, 'deleteBeforeId': 2.
This notification (trap) mainly contains the Current ID of a Clear event ('rtpEvtCurrId') and the list of Correlated IDs, i.e. those alarm IDs which have been cleared by the Clear event ('rtpArmCiCorrIDs'). The list of Correlated IDs may be empty. It may also be too long to fit into a single SNMP PDU (= Protocol Data Unit). For the latter reason, it may be necessary to send more than one trap for the same Clear event in order to provide all Correlated IDs. There are objects in the trap controlling the sending of multiple parts of the Correlated ID list ('rtpArmCiMultipartNum', 'rtpArmCiAmountOfParts'). Note: since there is no filtering for 'rtpArmCorrIdTrap' traps, all recipients (configured either in 'rtpEvtFilterTable' - see the event management mib file: RtpAdmEventMgmt.my - or at the EMANATE Master Agent) will receive the same(!) value in 'rtpArmCiLastTransId', respectively!
         rtpArmCiLastTransId unsigned32 read-only
Transmission identifier used for the last sent trap. This value will be incremented every time before sending a 'rtpArmCorrIdTrap' trap to a management station which has defined an event filter (see rtpEvtFilterTable in the event management mib file: RtpAdmEventMgmt.my!). It is also incremented for each 'multipart trap' (see rtpArmCiMultipartNum) in case the list of correlated IDs (see rtpArmCiCorrIDs) spreads over multiple traps. A management station which has defined an event filter can detect the loss of 'clear' events when subsequently received 'rtpArmCorrIdTrap' traps do not have subsequent transmission identifiers (i.e. transId2 - transId1 > 1). A management station should poll this object to detect the loss of 'rtpArmCorrIdTrap' traps. Warning: this is a non-persistent value. Each time the agent restarts, its value is 0 until the 1st 'rtpArmCorrIdTrap' trap with the transmission id of 1 is sent.
         rtpArmCiMultipartNum integer32 read-only
This is the sequence number of the trap if multiple 'rtpArmCorrIdTrap' traps are sent to transfer the complete list of correlated IDs for 'rtpEvtCurrId' (see rtpArmCorrIdTrap!). The first part of a so called 'multipart trap' has the value 1. If the list fits into a single trap (see rtpArmCiCorrIDs - octet string), this value is also 1. A GET request on this object always returns 0.
         rtpArmCiAmountOfParts integer32 read-only
This object represents the amount of 'multipart traps' needed to transfer the complete list of correlated IDs for 'rtpEvtCurrId'. If the list fits into a single trap, this value is 1. (see rtpArmCorrIdTrap!) A GET request on this object always returns 0.
         rtpArmCiAmountOfCorrIDs integer32 read-only
The amount of correlated IDs cleared by 'rtpEvtCurrId' (see rtpArmCorrIdTrap!). Note: if multiple traps are needed to transfer the complete list of correlated IDs, this value indicates the amount of correlated IDs across all 'multipart traps'. A GET request on this object always returns 0.
         rtpArmCiCorrIDs octet string read-only
This value is the ascii representation of a list of correlated IDs separated by colons. (e.g. 10000:10010:10020:10030) In case of 'multipart traps' it represents only a part of the whole list at one time. In case the list of correlated IDs is empty, the octet string has a length of 0. A GET request on this object always returns an empty octet string with a length of 0.