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Object Name OID Type Access Info
This is the Com21 ComController Unit Control MIB module. It provides for overall, high-level control of the ComController and comUNITY system. COM21 Part# 005-0025-00
     hcxMacAddress macaddress read-only
Contains IEEE 802 medium access control address of the ComController device.
     hcxEncryptionEnable integer read-write
Used to enable or disable encryption on a system basis. Default is true. Enumeration: 'false': 2, 'true': 1.
     hcxPartNumber displaystring read-only
The ComController Part Number is a display string .
     hcxEpochTime epochtime read-write
The Epoch Time is a 31 bit signed positive integer containing the number of seconds since 1970.
     hcxUserText displaystring read-write
The User Text is a non-volatile string which is set by the management system with an arbitrary value. This value does not have to be unique. It's purpose is solely to assist the carrier personnel with identifying the ComController device.
     hcxSerialNumber displaystring read-only
The Serial Number is a 32 character number used by COM21 to uniquely identify the device.
     hcxIpAddress ipaddress read-only
IP address of the ComController SNMP Agent.
     hcxGatewayAddress ipaddress read-write
IP address of any IP Gateway. Default is
     hcxRestartAction integer read-write
The Restart Action is an active-value. The setting of this value to warmStart(2) causes the ComController to restart utilizing the present active software load. The setting of this value to coldStart(3) causes the ComController to restart, refreshing the current active firmware images and the active configuration file from the NMAPS. This completion of the reboot shall be indicated by the standard SNMP warmStart or coldStart trap. Enumeration: 'warmStart': 2, 'nil': 1, 'coldStart': 3.
     hcxMajorAlarmStatusLed integer read-only
The Major Alarm Status LED is a read-only variable which describes the condition of the ComController Major Alarm Status light emitting diode located on the CC board. A value of on(1) indicates that a Major alarm exists and that the LED is illuminated. A value of off(2) indicates that no major alarm condition is detected. Enumeration: 'on': 1, 'off': 2.
     hcxMinorAlarmStatusLed integer read-only
The Minor Alarm Status LED is a read-only variable which describes the condition of the ComController Minor Alarm Status light emitting diode located on the CC board. A value of on(1) indicates that a Minor alarm exists and that the LED is illuminated. A value of off(2) indicates that no minor alarm condition is detected. Enumeration: 'on': 1, 'off': 2.
     hcxAutoLoadBalancing integer read-write
This attribute controls whether the ComController shall perform automatic load balancing after an RX resource is added (or restored to the system). Default is on. Enumeration: 'on': 1, 'off': 2.
     hcxAutoFreqHopping integer read-write
This attribute controls whether the ComController shall perform automatic frequency hopping. Note that the auto frequency hopping can also be controlled on a specific RX port basis. Turning this attribute off will override the individual ComPort configurations. Default will be on. Enumeration: 'on': 1, 'off': 2.
     hcxKeyRenewalPeriod integer read-write
Contains the period at which encryption keys should be renewed. This attribute is expressed in hours. i.e. value of 48 indicates a 48hour renewal frequency. Default is 24. 0 disables renewal.
     hcxHcxSwRelease displaystring read-only
This attribute details the current, active CC software revision. Format is a.b.c.ddd.
     hcxHcxSwDnldResult integer read-only
This attribute contains the result of the last ComController software image download from the boot server. Enumeration: 'success': 2, 'serverConnectionLost': 6, 'serverNoResponse': 3, 'imageNotFound': 4, 'inprogress': 1, 'uninitiated': 7, 'versionMismatch': 5.
     hcxCnfgBackupAction integer read-write
This attribute is provided to allow a user to trigger a backup of ComController configuration data on to the boot server. backupToSaved is used to create a user controlled backup on NMAPS. revertToSaved is used retrieve a saved database from NMAPS. Enumeration: 'revertToSaved': 3, 'nil': 1, 'backupToSaved': 2.
     hcxCnfgBackupResult integer read-only
This attribute contains the result of the last configuration data backup operation. Enumeration: 'inprogress': 1, 'uninitiated': 5, 'serverNoResponse': 3, 'success': 2, 'writeFailed': 4.
     hcxPhyConfigType integer read-only
This attribute details the physical configuration type of the ComController. Enumeration: 'singleShelf': 1, 'compactShelf': 3, 'fullConfig': 2.
     hcxNumOfShelves integer read-only
This attribute specifies the number of shelves in the system. Presently one or two.
     hcxBootpServer displaystring read-only
This attribute contains bootp server hostname.
     hcxBootpResult integer read-only
This attribute contains the result of the last bootp operation. Enumeration: 'serverUnknown': 4, 'success': 2, 'serverConnectionLost': 7, 'serverNoResponse': 3, 'imageNotFound': 5, 'inprogress': 1, 'versionMismatch': 6.
     hcxIpMask ipaddress read-write
IP mask of the ComController SNMP Agent.
     hcxFreqHopPause integer read-write
This attribute defines the number of seconds between a failed frequency hopping operation and a subsequent attempt. If a given upstream frequency is found to be in an error state, then the HCX will cycle through the configured alternates. If all these alternates are also found to be in a degraded state, then the HCX shall pause for the number of seconds defined by this attribute before attempting another hop. Default 30secs.
     hcxMaxDnstrmCBRAlloc integer read-write
This attribute defines the maximum percentage of downstream bandwidth that can be allocated to CBR traffic. This control mechanism will denied service to acquiring ComPorts if the addition of the configured CBR bandwidth would exceed the defined percentage. Note that this is a limit. i.e. if this attribute is set to 50%, then UP TO half the bandwidth can be CBR. It does not mean that half WILL be CBR. 100%, the default, means in effect there is no control.
     hcxMaxUpstrmCBRAlloc integer read-write
This attribute defines the maximum percentage of upstream bandwidth that can be allocated to CBR traffic. Default 100.
     hcxHcxAlternateSwRel displaystring read-write
This attribute details the alternate software revision. It is written after cold boot by the CC and later can be written by the user. If this value is written by the user - note that the release need not necessarily change - then the CC shall retrieve a new set of alternate images from the boot server. Format is a.b.c.ddd.
     hcxHcxImageControl displaystring read-write
This attribute is used to activate a given revision of software images. The CC shall automatically reboot if this field is changed by the user and the version input is valid. Format is a.b.c.ddd.
     hcxStatsControl integer read-write
This attribute controls the statistics collection mechanism. If previousCounts is selected then the current stats shall be copied into the previous stats counts every 15minutes. If wrapCurr is selected, then there shall be no copying in to previous counts and the current counters shall wrap. If NMAPS is utilized then previousCounts MUST be selected. Default previousCounts. Enumeration: 'previousCounts': 1, 'wrapCurr': 2.
     hcxImageTransfer displaystring read-write
This attribute is used tell the CC to download an individual ComController software image from the boot server (NMAPS) to PCMCIA disk. Images transfered as a result of this command are not loaded to the corresponding card - to do this, the uploaded image must be made to be the primary image and the card must be rebooted. The images are specified via , where the revision is of the a.b.c.ddd format and the image type is one of the following: rx - RX card rxm - RXM card tx - TX card cc - CC card 10bt - 10bT card 100bt - 100bT card oc3 - OC3 card atm - ATM switch comp - compact HCX image stu3com - 3COM modem image(s) stu - COM21 ComPort images The CC will check the validity of the revision number against the hcxHcxSwRelease and hcxHcxAlternateSwRel values.
     hcxTrapFormat integer read-write
specifies the format of the traps generated by the Common Controller. Default is snmpv1. Enumeration: 'snmpv1': 1, 'snmpv2': 2.
     hcxSyncClkConfigure integer read-write
specifies the clock used for synchronization. if networkClk is selected, one of the OC3 card should be selected as the primary source. Optionally secondary source can also be selected. The behaviour is as follows: If no Oc3 card exists ClockSelect is internalClk if priOc3Card is Online ClockSelect is priNetworkClk if secOc3Card is Online and priOc3Card is Offline ClockSelect is secNetworkClk Default is internalClk. Enumeration: 'networkClk': 2, 'internalClk': 1.
     hcxSyncClkSelect integer read-only
specifies the clock selected for synchronization. Default is internalClk. Enumeration: 'secNetworkClk': 3, 'priNetworkClk': 2, 'internalClk': 1.
     hcxAcquisitionFreq upstrmfreqkhz read-write
No longer supported.
     hcxAcqMinPower stugain read-write
Contains the minimum power setting to be used by the ComPort when hunting for upstream channel. This data is used in the INVITE_CONFIG message. Default 18.
     hcxAcqMaxPower stugain read-write
Contains the maximum power setting to be used by the ComPort when hunting for upstream channel. This data is used in the INVITE_CONFIG message. Default 58.
     hcxAcqPowerStepSize integer read-write
Contains the power step size to be used by the ComPort when hunting for upstream channel. This data is used in the INVITE_CONFIG message. Default 1.
     hcxAltAcqFreq integer read-write
No longer supported.
     hcxActiveAcqFreq upstrmfreqkhz read-only
No longer supported.
     hcxNoCurrAlarms integer read-only
Contains the number of active ComController alarms.
     hcxEventLogSize integer read-write
Contains the maximum number of events to be stored in the log. Default is 200. Upper limit will be controlled by the available memory. Set to 1000 for now.
     hcxNumConfiguredStus integer read-only
This value contains the number of configured ComPorts for this ComController.
     hcxNumAcquiredStus integer read-only
This value contains the number of acquired ComPorts for this ComController.
     hcxLastStuTopolgyChng epochtime read-only
Contains the last time (epoch) that a change occurred in the ComPort topology.
     hcxNumEnabledStus integer read-only
This value contains the number of enabled and active ComPorts on this ComController. Note that we assume all ComPort support ethernet if.
     hcxStuAggrUpStrmCbrRate integer32 read-only
This attribute defines the aggregate of all ComPort upstream CBR rates in the ComController. This includes both acquired and unacquired ComPorts. Defined in Kbps.
     hcxStuAggrUpStrmMinRate integer32 read-only
This attribute defines the aggregate of all ComPort upstream minimum PCR rates in the ComController. This includes both acquired and unacquired ComPorts. Defined in Kbps.
     hcxStuAggrUpStrmMaxRate integer32 read-only
This attribute defines the aggregate of all ComPort upstream maximum rates in the ComController. This includes both acquired and unacquired ComPorts. Defined in Kbps.
     hcxStuAltDownFreq integer read-write
This attribute defines an alternate ComController downstream frequency. This attribute would be utilized if an unrecognized ComPort is acquired and the hcxStuAltDownFreqEnable is set to enable. Minimum step size is 200. i.e. 200000hz. Default is 0, indicating no alternate frequency.
     hcxStuAcqTrapEnable integer read-write
Indicates whether the topology change trap mechanism should be used, or a trap per STU acq, or both. Note that NMAPS is dependant upon the topology change mechanism, so should be disabled only when NMAPS is not in use. Also be aware that a high number of traps will occur if the per acq trap is selected. Default is topoChgTrapOnly. Enumeration: 'topoChgTrapOnly': 1, 'acqTrapOnly': 2, 'bothTopoAndAcqTrap': 3.
     hcxStuRpcEnable integer read-write
Controls whether the system offers an RPC based interface for statistics and ComPort status. Default is true. Enumeration: 'false': 2, 'true': 1.
     hcxStuAutoDiscEnable integer read-write
Controls whether the system performs auto discover of telephone return ComPorts. Default is true. Enumeration: 'false': 2, 'true': 1.
     hcxStuAutoDiscIpAddr ipaddress read-write
The IP address of the return path interface of a PC that will enable autodiscovery of a ComPORT operating in Telephone Return mode. A PC must be present with this address on an established return path connection to allow telephone return autodiscovery to take place.
     hcxStuAutoGainAdjust integer read-write
This attribute is used to control the automatic adjustment of ComPort gain after acquisition. Default is disable. Enumeration: 'enable': 2, 'disable': 1.
     hcxStuAltDownFreqEnable integer read-write
This attribute is used to control the automatic setting of an alternate downstream frequency. If enabled, the hcxStuAltDownFreq shall be set in any unconfigured ComPort acquired by an HCX. Note that this feature CANNOT be enabled if hcxStuDefaultAuth is set to true or hcxStuAltDownFreq is set to 0. Default is disabled. Enumeration: 'enable': 2, 'disable': 1.
     hcxStuPcMacAddress macaddress read-write
This attribute is used to set the mac address of the PC. Setting this attribute starts a search for the mac address of the ComPort that is connected to this PC.
     hcxStuPcToStuMacAddressResult integer read-only
This attribute contains the result of the last PC to ComPort mac address search. It changes to 'inprogress' when hcxStuPcMacAddress is set. When the search completes this attribute will display either 'success' or 'failure'. Enumeration: 'failure': 3, 'inprogress': 1, 'success': 2.
     hcxStuOverMacAddress macaddress read-only
This attribute displays the mac address of the ComPort that is connected to the PC with mac address hcxStuPcMacAddress. The value is valid only if hcxStuPcToStuMacAddressResult displays success.
     hcxStuGlobalSwImage displaystring read-write
This attribute provides an easy way to change the configured software image for all configured ComPorts without having to modify hcxStuConfSwImage of individual ComPorts. When this attribute is written to by the user, the hcxStuConfSwImage attribute for all configured ComPorts will be automatically modified to reflect this value. However, this is only a one-time action. The user is free to modify the hcxStuConfSwImage attribute of individual ComPorts to other values. Since this attribute only affects configured ComPorts, it does not interfere with hcxStuDefCom21SwImage or hcxStuDef3ComSwImage from com21HcxStuDefaultGroup. Default is Also, it will reset back to upon a ComController reboot.
     hcxTrapReceiverTable no-access
Table containing list of NMAPS or other management systems that are to receive traps generated by this NMM. There must be an entry for each connected NMAPS.
         hcxTrapReceiverEntry no-access
A destination address and community string to a particular trap server, along with a trap filter and entry aging capability.
             hcxTrapRcvrStatus integer read-only
Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the hcxTrapReceiverTable. That is, it effectively disassociates the address identified with the entry by removing the entry from the table. On a read the value of valid(1) should be returned if the entry contains a valid record, or invalid(2) should be returned if the entry contains an invalid record. Default is valid. Enumeration: 'valid': 1, 'invalid': 2, 'delete': 3.
             hcxTrapRcvrNetAddress ipaddress read-only
IP address for trap server that is to receive the trap.
             hcxTrapRcvrComm octet string read-only
Community string used for traps sent to this trap receiver. Note that this string is writable only by the CC CUI.
             hcxTrapRcvrAgeTime timeticks read-write
This is the time interval used to age entries out of the trap receiver table. The default value if not specified will be 0, or infinite, never to be aged out. At least initially, there will be no transient management devices in the comUNITY system. Therefore this attibute will always be set to 0.
     com21HcxShelfTable no-access
         com21HcxShelfEntry no-access
             hcxShelfId integer read-only
contains ComController shelf id.
             hcxShelfNoSlots integer32 read-only
contains number of slots in this shelf.
     com21HcxSlotTable no-access
         com21HcxSlotEntry no-access
             hcxShelfNo integer read-only
contains ComController shelf id.
             hcxSlotId integer read-only
contains ComController slot id.
             hcxSlotSupportedTypes integer read-only
contains card types supported for this slot. com21Exp specifies 10baseT or 100baseT or oc3. intConn is the interconnect card used on the expansion shelf (Shelf2). rxIntConn is used to indicate a slot that can be used for an RX, 100bT or 10bT card in the single shelf configuration or for the interconnect card when an expansion shelf is present. rx indicates either RX or RXM cards. On the expansion shelf there is support of up to 8 rx cards. rxCom21Exp defines RX, oc3, 10bT or 100bT card for slots 3 and 4. For all other slots it defines Rx, 10bT or 100bT cards (This implies that oc3 card is supported only in slots 2,3 and 4). Note that there is a maximum of 5x10bT/100bT and 12xRX in the system. maximum number of oc3 cards supported is 2 Release 2.3 software shall support the following slot designations. if hcxPhyConfigType = singleShelf: Shelf 1 Slot 1 - cc Slot 2 - com21Exp Slot 3 - rxCom21Exp Slot 4 - rxCom21Exp Slot 5 - rxIntConn Slot 6 - rxCom21Exp Slot 7 - rxCom21Exp Slot 8 - rx Slot 9 - rx Slot 10 - txDig Slot 11 - tx if hcxPhyConfigType = fullShelf: Shelf 1 Shelf2 Slot 1 - cc Slot 1 - intConn Slot 2 - com21Exp Slot 2 - rx Slot 3 - rxCom21Exp Slot 3 - rx Slot 4 - rxCom21Exp Slot 4 - rx Slot 5 - rxIntConn Slot 5 - rx Slot 6 - rxCom21Exp Slot 6 - rx Slot 7 - rxCom21Exp Slot 7 - rx Slot 8 - rx Slot 8 - rx Slot 9 - rx Slot 9 - rx Slot 10 - txDig Slot 10 - noCard Slot 11 - tx Slot 11 - noCard if hcxPhyConfigType = compactShelf: Shelf 1 Slot 1 - cc Slot 2 - com21Exp Slot 3 - rxCom21Exp Slot 4 - rx Slot 5 - txDig Slot 6 - tx Enumeration: 'tx': 2, 'cc': 3, 'rx': 1, 'rxIntConn': 7, 'txDig': 5, 'noCard': 8, 'intConn': 6, 'rxCom21Exp': 9, 'com21Exp': 4.
             hcxSlotConfigCardType hcxcardtype read-write
contains card type configured for this slot. This attribute will be checked against the set of supported card types and rejected if not present. Note that the cardtype of ethDual10bT can be used to specify either the 4k or 8k CAM versions of the 10bT card. Note that a 10bT or 100bT or oc3 card CANNOT be unconfigured if an STU on an associated VLAN is acquired.
             hcxSlotInsertCardType hcxcardtype read-only
contains card type inserted in the ComController slot. A value of empty shall be stored if there is no card.
     com21HcxImageListTable no-access
table of all ComController and ComPort images loaded on the CC.
         com21HcxImageListEntry no-access
             hcxImageId integer read-only
contains image list reference.
             hcxImageType integer read-only
contains image type. Enumeration: 'hcxRxm': 9, 'hcxRx': 3, 'hcxOc3': 13, 'stu3com': 8, 'atmlSwitch': 10, 'hcxCC': 1, 'hcxTx': 2, 'st': 7, 'compCfg': 11, 'compSwitch': 12, 'hcxEth100baseT': 5, 'hcxEth10baseT': 4, 'hcxTele': 6.
             hcxImageFilename displaystring read-only
contains image filename. This shall be used to retrieve the image from the boot server.
             hcxSwRevision displaystring read-only
contains image software revision.
             hcxHwRevision displaystring read-only
contains hardware revision supported by this image. Note that in the future, we may define a range of hardware revisions supported.
             hcxFwRevision displaystring read-only
contains firmware boot revision supported by this image. Note that in the future, we may define a range of hardware revisions supported.
             hcxImageState integer read-only
this attribute specifies the state of an image. An image is either part of the active set of ComController and ComPort images, or is a part of the alternate set. Enumeration: 'active': 1, 'alternate': 2.
       com21HcxServTypeTable no-access
           com21HcxServTypeEntry no-access
               hcxServiceTypeId integer32 read-only
contains service type id.
               hcxServTypeDesc displaystring read-write
contains service type description string. This string must be unique.
               hcxDnStrmType integer read-write
defines CBR or ondemand (UBR) traffic in the downstream direction. Default is ondemand. Enumeration: 'cbr': 1, 'ondemand': 2.
               hcxDnStrmRate integer read-write
peak bits per second in the downstream direction. Policing/shaping of this attribute is the responsibility of the appropriate Ethernet card. Setting this value to 0 will have the effect of stopping downstream traffic.
               hcxUpStrmType integer read-write
defines CBR or ondemand in the upstream direction. This attribute controls the type of minimum cell traffic. Default is ondemand. Enumeration: 'cbr': 1, 'ondemand': 2.
               hcxUpStrmMinRate integer read-write
bits per second in the upstream direction. Policing/shaping of this attribute is the responsibility of the appropriate RX card.
               hcxUpStrmMaxRate integer read-write
peak bits per second in the upstream direction. This is a best-effort rate. Policing/shaping of this attribute is the responsibility of the appropriate RX card.
               hcxServTypeDelete integer read-only
The ComController Service Type Delete is an active-value. The setting of this value to execute(2) causes the multicast list entry to be deleted. Enumeration: 'execute': 2, 'nil': 1.
       hcxArpServerTrapEnable integer read-write
specifies if traps should be generated when user impersonation of ComController server IP addresses is detected. Default false. Enumeration: 'false': 2, 'true': 1.
       hcxArpUserTrapEnable integer read-write
controls if traps should be generated when user specifies an incorrect IP address in an ARP message. Default false. Enumeration: 'false': 2, 'true': 1.
       hcxStuDefaultAuth integer read-write
Indicates whether the default authorization of a previously unconfigured and unauthorized ComPort should be permitted. If true, then all other attributes in this group must be set. Note that this feature CANNOT be enabled if hcxStuAltDownFreqEnable is set to true. Default false. Enumeration: 'false': 2, 'true': 1.
       hcxStuDefaultServType integer read-write
Contains the default QoS group for an acquired but unconfigured/unauthorized ComPort. Once configured, then the appropriate service type defined for the particular ComPort shall be used. 0 indicates no default QoS group to be used. Default 0.
       hcxStuDefaultVlan integer read-write
Contains the default VLAN id for an acquired but unconfigured/unauthorized ComPort. Once configured, then the appropriate VLAN id defined for the particular ComPort shall be used. 0 indicates no default VLAN id to be used. Default 0.
       hcxStuDefCom21SwImage displaystring read-write
Contains the default software image for an acquired but unconfigured/unauthorized ComPort. Once configured, then the appropriate software image defined for the particular ComPort shall be used. Null string indicates no default software image to be used. Default null string.
       hcxStuDef3ComSwImage displaystring read-write
Contains the default software image for an acquired but unconfigured/unauthorized 3COM modem. Once configured, then the appropriate software image defined for the particular 3COM modem shall be used. Null string indicates no default software image to be used. Default null string.
       hcxDbAction integer read-write
This attribute is used to control various database actions. saveDb causes the present active database to be saved to disk. This will overwrite any previously saved database. revertToPeriodicDb causes the periodically saved database to become the active database. revertToSavedDb causes the user saved database to become the active database. deleteSavedDb and deletePeriodicDb simply delete the current saved and periodic database respectively. In the case of these last two options, the CC shall reboot. Enumeration: 'revertToSavedDb': 6, 'nil': 1, 'deleteSavedDb': 3, 'saveDb': 2, 'deletePeriodicDb': 4, 'revertToPeriodicDb': 5.
       hcxDbActionResult integer read-only
This attribute contains the result of the last hcxDbAction. Enumeration: 'diskFailure': 3, 'inprogress': 1, 'noDatabaseFound': 4, 'success': 2, 'invalidDatabase': 5.
       hcxDbBackupPeriod integer read-write
the period, in hours, at which the database will be automatically saved on the disk. 0 will disable the auto backup. Default 24.
       hcxFileTransProt integer read-write
specifies the type of protocol used for file transfer. i.e. for config_db and images. This information is stored in NVRAM. Note that a upon boot, if there is no valid CC image, an TFTP will be attempted regardless of the setting of this attribute. Default is ftp. Enumeration: 'ftp': 1, 'tftp': 2.
       hcxFileServerCntrl integer read-only
specifies how the file server address is obtained. This parameter is controlled by CC Boot shell line. Can elect to use bootp or allow the operator to explicitly specify. Note that if this attribute is set to mibSpecified then no bootp should be generated by the boot or runtime code. This information is stored in NVRAM. Default is bootp. Enumeration: 'mibSpecified': 2, 'bootp': 1.
       hcxImageServerIpAddr ipaddress read-write
IP address of the image file server. This attribute is writeable only if hcxFileServerCntrl is set to mibSpecified. Otherwise it is a read-only attribute detailing the IP address returned by bootp. This attribute is held in NVRAM. Default is
       hcxImageServerPath displaystring read-write
specifies path to the image files. This attribute is writeable only if hcxFileServerCntrl is set to mibSpecified. Otherwise it is a read-only attribute detailing the path returned by bootp. This attribute is held in NVRAM. Default is null string.
       hcxImageServerLogin displaystring read-write
specifies a login to the image server. This attribute is only applicable if hcxFileServerCntrl is set to mibSpecified and hcxFileTransProt is set to ftp. This attribute is held in NVRAM. Default is ftp.
       hcxImageServerPassword displaystring read-write
specifies a password to the image server. This attribute is only applicable if hcxFileServerCntrl is set to mibSpecified and hcxFileTransProt is set to ftp. This attribute is held in NVRAM. Default is anonymous.
       hcxDatabaseServerIpAddr ipaddress read-write
IP address of the server on which to save and retrieve the config database. This attribute is only applicable if hcxFileServerCntrl is set to mibSpecified. Default is
       hcxDatabaseServerPath displaystring read-write
specifies path and the name of the config database file. This attribute is only applicable if hcxFileServerCntrl is set to mibSpecified. Default is null string.
       hcxDatabaseServerLogin displaystring read-write
specifies a login to the Database server. This attribute is only applicable if hcxFileServerCntrl is set to mibSpecified and hcxFileTransProt is set to ftp. Default is ftp.
       hcxDatabaseServerPassword displaystring read-write
specifies a password to the Database server. This attribute is only applicable if hcxFileServerCntrl is set to mibSpecified and hcxFileTransProt is set to ftp. Default is anonymous.
this notification is generated whenever the CC completes the database action. This an event with no clear condition. Only severity is WARNING.
generated whenever there is a change in major alarm LED status. This an event with no clear condition. Only severity is WARNING.
generated whenever there is a change in minor alarm LED status. This an event with no clear condition. Only severity is WARNING.
This notification is generated whenever the CC completes the ComController software image download. This an event with no clear condition. Only severity is WARNING.
This notification is generated whenever the CC completes the configuration data backup. This an event with no clear condition. Only severity is WARNING.
This notification is generated whenever the CC fails to successfully complete a bootp operation. Only severity is WARNING.
This notification is generated whenever a power failure condition is detected. Default severity is MAJOR.
This notification is generated whenever a power failure condition is removed. Severity is CLEARED.
This notification is generated whenever a fan failure condition is detected. Default severity is MAJOR.
This notification is generated whenever a fan failure condition is removed. Severity is CLEARED.
This trap is sent at a maximum rate of once every 5seconds or when 100 ComPort acquisition/deacquisitions have occured, which ever is first. This an event with no clear condition. Only severity is WARNING.
generated whenever an ComPort must be denied acquisition due to a lack of CC resources. This includes an exhaustion of SIDs, leck of database capacity, etc. Only severity is WARNING.
generated whenever a card is inserted for the first time, or during restart of the ComController. Only severity is WARNING.
generated when the inserted card does not match the configured card type. Default severity is MAJOR.
this mismatch clear is submitted when an incorrect card is removed from a slot. Severity is CLEARED.
generated when an inserted card fails to respond to a CC generated message. This an event with no clear condition. Only severity is WARNING.
generated when an inserted card fails to respond to a CC polling. Default severity is MAJOR.
generated when a card successfully responses to CC polling after a previous failure. Only severity is CLEARED.
generated when a card cannot be download due to a lack of the correct image. Only severity is WARNING.
this trap is generated upon HCX initialization after a restart. This trap indicates to a management system that the HCX SNMP Agent, and the system generally, is ready. Only severity is WARNING.
generated whenever an inserted and correctly configured card is removed. Default severity is MAJOR.
generated whenever a card is reinserted in a slot or when a slot is configured to empty or when a slot is reassigned, and that slot has a previously generated hcxCardRemoved trap. If the inserted card is of the incorrect type, then a subsequent hcxMismatchDetect trap will be generated. Severity is CLEARED.
This notification is generated whenever there is a change in Clock used for Synchronization