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Object Name OID Type Access Info
This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate the management of various policies within the Cisco Trusted Security (TrustSec) infrastructure. The information available through this MIB includes: o Device and interface level configuration for enabling SGACL (Security Group Access Control List) enforcement on Layer2/3 traffic. o Administrative and operational SGACL mapping to Security Group Tag (SGT). o Various statistics counters for traffic subject to SGACL enforcement. o TrustSec policies with respect to peer device. o Interface level configuration for enabling the propagation of SGT along with the Layer 3 traffic in portions of network which does not have the capability to support TrustSec feature. o TrustSec policies with respect to SGT propagation with Layer 3 traffic. The following terms are used throughout this MIB: VRF: Virtual Routing and Forwarding. SGACL: Security Group Access Control List. ACE: Access Control Entries. SXP: SGT Propagation Protocol. SVI: Switch Virtual Interface. IPM: Identity Port Mapping. SGT (Security Group Tag) is a unique 16 bits value assigned to every security group and used by network devices to enforce SGACL. Peer is another device connected to the local device on the other side of a TrustSec link. Default Policy: Policy applied to traffic when there is no explicit policy between the SGT associated with the originator of the traffic and the SGT associated with the destination of the traffic.
A ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif is generated when the SGT value of a peer device has been updated.
A ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif is generated when the authorization of SGACL fails.
                     ctspSgaclEnforcementEnable integer read-write
This object specifies whether SGACL enforcement for all Layer 3 interfaces (excluding SVIs) is enabled at the managed system. 'none' indicates that SGACL enforcement for all Layer 3 interfaces (excluding SVIs) is disabled. 'l3Only' indicates that SGACL enforcement is enabled on every TrustSec capable Layer3 interface (excluding SVIs) in the device. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'l3Only': 2.
                     ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitor snmpadminstring read-write
This object specifies an existing flexible netflow monitor name used to collect and export the IPv4 traffic dropped packets statistics due to SGACL enforcement. The zero-length string indicates that no such netflow monitor is configured in the device.
                     ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitor snmpadminstring read-write
This object specifies an existing flexible netflow monitor name used to collect and export the IPv6 traffic dropped packets statistics due to SGACL enforcement. The zero-length string indicates that no such netflow monitor is configured in the device.
                     ctspVlanConfigTable no-access
This table lists the SGACL enforcement for Layer 2 and Layer 3 switched packet in a VLAN as well as VRF information for VLANs in the device.
                         ctspVlanConfigEntry no-access
Each row contains the SGACL enforcement information for Layer 2 and Layer 3 switched packets in a VLAN identified by its VlanIndex value. Entry in this table is populated for VLANs which contains SGACL enforcement or VRF configuration.
                             ctspVlanConfigIndex vlanindex no-access
This object indicates the VLAN-ID of this VLAN.
                             ctspVlanConfigSgaclEnforcement truthvalue read-only
This object specifies the configured SGACL enforcement status for this VLAN i.e., 'true' = enabled and 'false' = disabled.
                             ctspVlanSviActive truthvalue read-only
This object indicates if there is an active SVI associated with this VLAN. 'true' indicates that there is an active SVI associated with this VLAN. and SGACL is enforced for both Layer 2 and Layer 3 switched packets within that VLAN. 'false' indicates that there is no active SVI associated with this VLAN, and SGACL is only enforced for Layer 2 switched packets within that VLAN.
                             ctspVlanConfigVrfName ciscovrfname read-only
This object specifies an existing VRF where this VLAN belongs to. The zero length value indicates this VLAN belongs to the default VRF.
                             ctspVlanConfigStorageType storagetype read-only
The objects specifies the storage type for this conceptual row.
                             ctspVlanConfigRowStatus rowstatus read-only
The status of this conceptual row entry. This object is used to manage creation and deletion of rows in this table. When this object value is 'active', other writable objects in the same row cannot be modified.
                     ctspConfigSgaclMappingTable no-access
This table contains the SGACLs information which is applied to unicast IP traffic which carries a source SGT and travels to a destination SGT.
                         ctspConfigSgaclMappingEntry no-access
Each row contains the SGACL mapping to source and destination SGT for a certain traffic type as well as status of this instance. A row instance can be created or removed by setting the appropriate value of its RowStatus object.
                             ctspConfigSgaclMappingIpTrafficType integer no-access
This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT and travelling to destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement. Enumeration: 'ipv4': 1, 'ipv6': 2.
                             ctspConfigSgaclMappingDestSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the destination SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the destination SGT is unknown.
                             ctspConfigSgaclMappingSourceSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the source SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the source SGT is unknown.
                             ctspConfigSgaclMappingSgaclName ctsacllist read-only
This object specifies the list of existing SGACLs which is administratively configured to apply to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.
                             ctspConfigSgaclMappingStorageType storagetype read-only
The storage type for this conceptual row.
                             ctspConfigSgaclMappingRowStatus rowstatus read-only
This object is used to manage the creation and deletion of rows in this table. ctspConfigSgaclName may be modified at any time.
                             ctspConfigSgaclMonitor ctssgaclmonitormode read-only
This object specifies whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the configured SGACL enforced traffic.
                     ctspDefConfigIpv4Sgacls ctsacllistorempty read-write
This object specifies the SGACLs of the unicast default policy for IPv4 traffic. If there is no SGACL configured for unicast default policy for IPv4 traffic, the value of this object is the zero-length string.
                     ctspDefConfigIpv6Sgacls ctsacllistorempty read-write
This object specifies the SGACLs of the unicast default policy for IPv6 traffic. If there is no SGACL configured for unicast default policy for IPv6 traffic, the value of this object is the zero-length string.
                     ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingTable no-access
This table contains the downloaded SGACLs information applied to unicast IP traffic which carries a source SGT and travels to a destination SGT.
                         ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry no-access
Each row contains the downloaded SGACLs mapping. A row instance is added for each pair of which contains SGACL that is dynamically downloaded from ACS server.
                             ctspDownloadedSgaclDestSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the destination SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the destination SGT is unknown.
                             ctspDownloadedSgaclSourceSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the source SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the source SGT is unknown.
                             ctspDownloadedSgaclIndex unsigned32 no-access
This object identifies the downloaded SGACL which is applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.
                             ctspDownloadedSgaclName ctsaclname read-only
This object indicates the name of downloaded SGACL which is applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.
                             ctspDownloadedSgaclGenId ctsgenerationid read-only
This object indicates the generation identification of downloaded SGACL which is applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.
                             ctspDownloadedIpTrafficType bits read-only
This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT and travelling to destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement by this downloaded default policy. Bits: 'ipv4': 0, 'ipv6': 1.
                             ctspDownloadedSgaclMonitor ctssgaclmonitormode read-only
This object indicates whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the downloaded SGACL enforced traffic.
                     ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingTable no-access
This table contains the downloaded SGACLs information of the default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.
                         ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry no-access
Each row contains the downloaded SGACLs mapping. A row instance contains the SGACL information of the default policy dynamically downloaded from ACS server for unicast IP traffic.
                             ctspDefDownloadedSgaclIndex unsigned32 no-access
This object identifies the SGACL of downloaded default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.
                             ctspDefDownloadedSgaclName ctsaclname read-only
This object indicates the name of the SGACL of downloaded default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.
                             ctspDefDownloadedSgaclGenId ctsgenerationid read-only
This object indicates the generation identification of the SGACL of downloaded default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.
                             ctspDefDownloadedIpTrafficType bits read-only
This object indicates the type of the IP traffic subjected to SGACL enforcement by this downloaded default policy. Bits: 'ipv4': 0, 'ipv6': 1.
                             ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMonitor ctssgaclmonitormode read-only
This object indicates whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the default downloaded SGACL enforced traffic.
                     ctspOperSgaclMappingTable no-access
This table contains the operational SGACLs information applied to unicast IP traffic which carries a source SGT and travels to a destination SGT.
                         ctspOperSgaclMappingEntry no-access
Each row contains the operational SGACLs mapping. A row instance is added for each pair of which contains the SGACL that either statically configured at the device or dynamically downloaded from ACS server.
                             ctspOperIpTrafficType integer no-access
This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT and travelling to destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement. Enumeration: 'ipv4': 1, 'ipv6': 2.
                             ctspOperSgaclDestSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the destination SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the destination SGT is unknown.
                             ctspOperSgaclSourceSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the source SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the source SGT is unknown.
                             ctspOperSgaclIndex unsigned32 no-access
This object identifies the SGACL operationally applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.
                             ctspOperationalSgaclName ctsaclname read-only
This object indicates the name of the SGACL operationally applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.
                             ctspOperationalSgaclGenId ctsgenerationid read-only
This object indicates the generation identification of the SGACL operationally applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.
                             ctspOperSgaclMappingSource integer read-only
This object indicates the source of SGACL mapping for the SGACL operationally applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT. 'downloaded' indicates that the mapping is downloaded from ACS server. 'configured' indicates that the mapping is locally configured in the device. Enumeration: 'downloaded': 2, 'configured': 1.
                             ctspOperSgaclConfigSource integer read-only
This object indicates the source of SGACL creation for this SGACL. 'configured' indicates that the SGACL is locally configured in the local device. 'downloaded' indicates that the SGACL is created at ACS server and downloaded to the local device. Enumeration: 'downloaded': 2, 'configured': 1.
                             ctspOperSgaclMonitor ctssgaclmonitormode read-only
This object indicates whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the SGACL enforced traffic.
                     ctspDefOperSgaclMappingTable no-access
This table contains the operational SGACLs information of the default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.
                         ctspDefOperSgaclMappingEntry no-access
A row instance contains the SGACL information of the default policy which is either statically configured at the device or dynamically downloaded from ACS server for unicast IP traffic.
                             ctspDefOperIpTrafficType integer no-access
This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic subjected to default policy enforcement. Enumeration: 'ipv4': 1, 'ipv6': 2.
                             ctspDefOperSgaclIndex unsigned32 no-access
This object identifies the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic.
                             ctspDefOperationalSgaclName ctsaclname read-only
This object indicates the name of the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic.
                             ctspDefOperationalSgaclGenId ctsgenerationid read-only
This object indicates the generation identification of the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic.
                             ctspDefOperSgaclMappingSource integer read-only
This object indicates the source of SGACL mapping for the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic. 'downloaded' indicates that the mapping is downloaded from ACS server. 'configured' indicates that the mapping is locally configured in the device. Enumeration: 'downloaded': 2, 'configured': 1.
                             ctspDefOperSgaclConfigSource integer read-only
This object indicates the source of SGACL creation for the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic. 'downloaded' indicates that the SGACL is created at ACS server and downloaded to the local device. 'configured' indicates that the SGACL is locally configured in the local device. Enumeration: 'downloaded': 2, 'configured': 1.
                             ctspDefOperSgaclMonitor ctssgaclmonitormode read-only
This object indicates whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the SGACL of default policy enforced traffic.
                     ctspDefConfigIpv4SgaclsMonitor ctssgaclmonitormode read-write
This object specifies whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the default configured SGACL enforced Ipv4 traffic.
                     ctspDefConfigIpv6SgaclsMonitor ctssgaclmonitormode read-write
This object specifies whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the default configured SGACL enforced Ipv6 traffic.
                     ctspSgaclMonitorEnable ctssgaclmonitormode read-write
This object specifies whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the entire system. It has precedence than the per SGACL ctspConfigSgaclMonitor control. It could act as safety mechanism to turn off monitor in case the monitor feature impact system performance.
                     ctspSgtStatsTable no-access
This table describes SGACL statistics counters per a pair of that is capable of providing this information.
                         ctspSgtStatsEntry no-access
Each row contains the SGACL statistics related to IPv4 or IPv6 packets carrying the source SGT travelling to the destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement.
                             ctspStatsIpTrafficType integer no-access
This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT and travelling to destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement. Enumeration: 'ipv4': 1, 'ipv6': 2.
                             ctspStatsDestSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the destination SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the destination SGT is unknown.
                             ctspStatsSourceSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the source SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the source SGT is unknown.
                             ctspStatsIpSwDropPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are dropped by SGACL.
                             ctspStatsIpHwDropPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are dropped by SGACL.
                             ctspStatsIpSwPermitPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are permitted by SGACL.
                             ctspStatsIpHwPermitPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are permitted by SGACL.
                             ctspStatsIpSwMonitorPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are SGACL enforced & monitored.
                             ctspStatsIpHwMonitorPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are SGACL enforced & monitored.
                     ctspDefStatsTable no-access
This table describes statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to default unicast policy.
                         ctspDefStatsEntry no-access
Each row contains the statistics counter for each IP traffic type.
                             ctspDefIpTrafficType integer no-access
This object indicates the type of the IP traffic subjected to default unicast policy enforcement. Enumeration: 'ipv4': 1, 'ipv6': 2.
                             ctspDefIpSwDropPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are dropped by default unicast policy.
                             ctspDefIpHwDropPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are dropped by default unicast policy.
                             ctspDefIpSwPermitPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are permitted by default unicast policy.
                             ctspDefIpHwPermitPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are permitted by default unicast policy.
                             ctspDefIpSwMonitorPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are monitored by default unicast policy.
                             ctspDefIpHwMonitorPkts counter64 read-only
This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are monitored by default unicast policy.
                 ctspAllPeerPolicyAction integer read-write
This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with respect to all peer policies in the device. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh all peer policies in the device. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'refresh': 2.
                 ctspPeerPolicyTable no-access
This table lists the peer policy information for each peer device.
                     ctspPeerPolicyEntry no-access
Each row contains the managed objects for peer policies for each peer device based on its name.
                         ctspPeerName snmpadminstring no-access
This object uniquely identifies a peer device.
                         ctspPeerSgt ctssecuritygrouptag read-only
This object indicates the SGT value of this peer device.
                         ctspPeerSgtGenId ctsgenerationid read-only
This object indicates the generation identification of the SGT value assigned to this peer device.
                         ctspPeerTrustState integer read-only
This object indicates the TrustSec trust state of this peer device. 'trusted' indicates that this is a trusted peer device. 'noTrust' indicates that this peer device is not trusted. Enumeration: 'noTrust': 2, 'trusted': 1.
                         ctspPeerPolicyLifeTime unsigned32 read-only
This object indicates the policy life time which provides the time interval during which the peer policy is valid.
                         ctspPeerPolicyLastUpdate dateandtime read-only
This object indicates the time when this peer policy is last updated.
                         ctspPeerPolicyAction integer read-write
This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with this peer policy. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh this peer policy. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'refresh': 2.
                 ctspLayer3PolicyTable no-access
This table describes Layer 3 transport policy for IP traffic regarding SGT propagation.
                     ctspLayer3PolicyEntry no-access
Each row contains the Layer 3 transport policies per IP traffic type per policy type.
                         ctspLayer3PolicyIpTrafficType integer no-access
This object indicates the type of the IP traffic affected by Layer-3 transport policy. 'ipv4' indicates that the affected traffic is IPv4 traffic. 'ipv6' indicates that the affected traffic is IPv6 traffic. Enumeration: 'ipv4': 1, 'ipv6': 2.
                         ctspLayer3PolicyType integer no-access
This object indicates the type of the Layer-3 transport policy affecting IP traffic regarding SGT propagation. 'permit' indicates that the transport policy is used to classify Layer-3 traffic which is subject to SGT propagation. 'exception' indicates that the transport policy is used to classify Layer-3 traffic which is NOT subject to SGT propagation. Enumeration: 'exception': 2, 'permit': 1.
                         ctspLayer3PolicyLocalConfig ctsaclnameorempty read-write
This object specifies the name of an ACL that is administratively configured to classify Layer3 traffic. Zero-length string indicates there is no such configured policy.
                         ctspLayer3PolicyDownloaded ctsaclnameorempty read-only
This object specifies the name of an ACL that is downloaded from policy server to classify Layer3 traffic. Zero-length string indicates there is no such downloaded policy.
                         ctspLayer3PolicyOperational ctsaclnameorempty read-only
This object specifies the name of an operational ACL currently used to classify Layer3 traffic. Zero-length string indicates there is no such policy in effect.
                 ctspIfL3PolicyConfigTable no-access
This table lists the interfaces which support Layer3 Transport policy.
                     ctspIfL3PolicyConfigEntry no-access
Each row contains managed objects for Layer3 Transport on interface capable of providing this information.
                         ctspIfL3Ipv4PolicyEnabled truthvalue read-write
This object specifies whether the Layer3 Transport policies will be applied on this interface for egress IPv4 traffic. 'true' indicates that Layer3 permit and exception policy will be applied at this interface for egress IPv4 traffic. 'false' indicates that Layer3 permit and exception policy will not be applied at this interface for egress IPv4 traffic.
                         ctspIfL3Ipv6PolicyEnabled truthvalue read-write
This object specifies whether the Layer3 Transport policies will be applied on this interface for egress IPv6 traffic. 'true' indicates that Layer3 permit and exception policy will be applied at this interface for egress IPv6 traffic. 'false' indicates that Layer3 permit and exception policy will not be applied at this interface for egress IPv6 traffic.
                 ctspIpSgtMappingTable no-access
This table contains the IP-to-SGT mapping information in the device.
                     ctspIpSgtMappingEntry no-access
Each row contains the IP-to-SGT mapping and status of this instance. Entry in this table is either populated automatically by the device or manually configured by a user. A manually configured row instance can be created or removed by setting the appropriate value of its RowStatus object.
                         ctspIpSgtVrfName ciscovrfname no-access
This object indicates the VRF where IP-SGT mapping belongs to. The zero length value indicates the default VRF.
                         ctspIpSgtAddressType inetaddresstype no-access
This object indicates the type of Internet address.
                         ctspIpSgtIpAddress inetaddress no-access
This object indicates an Internet address. The type of this address is determined by the value of ctspIpSgtAddressType object.
                         ctspIpSgtAddressLength inetaddressprefixlength no-access
This object indicates the length of an Internet address prefix.
                         ctspIpSgtValue ctssecuritygrouptag read-only
This object specifies the SGT value assigned to an Internet address.
                         ctspIpSgtSource integer read-only
This object indicates the source of the mapping. 'configured' indicates that the mapping is manually configured by user. 'arp' indicates that the mapping is dynamically learnt from tagged ARP replies. 'localAuthenticated' indicates that the mapping is dynamically learnt from the device authentication of a host. 'sxp' indicates that the mapping is dynamically learnt from SXP (SGT Propagation Protocol). 'internal' indicates that the mapping is automatically created by the device between the device IP addresses and the device own SGT. 'l3if' indicates that Interface-SGT mapping is configured by user. 'vlan' indicates that Vlan-SGT mapping is configured by user. 'cached' indicates that sgt mapping is cached. Only 'configured' value is accepted when setting this object. Enumeration: 'arp': 2, 'l3if': 6, 'configured': 1, 'vlan': 7, 'sxp': 4, 'internal': 5, 'caching': 8, 'localAuthenticated': 3.
                         ctspIpSgtStorageType storagetype read-only
The storage type for this conceptual row.
                         ctspIpSgtRowStatus rowstatus read-only
This object is used to manage the creation and deletion of rows in this table. If this object value is 'active', user cannot modify any writable object in this row. If value of ctspIpSgtSource object in an entry is not 'configured', user cannot change the value of this object.
                 ctspAllSgtPolicyAction integer read-write
This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with respect to all SGT policies in the device. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh all SGT policies in the device. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'refresh': 2.
                 ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyTable no-access
This table lists the SGT policy information downloaded by the device.
                     ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyEntry no-access
Each row contains the managed objects for SGT policies downloaded by the device.
                         ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object indicates the SGT value for which the downloaded policy is applied to. Value of zero indicates that the SGT is unknown.
                         ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgtGenId ctsgenerationid read-only
This object indicates the generation identification of the SGT value denoted by ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt object.
                         ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLifeTime unsigned32 read-only
This object indicates the policy life time which provides the time interval during which this downloaded policy is valid.
                         ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLastUpdate dateandtime read-only
This object indicates the time when this downloaded SGT policy is last updated.
                         ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyAction integer read-write
This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with this downloaded SGT policy. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh this SGT policy. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'refresh': 2.
                 ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyTable no-access
This table lists the default SGT policy information downloaded by the device.
                     ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyEntry no-access
Each row contains the managed objects for default SGT policies downloaded by the device.
                         ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyType integer no-access
This object indicates the downloaded default SGT policy type. 'unicastDefault' indicates the SGT policy applied to traffic which carries the default unicast SGT. Enumeration: 'unicastDefault': 1.
                         ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicySgtGenId ctsgenerationid read-only
This object indicates the generation identification of the downloaded default SGT policy.
                         ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLifeTime unsigned32 read-only
This object indicates the policy life time which provides the time interval during which this download default policy is valid.
                         ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLastUpdate dateandtime read-only
This object indicates the time when this downloaded SGT policy is last updated.
                         ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyAction integer read-write
This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with this default downloaded SGT policy. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh this default SGT policy. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'refresh': 2.
                 ctspIfSgtMappingTable no-access
This table contains the Interface-to-SGT mapping configuration information in the device.
                     ctspIfSgtMappingEntry no-access
Each row contains the SGT mapping configuration of a particular interface. A row instance can be created or removed by setting ctspIfSgtRowStatus.
                         ctspIfSgtValue ctssecuritygrouptag read-only
This object specifies the SGT value assigned to the interface.
                         ctspIfSgName snmpadminstring read-only
This object specifies the Security Group Name assigned to the interface.
                         ctspIfSgtStorageType storagetype read-only
The storage type for this conceptual row.
                         ctspIfSgtRowStatus rowstatus read-only
This object is used to manage the creation and deletion of rows in this table.
                 ctspIfSgtMappingInfoTable no-access
This table contains the Interface-to-SGT mapping status information in the device.
                     ctspIfSgtMappingInfoEntry no-access
Containing the Interface-to-SGT mapping status of the specified interface.
                         ctspL3IPMStatus integer read-only
This object indicates the Layer 3 Identity Port Mapping(IPM) operational mode. disabled - The L3 IPM is not configured. active - The L3 IPM is configured for this interface, and SGT is available. inactive - The L3 IPM is configured for this interface, and SGT is unavailable. Enumeration: 'disabled': 1, 'active': 2, 'inactive': 3.
                 ctspVlanSgtMappingTable no-access
This table contains the Vlan-SGT mapping information in the device.
                     ctspVlanSgtMappingEntry no-access
Each row contains the SGT mapping configuration of a particular VLAN. A row instance can be created or removed by setting ctspVlanSgtRowStatus.
                         ctspVlanSgtMappingIndex vlanindex no-access
This object specifies the VLAN-ID which is used as index.
                         ctspVlanSgtMapValue ctssecuritygrouptag read-only
This object specifies the SGT value assigned to the vlan.
                         ctspVlanSgtStorageType storagetype read-only
The storage type for this conceptual row.
                         ctspVlanSgtRowStatus rowstatus read-only
This object is used to manage the creation and deletion of rows in this table.
                 ctspSgtCachingMode integer read-write
This object specifies which SGT-caching mode is configured for SGT caching capable interfaces at the managed system. 'none' indicates that sgt-caching for all Layer 3 interfaces (excluding SVIs) is disabled. 'standAlone' indicates that SGT-caching is enabled on every TrustSec capable Layer3 interface (excluding SVIs) in the device. 'withEnforcement' indicates that SGT-caching is enabled on interfaces that have RBAC enforcement enabled. 'vlan' indicates that SGT-caching is enabled on the VLANs specified by ctspSgtCachingVlansfFirst2K & ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'vlan': 4, 'withEnforcement': 3, 'standAlone': 2.
                 ctspSgtCachingVlansFirst2K cisco2kvlanlist read-write
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANs 0 to 2047. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to 1, it indicates SGT-caching is enabled on the VLAN. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to 0, it indicates SGT-caching is disabled on the VLAN.
                 ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K cisco2kvlanlist read-write
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANs 2048 to 4095. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to 1, it indicates SGT-caching is enabled on the VLAN. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to 0, it indicates SGT-caching is disabled on the VLAN.
                 ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotifEnable truthvalue read-write
This object specifies whether the system generates ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif. A value of 'false' will prevent ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif notifications from being generated by this system.
                 ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotifEnable truthvalue read-write
This object specifies whether this system generates the ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif. A value of 'false' will prevent ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif notifications from being generated by this system.
                   ctspOldPeerSgt ctssecuritygrouptag no-access
This object provides the old sgt value for ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif, i.e., the sgt value before the policy is updated.
                   ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason integer no-access
This object indicates the reason of failure during SGACL acquisitions, installations and uninstallations, which is associated with ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif; 'downloadACE' - Failure during downloading ACE in SGACL acquisition. 'downloadSrc' - Failure during downloading source list in SGACL acquisition. 'downloadDst' - Failure during downloading destination list in SGACL acquisition. 'installPolicy' - Failure during SGACL policy installation 'installPolicyStandby' - Failure during SGACL policy installation on standby 'installForIP' - Failure during SGACL installation for specific IP type. 'uninstall' - Failure during SGACL uninstallation. Enumeration: 'installForIP': 6, 'downloadDst': 3, 'downloadACE': 1, 'downloadSrc': 2, 'installPolicy': 4, 'installPolicyStandby': 5, 'uninstall': 7.
                   ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo snmpadminstring no-access
This object provides additional information about authorization SGACL failure, which is associated with ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif.
The compliance statement for the CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB
The compliance statement for the CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB
A collection of object which provides the SGACL enforcement information for all TrustSec capable Layer 3 interfaces (excluding SVIs) at the device level.
A collection of object which provides netflow monitor information for IPv4 traffic drop packet due to SGACL enforcement in the device.
A collection of object which provides netflow monitor information for IPv6 traffic drop packet due to SGACL enforcement in the device.
A collection of object which provides the SGACL enforcement and VRF information for each VLAN.
A collection of objects which provides the administratively configured SGACL mapping information in the device.
A collection of objects which provides the downloaded SGACL mapping information in the device.
A collection of objects which provides the operational SGACL mapping information in the device.
A collection of objects which provides software statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to SGACL enforcement.
A collection of objects which provides hardware statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to SGACL enforcement.
A collection of objects which provides software statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to unicast default policy enforcement.
A collection of objects which provides hardware statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to unicast default policy enforcement.
A collection of object which provides refreshing of all peer policies in the device.
A collection of object which provides peer policy information in the device.
A collection of objects which provides managed information regarding the SGT propagation along with Layer 3 traffic in the device.
A collection of objects which provides managed information for Layer3 Tranport policy enforcement on capable interface in the device.
A collection of objects which provides managed information regarding IP-to-Sgt mapping in the device.
A collection of object which provides SGT policy information in the device.
A collection of objects which provides managed information regarding Interface-to-Sgt mapping in the device.
A collection of objects which provides sgt mapping information for the IP traffic in the specified Vlan.
A collection of objects which provides sgt Caching information.
A collection of objects which provides SGACL monitor information.
A collection of objects which provides monitor statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to SGACL enforcement.
A collection of objects providing notification control for TrustSec policy notifications.
A collection of notifications for TrustSec policy.
A collection of objects providing the variable binding for TrustSec policy notifications.